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Volume 2: My Country Nine Hundred and Fifty Three.  Damn football!

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    Storm - sweeping across the Berlin battlefield!  !

    This is the largest counterattack launched after Wang Weiyi's return, and this counterattack will also lay the cornerstone of the entire Berlin defense war.

    All the forces available to Berlin were thrown into the battlefield.

    The first to be hit by the Allies was the French 29th Infantry Division, and the first to be destroyed was also this French unit.

    You can¡¯t say that Avino and his French soldiers didn¡¯t try their best. Most of them fought until the last moment. There are actually many reasons for the failure.

    But no matter what, they failed in the end.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    After Colonel Qi Rang surrendered, General Avino had actually lost any possibility of winning.  The only thing he can do now is one thing:

    Continue to fight to the end or surrender.

    In fact, Avino had already thought of this answer when the German army began to launch a counterattack.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Continue fighting?  After losing so much of the main force, it was simply impossible.

    Surrender may be a shame for a soldier, but it also has an advantage. It can protect your soldiers to the greatest extent.

    He is a soldier, not an executioner. He will never remain stubborn when defeat is determined.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    ¡° Moreover, he also had an idea that was unknown to him. He wanted to study the German army at a close distance to see why they were able to win despite being at such a disadvantage.

    After the war is over, all prisoners of war will be released sooner or later, and by that time, they may be able to realize their dreams:

    Be a screenwriter!  Express war in the most realistic way in front of everyone through movies

    At 2:30 pm on March 21, 1966, Major General Avino, commander of the French 29th Infantry Division, ordered the officers and soldiers of the entire division to stop resisting and surrender to the Germans.

    And he himself also contacted the German troops who had assaulted his division headquarters at 2:40 and announced his surrender.

    The surrender of the 29th Infantry Division caught the Allied headquarters by surprise, completely disrupting their entire deployment.  Allied Commander-in-Chief Westmoreland angrily accused Avino of being a "coward and traitor" who betrayed the interests of the Allied forces with his own selfish motives.

    But in the face of Westmoreland¡¯s accusations, Avino had a clear conscience and wrote in his postwar memoirs:

    "Some people think that I am a traitor and a coward, but I have never regretted the decision I made that day At that time, I actually had another option, which was to abandon my troops and surrender alone, but I gave up this option because  £®This is the behavior of a true coward. £®  I will be criticized for a long time, but I think I made the best decision."

    Yes, surrender is not a shameful act in certain periods of time.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    What makes Westmoreland angry is that the rhythm on the battlefield has been controlled by the Germans.  After the surrender of the French 29th Infantry Division, the left flank of the Allied frontline troops was opened.  The U.S. 2nd Armored Cavalry Division became the main target of the German army.

    At 3:00 pm on the 21st, the German supreme commander Ernst.  Marshal Brahm issued the order for a general offensive:

    For the final victory of Germany - move forward!

    This is a shocking battle, this is a storm that makes the earth tremble!

    All senior German officers appeared on the front line and fought without hesitation to fulfill Marshal Ernst's orders.

    The one standing at the front is still the pride of Germany - the Skeleton Division.

    This unit, laden with German honor, showed an unstoppable momentum from the very beginning of the counterattack.

    They have every right to be proud of themselves.  During the most difficult period of the Berlin Defense War, their old commander, Ernst.  Marshal Brahm fought with them all the time.

    And when the counterattack began, Ernst.  Marshal Brahm is still on the assault road with them!

    Countless tanks appeared on the battlefield, and countless assault guns advanced with the brave soldiers.

    As their old rival, Lieutenant General Corrett of the U.S. 2nd Armored Cavalry Division had an extreme headache.

    Since the offensive and defensive battle of Berlin, he has seen victory countless times, but the Germans have dashed such hopes countless times.  He was under pressure from Allied headquarters and at home, and he had little power left.There is no way out.

    If he can barely find an excuse for the first failure, then if the second carefully prepared offensive and defensive battle of Berlin fails again, he will lose all face.

    What is the most important thing about being a soldier?  That is their unshakable glory!

    Originally, the Italian Acmot Armored Division was also under the command of Lieutenant General Corrett. However, out of contempt and distrust of the Italian army, Lieutenant General Corrett never used this armored division after the battle broke out.  A troop.  However, the current situation is completely unreasonable, and Lieutenant General Corrett had to activate the Italian Acmot Armored Division.

