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Volume 2: My Country Chapter 893. Farbaman¡¯s Street Fighting

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    "The encirclement troops will arrive soon. Some of them were attacked by Frenchmen and Saudi Arabian cavalry troops on the road. They suffered some losses, but they were not serious. Our encirclement plan will be completed soon.

    Ernst, how are you doing there?  "

    After resuming Manstein's call, the Marshal of the German Empire briefly reported some situations, and then quickly asked with concern.

    "Street fighting is going on, and fighting is happening everywhere." Wang Weiyi said calmly: "I'm fine. Fabaman has successfully attracted the main force of the US 9th Armored Division. But our casualties are also very high. Manstein  Marshal, reinforcements must arrive the day after tomorrow at the latest.¡±

    "Yes, Marshal Ernst, reinforcements will definitely arrive the day after tomorrow at the latest!" Manstein said in an accentuated tone.

    Wang Weiyi hung up the communication, and at this time a cannonball exploded not far away.

    Now, Fabaman¡¯s street fighting has reached its most brutal and intense stage.  Both the German and American armies have devoted all their strength.

    The American casualties seemed to be more severe. Not only did they let a large number of soldiers die here, but what was even more tragic was that their Colonel Nesko and Major Martha were killed almost on the same day.  The most distressing thing for General Luo Shen of the 9th Armored Division.

    In his memory, Colonel Nesko and Major Martha were his two tough generals, and the tasks assigned to them were never failed to be completed successfully.

    But now what appeared in front of General Luo Shen were two cold corpses¡§

    He already felt the anger of his betrayal. Ever since he set foot on the battlefield in the Middle East, he had suffered a lot of losses at the hands of the German army, but he had never been as sad as now.

    It is said that Colonel Nesko and Major Martha did not even see the face of the enemy until their death.  Is there anything more humiliating than this?

    No, General Luo Shen is sure there will never be another one!

    But he didn¡¯t have a better solution.  All the troops that can be mobilized have been sent to the battlefield, and all the forces that can be mobilized have been used on the battlefield.  What else could he do?

    Moreover, news came from the Allied Middle East Headquarters that some German troops are quickly moving closer to Fabaman. The Allied Command has ordered the French and Saudi forces to intercept it, but the effect is not very great. I hope Fabaman will fight  be able to end as quickly as possible.

    Until now, neither General Rosen nor the Allied Forces Headquarters in the Middle East have realized that the danger is quietly approaching the U.S. 9th Armored Division.

    At this time, General Luo Shen made a desperate move and appeared in Fabaman in person. He must end the war here as soon as possible.

    With the cooperation of a large number of tanks and armored vehicles, a large number of U.S. troops launched a crazy attack on various German defensive positions like flies.

    At this time, while Fabaman's German army was desperately resisting, reinforcements were also rapidly approaching Fabaman.

    Time - has become the most important thing.

    "Hunter Ernst" - at least now Wang Weiyi has another nickname. He has always insisted on staying with his troops. After successfully killing the enemies behind him who were trying to hunt him down, he found Fan Siteng.  Colonel, and made this the command center for the entire Farbaman.

    Colonel Fan Siteng also heard about Marshal Ernst¡¯s miraculous record. Like any ordinary soldier, he was also full of wonder at the Marshal.

    Danger is still everywhere. Just more than ten minutes ago, the US military just launched a large-scale attack here. Fortunately, Colonel Fan Siteng and his troops, who were in critical condition, received an attack from SS Aldridge in time.  The timely reinforcements of the first-level assault brigade were able to repel that crazy US military unit!

    Crazy - now the Americans can only be described as crazy. They are launching attacks again and again without any regard for losses.

    Especially the US tank attack has reached the point of frenzy.  This also posed a huge threat to the German army.

    Fortunately, the heavy rain the day before yesterday made the US military's attack much more difficult, otherwise the German losses would have been much greater.

    And Ernst appeared here in time.  Marshal Brahm stabilized the German military morale to the greatest extent.

    Marshal Ernst seems to have a magical power that others do not have. Every time he appears, no matter how critical the battlefield situation is, as long as Marshal Ernst stands there, all the panic will disappear, and the hands of the soldiers will disappear.  It will become extremely stable again.

    Now, it¡¯s time to test these German soldiers.?

    The US military's attack began again. Three tanks and more than a hundred soldiers began to quietly explore the position here.

    Judging from their appearance, they seemed to think that their actions would not be discovered by the Germans.

    The German troops on the position waited quietly and were not in a hurry. They kept the U.S. troops within range before the firepower on the position suddenly opened up.

    Rocket launchers, anti-tank guns, and all available weapons made a terrifying roar.

    The tank at the front instantly became a pile of scrap metal under the attack of the anti-tank gun.  The infantrymen who were advancing with the tanks suddenly fell to the ground and did not dare to move.

    MG heavy machine gun - This weapon has been used by the German army for many years, but its performance is still reliable. Strings of flames pour into the enemy.  !

