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Volume 2: My Country Nine Hundred and Sixty-Five.  Elimination of political opponents

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    The temptation of the "second revolution" is very tempting for Manusia and his companions.

    They believed that the fruits of victory they had created had been completely deprived of them, and that they had been shamelessly betrayed.  If such contradictions were not intensified originally, then with the emergence of "Mr. Moyol", they have reached the point of being irreconcilable.

    As the initiator of the "Turin Uprising", Manusia still has great prestige in the minds of Roman citizens, especially the workers.

    He began to secretly communicate with each other. He could not stand the great dictator Vittorio.  Mussolini could not get the justice he deserved, and it was even more intolerable that he could leave Italy and spend the rest of his life freely.  He had to stop this from happening.

    And all Italian workers and ordinary citizens will be his greatest support.

    A new revolution is quietly underway.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    At this time, the former Italian ruler Vittorio.  Mussolini was also preparing to leave Rome and Italy.

    He received support from the "Turinists", those who overthrew his origins.

    Catadona was not sympathetic to Mussolini. Mussolini¡¯s life and death had nothing to do with him. He was just out of consideration for himself.

    Judging from the current situation in Italy, interim President Betrul has a great upper hand in the upcoming elections, and Vittorio's existence-especially after he leaves Rome, he will be able to pass various measures through various means.  It will cause huge trouble to Bertrul and thus destroy Bertrul's electoral dream.

    So they must help Vittorio at all costs.  Mussolini left the city.

    What¡¯s strange is that while they were making intensive preparations, Bertrul seemed to be completely kept in the dark.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The plan seems to be going very smoothly. Catadona and Giorgio, the leaders of the former "Republic of Turin", are all involved in it, and they are all secretly colluding for Vittorio's departure.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    On April 6, 1966, two black cars quietly left Vittorio.  Mussolini's residence, driving quickly away from Rome.

    However, when the car was driving halfway, an unexpected situation suddenly occurred:

    Countless Italians suddenly appeared on the streets, and the way forward was completely blocked.

    The two cars had to stop moving.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The guards in the car in front jumped out in panic and raised their weapons.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    But they found that they were facing a group of unarmed civilians, and they were at a loss for a while.

    The Italians blocking the road did not express their emotions or express emotions. They just looked at the gun-wielding guards silently.

    Silence is sometimes the scariest thing.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The crowd parted, and then the Italian workers¡¯ leaders Catadona, Nadov and Bejahinyuk walked out step by step.

    "Put down your weapons." Catadona said in a calm voice: "Don't point your weapons at your compatriots."

    The guards became even more panicked.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  But they didn't have the courage to pull the trigger anyway.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Put down your weapons!" Catadona repeated his words again: "We are here for Italy's freedom and fairness, we are here for Italy's future. If you really want to shoot, please shoot me.  On my body, all of it!¡±

    After saying that, he took a step forward.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The guard took a step back.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  And those Italians also followed Catadona and took a step forward.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    No police showed up, not a single policeman showed up.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "We are responsible for protecting the safety of the people in the car behind" A guard said with difficulty: "Please don't stop us"

    "We know who is sitting in the car behind." Catadona had no intention of giving in: "Vittorio Mussolini, the chief culprit who caused Italy to suffer. He wanted to run abroad.  Go and continue to destroy our country and we will never allow this to happen. The executioner must be punished. Now you can make a choice, Mr. Guard, either get out of the way or become Vittorio.  The same murderer.

    The guard looked at each other blankly, then sighed and threw away the weapon in his hand.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The companions beside him looked at each other, and then made the same action as him.  £®  £®  £®  ???£®

    How many people could they kill?  They don't want to be torn to pieces by the angry crowd.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Long live the revolution!" A loud cry rang out.

    "Long live the revolution!" All Italians burst into cheers!

    Nadov led dozens of people to surround the car. The door of the car was locked and they shook the car vigorously.  After a while, the driver of the car opened the door and chose to surrender.

    The arrogant Vittorio.  Mussolini, his wife and two children were dragged from the car.  This great dictator who once wielded huge power is now in a state of disarray.

    It has completely lost its former charm.

    He was about to beg, but these "revolutionaries" did not give him any chance to speak.  He and his family were thrown to the ground, and then countless pairs of angry fists and feet fell on them.  !Sounds of screams sounded here, and huge cheers also sounded here!  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Vittorio probably never imagined that he would be in this situation.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    ¡°Bring the Italian executioner!¡± Manuscia finally stopped the angry crowd.

