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Volume 2: My Country Nine Hundred and Twenty Two.  Iron Cross

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    The post office has a window with a wide view but privacy.  Zov was shooting like a machine inside, switching between rocket launchers and machine guns, firing wildly at all targets he could see.  In the dimly lit post office, empty cartridge casings and rocket-propelled grenade launchers were scattered all over the floor.

    For a moment, Heisenberg stood at the end of the trench and watched him fight alone in the room.  His face was covered with charred blood, and his hair had long been singed by the flames of the rocket launch Apart from shouting and fighting, he no longer looked human

    "Hey - Zoff." Heisenberg called my brother's name in the loudest voice: "Okay. Let's go As promised Let's go together!"

    Zov stopped shooting.  He heard the voice of his best friend, "Heisenberg" He turned his head and looked at Heisenberg, the joyful light in his eyes almost turned into liquid and flowed out.

    He knew what the other person meant¡ªjust as Heisenberg knew what he meant.

    However, at this moment, the Russian tanks on the square finally fired a fatal shot at the small post office on the corner.  A high-explosive shell flew out of the gun barrel, passing by the charging Russian infantry, passing by the wreckage of the tanks on the front line, passing by the fleshy corpses, passing by all the struggles and hopes, and finally slipped steadily into the small window of the post office.  

    Suddenly, the entire wall was torn open, and the violent explosion carried stones flying to every space and drilling into every gap.  In front of Heisenberg, Zoff's body was completely torn apart by this sudden blow His limbs bounced back and forth between the walls of the post office like those stones, and his face was melted by the high temperature.  .  The head flew out and stuck to the wall behind him like a piece of chewing gum The broken body was scattered all over the floor like flesh and blood after being robbed by wild wolves.  Can't recognize the original appearance.

    Heisenberg was completely deafened by the explosion.  There was nothing in his ears except a continuous and monotonous "buzzing" sound.  The huge air wave pushed him out again, and he stubbornly climbed up again and returned to the door of the post office.  He had a terrible headache, and blood was constantly dripping from his nose He used all his strength to climb from the trench to the floor of the post office, on top of the bloody corpse of his comrade.  There was one thing he had to take - he had to take it, that was their agreement.

    Heisenberg struggled to crawl through his flesh and turn his body.  Finally, on his headless neck, he touched the Iron Cross He pulled off the cross and held it firmly in my right hand.  When he climbed out of the post office, the Russian infantry had already begun jumping into the trenches to fight hand-to-hand with the remaining grenadiers.  A grenadier turned a grenade into a hand-to-hand weapon.  He stood there resolutely.  Be prepared to crack your enemy's heads open with grenades.

    Heisenberg fired a few shots randomly, but one bullet hit his ribs - Damn it!  Those broken ribs pierced into his lungs - his body went limp He opened his mouth wide, seeking to scream instinctively, but no sound came out

    He tilted his head, and two horses appeared in his blurred vision, which they found before the war started.  A few hours earlier, Heisenberg and Zoff had left them behind the cemetery line.  In the constant hail of bullets, they are still alive.  The two horses huddled together in terror.  Bullets hit the wall next to them, but they couldn't run away The reins tied the two horses to a dead tree.

    A pair of hands grasped Heisenberg in horror.  He tried to look up.  It's Hazen.  The young man said something excited to him, but he couldn't hear it.  His vision was completely blurred.

    "BridgeBridge" Heisenberg tried his best to make a sound.

    His body was rubbing and moving on the ground He felt He thought The faithful Hassen must have dragged me to escape in the direction of the bridge at the risk of death.  He struggled to get another look at the two horses.  When he raised his head, he saw the violent flash and explosion of a Russian heavy tank as it drove through the trench, it was overturned by explosives.  The last mg62 on the cemetery defense line rang. It was arranged behind the entire defense line and used as an instrument at the end of the entire movement.  It rang, and the beam of bullets swept across the entire defense line. Russian and German soldiers disappeared in the firelight Bodies so close were scattered all over the ground like smashed pumpkins.  Soon, however, the last machine gun went silentmore, more Ivans appeared in the trenches, stepping over all obstacles.

    A kind of viscous blood flowed out of the mouth, pulling out a long strip like snot Heisenberg tilted his head and saw the one where he and Zoff met Hasson for the first time this morning.  The hotel appeared next to me He squeezed it hard with his right hand, trying to make sure that Zoff's Iron Cross was still in his hand.

    exist.  I'm very relieved.

