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Volume Two: My Country Seven Hundred and Fifty Three.  The decisive battle of fate (Part 1)

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    Everyone thinks they have grasped the victory, whether it is Wang Weiyi or Caesar

    When your subordinates are required to have strong confidence in winning, as the coach, you also need to have the confidence to win.  At this point, Wang Weiyi and Caesar are undoubtedly doing very well.

    They are all patiently waiting for the decisive day to arrive.  The closer the war approaches, the more important it is to show calmness and composure in front of all the subordinates, and to make all the subordinates believe that victory is already in their hands.

    Wang Weiyi and the Germanic warriors played the ancient Germanic archery game.  Baron Alexson, who was like a god on the battlefield, kept losing to the Germanic warriors when playing archery games. As a result, this also caused everyone including Richthofen to burst into laughter.

    There is no atmosphere of progress for the arrival of the war at all here.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    At the same time, in the Roman military camp, Caesar held a cocktail party to entertain the generals who were about to go to the battlefield.

    At the cocktail party, Caesar never mentioned anything related to the war. Instead, he told them some interesting things about the city of Rome, which also aroused laughter from the Roman generals.

    Wang Weiyi and Caesar have done everything they could do before the war broke out. The only thing they can do now is to put aside the burden of their subordinates to the greatest extent and go to the battlefield in the best condition.

    In fact, if the ones who are most eager to usher in a war are the two of them.

    When the day finally came, Wang Weiyi and Caesar did the exact same thing:

    They all got up very late.

    Usually, they are the first ones to get up and inspect their troops.  But this time they were uncharacteristically different.

    When he saw the consul appear, Anliugus came up and said, "Dear consul, we are ready."

    "Oh" Wang Weiyi only replied with one word.

    "Do you have anything else to give me?" Anliugus was a little surprised by the consul's attitude.

    "What else do you want to give me?" Wang Weiyi's expression seemed to be equally surprised: "Do I still think that you can't win? No, I don't have to worry about anything. I know that you will be able to drive out all those Romans today.  Go."

    Anlugus and the leaders of the barbarian tribes all had excited faces on their faces.

    The governor actually trusted them so much, and this trust would ultimately win them the final victory.

    No one can stop the Germans from fighting to the end for their land and freedom.

    "Dear Governor, the soldiers have begun to line up." When he saw Caesar appearing, Kaleni hurriedly greeted him.

    "What a beautiful weather." Caesar did not mention the war at all, but looked at the sky dreamily and murmured: "In such weather, isn't it the happiest thing to kill all those barbarians?  "

    After saying that, his eyes fell on Kalaini again: "Kaleni, will you command the troops on my behalf and fight the decisive battle with the barbarians?"

    "Is it still me?" Kalleni was stunned. He had suffered several failures before.

    "Why not you, my friend?" Caesar smiled and said: "You have always been my most trusted friend. I firmly believe that you will be able to wash away all the shame this time!"

    Kalani was so moved that his whole body trembled.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  He couldn't believe that after experiencing constant failures, Caesar still trusted him so much.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He swore that he would never betray Caesar's trust again this time, and would definitely use a hearty victory to teach those barbarians a lesson they would never forget.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The sun is rising very high, today is a good day.

    But soon, this bright sunshine will be dyed red with blood.

    Countless people will fight here for their respective beliefs.  Countless people will bite each other here like wild beasts, stripping each other's lives and souls.

    No one thinks about what will happen if they fail, and these things should not be what they are thinking about now.

    Roman legions and barbarian warriors have appeared on the battlefield.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The solemn atmosphere on the battlefield was almost suffocating.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Soon, the most brutal battle will break out on this battlefield!

    In front of the Roman legion, the cavalry kept running, accurately passing Kalaini's orders to the ears of each captain.

      And here in Germany, Wang Weiyi, Richthofen and Guo Yunfeng, the three people known as the "devil messengers", are standing at the forefront of the team.

    In every battle, they will be the first to charge, and they must use this method to inspire the determination of all barbarians to win.

    No matter whether the situation on the battlefield is active or passive, they are the soul of all Germanic people!

    The extremely familiar horns of the Romans have sounded, and the huge Roman phalanx began to slowly move here.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    And all the barbarians remained motionless, patiently waiting for the Romans to approach them.

    Now, they have become accustomed to this way of fighting. As long as the consul does not give an order, even if the Roman dagger is shaking on the tip of their nose, their bodies will never shake.

    And this is the discipline that Wang Weiyi needs most.

    Wang Weiyi silently looked at the Romans who were getting closer and closer. His face covered by the skull mask prevented others from seeing any of his expressions.

