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Volume 2: My Country Nine Hundred and Seventy-six.  Clean

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    The failure of the 12th Army has entered a countdown to the defeat of the Russian army in Ukraine.

    The two wings of the Russian 11th and 15th Group Armies have been completely exposed to artillery attacks by the German-Ukrainian coalition forces. This is a situation that almost all Russian officers do not want to see.

    General Volonkatsky, who suffered the humiliation of defeat, did not choose to surrender or escape, but bravely returned to the presence of Grand Duke Grigory of Beltowska.

    He is willing to take any form of responsibility for this failure.

    The failure of the 12th Army made the originally full of fantasy Grigory's face become deformed with anger. The appearance of Volon Katzky just allowed him to vent all his grievances on the Russian general.

    "I am willing to take all responsibility for this" Warren Katzky did not have much fear in front of the Grand Duke: "But now our situation has reached a very critical moment"

    "This is not a problem you should consider!" Gregory interrupted him angrily: "If the enemy hits me, what I can do is to die with the enemy, instead of surrendering like you!"

    "I did not surrender, Your Excellency the Grand Duke!" Volonkatzky replied calmly.

    Gregory was immediately irritated. He hated anyone contradicting him, and his voice suddenly rose: "No, you surrendered. Although you did not surrender yourself, your subordinates surrendered shamelessly. You must  Responsible for all this! Deserter, you are a shameful deserter! If we have to accept the bitter consequences of failure, I swear, I will personally take you to a military court and hang you in front of me!"

    The Grand Duke of Berstoka seems to have fallen into a state of madness. He has shifted all the responsibilities to General Volonkatsky. For this, even his cronies, the Chief of General Staff of the Russian Army, many  Marshal Nasky also disapproved.

    As a soldier, he knew that General Warren Katzky had done what he could

    Any general would have suffered the same result.  But how could he persuade the Grand Duke?

    The Grand Duke must find a scapegoat for this failure.

    General Volenkatsky still stood there upright, he was not afraid of big tools at all.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  No, maybe he was afraid before, but now he has nothing to lose.  His men died and surrendered, and the entire 12th Army was almost finished. He felt that he had a responsibility and the need to try to get some fair treatment for those men:

    "Your Majesty the Grand Duke, failure is indeed unbearable, but the reasons for failure are multifaceted. The equipment and combat quality of the German army far exceed ours. I must admit that compared with the German army, we are not at the same level at all  £®

    With these words, Gregory was quite satisfied. At least when facing domestic public opinion after the defeat, he could shift all the responsibility to the enemy's overpowering.

    But the following words of Warren Katzky seriously angered Gregory:

    "Your Majesty the Grand Duke, in addition to objective reasons, I think there are also serious problems in our command For example, when the rebels attack, we should not blindly hide in the trenches to defend  £®

    Gregory was angry again. Warren Katzky had objected to his war decision before, and now he brought it up again. This was a slap in his face.

    "That's enough, shut up!" Gregory almost roared and interrupted the other party: "Are you accusing me? What qualifications does a failed general have to accuse me? You lost the position,  The 12th Army was also destroyed in your hands, and you actually want to accuse a noble grand duke? Have you forgotten your identity? You are just a vulgar and rude guy!"

    Warren Katzky closed his mouth tightly.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  If the Grand Duke insults a soldier like this, what hope does this country have?

    Gregory walked back and forth for a few steps and suddenly stopped: "You Warren Katzky, from now on you will be deprived of all military ranks. Go to the 11th Army and I will give orders to General Dahlgrenff. You will serve as a  A machine gunner to atone for your sins!"

    The flesh on Marshal Donarsky¡¯s face jumped rapidly on one ear.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Yes, I accept your order, Your Excellency the Grand Duke!" Warren Katzky said calmly: "Whether I am a general or an ordinary soldier, I will fight to the end for the honor of the military!"

    After saying that, he saluted the Grand Duke and then strode away.This disappointing place.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Your Majesty the Grand Duke, I have never doubted any of your decisions." Marshal Donarsky said with some difficulty: "However, for Volenkatzky's failure, you can send him to a military court or even shoot him  It would be a huge insult to anyone to let a general serve as a machine gunner."