    When Hassen led Heisenberg back to the armored bridgehead, Heisenberg remembered the way the armored soldiers looked when they saw him.  They looked at him with incredible eyes, trying their best to imagine what kind of baptism I had experienced in front

    ??"Why didn't you go to the cemetery! Why didn't your tanks go to the cemetery! Why did you run over the corpses of your own people! Whywhere are the reinforcements you mentioned? Where are the armored reinforcements? Where!! Where!  Liars! Bastards - you fucking liars!" Heisenberg screamed at Rutherford, but more blood came out.

    Hazen eventually left him on the bridge.


    Heisenberg breathed hard and stared blankly at the sky above his head.  Those steel clouds were a little thin, and the dawn that was covered by them was revealed.

    It¡¯s almost dawn.

    Rutherford and his armored men raised their hands collectively for the last time to the portraits of Baron Alexson and Hitler.  Then the young SS major jumped into his own tank.  Two Type III assault guns drove away from the bridgehead with their huge weapons. They shouted battle slogans and drove towards the urban area filled with fire and smoke

    Heisenberg turned over and climbed hard toward the edge of the bridge.  Thick black blood flowed down his hands and onto the ground.

    Major Bororsky is still lying calmly on the top floor of the hotel.  He saved Heisenberg and Zoff's lives tonight.  He has killed countless enemies, and his victory score has climbed to nearly 200.  However, when he pulled the trigger again, the bullet did not fly out of the barrel.  turn out to be.  The last one was the last one

    In the hotel downstairs, Russian shouts came from the hotel.

    The old sniper smiled sadly and stroked his beloved rifle with his beard for the last time

    Heisenberg finally climbed to the bridge, and below was the gurgling Tiber River.  He could even hear their clear voices.  The river water starts from the ice sheet of the Alps, flows through the entire Eastern Europe, and finally joins the ocean in the Baltic Sea The water in the Baltic Sea will mix with the water in the North Sea and merge into the Atlantic Ocean  free.  The boundless Atlantic Ocean

    Dragging their broken bodies, the wounded left the shelter one after another and fought the Russians with all the weapons they could find.  They did not move as ordered.  All chose to stay, believing they could hold off the Russians¡ªjust as their willpower overcame the pain in their limbs.

    What greeted them were Russian heavy tanks.  They made a metallic screech, engines growling, and ran right over the wounded Germans who were blocking it with grenades Their bodies were embedded in the cobblestones of the main road by their tank tracks.  Tanks rolled across the main road.  In the end, it directly collapsed the two-story building where the wounded took refuge

    Hassen stood at the end of the bridge holding a rifle with a bayonet.  A Russian shouted and charged.  Hassen shouted in a childish voice and stabbed his body with a knife.  But before he died, the enemy struck Hassen in the face with a violent blow from the butt of his own rifle.  The young man fell to the ground awkwardly, groping like a blind man.  The next Russian who rushed up snatched the rifle from Hassen's hand, then turned around and pierced his heart with the bayonet on it The young soldier did not die. He struggled on the ground.  Trying to stand up again.  The Russian kicked him in the head and cursed.  He took off Hassen's helmet and chopped off Hassen's head with the heel of his boots

    The wailing gradually turned into a broken sound

    Heisenberg touched the Iron Cross around his neck.

    Yelled for the last time.  Pulling it off the collarI didn't have much strength left.

    He grabbed his Iron Cross and Zoff's Iron Cross with his right hand and prepared to throw them off the bridge.  But the Russian bayonets arrived first.  The cold weapon was ruthlessly inserted into Heisenberg's body, and his chest, which was already heavily bruised, burst open, and the huge pressure spread blood everywhere But the Russian was not satisfied, and he spun around  Holding the bayonet, I twisted Heisenberg's body, and at the same time, I chopped his neck with my blood-stained boots

    In a trance Heisenberg crawled through the battlefield with difficulty, crawled through the soldiers, crawled through all the escape, struggle, pain, vulnerability Responsibility has been dissolved in the blur of flesh and blood; courage,  Already disintegrated into the annihilation of the soultouched!  Finally touched it!  He tried to open his eyes, his vision blurred by blood But he knew that he had touched them horses, Heisenberg's and Zoff's horses, they were groping him with their noses, testing him.  the owner¡¯s intention.  When he untied the reins holding them, the two horses ran away.

    Yes, he could heartheir retreating hooves, their excited gasps.

    When his hands dropped weakly, the two Iron Cross medals finally broke free and fell into the river under the bridge.  The river is gentle and peaceful.  The gentle current will carry these two iron crosses through the battlefield, through the village, through the farmland, and finally merge into the sea

    The sea water is salty.  It will last a year, or?Ten years will corrode, melt away their medals, their oaths By then, Zov, they will have become powder - free to drift with the ocean currents to any place in the sea.  Every place.