    If all the previous battles are just foreplay, then today will usher in the climax of this drama!

    There will continue to be wars with the Romans in the future, but the meaning today is definitely different.

    If we can win today, it will usher in a long period of peace for the Germans, and Wang Weiyi will have enough time to do what he wants to do.  And once it fails, the final result will be difficult to imagine.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He took a deep breath, took off the buckler on his back, and held the knife tightly in his hand.  He slowly inspected his men, and he could not see any fear on their faces.  Then he said loudly:

    "The Romans are coming! These Romans who deserve to be killed ten thousand times are coming! I want you to cut off every piece of flesh on their bodies and drink up every last drop of their blood. I want you to take away all the things in your hands."  Pierce the spears from their mouths! I want you to hang their corpses at the highest point in the woods! I want the Romans to tremble when they hear the name of Germany, and they will obediently offer their land and women.  !¡±

    It didn¡¯t make any sense, it was even vulgar and barbaric, but it caused a lot of ¡°ho ho¡± sounds from the Germanic people.

    There is no need for any great principles here. The words that can best inspire their desire to fight are always the most effective.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®


    Amid Wang Weiyi¡¯s stern cry, the trebuchet that once terrified the Romans roared again.

    Although the Romans had long understood such terrible weapons and had many countermeasures, they still looked embarrassed under the crazy attacks of twelve trebuchets.

    Huge boulders fell in the air one by one, and then hit the Roman team fiercely. The smoke that arose could almost drown everything on the battlefield.

    The Romans tried their best to resist the attack from the trebuchets, maintaining a complete formation and tenaciously approaching the Germans.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    On the other side of the battlefield, the Gaius Legion, who was also ordered by Caesar to join the attack at the same time, looked at all this coldly. The barbarians did not use trebuchets to attack them.

    Gaius knew the show was about to begin.

    The Roman legions withstood the opponent's fierce firepower and finally managed to get out of the trebuchet's throwing range after suffering a lot of casualties.

    Now, we must rely on the most realistic fighting of these soldiers.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Wang Weiyi¡¯s sword suddenly moved forward:

    ¡°For the land, for women, for freedom!¡±

    ¡°For the land, for women, for freedom!¡±

    Amid the roar of the mountains and the tsunami, the "Decisive Battle of the Barbarians" broke out!

    At least, in the history of the Romans, this battle was called this - the decisive battle of the barbarians!

    The once invincible Caesar will face another truly invincible victory here

    Ernst.  Brahm¡ª¡ªSkeleton Baron!

    The battlefield is about to be flooded with blood.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    At this time, the Vandals commanded by Pilut appeared opposite the Gaius Army.

    The Vandals also have the habits of the Germanians. Once a battle breaks out, everyone in their tribe, whether they are men, women, old people or children, will become a warrior.  So from here, the Vandals look completely dark.

    "Attack!" Gaius gave his order coldly.

    The Romans charged at the Vandals??Past.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®


    Wang Weiyina¡¯s high-pitched voice is ringing on the battlefield, and this voice stirs the determination of every Germanic person.

    He, Richthofen and Guo Yunfeng were like three invincible myths on the battlefield, constantly charging and killing in the Roman formation.  And following them were the German warriors who were extremely determined to win.

    This is the first truly cooperative battle of the Germanic Alliance, a battle in which countless tribes unite.

    "But these people who are born warriors don't feel unfamiliar at all when they work together. Each of them knows what they should do on the battlefield, and each leader knows which area he should be responsible for.

    We must thank Elena for this.

    Before the battle broke out, she had done sufficient research and divided the most reasonable areas for combat in detail, which also allowed Wang Weiyi to arrange the tasks of each Germanic tribe in the most detailed manner.

    This is what the Germans were most lacking in the past, but it is what the Germans will be best at in the future.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    In the future, Germans will be like a precise machine. No matter which industry or aspect they are in, they will first conduct the most precise analysis, and some analyzes are even a bit cumbersome.

    But this is a prerequisite for their success.

    But now, such a character appears here.

    From the very beginning of the battle, the Germans launched a series of higher and higher charges against the weakest link of the Roman legions:

    That is their flank that lacks cavalry protection!

    Among all the Germanic tribes, the Cimbri and Teutons, who had fought the Romans for the longest time and were also the most brave and skillful in fighting, took on this responsibility.

    They repeatedly attacked the Roman flanks, forcing the Romans to divide their troops in embarrassment again and again to protect their flanks from being overwhelmed. This also largely dispersed the Roman forces on the frontal battlefield.