    Vittorio, whose face was covered with blood, was brought in front of him. Manusia stared at him coldly: "Tell us all your crimes yourself, sinner of Italy! Tell us how you harmed this country and how  Who helped you try to leave this country?"

    "Yes, I will tell you everything" The survival instinct and selfish desire made Vittorio dare not hide anything at all, so he told the other party everything he wanted to know.

    He doesn¡¯t care who he betrays, he himself is a betrayer.  He even hopes that more people will face the same fate as him.

    Anyway, those who helped him escape also participated in the "rebellion" that overthrew him.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Hang him! Hang him!" When Vittorio told everything he knew and signed his name on his crime, the people's extremely angry cries rang out again.

    Manusia listened coldly to the people¡¯s cries and stared coldly at the trembling Vittorio. When the cries calmed down a little, he made his final verdict:

    "Hang him!"

    No matter how much Vittorio begged, he could not change what happened.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Late at night on April 6, 1966, former Italian President for Life Vittorio.  Mussolini attempted to flee Rome, but was captured by Italians who had been informed in advance.  In the early morning of April 7, Vittorio.  Mussolini, his wife and two children were hanged in the Via Roma.

    From beginning to end, no police officers were present.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    This once great dictator of Italy has finished his life.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    But things didn¡¯t end like this.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    In Vittorio's confession before his death, Italy's former heroic President Catadonna of the "Republic of Turin" and his confidants were accused by Vittorio of assisting him in escaping from Rome in exchange for helping the "Turinists"  ¡± supported the attack on interim President Betrul.

    Catadona and his "Turin faction" were suddenly at the forefront, and they became the target of public criticism!

    Italians angrily denounced the heroes of the uprising whom they supported so much not long ago. They once again took to the streets to protest, demanding that the government immediately investigate the matter thoroughly and bring all participants to justice.

    Bertrul, who had been so numb during Vittorio's escape, suddenly became more responsive.

    On the afternoon of April 7, he announced the establishment of a "Special Investigation Committee" with full power to investigate the matter.  At the same time, he also announced that Prime Minister Catadona and more than ten people in the government cabinet are temporarily unable to perform their duties due to "physical reasons."

    Catadona and his companions were placed under house arrest.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Congratulations, Mr. President." In the presidential office, Wang Weiyi smiled: "You have successfully eradicated your political opponents and given Italy hope again."

    "No, all of this should be attributed to you, Mr. Moyol." Bertrul said with a smile on his face: "I would never have been able to do this without your help."

    "The interrogation of Catadona and his associates must be carried out as soon as possible" Wang Weiyi quickly put away his smile: "The sooner the better, otherwise the United States may interfere. And I personally suggest  , the interrogation will be conducted in secret. By the time the Americans react, Catadona and his associates have already been charged with treason.And was sentenced to death.  "

    Bertrul hesitated: "But will a secret trial cause some unnecessary trouble?"

    "Mr. President, when you sit in this position, trouble will always be with you." Wang Weiyi said calmly: "What an outstanding leader wants is how to deal with these troubles rather than being afraid of facing them."

    Bertrul nodded slowly.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Yes, if you want to succeed, you must use an iron fist.  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "I understand what happened to Mr. Moyol." Bertrul let out a long breath: "The trial will be completed within three days. Ah, I mean including shooting."

    "Look, this is what a president should do." The smile returned to Wang Weiyi's face: "However, you still have a problem, Manucia and those labor leaders."

    Bertrul quickly understood what the other party meant: "Yes, this matter has always troubled me. They have high prestige among workers and citizens. But you just said that a good leader should  How to face difficulties and deal with them. £®

    "Our cooperation is always so pleasant." Wang Weiyi raised the cup in his hand: "I have helped you accomplish everything you want. I think it will soon be time for you to repay me."

    Bertrul fully understood what the other party was saying, and no one would help him for no reason.  It is quite difficult and very dangerous to fulfill the orders of "Mr. Moyol", but offending "Mr. Moyol" may be even more dangerous.

    He had been full of doubts before, whether "Mr. Moyol" could fulfill the promise he made, but in such a short period of time, he really did it.

    So since he can overthrow the rule of Vittorio Fansolini, he can also easily overthrow himself.  Once he fails to complete the task assigned to him, the ending he faces may be even more tragic than Vittorio's.