    When receiving the order, the Italian general Tachivona was a little complacent. These arrogant Americans always thought how great they were. Now, should they finally bow to the Italians?

    Let them see what Italians are really capable of!

    General Tachivona's courage is commendable - he ignored a small problem: the combat effectiveness and combat determination of the troops!

    When General Tachivona issued the battle order, the Italian officers and soldiers of the Acmont Armored Division were playing a game that is popular around the world and is also the favorite game of Italians:


    This is a tradition of the division. There is always a football match held every year, and the winner will receive a commemorative cup signed by the division commander.

    The competition between the 7th Armored Brigade and the 8th Armored Brigade is in full swing. In the previous year's competition, Brigadier General Naz's 7th Armored Brigade unfortunately lost to the 8th Armored Brigade commanded by Brigadier General Walvona.  Time, the officers and soldiers of the 7th Armored Brigade must endure the ridicule and sarcasm of the 8th Armored Brigade every day.

    Failure on the battlefield is not a big deal, losing a football match is the most important thing.

    After receiving the order from General Tachivona, the game had entered the second half, and the 7th Armored Brigade led 1:0.

    There were still 30 minutes left for the game to end. Brigadier General Walvona of the 8th Armored Brigade asked: "Mr. Naz, are you really ready to finish the game?"

    "Yes, Mr. Walvona." Natsu touched his beautiful mustache: "If you are afraid of losing the game, I am willing to carry out the general's order now."

    "There are still 30 minutes left before the game ends, Mr. Naz." Volvona said coldly: "There will always be a killer shot before the game ends."

    So, the two Italian generals temporarily forgot about the order to send troops.

    A moment of ecstasy occurred for Volvona. Just as he predicted, in the 89th minute of the game, the 8th Armored Brigade scored a goal!


    The whistle ended the game.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Naz was obviously not satisfied with this result: "Do you think we should have overtime, Mr. Walvona?"

    Walvona's self-confidence was completely inspired by the end of the game: "Of course, Mr. Naz."

    While the U.S. 2nd Armored Cavalry Division was waiting for reinforcements, the overtime of the Akmot Armored Division football game began.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    ¡°Have the Italians not arrived yet?¡±

    "Yes, General, the Italians haven't arrived yet!"

    "Damn it, what are they doing? Call Tachivona again and order him to send troops immediately, immediately!"

    The irritable General Koret couldn't help but roar.

    ¡°What the hell are these Italians doing?  Don't they know that the battlefield has reached its most critical moment?  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    ¡°General, Commodore Naz and Commodore Walvona are conducting our traditional, 11th internal football match.¡±

    "Ah, this is our unique tradition." General Tachivona did not blame his subordinates because of the military emergency: "What is the score now?"

    "The 8th Armored Brigade scored a goal in the 21st minute of overtime, and now they lead 2:1. You know, in the 89th minute of the main game, the 7th Armored Brigade still led 1:0.  ¡±

    "Poor Natsu, is he going to lose again this time?" Tachivona felt sorry for his subordinates: "Tell them to go into battle as soon as the game is over. Those arrogant Americans can't wait.  "

    Tacivona picked up his pipe. What a great subordinate. He still did not forget his traditions even in such a fierce battle.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Marshal, the Canadians have been defeated, and now we are continuing to attack the US 2nd Armored Cavalry Division!"

    Wang Weiyi¡¯s eyes fell to the ground.Above: "Which Allied force is closest to Koret?"

    ¡°Italian Acmont Armored Division.

    "Strange, why haven't they entered the battlefield yet?" Wang Weiyi murmured.

    Although he was not worried about the Italians' combat effectiveness at all, it was an armored division after all. If they appeared on the battlefield at this time, they could still buy some time for the Americans.

    What are the Italians doing?  Are they as timid as before, or do the Allies have other plans?

    "Order to closely monitor the movements of the Italians, and order all troops to immediately and continuously launch attacks on the US military!" Wang Weiyi decided to temporarily put aside his doubts.

    No matter how wise the German marshal is, he would never dream that the Italians are having a football match.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The score was finally settled at 2:1. Following the last time, Walvona's 8th Brigade once again defeated Naz's 7th Brigade.

    Walvona was elated, and the officers and soldiers of the 8th Brigade cheered as if they had achieved a great victory.

    And Natsu was extremely angry, he didn¡¯t want to see the villain Walvona succeed.