    Kalani was completely unprepared for the barbarian to use this tactic so cleverly.

    In his impression - even in Ernst.  When Brahm began to command the operation, the barbarians always only attacked them from the front. They never considered other tactics.

    But this time it was really unexpected.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Kalleni and his Roman legions fell into passivity from the beginning.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    While the Cimbri and Teutons were working hard to level up the Roman flanks, the front, commanded by Wang Weiyi himself, was constantly fighting among the Roman legions.

    He had only one purpose, never to let the Romans fight comfortably according to their ideas.

    Looking at the already chaotic troops, Kalani was angry and anxious, but he couldn't think of any good way to solve it.

    A terrible feeling even vaguely arose in his heart. Every time Ernst  Brahm could always find the weak points of the Romans and always be able to gain the upper hand first.  He thought carefully, maybe no one in the whole of Rome could do this.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He shook his head vigorously. Now is not the time to think about this. If the Gaius Legion can quickly join the battle at this time, it will be able to stabilize the war situation.

    But news kept coming that Lord Gaius was locked in a bitter battle with Vandal, and he had even ordered the auxiliary legions to go into battle in advance.

    Kaleni was a little annoyed that Gaius was only facing a tribe of barbarians, but he had two legions in his hands!

    He knew what was going on. Gaius was the consul and he was just a deputy consul. However, Caesar gave him the command of the frontal battlefield. Of course Gaius would not be happy. What he was happy with was  See your own failures.

    He gritted his teeth: "Auxiliary legion, attack!"

    Kalaini had no choice but to passively invest in the auxiliary army in advance.

    This is what he least wants to see, and the auxiliary legion should not be used in this way.  But the current situation on the battlefield had to force him to do this.

    It seems that this decisive battle was not so smooth from the beginning.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Lord Archon, the barbarians seem to be unable to withstand it." Decius pointed at the battlefield and said.

    Indeed, there is now a scene on the battlefield that is favorable to Gaius. The surging barbarians seem to be preparing to retreat.

    A smile appeared on Gaius's lips.

    Ernst.  Brahm fulfilled his promise. The conspiracy between him and Ernst was to use the Vandals to successfully remove Gaius from the battlefield and obtain victory."Victory" and thereby escape Caesar's accusations.

    As for doubt?  Anything without evidence can only be called suspicion.  £®

    "Get ready to pursue!" Gaius said coldly.

    "Pursuit?" Daikius was stunned for a moment: "Lord Consul, those Vandals are not worthy of our pursuit. A single barbarian tribe cannot form an impact on us. Now, Kaleni is in urgent need of our support.  ¡±

    "Dacius, my friend." Gaius smiled faintly: "Germania is also a separate tribe, but it caused us a lot of trouble. Even Kais was defeated in their hands.  Who says that the Vandals are not like this? Moreover, the brave Kaleni does not need our help."

    Decius understood immediately.

    He followed Gaius for a very long time. When the battle broke out, Gaius, who was the first to fight under Keyes, was always suppressed by the deputy consul Kalaini, which made him feel aggrieved.

    Now Gaius's intention is very obvious, he doesn't want to help Kaleni at all.

    "Lord Archon, are you deploying all your soldiers in pursuit?" Daikius asked cautiously.

    "Yes, all soldiers!" Gaius gave this order coldly.

    At this time, he no longer cares about the victory or defeat of the Roman Legion. People always have to think more about themselves.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "My Lord Governor, Lord Gaius has defeated the Vandals!"

    "Very good!" A smile appeared on Caesar's face: "Gaius's bravery always makes me most at ease. Order, Gaius's legions immediately join the frontal battlefield."

    "But Lord Gaius has already gone after the defeated barbarians!"

    "Pursuit?" Caesar's expression changed drastically: "Why are you chasing the defeated barbarians? Send the fastest horse to catch up with him immediately and tell him that this is the most important battlefield!"

    "I'm afraid it's too late to catch up with Lord Gaius"

    Caesar¡¯s brows knitted together, and he guessed what Gaius was thinking.

    He was jealous that he had not given him command on the battlefield.

    But Caesar had to do this, because some news came from Rome earlier, and Gaius¡¯s wife was frequently carrying out activities for Gaius in Rome.  This quickly made Caesar feel that Gaius's loyalty was no longer the same as before.

    That¡¯s why he chose Kaleni.

    However, until now Caesar has not suspected that Gaius would betray him.  Maybe Gaius just thought that the Roman legions could easily win on the frontal battlefield.

    But such a move is really dangerous for Caesar. A united team is the most important thing.

    "It's just that Caesar can no longer care about these things for the time being.
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