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Volume 2: My Country Nine Hundred and Fifty One.  Bloody battlefield

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    At this time, before the German counterattack began, the 151st Regiment of the Defense Army, which was basically composed of new recruits, also fell into a difficult battle under the enemy's attack.

    The 151st Regiment is responsible for the northeastern part of Berlin, which is the firing line.  We are the front line against the US military.  To this end, their new division commander, Lieutenant General Lai Menghe, specially brought 6 "Predator" guns from the rear.  Three of them are located at the rear of the 151st Regiment.

    At the same time, a small batch of "Model" assault guns were obtained, and then the SS Totenkopf Division transferred the 5th Panzer Grenadier Regiment.  Their regiment was reorganized into a reinforced regiment, and they specially brought a "Destroyer 3" tank company with 15 "Destroyer 3" tanks, an anti-tank battalion with 9 anti-tank guns, and 16 "Model" assault guns.  This is all the armor they have on hand, of course artillery is indispensable.  They spent the last few days digging anti-tank trenches outside the position and laying minefields along various roads.  They were ordered to hold on for five days.  The U.S. military¡¯s order was intercepted and translated:

    Conquer the German positions within 2 days,

    At noon, the US military finally arrived.  Countless heavy artillery bombarded the German positions for three hours.  Due to advance arrangements and obtaining intelligence from local personnel, the German troops were already in thick bunkers, and the casualties were not very large.

    It was under this situation that the U.S. Army marched toward the German army in a dense formation, with the infantry in front and tanks and artillery slowly advancing behind. At this time, the U.S. Army received a wrong intelligence: there was only an infantry regiment of the German Eighth Army here.  , the weapons are inferior, morale is low, and they collapse at the first touch.  It was under this circumstance that the US military launched the attack so easily.  Little did they know that there were already 16,000 German troops and nearly a thousand Nationalist troops waiting here.

    As an observer, Chuck saw from the 6x telescope that the U.S. military concentrated all its forces in the northeast, with the front row of infantry in a search formation, and the back row of tanks filled with infantry.

    At this time, everyone was in position, more than 200 assault rifles were all loaded, and the safety of the rest was also opened.  The ammunition hand transported boxes of grenades and iron fists to the fortifications covered with sandbags. The MG62 machine gun bullets in the iron boxes were drawn out and hung around the neck of the machine gunner.  Everyone was looking forward. The company commander himself was holding a sniper rifle and taking aim seriously.

    "Pa!" "Forward!"

    With the sound of a gunshot, the U.S. military rushed forward in a platoon.  The German position was as quiet as death.

    "Chuck, knock out the leader!" Company Commander Marx.  Miriam raised his head and shouted

    The crosshair was slowly aimed at him, and he was running anxiously forward. He looked very uneasy.

    "Lord, He is my God and refuge, my tower and deliverer" At a distance of 300 meters, with a weak westerly wind, Chuck moved the crosshair a small square.  The U.S. military had already rushed to a position less than 300 meters away from the German position, making killing cries that shook the earth.

    "!" There was a gunshot, and Chuck clearly saw from the scope that the bullet penetrated his helmet. The helmet was directly blown away. He fell to the ground and died.

    "Fire!" KO several MG62s into a fan, and the US troops were grouped into groups of 5

    A group of 5 products swept over the snipers from the flanks and the front. The sniper infantry killed more than 90 enemies in the first round of shooting, knocking down the enemies one after another. From behind, Zelp climbed to the side of a private house.  On the roof, holding a walkie-talkie:

    "The whole battalion fires at the front infantry, scale 75, to the left, 2 rounds in 1 company, high explosive and discharge!"

    Two 120mm high-explosive bombs exploded in the charging crowd of US troops, and a cloud of blood mist rose up.

    Zelp held up the bunny-ear observation scope.

    "Reduce the ruler by 5¡¤Fire the whole company in volley! Let's go!"

    Several KO shells flew towards the attacking troops who had suffered more than half of their casualties.

    "Lord, you are my shield!"

