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Volume 2: My Country Eight Hundred and Twenty-Four.  baron!  baron!  !  baron!  !  !

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    Radio Ybor.  !

    The staff at the radio station raised their hands and stood aside politely. They never thought that someone would attack the radio station.

    Guo Yunfeng led his team members and monitored these people coldly.  There is no threat to the radio station staff, but a world-shaking event is about to happen here.

    With the help of Modor, Fels came in in a wheelchair. He saw Guo Yunfeng nodded to him: "It's time to start."

    Fels came to the microphone, took out a few chapters of his speech, and cleared his throat.  He will deliver a speech here.  He didn't know how to make his speech heard by all of Germany, Europe and the world through a small Ybor radio station, but he believed that since the baron arranged it like this, he must have his own way.

    "All German soldiers and German citizens who are listening, I am the commander of the German underground resistance organization, the Elder Fighting Brigade, and the former head of the German Intelligence Service, Robert Fels. Now let me tell you about an important figure.  "Fers finally spoke into the microphone:

    "When I left Germany, our country was incredibly strong"

    Berlin, F¨¹hrer¡¯s Office, 9 a.m.

    "F¨¹hrer, you must come and listen to this."

    "What are you listening to?"

    ¡°Our radio picked up a speech from Fells.¡±


    "Fels, Lieutenant General Robert Fels, former head of the Intelligence Agency."

    "Is he still alive? What speech is he making?"

    "To be precise, he is not speaking, but paraphrasing someone else's speech. Head of State, you must come and listen, I'm afraid something big is going to happen"

    Berlin, Constant Base, 9 am.

    "Marshal Boncrere is indeed the voice of General Fels."

    "Turn up your voice louder, I have a feeling something big is going to happen"

    Middle East¡¤German High Command, 9 a.m.

    "Marshal von Manstein, we are very surprised why we received a broadcast from Radio Ibor. Theoretically, there is no possibility."

    ¡°Are you sure it¡¯s from Radio Ybor?¡±

    "Yes, Marshal, it's confirmed."

    "There is no chance of receiving anything here" Marshal Manstein was suddenly stunned: "Unless there is only one person who can achieve such an impossible miracle"

    North Africa, German High Command, 9 a.m.

    "Speak louder." Marshal Model looked extremely serious: "What I can confirm is that something unusual will happen today"

    Germany, Allied High Command, 9 a.m.

    "Destroy their communications, immediately!"

    "General, we can't do it. The technicians have used a lot of methods, but they still can't intercept their signal."

    "Why the hell? Why can Radio Ybor's voice be heard everywhere?"

    ¡°We can¡¯t explain to you why, and we are also investigating the reasons.¡±

    "Why the hell hasn't Guy contacted us yet"

    "Our country is extremely powerful, and I left here with peace of mind. However, what I see now is devastation. The enemy is raging on our land, and our capital is under attack. Our land is bleeding, and our  The soldiers are bleeding. £®No one can tell me how this happened, and I will give our enemies a hard time until I find out.  Fight! Soldiers and citizens, I am leading my troops to fight and win. From this moment on, I ask all German citizens in the occupied areas to take up your weapons and resist the atrocities of the invaders!  All German citizens who are still able to take up arms, join the army, defend Berlin, and defend Germany!

    Fritz.  Erich.  Feng.  Marshal Manstein, I order the Middle East Corps to organize defenses on the spot, and you will receive the reinforcements you need.  Otto.  Moritz.  Walter.  Marshal Model, I order the North African Army to organize defenses on the spot, and you will also receive the reinforcements you need.  Bunkerre.  Marshal Hessen, I order that not a single soldier of the Baron Guard is allowed to move until I arrive.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  "

    Who is this?  Who is this?  Who is this important figure that Fels mentioned, who dares to issue direct orders to the three marshals of Germany?  Those who haven't reacted even if their heads are broken.Arrive.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Fritz Erich von Manstein accepts your order! Marshal!"

    "Otto Moritz Walter Model accepts your order! Marshal!"

    "Bonkerrei Haisen accepts your order! Marshal!"

    Almost at the same moment, the three marshals whose names were called stood up at the same time and spoke loudly.

    At this moment, their subordinates suddenly discovered that the eyes of the three marshals were filled with tears.

    Yes, they know who gave them the order.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Radio Ybor continues to broadcast there:

    ¡°I order, Head of State Kloel Nicholas, that you must do what a German head of state should do and lead the entire German resistance to the end until I return to Berlin.

