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Volume 2: My Country Nine Hundred and Ninety-Two.  Moscow press conference

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    This is absolutely impossible to happen!

    In Armenia, oil has been successfully extracted. This is something everyone knows.  "Moscow Pioneer" just wants to use this method to defeat itself.

    Grigory, the Grand Duke of Bierstoka, seemed a little flustered.

    But why did the Moscow Herald say such a thing?  If they were not sure, would they really dare to speak so freely?  What if what they say is true?

    No, it can never be true - never!

    Gregory told himself over and over again in his heart.

    For the entire Armenian oil field, Gregory invested countless efforts and funds. He invested a large amount of U.S. military aid to Russia into the oil field regardless of people's objections. This can even be said to have staked more than half of his political life.

    If, just say if.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  If Armenia really does not have oil fields, what terrible things will happen?  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The government will go bankrupt because the treasury will be empty.  The army may mutiny due to serious arrears in military pay again.  As for the people, they will push the wave of protests to a new peak.

    It was so terrible, even thinking about it made Grigory feel terrible.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Sure enough, the "Moscow Pioneer" report caused an uproar in Russia, and the Russian people were completely angered.  They held large-scale rallies and marches in protest on the streets of Moscow and other places, demanding an explanation from the government, demanding that the Grand Duke of Berstoka resign immediately and accept corresponding investigations.

    Before there was accurate information, Gregor used severe measures to declare that all rallies and marches were illegal. He was a "patriot" and had never done the things promoted by the "Moscow Pioneer".  Moreover, he has filed a lawsuit in court against the "Moscow Pioneer" newspaper for slandering him.

    However, just doing this is not enough to quell the anger of the people.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  After all, the Russian people have been dissatisfied with Grigory and the entire government for a long time.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    So, under such circumstances, Gregory instructed his crony Kim Walker to hold a special press conference.  At this press conference, half of the reporters were foreign reporters, while the other half were official reporters specially designated by Gregory.

    He hopes to use this method to reverse his disadvantage.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Jin Walker himself is not very sure. After all, the impact of this incident is really too great.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  But what can be done?  Who told this to be the task entrusted to him by the Grand Duke?

    "Mr. Kim Walker, what is your view on the accusations in the "Moscow Pioneer"? Do you think the Pioneer is slandering?"

    An official reporter first raised such a question and gave the "Moscow Pioneer" a position right away, which made Jin Walker very satisfied:

    "Yes, there is no doubt that the "Moscow Pioneer" has slandered the Grand Duke of Bierstoka. The character of the Grand Duke is worthy of respect. The Grand Duke has never done anything that the Pioneer has promoted. We have told the court  Filed a lawsuit, this is the best example of the Duke¡¯s respect for democracy.¡±

    "But what do you think about the Colonel Chernakboch incident?" A reporter said loudly: "I am a reporter from the New York Times. Colonel Chernakboch testified that the Grand Duke of Byrstoka ordered him  The assassination of journalist Bordov is a very serious accusation and a blatant death threat against an honest and kind journalist!¡±

    "Nonsense!" Jin Walker said without thinking: "Colonel Chernakbochi is just a traitor. He has committed corruption and treason and is under investigation by the special committee. In order to escape justice, he has to  Fleeed into the U.S. Embassy and sought political asylum. We have negotiated with the U.S. Ambassador in Moscow and asked them to hand over Colonel Chernakbochi to us. £®

    "But where is Mr. Boldorf?" A voice interrupted Jin Walker's talk: "He is both a client and a reporter. Why didn't you invite him? Was it an oversight or did you do it on purpose?  "

    These damn reporters.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Before Kim Walker could think of how to answer, the reporter from the New York Times said loudly: "But I still have the evidence handed over by Colonel Chernakboch! Please take a look at this, this  This was the assassination order issued by the Grand Duke of Birstoka in 1964.In June 1965, the Grand Duke of Bierstoka issued an assassination order to his political opponent, Supreme Court Prosecutor Delkin.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  "

    Jin Walker¡¯s sweat flowed down in a flash.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Hell, Colonel Chernakboch still had those orders.  He reluctantly said: "I don't know where you got these so-called evidences, but His Excellency the Grand Duke of Bierstoka has never issued these orders!"