    "!" A U.S. soldier holding an M16 was shot dead by Chuck.

    "You are my strength, please help me"

    A soldier holding a grenade and preparing to throw it at the German front line was knocked down by a bullet the moment he was about to throw it. The grenade had already been fired.  Then the grenade blew up several of the surrounding KO's.

    "!!!" Chuck shot at the US military one after another. He had forgotten that he was a sniper.  When he fired all 6 magazines, he realized that he had not moved his position, but no one knew the sniper existed during the offensive battle.

    The first round of the US military's attack ended with the sound of machine gunfire.  All more than 400 people in the first echelon of the US military were killed, and no one was spared.  Miraculously, the German army suffered no casualties.

    During the battle, some people kept peeing and defecating, while others kept eating and chewing.  Several beautiful German girls brought hot soup and bread to the German boys. They were all young men in their 20s. Everyone felt itchy when they saw the beautiful girls.The young man held back a few witticisms in an attempt to get close to them, which elicited bursts of laughter and whistles.  When the officers saw this, they immediately rushed forward, drove the children back to their posts, and then went up to talk to them themselves.

    Some soldiers climbed out of the fortifications regardless of the danger and ran to the piles of American corpses in search of trophies.

    "Tanks! Attention, tanks!" Chuck shouted. At this time, nearly 20 M1 tanks lined up and drove towards the German army. This time, there were thousands of US troops, and there was probably an integrated regiment.

    "Everyone is in position, the infantry is on standby, and the artillery is firing. The armored forces are at full capacity to divert the U.S. troops from the frontal attack!" Hansheimer's command vehicle! issued such an order.  !

    "Let it go!" Three "Model" assault guns opened fire at the same time, and three M1 vehicles 1,200 meters away were destroyed on the spot. The fire in the distance attracted cheers from the German positions.

    Seeing this situation, the rest of the M1s immediately fired at full speed, ignoring the infantry and rushed over first.

    "Let it go!" There was another dull sound, and another M1 was destroyed.

    At this time, the M1 also opened fire, and the shells flew towards the German position more than 800 meters away.  Several machine gun points were silenced.  At the same time, the armored forces launched a pincer offensive from the east and north. The German anti-tank guns called out the M1s one by one, while the "Destroyer 3" tank company played a game with the US M1s.  It is impossible to penetrate the thick cement armor of the "Destroyer 3" tank from a distance of 1CCC meters.

    The terrifying power of the "Destroyer 3" tank gun made the M1 unable to fight back, and turned the M1 into a train with one shot.  After that, the M1 tried to use its high-speed performance to launch attacks at close range, but it paid the price of four vehicles being destroyed.  In this encounter, the German army won a complete victory. Only one "Destroyer 3" tank had its tracks interrupted and was unable to move and finally gave up. The rest of the armored units were unscathed.  The American infantrymen fled back to the rear.

    The U.S. military¡¯s coordinated infantry and tank operations also failed.  On this day, the U.S. military's daytime attack failed miserably, and the German army won a rare victory and boosted morale.  The division commander once announced that the German army could hold on for more than a month as long as it was well-supplied.

    But at this moment, the division commander received an order from the Army Headquarters: The west is besieged by the US military, continue to reinforce, and order all SS armored units and all armored vehicles under your command to go to the outskirts of the Western Front positions.  This was tantamount to shooting another bullet into a person who had just been scarred, but the German army could only do this.  No armor, no Destroyer 3 tanks, nothing.  They can only hope that the US military will not dare to attack rashly.

    At 11 o'clock that night, Chuck lurked on the bell tower of a church that had not been bombed in the suburbs. It was the commanding height of the entire position and had a 360-degree view. He looked at the dim starlight and thought of his parents and sister.  What a nice family.

    An SS soldier who recognized him from the battle climbed up to the bell tower, handed Chuck a lunch box of beef stew with potatoes and bread, and patted him on the shoulder: "We have to evacuate. There is really no other way." The SS soldier was very worried.  He said guiltily: "What you are doing is actually asking a tiger with all its teeth to fight with a pack of wild wolves"

    "There is no other way, we can only obey" Chuck shook his head.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Take care of yourself. I'll treat you to a drink after the battle" After saying that, he handed over a bottle of beer and conjured up two enamel cups. One bottle of beer was easily solved.