    Any negativity will make you a sinner!  I command, Werner.  Chief of General Staff Hessen, until I appoint a new chief of staff, continue to stick to your position and act strictly in accordance with my strategic deployment.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    General Westmoreland, Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces, I know you are listening on the radio right now, and I also know that you will never withdraw from German soil.  Then I can tell you that the German counterattack is about to begin. You and your troops will feel my anger and the German anger!  American soldiers, French soldiers, Russian soldiers, I don¡¯t want to see your blood stain the German soil red, and I don¡¯t want to see you turn into corpses and return to your hometown.  Now, I will issue an ultimatum to you. Before Germany launches a major counterattack, put down your weapons and surrender to the German army at a nearby location. I will ensure the safety of your lives.  This is the German ultimatum!

    German soldiers and German citizens, from this minute on, I ask you to unconditionally obey my orders and obey my commands.  Let the enemy tremble before our mighty will.  From this moment on, the entire Germany, regardless of the front or rear, will become a huge melting pot, completely melting our enemies!  "

    Speaking of this, Fels took a deep breath: "When I left, I once told you that when crisis comes to Germany, I will come back! And today, I - have returned! I will lead you  From failure to victory, I will lead you to pursue the glory that was once lost.

    German soldiers, thank you for the blood you shed for the country; German citizens, thank you for your efforts for the country; and our ally the United Kingdom, I assure you that everything you have lost can also be regained!

    All for Germany!  Long live Germany!  Long live - victory!

    Ernst.  Alexson.  Feng.  Brahm, November 1965!  "

    Fels finished reading the last word, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

    Berlin Paris Platz.

    The tweeter clearly transmitted every word to the ears of the Germans.

    They listened in stunned silence, completely unable to believe what was happening.

    "Ernst Alexson von Brahm, November 1965!"

    When the last word was spoken, the whole square suddenly burst into earth-shattering cheers.  Every German was yelling crazily, and every German was washing away his crazy excitement with tears.

    Come back, come back, a miracle really happened: the man who is invincible and who exists like a god in the hearts of Germans is back:

    The Skeleton Baron!

    No one knows whether this is true or not, they only know that their baron is back - at Germany's most critical moment!

    Just a few minutes ago, every German thought that the Baron was dead. However, this huge good news suddenly shattered their emotions.

    The person who smiles sheds tears when he smiles.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  People who were already crying burst into tears.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Germany has suffered too much, Germany has suffered too many grievances, and now¡ªall of this will no longer exist!

    The Baron - Glorious Return!

    Victory - is it still far away?

    This is the firmest belief in every German¡¯s heart.

    Even if Germany only has a palm-sized piece of land left, as long as the Baron returns, the final victory will definitely belong to Germany!

    The suffering they have suffered will be returned to their enemies ten times and a hundred times!

    And all the eyes of Germany couldn¡¯t help but fall on the huge statue:

    It was a soldier wearing a military uniform, with a stern face, and his eyes seemed to be looking at the whole of Germany.  On the left side of the statue is a hunting and flying war flag.?The skull battle flag that the Germans are all too familiar with.  On the right side of the statue is a rose.

    On the base of the statue, there is this sentence engraved:

    "When danger comes to Germany, I will come back!"

    No one needs to introduce it, every German knows who said this, and every German knows who this statue belongs to!

    Ernst.  Alexson.  Feng.  Brahm¡ªBaron Skeleton!  Some people also like to call him Rose Baron!

    He finally came back when Germany needed him most.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The cheers that erupted from the German positions on the Berlin front were no less than those in Berlin.

    The soldiers cheered without emotion, celebrating what they heard.

    The faith in their hearts is far deeper than that of ordinary Germans.

    He is finally back - their Marshal Ernst is back!

    ¡°All for Germany¡ªall for Ernst!  Saint Ernst - long live!

    From this minute on, no one can defeat the German army, because they have the magical Marshal Ernst, and because they have the invincible Skeleton Baron!

    Those positions that were originally in danger under the enemy's attack, the German soldiers suddenly burst out with the most powerful combat effectiveness. They fought with the enemies who rushed to the position in a life-and-death battle.  They responded to the Baron with their own blood and lives:

    Before the Baron comes back, they will never allow themselves to lose another inch of their position!

    Those German troops who still retained their strength began to launch a tenacious and unbelievable counterattack!

    They must destroy the enemy to the greatest extent before Marshal Ernst can resume command of the troops, and then achieve a great victory heartily under the leadership of Marshal Ernst!