    "I am willing to serve you anytime, anywhere, Mr. Moyol." Now, Bertrul bets all his money on Mr. Moyol: "I am waiting for your call."

    Wang Weiyi was very satisfied with the other party's attitude: "I will give you new instructions at any time, Mr. President, and I hope you can sit in this position as long as possible. Italy has lost a dictator, and they need another dictator."  ¡±

    Bertrul¡¯s eyes shone brightly.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    On April 10, 1966, after the briefest interrogation, Catadona, Nadov and more than ten people were tried in secret by a temporary secret court and sentenced to death for "treason".

    Catadona never expected such a result. He would have been sentenced to a few years in prison at most, and then he could find a way out.

    He didn¡¯t even have any chance to defend himself.

    Bertrul didn¡¯t want to give them any chance at all.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  On the day the sentence was pronounced, twelve people headed by Catadona were secretly executed!

    Catadona has finished his life.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Twelve hours after the execution, the Italian government announced the incident to the country, which shocked Italy and the international community.

    The reaction is completely different.

    Italy is cheering for joy. They don¡¯t care in what form the ¡°traitors¡± are executed. They only want to see the ¡°traitors¡± get the punishment they deserve.

    Rather than being weakened by this incident, Bertrul's reputation has been greatly strengthened.

    But this is not what the US government wants to see.  After Vittorio, Bertrul eliminated another of his opponents, and he executed him secretly, without even notifying the US government in advance.

    Maybe Bertrul is a more difficult guy to control than Vittorio.  £®  £®  £®  £®

    However, Betrul quickly summoned Mr. Denton, the U.S. Ambassador to Rome. He confessed to the ambassador that he was under great pressure and had to make such a move, hoping to gain understanding from the United States.

    He then reiterated the alliance between Italy and the United States, and stated that he would form a new legion to enter Germany as soon as possible and work more closely with the Allies.

    Denton had no idea of ??the other party¡¯s true purpose. To be honest, he didn¡¯t trust this new Italian leader.

    But without further instructions from Washington, Denton had no better way.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    After temporarily appeasing the United States, Bertrul decided to take action against another force that prevented him from gaining all power in Italy:

    That is??Nusiya, these workers¡¯ leaders!

    On April 12, 1966, the newly established "Italian Workers' Progressive Party" with Manuscia as its leader held its second meeting to discuss the future situation in Italy and to confirm that the "Workers' Party" would recommend Manuscia to participate in the upcoming election.  Presidential election.

    At this time, they are full of confidence in their future.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    While they were having a heated discussion, a member of the Workers' Party made an excuse and left the venue, leaving a black briefcase at his feet.

    Fifteen minutes after he left, a violent explosion suddenly occurred at the venue.

    Seven people including Manuccia and Nadov, the leaders of the "Italian Workers' Progressive Party" who were closest to the violent explosion point, were killed on the spot. Beyashniuk, who stood up to pour water temporarily, was seriously injured.  He passed away a few hours after being sent to the hospital for rescue efforts.

    This terrible incident quickly shocked the whole of Italy. The Italian people demanded that the government investigate the matter immediately and find the murderer as soon as possible.  President Betrul issued a statement immediately, asking the Italian people to maintain maximum calm and restraint, and the government will solve the case in the shortest possible time.

    On this point, Bertrul did what he said.  The day after the bombing, an Italian named Tolia was captured. He frankly confessed that he was the perpetrator of the murder.  The reason is also very simple, he is Vittorio.  A follower of Mussolini, he had been involved in the organization of the labor movement very early. After Vittorio was hanged, he vowed to avenge his leader.  That's why he single-handedly caused this murder.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Tolia was subsequently sentenced to death, but the perpetrator of this murder was not worried because President Bertrul had promised him that he would find a scapegoat for him, and then he would be quietly arranged to Switzerland.  He will receive an extremely generous reward.

    It¡¯s a pity that Tolia is too naive, and Bertrul will never let anyone who might reveal this secret go.  In prison, Tolia suddenly died suddenly.  The Italian government's public explanation is that Toglia's associates sent him the poison.  The investigation of his accomplices is also in full swing.

    As time goes by, this matter will eventually come to nothing.  Bertrul eliminated his enemies one after another. Now, the situation in Italy has gradually been controlled by him, the whole of Italy!

    One great dictator has fallen, and another great dictator is quietly emerging!
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