    "Well, the game is over, I think we should go and help those poor Americans." The proud Walvona was in a good mood.

    "I hope your troops will perform as well as they do on the football field." Natsu said these words sarcastically.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "The Canadian Infantry Regiment has been defeated." Ryan, the chief of staff of the US 2nd Armored Division, hurriedly walked in: "General, our team is under great pressure."

    "Where are the Italians? Where are the Italians now?" Koret roared unbearably.

    "I just found out what they are doing" Ryan said hesitantly: "They are playing the kth football game"

    Koret was completely dumbfounded: "You, what did you say?"

    "They are in the 11th football match." Ryan said with difficulty: "And it has just been completed. They should probably send troops now, right?"

    Koret sat down slowly. He didn't know whether he should cry or laugh now.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    When they were in the most difficult situation and needed help the most, those damn Italians were actually having a football match?

    God, how on earth did you create these hateful Italians when you created human beings?

    If he had the right again, he vowed to send all Italians to the gallows.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Order." Koret barely suppressed his inner anger: "The 3rd Armored Brigade, resisting at positions G1 to G3, orders the 4th Armored Brigade to move closer to me. Order, all the 7th and 8th Infantry Regiments  Enter the battle. . Get the Marines to move closer to me and tell him we need air support.  £®Let Marshal Tasot put pressure on the Italians£®

    He already had a feeling of collapse.  He vowed that if there was another war, he would never cooperate with the Italians again.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The Skeleton Division didn¡¯t know why their attack went so smoothly, just like Ernst.  Marshal Brahm didn't know why the Italians didn't react at all.

    Their attack speed was extremely fast. After defeating a Canadian infantry regiment, they were able to directly launch a general attack on the US military.

    The combat effectiveness of the Americans cannot be underestimated. During the long war, they have grown rapidly.  Because even if they face a passive situation, they can still resist tenaciously.

    In the sky, the U.S. military also relied on its numerical advantage to tenaciously compete with the German Air Force for air supremacy. As for the artillery assistance on the ground, it never stopped for a moment.

    This is Germany¡¯s most powerful enemy, Wang Weiyi thought in his heart.

    Yes, he had clearly seen this during World War II. It was precisely because of this willingness that he tried every means to prevent the United States from intervening in the European war.

    But after he left, everything became different.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    It¡¯s time to bring order to the chaos.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    ¡°General Tatziwana, secret telegram from home.¡±

    A telegram was delivered to General Tachivona. He read it briefly.He frowned, and then frowned together. After a long time, he issued a new order: "Have all troops stop advancing and stand by on the spot!"

    "What, stand by on the spot?" the chief of staff asked in confusion: "Coret is waiting hard for our arrival, and just now, Allied Commander-in-Chief Westmoreland also personally gave you  The order was given."

    Tachivona looked to the side and lowered his voice: "Chief of Staff, my friend, the situation may change.

    ? Perhaps it is possible for Italy to withdraw from this war.  "

    The chief of staff took a breath of air. God, how could such a thing happen?

    "We are not those politicians who will not know the truth" Taqiwater burned the telegram in his hand: "Let the country solve the troublesome things. All we have to do is obey the orders.  ¡±

    At this moment, he felt a kind of relief in his heart.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Once on the battlefield, the enemy they have to face is the Germans.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    From World War I to World War II to the current war, has the Italian army been able to win even one victory from the Germans?

    Now that domestic orders have saved the Akmot Armored Division, they have also saved themselves.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "So, what should we explain to the Americans?" the chief of staff asked hesitantly.

    "Why should we care about the attitude of Americans?" Taqiwater took out his handmade pipe, put in the tobacco and took a deep breath.  Despite this, he was still a little worried in his heart: "Go tell Koret, just say that we have a serious problem with our fuel Ah, no, just say that we were attacked by the Germans  £®£®Let them hold on until we defeat the Germans£®

    Touchwater is ready to give up on those Americans.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The Akmot Armored Division stopped its attack, and the poor US 2nd Armored Cavalry Division still doesn¡¯t know it. They are still waiting bitterly for the arrival of Italian reinforcements.

    This may be the strangest scene in the war.

    And it is undoubtedly the Italians who created this "feat".  In countless wars, the Italians have always done countless jaw-dropping things.  This time is no exception.

    Anyway, betraying your allies is nothing new to them!
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