    Yes, they are indeed very passive now, and they are indeed in danger, but incredible confidence has risen again in their hearts.

    Victory - belongs to Ernst!  Victory - for Germany!

    No one can stop their confidence.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Marshal, you are crying."

    "Ah, no." Manstein turned his back and wiped his eyes quietly: "Find a way to get in touch with Marshal Model and tell him that what we have been waiting for has finally happened  Ah, I don¡¯t think so, Marshal Model must have heard it too.¡±

    Manstein did not tell the truth, he cried.  These are the tears of a German field marshal.

    He is back. He promised his brothers that he will come back sooner or later.  What could be more exciting than this?

    Now, I can finally let go of this huge burden.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  He even couldn't wait to see the Baron again today.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Cry, let your tears fly in the wind.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "This is impossible, impossible!" Westmoreland looked livid: "He has been dead for a long time, how could he come back? It is simply nonsense, this is the enemy spreading rumors!"

    "General, don't worry, I think this is a lie made up by the enemy in desperation. Baron Skeleton cannot still be alive in the world."

    "Yes, General, I think so too. Besides, even if Baron Skeleton is really still alive, I don't think he will pose any threat to us. After all, he has been away from the battlefield for so long and is completely unable to adapt to the current war. Still  With the current situation in Germany, what ability does he have to turn things around? "

    The voices of his subordinates kept ringing out, making Westmoreland feel a little more relaxed.

    ?? Baron Skeleton?  Is that damn Skeleton Baron still alive?  Is what Fells relaying the real Skeleton Baron's speech said?  Assuming that the Skeleton Baron is really alive, that would be a very scary thing.

    Not to mention in a strategic sense, the confidence it brings to the Germans is huge.  The already tenacious German soldiers will continue to resist crazily, and the Germans in the occupied areas will inevitably break out in uprisings one after another.

    Skeleton Baron, Skeleton Baron, why is his influence still so huge after so many years?

    "Impossible, this is impossible." Klull wiped the sweat from his forehead and kept muttering: "It is impossible for him to be alive. There is absolutely no way he is still alive."

    The fear in his heart cannot be expressed in words at all.

    The part of Fels¡¯s speech that was directed at him was so strongly worded, and this was what frightened him the most.

    "Moreover, the Baron actually issued so many orders in a commanding tone, who is the leader of Germany?"Head?  It's me, not some skeleton baron!

    But why is he so afraid in his heart?

    "I don't think this is true" Wolfe, the head of the Intelligence Agency, said cautiously: "I think this is Fels's conspiracy. He is trying to use the name of the baron to shake us.  Military morale weakens your majesty.

    No matter which way you look at it, Baron Skeleton should be dead.  "

    "No, no." Kroll murmured: "Manstein is still alive, Model is still alive, and Bunkerre is still alive. Why do we think he is dead? It is entirely possible that he is still alive.  In this world, have you forgotten that if he was really alive last time, everything would be over?

    Wolfe heard deep fear from the F¨¹hrer's words, but he didn't know how to comfort the F¨¹hrer.

    Yes, if that person is really still alive, it will have a huge impact on everyone.

    No one in Germany can challenge his authority. As long as he is willing, Kluol, the head of state, will be driven out anytime and anywhere.  Even Germany's most senior marshal was just his subordinate at the beginning.

    Even as he became a German legend, Adolf.  Hitler's F¨¹hrer was just one of his soldiers.  As long as he is here, Germany will have only one true leader!

    Everyone has seen the madness of the Germans today with their own eyes, and it is simply beyond words to describe.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    ¡°The German marshals such as Manstein, Model, and Bunkerere are probably faithfully executing his orders at this time, right?  Now, I'm afraid the head of state can no longer mobilize those troops on the front line.

    All German officers and soldiers, and all German people, will only obey the orders of one person:

    Ernst.  Alexson.  Feng.  Brahm!-

    Skeleton Baron!

    "Tell me, what should we do if he really returns to Berlin?" Klull said dejectedly: "Give all power to him? Then he will find out everything, and then each of us will be  Sent to the gallows, believe me, he will do it. I heard it from my father countless times!"

    Old Nicholas has told his son many times to never forget the Skeleton Baron and never try to be the Skeleton Baron¡¯s enemy. And Old Nicholas is really a typical example.

    The only difference is that old Nicholas woke up in time.

    "F¨¹hrer, I think we may have other ways." Wolfe said his thoughts in a low voice.

    Kluol's expression kept changing, and after a long time he said with great difficulty: "Maybe this is the only way!"
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