    Hand grenades were thrown out one after another desperately. Amidst the bursts of explosions, the rising smoke enveloped the battlefield.  Occasionally something flew up, and when it landed on the ground, you could see that it was a broken arm.  At the same time, the owner of this arm let out the most painful cry.

    This is the most real battlefield.  Once you set foot on this battlefield, you will know what is the cruelest truth.

    Everyone who has experienced all this will never forget it. Even if they can survive the war, as soon as they close their eyes, the remains of useless limbs and dead companions will most clearly appear in their eyes.  in mind.

    But what can you do?  Now that you are here, you don't have any choice anymore.

    Colonel Versiteng also personally participated in the battlefield, just like Marshal Ernst who was manning a heavy machine gun.  On such a battlefield and in such an environment, there has long been no distinction between officers and soldiers.

    As long as you still have breath, the only choice you can make is to fight to the end¡§

    Three American soldiers came up quietly, but the machine gun in Wang Weiyi's hand stopped suddenly, as if he didn't notice them at all.

    However, when they entered a range more suitable for shooting, Wang Weiyi stopped the heavy machine gun for a short time before letting out a terrifying roar again.

    The bodies of the two American soldiers were beaten into a honeycomb shape.  One of them was wounded and was struggling in a pool of blood trying to return to his position¡§

    He can't go back anymore.  Another long series of bullets came, completely allowing him to complete his mission.

    The war is going on in such a tragic way.  Americans are dying in large numbers, and Germans are also dying in large numbers.  War is fair to both sides.

    To win, you always have to pay a heavy price.

    Another attack was repelled. The German soldiers hurriedly repaired their positions and clumsily rescued their comrades.  They are not doctors. Professional medical soldiers were shot and died when the enemy charged for the first time.

    "If these German soldiers want to help their comrades, they must temporarily master those medical techniques and learn how to treat bleeding wounds.

    Otherwise, the only thing you can do is to watch your companions die.

    Wang Weiyi and Colonel Fan Siteng are also busy.

    Wang Weiyi helped an injured soldier simply treat the wound, and then said with a straight face: "Soldier, do you think you can still fight?"

    "Of course, Marshal." The soldier answered firmly, and then he hesitated: "Marshal, do you think we will win?"

    "Ah, I can't answer you." Wang Weiyi's answer was somewhat unexpected: "Mr. Soldier, it depends on what kind of belief you have. If you think you can win, then the goddess of victory must be smiling at you. But, if you  If you don¡¯t have such confidence, then I will feel very sorry. Maybe you will be the first person to die on the battlefield.¡±

    "Ah, I understand." The soldier immediately understood what Marshal Ernst meant: "No matter what, I will fight with you to the end. I believe we can defeat those Americans."

    At this time, Lieutenant Eric and his companions, who originally fought with Marshal Ernst, encountered some troubles.

    They were ordered to block the enemy's attack at the Fabaman Tractor Factory, but at this time the US military had already launched the most violent attack on the tractor factory.

    Second Lieutenant Eric and the others are only about half a kilometer away from the arsenal.

    But in order to hide, they crawled hard among the gaps in the ruins.  Lieutenant Eric and the man he met on the road? Lieutenant Demri chatted while climbing to relieve his nervousness.

    "Hey, when do you think our reinforcements will arrive?"

    "I can't explain that clearly."

    "I really hope the war can end soon."

    "Of course, it's exactly what I thought."

    "If this is a war in my opinion," Demri suddenly stopped talking and looked outside through the gap. Several US military "Phantom" fighter jets flew past outside.  Dozens of bombs were dropped, and the few remaining buildings lining the streets were blown up.  Then came the second wave of "ghost" formations.  The team began throwing incendiary bombs, and two adjacent streets were ablaze.

    "Don't make a sound, and don't move as long as the fire doesn't burn you." Demri whispered.

    As soon as the German bombers flew away, a large group of American troops appeared on the streets.  There were almost a hundred people and two tanks. They were a company commanded by American Colonel Smith.

    "Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" Second Lieutenant Eric said hurriedly: "We have few people, so don't cause unnecessary trouble."

    The American troops were followed by more than twenty German prisoners of war and citizens.

    "Maybe it's the army escorting prisoners of war." A soldier said.

    "Whether we want to save them or not, there will be no good consequences if they fall into the hands of the Americans." Another soldier said.

    "If we save them, we will die. There are only more than 20 of us!" A corporal scolded in a low voice.

    The U.S. military suddenly stopped leaving, and those citizens were put on blindfolds one after another.  !

    "They are going to go on a killing spree! Should we open fire? We always feel bad when we see our compatriots being killed."

    Many German soldiers had already raised their guns. Just as they were about to pull the safety, a row of gunfire rang out, and the prisoners of war and citizens fell into a pool of blood.  This is an intimidating demonstration by the US military.

