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Volume 2: My Country Eight Hundred and Ten.  amazing commando

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    The nightmare has descended upon the 1st Canadian Ranger Regiment like a shadow.

    These enemy attacks were too violent. The Canadians, who had lost the opportunity at the beginning, could no longer wait for their reinforcements.

    Under the fierce attack of the German commandos, the passive Canadians died about twenty people, and the number of wounded was about the same number.

    What¡¯s even more frightening is that Colonel Wennerly only hid in a room with a dozen people, and outside, there were enemies who could kill them at any time and at any time.

    "Hey, Commander, what's your name?"

    Such a cry suddenly came from outside. Colonel Wennerly hesitated: "I am Colonel Wennerly of the 1st Canadian Ranger Regiment."

    ¡°I am Major Moyol of the German Skull Commando.¡±

    Hearing the words "Skeleton Commando", Colonel Wennerly was stunned.  Skeleton Commandos?  Have the Germans re-established the Skeleton Commandos?

    "Colonel Wennerly, for the safety of you and your subordinates, please surrender immediately. I promise to follow the prisoner of war regulations and you will not be harmed in any way."

    Major Moyol¡¯s voice came again.

    At this point, Colonel Wennerly also knew that there was no need to continue fighting.  Reinforcements certainly cannot wait.  Even though they could try to delay some time, Colonel Wennerly and the Canadian soldiers hiding in this room had a fatal weakness.

    There are lots of flammable items outside the house!

    Will the enemy discover this?  Just as Colonel Wennerly was thinking about it, Major Moyol shouted again: "Colonel Wennerly, do you know why I didn't light this room on fire? Because I don't want to see too many people die!"

    Colonel Wennerly smiled bitterly: "Okay, Major, can you really keep your promise and not hurt us?"

    "Yes, Colonel, why should I hurt you? When the war is over, you can still return to Canada."

    Colonel Wennerly let out a long breath: "Major, don't shoot, we're coming out now!"

    The door to the house was opened, and more than a dozen Canadians came out.

    Colonel Wennerly saw the young Major Moyol. He nodded to him and then loudly called on all the soldiers to stop shooting, come out of their hiding places and surrender to the Germans.

    "Colonel, thank you for your cooperation." Wang Weiyi said politely.

    "Major, thank you for keeping your promise." Colonel Wennerly's worried heart relaxed a little.

    "Colonel, do you mind if I need to imprison you and your soldiers together in order to avoid unpleasant things happening?" Wang Weiyi asked with a smile.

    Colonel Wennerly shrugged: "As a prisoner, I guess I have no choice."

    To be honest, he still had a good impression of this polite German even though he became his prisoner.  In the presence of such a humble and polite officer, he and his subordinates would probably not be harmed.

    The command team was in the hands of Wang Weiyi and the Skeleton Commandos, and all the Canadian weapons were moved out.  Occupying this place is only the first step, they must also meet the upcoming challenges here.

    Machine guns were set up, and boxes of grenades were carried out.

    Wang Weiyi had to admit that the location chosen by Colonel Wennerly was very good. Here, the threat posed by artillery fire could be avoided to the greatest extent, and air power could not control this place.

    "An outstanding officer." Wang Weiyi muttered: "Alan, come here."

    "Yes, Major, what can I do for you?"

    "Look, the battle is about to start soon. We will drag the enemy here for a while." Wang Weiyi said calmly: "But we can't stay here forever, we have to escape, right?"

    Allen wondered if he had heard wrongly: "Major, did you just say escape?"

    "Yes, run away." Wang Weiyi nodded very seriously: "Do you think we can defeat so many enemies with the help of people like us? When we can't hold on anymore, of course we have to run away. Otherwise, what is it called?  Tactical retreat? Heck, we don¡¯t have to lie to ourselves.¡±

    Allen smiled, what the major said was too straightforward.

    "Look, you need an escape route to escape, right?" Wang Weiyi looked around: "I need you to bring someone with you to find an escape route for us. Remember, it must be an absolutely safe route. I need to reduce our losses.  to the lowest.

    "Okay, Major, I'll find a safe route." This is Allen.?He seemed a little excited about performing a mission alone.

    He likes to work under Major Moyol. The major led them to create many miracles on the battlefield, and what is even more valuable is that the major never deceives his soldiers.  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The machine gun has been set up, and the black muzzle is pointed outside the position.

    Now, all they have to wait for is the arrival of the enemy.

    "Major, I have your phone number." Richthofen poked his head out of the Canadian headquarters.

    When passing some flammable items, Wang Weiyi shouted loudly: "Hey, Max, you have to bring someone to clean up these things. I don't want us to become roast pigs."