    "Really?" The reporter said with sarcasm: "These are photocopies. The originals are at the U.S. Embassy. I have interviewed Ambassador Prandi, and the ambassador confirmed the authenticity of these orders!"

    Kim Walker knew that the situation had gradually become out of control.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "I refuse to answer these boring questions anymore" This is all Kim Walker can say.

    This immediately aroused boos, and even the Russian reporters personally designated by Kim Walker found his answer unconvincing.

    "What about in New York?" Another American reporter suddenly asked: "The son of the Grand Duke lost everything in the United States, and most of it was special funds from the United States to aid Russia, and even included dozens of Russians.  Precious cultural relics and works of art that have been preserved for generations! What do you think of this matter?¡±

    To be honest, Jin Walker still doesn¡¯t know how to answer.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  He even began to blame the Grand Duke of Byrstoka.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    ¡°Has the Grand Duke ever done such a thing?  Did he let his son Ilya go to the United States and lose everything?  If this was really the case, he never thought about his subordinates who would fight to the death for him.  He has amassed such a huge wealth over the years. If he steps down, he will not go abroad and continue to live the rest of his life happily, but what about himself?  What can I get?

    The subtle change in his mentality made Jin Walker's answers become listless, and he even answered in a perfunctory manner.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Journalists in Russia are okay, but those foreign reporters don¡¯t want to let Kim Walker go at all and are aggressive.  In particular, the reporter from the New York Times raised more and more pointed questions.

    At this time, one of his companions came in from outside and whispered a few words in his ear. The American reporter nodded, and then spoke again: "Mr. Jin Walker, I have to inform you. Ah, let me  It is ridiculous for a foreign reporter to inform you. £®  He lost everything he owned, including a large number of precious Russian cultural relics and works of art including Catherine II of Russia. Mr. Kim Walker, do you still need to see the so-called evidence? "

    Jin Walker¡¯s head exploded with a bang.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  God, is this all true?  Did the Grand Duke and his son really do such a thing?  Is the Grand Duke really so insane?  Evidence that you are still working for such a person?

    However, the reporter¡¯s words are not over yet: ¡°Not only that, the famous American geological expert Mr. Lyman Rodney hired by the Grand Duke of Bierstoka has been rescued recently"

    "Rescue?" Jin Walker was startled, what kind of rescue?  Lyman Rodney has always been free.

    "He said that he was shamelessly kidnapped by gifts" The American reporter's words made everyone quiet down: "He was kidnapped as soon as he entered Russia from the United States. He was kidnapped by a big shot, the Grand Duke.  Migroski was kidnapped and forced to do what they asked for, proving that there are huge oil fields in Armenia, but there are no oil fields worth developing.¡±

    With a "boom", the entire press conference scene exploded.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    For the Armenian oil fields, the Russian government is almost using all the efforts of the country, and a large amount of money, manpower and material resources are tilted towards Armenia. If this is really just a scam, it will be a very terrible thing.

    Russia¡¯s domestic economy will collapse under such a final and most fatal blow.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Is this true?" This time, even Jin Walker asked in a daze.

    "Yes, this is completely true." The American reporter's answer was very affirmative: "This is a huge scam, with only one purpose, to solve his troubles for the Grand Duke of Bierstoka and let Bierstoka  The Grand Duke of Cardiff can continue to embezzle a large amount of Russian property, and can also help him destroy the previous evidence. He thought of everything, but the only thingUnexpectedly, Mr. Migroski's conscience awakened his conscience and he released Mr. Lyman Rodney.  Mr. Kim Walker, whether Armenia has oil fields or not is an internal matter within Russia. However, Lyman Rodney is an American. A famous expert was shamelessly kidnapped in Russia. This matter is inevitable.  The talk attracted strong attention from the United States.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  "