    "Mr. Marshal, this is my final decision!" Gregory said coldly: "He must pay for his mistakes, no one is an exception. I will not shoot him, because I want everyone to pay the price."  See what happens after failure. Mr. Marshal, if we don¡¯t take such a move, everyone will think that failure is nothing!¡±

    Donarski sighed in his heart, maybe the Grand Duke will soon regret his decision!

    "The form of the battle is not optimistic." Gregory ignored his subordinates' thoughts at all: "The Germans and those traitors have launched an attack on both our wings. Do you have any good solutions?"

    Marshal Donarsky cheered up: "On our two wings are the elite 11th and 15th armies. Their commanders are also brave and wise. I hope to be able to resist the enemy here for more than a month. The situation in Ukraine  will change quickly. At the same time, we should also order domestic reinforcements to be sent immediately to alleviate the current critical situation.

    Of course, Allied support is also essential.  Your Excellency, the Grand Duke, I suggest that you call the Allied General Headquarters immediately and ask them to launch another attack on Berlin.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  "

    Gregory nodded slowly: "Very good, just do what you said."

    Marshal Donarsky let out a long sigh in his heart. In fact, retreating at this time is the clearest choice.  But His Excellency the Grand Duke will never agree.

    He needs to win, even if it seems so far away.

    Even, there is no way to achieve the so-called victory.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    On the frontal battlefield at this moment, with the collapse of the Russian 12th Army, the initiative in the battle situation has been firmly controlled by Wang Weiyi.

    The Russians have no way to organize an attack anymore. The only thing the German-Ukrainian forces have to do now is to fully grasp the victory as soon as possible.

    The German troops who arrived in Ukraine were welcomed by the local Ukrainians, who took the initiative to send supplies and food to the German troops, which also solved a big problem for the Germans.

    In Ukraine, there are pro-German factions and there are pro-Russian factions.  However, judging from historical origins, the pro-German faction is still more powerful.  Especially after Marshal Korkorok returned to Ukraine

    The power of public opinion has been widely mobilized. The throat of public opinion controlled by Marshal Korkorok has begun to continuously channel the grievances between Ukraine and Russia, constantly instilling in Ukrainians the idea of ??how Russia uses despicable means.  Russia seized Ukraine and launched a bloody crackdown on Ukraine's many movements for national independence.

    Of course, in this war of public opinion, Germany¡¯s past help to Ukraine is constantly mentioned.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Not only that, Marshal Korkorok also quickly controlled the representatives of the staunch pro-Russian faction.  He would never allow any accidents to occur at a critical moment in the war.

    Wang Weiyi was very satisfied with everything Marshal Korkorok did: "War is not just about fighting. Everything determines whether we can win. The pro-Russian faction can't give us anything but trouble.  Marshal Korkorok, I think you will become a very good politician, not just a soldier."

    A smile appeared on Marshal Korkorok's face: "I'm just doing what I should do Baron, to be honest, even if those pro-Russian elements are under our surveillance they  They are not acting honestly, and some are trying to incite rebellion from the country. They are not real Ukrainians.¡±

    "Then what are you going to do, Marshal?" Wang Weiyi asked calmly.

    "I have been thinking about a question, why are there so many pro-Russian elements in Ukraine." Kolkorok said coldly: "Before World War II and after the end of the war, whether it was the Bolshevik government or the current  The governments of both countries have brutally suppressed Ukraine's calls for independence. They did not allow any opposition to arise, and any call for Ukrainian independence would be brutally suppressed by the Ukrainian independence movement in 1955.  A large number of leaders were massacred.?Arrested and secretly shot without trial.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  I think as the voices of opposition become more and more numerous, there will be more and more traitors.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  "

    Having said this, he glanced at the Baron: "Since our enemies can use suppression to annihilate the voice of opposition, then I think we can also adopt the same method."

    Wang Weiyi smiled meaningfully: "How you treat the country is your business, and Germany will not interfere. But no matter what happens, Germany will always be your strongest support."

    This is exactly the answer Marshal Kolkorok wants.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  He must make all opposition voices disappear and lay a good foundation for the establishment of the future Ukrainian regime.

    Now, the Baron and the German government he leads have clearly stood on his side.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    ¡°It would be very scary for any country to undergo an internal purge, especially for generals like Kolkorok who came from the former Soviet Union and knew the power of purges better.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He had been prepared for a long time. With the acquiescence of Baron Alexson, the terrible purge in Ukraine finally began.