    The German soldiers of the 151st Regiment paid their highest respect to the armored soldiers who helped them tide over the difficulties without them.  These soldiers would have died on the position long ago. Without them, these soldiers would have been washed away by the torrent of US M1s and then run over by the tracks.

    That night it was so dark that I couldn't see my hands.  A young German sentry stood guard on the south side of town.

    "Who is it! Stop!" The soldier saw a dark figure running out of a private house.

    "!" The sentry raised his gun and started shooting.

    The black shadow disappeared on the horizon at an extremely fast speed, and he rushed out of the position.

    And Chuck was on top of the tower. From the moment the sentry finished shouting, he had been staring at the black figure with his binoculars.  He was obviously an enemy, obviously a spy or a traitor.

    "Report!" Chuck knocked on the door of the battalion commander's barracks. Hansheimer had already fallen asleep.  It's already past 12 o'clock in the evening.

    ¡°Batalion Commander, there¡¯s a situation.¡± Chuck shouted loudly.

    This moment woke up Hansheimer. He immediately softened his eyes and asked vaguely what was going on.

    "There was someone in the city just now who broke the curfew and rushed out of the city" Chuck said seriously.

    "Ah, you kid is really making a fuss out of a molehill. Maybe that guy just went to find a place to poop" After that, Hansheimer said again?Go back to bed.

    "But why didn't he come back and went in the direction of the US military?" Chuck stared at him and said.

    At this time, Haimo finally had some ideas.

    "you mean?"

    "Yes! That's what I meant"

    "Immediately order the entire group to assemble, and then act according to the BT plan"


    Then Hansheimer notified the division commander, who then ordered the entire division to quit smoking and prepare for battle.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Three hours later, rapid footsteps were heard outside the city.  There are more and more voices, more and more

    A U.S. assault group arrived 800 meters outside the position. The leading officer looked at the position with a telescope and saw that there was no alert.  So with a wave of his hand, thousands of commandos rushed out.  But it was still so quiet at this time.

    "Lord, you are my sword, you are my shield, you teach me how to fight!"

    The crosshairs were pointed at the officer who had just rushed into the inner city.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "!" The officer's head was blown open by his bullet, and his brains splattered.  At the same time, dozens of MG62s swept towards the US military from all directions, hundreds of grenades fell from the sky, and hundreds of kilograms of explosives around them also went off.  The U.S. Army's night attack was seen through by the Germans, but they used their trick to lure them in, close the door and beat the dogs. The rest of the 1st Battalion! The troops rushed out from all directions, with all their firepower, sweeping away the U.S. troops like dancers dancing in the strong wind.  , this regiment was annihilated by our German army.  The whole process lasted 40 minutes.  The ground was covered with the bodies of American troops.

    The U.S. military finally had enough patience and launched a group attack. Under the cover of countless artillery, the U.S. military began its final attack.

    "Everyone is ready to fight. The 151st Regiment is responsible for the northeast, suppressing the enemy's tanks. The 138th Regiment is responsible for the south. All the artillery regiments are dispersed to the gaps between each regiment, and all the artillery shells are fired. The 83rd Reconnaissance Brigade is responsible for guarding all commanding heights and arranging machine guns.  The 95th Anti-Tank Brigade is divided into two parts. One part coordinates with the 151st Regiment to the south, and the other is responsible for supporting the south of the 138th Regiment. The division preparation team is responsible for covering the retreat of the entire division after the enemy captures it." The division commander gave the order.  At this time, we can only fight like a trapped beast, trying to hold back the US military as much as possible.

    The shelling continued for another hour. At this time, the position had experienced five major large-scale shellings in the city, and the tower where Chuck was located had already collapsed.