    At that time, they were not bound and did not have to fight.

    At that time, they completed their agreement.

    Together, they can find their freedom


    The Russians smiled ferociously and raised the bayonet in their hands again When the bayonet falls this time, Heisenberg will bid farewell to this cold and heartless world forever

    Heisenberg seemed to see nothing.  His eyes were fixed on the churning river The Iron Cross was in that river Heisenberg's eyes revealed the enthusiasm before death  

    Yes, fanaticism.  A fanaticism incomprehensible to anyone except the German soldiers

    When the tip of the bayonet touched Heisenberg's body, a burst of fierce gunfire suddenly rang out The burly Russian fell into the river without saying a word.

    Heisenberg didn't know whether he was alive or dead. In fact, it made no difference to him He saw so many brothers die in front of him.  The German soldiers, those good brothers who fought bloody battles with them

    His heart is already dead

    Before he passed out, he heard a voice: "Colonel Heisenberg? I am here to reinforce you on the order of Marshal Ernst"

    Heisenberg breathed a long sigh of reliefMarshal Ernst.  He heard Marshal Ernst's name again When he was in the most difficulty and needed help the most, Marshal Ernst could always bring him the greatest miracle


    The sound of the cannon was still ringing desperately.  Heisenberg tried his best to open his eyes. He wanted to move, but he immediately felt huge pain all over his body.

    "Don't move, Colonel Heisenberg. Your mission is accomplished."

    An extremely familiar voice reached Hurt¡¯s ears.  Then, Heisenberg saw that very familiar face.

    He smiled, knowing that he would definitely be able to see this face again, and once again fight for the pride and dignity of Germany under his command:

    Ernst Alexson von Brahm!

    "Marshal, many soldiers are dead" Heisenberg said weakly: "Many, many, they died in front of me like this."

    "I know, Colonel." Wang Weiyi said calmly: "You captured Levto and then defended here tenaciously with a weak force. You did everything you could. Their sacrifice will not be in vain, now. Please  Leave this place to us."

    Now, please leave this place to us!

    When the Skeleton Baron said these words, the Russians' terrible nightmare came.  They had been so close to victory that they had almost even seen victory.

    But at the moment of victory, all their dreams were shattered.

    German reinforcements have arrived, the Baron Guard has arrived!

    Once these wolf-like Germans entered Levto, they erupted into a terrifying roar.  They must return the suffering suffered by their companions to these Russians ten times and a hundred times!

    They must let the Russians know that the majesty of Germany will not allow it to be challenged by the enemy!

    So, the tragedy of the Russians begins at this moment

    A large number of "Leopard 9" and "Destroyer 3" tanks appeared in Levto, which was a torrent of steel for the German army.  They launched a counter-attack against the attacking Russian army without anyone noticing. With their strong will and equally strong combat effectiveness, they plunged the Russians into chaos.

    Wang Weiyi watched everything that happened on the battlefield coldly. The German soldiers who stood hard in Levto, whether they were the SS or the Wehrmacht, had done everything they could. They had achieved their goals with their blood and lives.  loyalty.

    Blood - more blood is always needed to repay!

    "Marshal, we have defeated the Russian left wing and are now advancing towards the city center." Kalembu came to him and said loudly.

    "Very good, the battle here must be ended before dark tomorrow." Wang Weiyi still said in a cold voice: "Every minute we delay here, Robbinstel's casualties will increase."

    "Yes, Marshal." Kalembu hesitated: "We have captured some prisoners, some of whom have surrendered, and I don't know what to do with the others."

    Wang Weiyi faced himAfter a quick glance, compared to his father Rommel, Kalembu's character was less courageous: "Karenbu, we will always capture many prisoners, and at such an extraordinary moment, we may have to use some extraordinary means.  History is always written by the victors.¡±

    "Yes, I understand." Kalembu saluted and strode out.

    Wang Weiyi looked back and found Heisenberg on the hospital bed looking directly at him. He walked to Heisenberg: "Is there anything you want to say, Colonel?"

    "Please help me kill all those Russians, Marshal." Although he was weak, Heisenberg still tried to speak in his loudest voice: "Many, many German soldiers died here, in front of my eyes, and  My good friends. I can't close my eyes because as long as I close my eyes, I can see them. Marshal, can you understand my pain?"

    "I can understand your pain, and I can also understand Germany's pain." Wang Weiyi said lightly: "We have tried our best to help the Russians, but they betrayed us. Any betrayal will make them pay a heavier price."  The price. So, Colonel Heisenberg, you can just close your eyes and sleep peacefully."

    Heisenberg let out a long breath. He believed that since the marshal promised the wine, he would definitely be able to do it!  (To be continued)
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