    Those pro-Russian elements who had been secretly monitored before were quickly arrested.  Among them is the famous Ukrainian social activist Takimir.

    Everyone knows that Takimir is a pro-Russian social activist. After the outbreak of the Ukrainian uprising, Takimir visited Marshal Korkorok many times and believed that we should not fight for it in this way.  For Ukraine's independence, it should start dialogue with the Russian government and resolve disputes through negotiation to avoid the bloodshed of the Ukrainian people.

    This person has many supporters. After Takimir was placed under house arrest, about a hundred of his supporters spontaneously moved around Takimir's house to prevent him from being harmed.

    During this period, Takimir also expressed his views on the situation in Ukraine through various channels, and most of these views were unfavorable to the Ukrainian interim government.

    Marshal Kolkorok has long regarded this man as a thorn in his side.

    Now, it¡¯s time to get rid of him.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The great victory on April 26 provided Kolkorok with such a golden opportunity.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    His popularity has reached a new peak in Ukraine, and his followers are becoming more and more numerous.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    After getting the tacit approval of Baron Alexson, Marshal Kolkorok took action on the night of the 26th.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Ukrainian military police and a large number of soldiers appeared near Takimir's house along with two tanks.  The loudspeakers constantly urged Takimir's supporters to leave this place within an hour, otherwise, they will be responsible for all the consequences.

    "They are about to take action." Listening to the loudspeaker outside, Takimir said to his student Lovlkosky: "In an hour, maybe something terrible will happen."

    "Then please leave here immediately." Lovrkosky, who has infinite respect for the teacher, said anxiously: "Those soldiers will never be merciful."

    Takimir shook his head: "I will not leave. Ukraine needs some calm people now. Chami, you are my most proud student. Now I beg you to persuade those people to leave here quickly. I don't want to let  They were harmed."

    "Charmy" is the teacher's nickname for himself. Lovrkosky said stubbornly: "If everything is really inevitable, then I am willing to be with you. Of course, those who are your supporters outside should not suffer  The same suffering.¡±

    He walked out, but more than ten minutes later, he walked in disappointed. No supporter wanted to leave.

    They even firmly believed that those soldiers would never do anything to them.

    What a childish idea.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    When the allotted time arrived, the military police and soldiers finally took action.

    They began to disperse those Takimir supporters, of course with violence.

    And these supporters also began to fight with the military and police.  If the military and police were still restrained, then the soldiers finally lost their patience.

    A major fired first.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Then, his subordinates also raised their weapons.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Listening to the constant gunshots outside, Takimir let out a sad cry.  Oh God, merciful God, such a terrible thing still happened.

    This shouldn¡¯t happenBloody incident!

    The gunshots stopped after only a short time, and the land outside was stained red with blood.

    On this night, 45 Takimir supporters were killed and the rest were arrested.

    Then, the door to Takimir¡¯s residence was kicked open with force.

    "Volenov Takimir, you have been arrested for treason!" The major who was the first to shoot said coldly.

    "Murderer, you shameless murderer!" Lovrkosky shouted angrily: "You will be condemned, you will become the sinner of all Ukraine"

    It¡¯s a pity that he can no longer say the following words.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The gun in the major's hand rang out.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Charmy!" Takimir fell to his knees on the ground and hugged his student, but Lovrkosky stopped breathing forever.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Murderer, murderer!" Putting down the student's body, Tadimir stood up tremblingly. He pointed at the major and said sadly: "How can you shoot? How can you shoot at your own compatriots?"

    "I accepted the order of the Supreme Military Control Commission." The major's voice did not contain any emotion: "Please come with us, Takimir, and go where you should go."

    Takimir was taken away. On the night of the 26th, he was tried secretly by a temporary court established by the "Supreme Military Control Council of Ukraine" and was convicted of treason and executed on the same night.

    The most staunch pro-Russian faction among Ukrainians was killed, and this was just the beginning of Ukraine's purges.

    Since then, pro-Russian elements have been arrested, tried, and executed one after another. Of course, all trials are closed to the public, just like what the Russian government did on Ukrainian soil.

    Using Russian methods to fight back, Marshal Korkorok was doing everything he could to stabilize his regime.

    Ukraine will definitely be rebuilt according to Germany¡¯s and its own wishes, and a brand new Ukraine will soon appear!
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