    Facing more than 3 times the number of enemy troops, the new order given by the regiment commander to Chuck is no longer to attack enemy officers. Now it is to shoot as many enemy officers as possible. Generals are the best.  Chuck only had bullets in his hand, along with an MP submachine gun, five grenades, a pistol, and an engineer shovel.

    "Forward!!!" The enemy launched a regiment-sized charge and quickly came under the cover of the M1 tank!

    "Let go!" The "Model" assault gun sprayed angry shells. Three M1s were destroyed 1,200 meters away at the beginning. However, the fact was that the German army had less than 20 shells left, and the densely packed M1s were moving at high speed.  go ahead

    The assault gun fired at the US M1 one after another.

    At this time, the US military gave up its previous tactics of focusing on breakthroughs and switched to a full-scale attack.  Rushing in from all directions, the 138th Regiment's defense line was first torn apart by the enemy's M1, and soon the 138th Regiment retreated into various ruined buildings.  Using the commanding heights to suppress the enemy infantry with MG62, they continuously threw Molotov cocktails and destroyed nearly 12 tanks. However, the US military, regardless of casualties, attempted to surround the 151st Regiment from behind, which was resisting in the southeast.

    Chuck had forgotten all the essentials of sniping at this time. I just aimed, crosshair, and pulled the trigger. An infantryman was killed.  Aim, reticle, pull the trigger, another reticle, aim, pull the trigger accurately, all 150 rounds of rifle ammunition were fired in less than 2 hours.

    The U.S. military was coming from behind, and the 151st Regiment's defense line collapsed.  All German troops retreated into the building.

    After Chuck¡¯s ammunition was replenished, the 1st Battalion, 3rd Battalion, and artillery were all mixed together.  At this moment, I suddenly thought of a person - Zelp.

    "Have you seen Zelp? Is he the observer of the artillery regiment?"


    "Have you seen Zelp? Is he the observer of the artillery regiment?"



    "I didn't see it. Isn't he behind us?! Is he in the division's direct team?!"

    Everyone was resisting desperately. Wave after wave of American infantry rushed into civilian houses, and then they were blocked at the door by a fire net composed of dozens of MPs. The US Army charged again with a second wave, and their limbs were blown up by five grenades.  Fly, Chuck even found an enemy ringed hand at my feet.

    Chuck continued to run to high places for testing. The U.S. military had been sweeping away the German troops in the building, but?All ended in failure.

    Then the US artillery arrived.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The shells poured out crazily.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  That place was only 1 minute away from Chuck's retreat.

    Chuck jumped from one building to another. The enemy soldiers downstairs were shooting at me crazily. Chuck was not an invulnerable god of war. A bullet got into his boots, and he suddenly fell to the ground.  On the rubble of the ruins, at this moment, an American soldier who had just rushed upstairs saw a German soldier falling, and hit him with the butt of his gun. Chuck took out his pistol in desperation, "!!  !" The American soldier had three holes punched by him. He used the last strength of his body to strangle Chuck's neck, and with the most ferocious expression he had ever seen in his life, he died.

    Chuck lay on the ground gasping for breath in shock. Then several soldiers from the direct team came. Seeing him falling to the ground, two people helped him to the last German defense zone.

    At this time, everyone knew that they could no longer hold on.  They must break out!

    The 138th Regiment has been crippled by the US military, and a small number of broken troops have retreated toward the southwest. The 3rd Battalion of the 151st Regiment was all killed after being surrounded by the US military.  The surviving soldiers and officers of the 1st and 2nd Battalions were with Chuck, and the division team had held the eastern front where they were now.

    Chuck's foot was hit by a ricochet in the tendon. The ambulance soldier took it out with pliers, sprinkled some ammonia yellow powder, and tied the bandage. It was healed, but at this time his foot was no longer able to walk, but in the face of this  situation where they must retreat.

    At 1 o'clock in the evening, they forcibly broke through the US military's defense line and broke through from the south. Of course, they paid 5 lives for this.  When they broke through the encirclement, they found that there were only 600 people left.  Of course, many troops had fallen out of combat order, but no one expected it to be so miserable.

    But this cruel battle has just begun!
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