    Speaking of this, he blinked: "Maybe our enemies will like these things"

    Walked into the headquarters and grabbed the phone: "Whose is it?"

    "Probably American."

    "Hey, I'm Major Moyol, who are you?"

    "Major Moyol, I am Brigadier General Badger of the 3rd Marine Brigade, United States Marine Corps."!

    "Ah, brigadier general, hello."

    "Hello, Major, I just want to make sure Colonel Winnery is safe?"

    "Of course, he is safe, but now he is a prisoner."

    "Thank you for abiding by the prisoner of war agreement, Major. So, let's discuss your surrender, shall we?"

    Wang Weiyi wondered if he heard correctly: "Brigadier General, let us confirm. Do you want us to surrender?"

    "Yes, Major, although you captured Colonel Wennerly in a sneak attack, you have no hope. In his last phone call with me before he was captured, he told me that you only have about a hundred people.  Reinforcements from a battalion commanded by Major Rorio are about to arrive, so surrendering now is your best option.  Soldiers will never be tried for espionage."

    "Thank you for your kindness, Brigadier General." Wang Weiyi's tone was sarcastic: "But I will reject your kindness. At the same time, I don't think that Major Rorio has the ability to defeat us.

    "So you refuse to surrender?"

    "I think I've made my words very clear. Good luck to you, Brigadier."

    Wang Weiyi hung up the phone and looked at Richthofen: "Do you believe it? Someone actually asked the Skeleton Commandos to surrender."

    Richthofen whistled: "The only reason why I didn't surrender was probably that there was no gin supply in the prisoner of war camp."

    Wang Weiyi smiled, this damn Red Baron, is there anything in this world that can scare him?

    He thought for a while and asked Xiaoling to help him connect the call with General Olitz. When the call was connected, Wang Weiyi said the word "general", and he actually heard General Olitz's smile.  Voice: "Tell me, Major, what did you do again?"

    "General, why do you say that?" Wang Weiyi was a little curious.

    "Look, you defeated the Americans, rescued Colonel Cherus, and then assisted the Brandenburg commandos to successfully transport back the supplies we desperately needed. Every time I hear your voice, you always bring us good news  . So what¡¯s the good news this time?¡±

    Wang Weiyi himself couldn't help but laugh: "We are in Brest now."

    "Wait, Major." General Olitz interrupted him: "Did I hear wrongly, you are in Brest? If I remember correctly, that is where the enemy is?"

    "Ah, yes, General, to be more precise, it's the headquarters of the 1st Canadian Ranger Regiment."

    "What did you want to do there? Damn it, Major, did you attack the enemy's headquarters?"

    "You guessed it, General, I attacked the enemy's headquarters and captured Colonel Winnerly, the commander of the 1st Canadian Ranger Regiment."

    General Olitz didn¡¯t know what to say at all.  How many more surprises will Major Moyol bring to himself?

    Every time, he used incredible methods to bring incredible victories to the Germans without any news beforehand.  Every time I heard the major's voice, I couldn't help but think of something surprising the major had done.

    He even began to wonder whether this Major Moyol was the successor of Baron Alexson

    "Major, I think I can no longer guess what you want to do next." General Olitz tried his best to conceal his joy: "Tell me, how can I assist you?  "

    "Yes, General." Wang Weiyi's voice became serious: "Now, an enemy battalion is about to arrive here, and I am ready to lead the Skeleton Commando to defeat their attack. The 1st Canadian Ranger Regiment will follow their command  If the officer is captured, the attack will be forced to stop, and the pressure on the Nordland Combat Group will be reduced, but I think more than that. I am prepared to attract as many enemies as possible in Brest. Therefore, I ask you to find ways to do so.  Let our people and the enemy know what we have done in Brest. £®

    General Olitz immediately understood what the other party wanted to do: "Do you want to put pressure on the enemy?"

    "Your guess is absolutely correct, General." Wang Weiyi answered General Olitz with certainty: "The capture of Colonel Wennerly and the enemy losing Brest when they had all the advantages will make them angry.  , Brest is in our hands for a long time, which will also shake the morale of the enemy soldiers. They must retake Brest at all costs. Then, the only troops they can mobilize most quickly are the 1st Canadian Ranger Regiment.  The 3rd Marine Corps. All I have to do is delay as much as possible.