    Kim Walker once again didn¡¯t know what to do.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  He didn't know anything about these things, so how should he answer these questions?  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The Russian reporters also became confused.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  If all this is true, Russia will be in huge trouble.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    In order to ensure the smooth development of the Armenian oil fields, Gregory not only spent a huge amount of money, but also forced a large number of workers to move to Armenia.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Explosion, the whole of Russia will explode because of this huge scam.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    So, do they still need to continue to work for the Grand Duke of Bierstoka?  He may not even be able to protect himself.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Mr. Kim Walker, Mr. Bordov, the editor-in-chief of "Moscow Pioneer" is outside. He asked to enter the press conference and asked to speak!" The American reporter who gave Kim Walker headaches countless times today said again: "I beg you to agree to this request.  , we all want to hear what kind of truth Mr. Boldorf, who was the first to expose this matter, tells us!¡±

    Before Jin Walker had time to answer, waves of applause had already erupted among the reporters, including a large number of official reporters from the Russian government.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Jin Walker had no way to prevent this from happening, and besides, he also decided to leave a way out for himself.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Mr. Bordo Fu, the editor-in-chief of "Moscow Pioneer", appeared at the scene. The moment he appeared, even more crazy applause broke out here.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Thank you for giving me a chance to speak" Waldorf used these words as his opening remarks: "I know what it means to reveal the truth in Russia, and it means endless trouble.  Looking for me means that I may be assassinated. In fact, I have been assassinated once but I am not afraid of this because I know what a true patriot should do. I love my country and I am willing to do this.  £®

    The reporters were all listening quietly, and only Boldorf¡¯s voice came out:

    "Our country's assets have been embezzled in the most terrible way, and our country is becoming extremely weak. Domestically, the economy has almost collapsed, and people are working hard but cannot feed their families. On the battlefield, our army has been defeated again and again, and  It's not because our soldiers are cowardly and afraid of death, but because they are seriously owed the wages they deserve. They use their blood and lives to defend our country, but they can't even get what they deserve. I'm in the army.  Friends here told me that the Russian army's weapons are seriously backward and they are still equipped with a large number of World War II-era weapons, but they are facing a group of well-armed enemies. So, I would like to ask about those aids.  Where did Russia's special military funds go? Mr. Kim Walker, can you answer me?"

    Kim Walker, of course, couldn¡¯t answer anything.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Boldorf's voice gradually became stern: "Mr. Jinwok can't answer, but I can tell you All those aid funds fell to the big bureaucratic group headed by the Grand Duke of Beerstoka.  I have a piece of information for everyone here. £®  . How much did the Grand Duke steal from us? In November 1965, the U.S. government provided Russia with another $100 million in low-interest loans.  Our people have not seen it, and neither have we. Can you accuse our soldiers of being unpatriotic?  , The ones who should really be blamed are the Grand Duke of Berstoka and those Russian morons!¡±

    Applause rang out in the venue again.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Bordov silenced everyone: "Moths, I can only describe them this way. It is they who have emptied our country, and it is they who allow us to live the life we ??have now. Is it possible for every conscientious Russian to still  Should you be indifferent to such things? Mr. Kim Walker, I believe you are also a conscientious Russian. You even adopted two orphans, right? "

    ?Jin Walker couldn¡¯t help but nodded, yes, this is what he is most proud of.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Boldorf stared at him: "I thank you for your kindness. God will also see your kindness But you can only adopt two orphans. What should I do if there are so many orphans who have lost their families in Russia?"  Where is our guaranteed orphanage? Where is our sound social system? When I came here, I met an old man whose three sons entered the army and died one after another.  A lonely and pitiful old man. £®However, he has not received even a ruble from the deceased soldier¡¯s pension. He was even kicked out because he had no money to pay the rent.  £®

    The scene was completely silent, and Jin Walker also sighed deeply in his heart.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  He knew what was going on. The government couldn't get the pensions for the fallen soldiers at all. The current Russian government had already been hollowed out.

    ¡°And he was keenly aware that the situation had reached an irreversible point, and it was only a matter of time before Grand Duke Berstola stepped down.  You have to arrange a way out for yourself. You have to arrange a way out for yourself no matter what.

    "We have no money." Jin Walker suddenly said frankly: "We can't even get out a ruble. And there is only so much I can tell you. At the same time, I ask you one thing. I ask you to escort me to  In the U.S. Embassy, ??I also asked for political asylum!¡±

    The scene suddenly became chaotic!  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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