    ¡°Damn it!¡± Demri cursed, he could no longer control his emotions.  Later, Lieutenant Eric pulled him to remind him to pay attention.

    The U.S. military may have a guilty conscience. A flamethrower and several other soldiers following behind murmured a few words.  Then the flamethrower was aimed at the pile of ruins where Lieutenant Eric and the others were, and a stream of flames sprayed out.

    No response once.  The US military sprayed a second time, and the flames penetrated into the ruins through the gaps.  Suddenly there were several screams, and several German soldiers couldn't bear it anymore and jumped out of the ruins with their bodies on fire.  The US military immediately shot them dead. One of the survivors jumped up, hugged a US soldier and died with him.

    ?Then the tank turned its turret to fire at the ruins.

    Exposed!  Lieutenant Eric and Demri winked at each other and jumped out of the ruins with the soldiers.  The burning hatred just now broke out at this moment.  Several American soldiers were caught off guard and swept to the ground.  Then a German soldier rushed over with special explosives before the Americans could react.  He pulled the fuse and threw it at the U.S. tank. The explosive pack was modified by Lieutenant Eric and others specifically to deal with tanks. It only took five seconds to pull the fuse and it would explode, preventing it from being thrown back by the U.S. military.  The only disadvantage is the risk of the carrier dying together with the tank.  Soon enough, a US tank turned into scrap metal. At this time, the brave soldier jumped out of the explosion range.

    Is the US military so easy to bully?  All weapons of the US military fired at the same time. The corporal who was scolding people in the ruins just now was hit by countless bullets and turned into pulp on the spot.  Fortunately, the German army evacuated in time, otherwise the entire army would have been wiped out in this moment.

    Second Lieutenant Eric and the others used the destroyed tanks, ruins, and broken trucks on the street as cover to fight with the Germans, and they moved toward the arsenal while fighting.  Just as the American fire-breathing soldier was about to spray flames again, a bullet penetrated his fuel tank, and he suddenly became a Pyroman.

    Demri pointed his submachine gun at the Germans and fired several long bursts.  He was blown away by the tank and lost consciousness.  Lieutenant Eric hurriedly ordered two soldiers to protect him.

    Some U.S. troops have already rushed over, and both sides began to engage in close combat with submachine guns and pistols.

    An American Lieutenant Eric rushed over, and a German soldier hurriedly threw the American to the ground and stabbed his throat with a dagger.

    At this time, an injured American soldier who fell on the ground struggled to get up, pulled out his engineer shovel, and struck hard at Second Lieutenant Eric next to him.  Second Lieutenant Eric instinctively blocked the submachine gun, and the submachine gun was chopped to the ground.  The soldier kicked Lieutenant Eric to the ground, and Lieutenant Eric hurriedly punched the American soldier in the face.  Then, relying on animal instinct, he used all his strength to break the American soldier's neck.

    Two soldiers protecting Demri were fired upon by U.S. machine gunsHe was killed in action.  When several American soldiers saw a German sergeant lying there who was not dead, they wanted to rush over and give him another shot.  At this time, a private rushed over and killed two American soldiers with a pistol.  Demri, who had regained consciousness at this time, also drew his pistol and shot the other two beauties to death.  But the private was standing after all, and the Meijun tank fired and blew him to pieces.

    ¡°We have too few people!¡± Second Lieutenant Eric, who had picked up his submachine gun again, said to Demri. At this rate, we may not be able to support the factory.

    At this time, the U.S. tank armor was suddenly hit by a shell.  Three old German-made tanks appeared behind Lieutenant Eric and the others.  However, the quality of this shell was so poor that it only opened a hole in the US tank.  The tank was not finished yet. The German tank without the aiming device continued to fire. However, none of the shells could hit the US tank, but it blew up several US infantrymen.

    A U.S. tank fired two shots in succession. The turret of the German tank flew out. With the explosion, another shell drilled into the gap of the U.S. tank. The U.S. tank was destroyed and the crew inside was also killed.  .  At this time, two American tanks appeared out of nowhere, and the German tanks were destroyed in the blink of an eye.

    During this small-scale tank battle, Lieutenant Eric and the others ran more than two hundred meters through the fire and thick smoke, and immediately arrived at the arsenal.  Unexpectedly, they bumped into U.S. military reinforcements here.  Because Second Lieutenant Eric and the others encountered this special situation, they actually ran all the way to the factory, and the rest of the German soldiers had not yet arrived.

    The U.S. troops in the factory also rushed out after hearing the gunshots outside.

    "It's over!" Lieutenant Eric and Demrigang thought.

    At this moment, German artillery fire suddenly covered the area.  Second Lieutenant Eric and the others were not harmed because they had already found a bunker.

    These German soldiers were stunned, having no idea where the artillery fire came from.  When they calmed down, they only thought of the only ending:

    That is - my reinforcements have finally arrived!

    And this may be the end of all suffering!
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