    "Major, your bravery makes me proud." General Olitz made no secret of his praise for Major Moyol: "But as far as I know, you don't have many people. Do you have the confidence to withstand the enemy's crazy attack?  ?¡±

    "I have to thank Colonel Wennerly for this. He chose a very favorable defensive location for me, which will reduce the enemy's artillery advantage to the greatest extent." Wang Weiyi's answer was so confident: "If it is offset by  The enemy's artillery superiority means that in positional warfare, we are absolutely sure to block the enemy's attack several times ours."

    General Olitz has no idea where the other party¡¯s strong confidence comes from.  But one thing he is sure of, as he said himself, he is proud to have such an officer!  !

    "I will stay here for at least three days" Wang Weiyi's voice interrupted General Olitz's thinking: "This will give the Nordland combat group some breathing time. Three days is enough.  Yet?"

    "That's enough, Major." General Olitz was silent for a moment: "Major, I don't know how to express my gratitude. If Berlin can be defended, I will definitely wear the medal on your chest myself."

    Wang Weiyi smiled faintly and then hung up the phone.

    Medal?  He has won countless medals, but what he needs most now is not any medal, but the victory of Germany.

    The situation in Berlin is precarious, and there is a possibility of falling at any time, but at least Wang Weiyi's mood has changed now. He feels that the greatest miracle is not impossible.

    The victories you have achieved may be insignificant to the entire battlefield, but they have shocked the enemy.

    " Accumulate small victories into big victories, and use victory after victory to inspire Germany's confidence. Why do you say that real miracles cannot occur?

    This is the case throughout Brest.  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The members of these new Skeleton Commandos never imagined that they could create so many miracles, but under the leadership of Major Moyol, they succeeded.  No one among the commandos in Brest cared about how many enemies they were about to face, and no one cared about what kind of challenges they would face.

    As long as they are here, Brest will still be theirs.

    The magical Major Moyol is the greatest wealth that the enemy can never possess.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    ¡°At this moment, Americans have a terrible headache.

    Skeleton Commando, Skeleton Commando again!  When this commando team that emerged from World War I appeared in front of the world again, they were still as invincible as before.

    They are rushing forward and sweeping everything, and no one can stop them.

    The French failed, the Americans failed, not to mention the incompetent Italians.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    They could have easily left the battlefield, but they did not do that. Instead, they continued to humiliate their enemies with attacks again and again.

    Now, more and more Allied soldiers on the battlefield have learned about this new Skeleton Commando, and more and more people have begun to discuss the magic of this unit.

    But this is what senior officials do not want to see.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Even Allied Commander-in-Chief Westmoreland noticed this problem.

    The loss of Westmoreland, the capture of Colonel Wennerly, and the previous defeats the Allies faced in front of the Skeleton Commandos all made Westmoreland ashamed.

    And not only these, but there was something that bothered him even more. The damn Russian Colonel Papasolovsky shamelessly attacked multiple American outposts and killed a large number of American soldiers.

    Westmoreland has lodged a strong protest with the Russian military, and the U.S. government has also exerted strong pressure on the Russian government.  Colonel Papasolovsky, who was already in a bad situation, was arrested and the Russians promised to hand him over to the Americans for interrogation.

    But despite this, there are still cracks in the relationship between the United States and Russia.

    Now, the German Skeleton Commandos are invincible on the battlefield. There is nothing they can't do except what they don't want to do.

    It is said that a huge skull battle flag has been flying in Brest, which has simply become a thorn in the hearts of Westmoreland and all the Allied forces.

    Fortunately, this news has not spread yet, otherwise it would be a huge psychological blow to the soldiers fighting on the front line.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "General, you have to listen to this." At this time his chief of staff turned on the radio.

    "My powerful German army is launching a counterattack on all fronts of the battlefieldThe pride of Germany, the undefeated German Skull Commando, under the leadership of Major Moyol, is creating a new myth on the battlefield. Their  £®Brest is back in the hands of the Skeleton Commando£®

    "Enough, enough!" Westmoreland shouted angrily: "Don't let such news spread!"

    "It's too late, general." The chief of staff was a little helpless: "The German radio broadcasts this news over and over again, and many of our soldiers already know it."

    Westmoreland sat down, his face looking very ugly.  You must know that the spread of this news will have a very serious impact on the psychology of Allied soldiers.

    "Skeleton Commando, Major Moyol." Westmoreland kept repeating these two names, and then he stood up suddenly: "Tell Brigadier General Badger that Brace must be recaptured at all costs."  Special, all the Germans must be wiped out there, and the myth of the Skeleton Commando¡¯s invincibility must be defeated! And that damn Major Moyol!¡±

    "Yes, general, I will issue your order!" The chief of staff nodded.

    But in fact, at this time, neither he nor General Westmoreland was sure that the Allied soldiers could do this!
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