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Volume 2: My Country Nine Hundred and Ninety-Four.  Big Storm (Part 1)

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    The Grand Duke of Byrstoka, Grigory, already felt that he was at the end of his rope.

    The Armenian oil field was proven to be a scam, and his son Ilya, who was responsible for managing all his property in the United States, completely lost contact.  It would be an exaggeration to say that Grigory no longer has a few rubles in his pocket.

    And the successive betrayals of Migroski, Jin Walker and others also stabbed Gregory's heart severely. Now he really can't think of anyone else around him who is trustworthy.

    Of course, there are two exceptions.

    One is his wife Sorkina, and the other is his little daughter Rona Nova.

    Sorkina has succumbed to her own power for many years and has never dared to resist. Even if she is given a few more courages, she will never betray herself.  As for the younger daughter Rona Nova, she is a very kind woman.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Gregory felt that he had to be prepared, or that he had to prepare some escape routes for himself.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He first summoned his wife Sorkina, and then said with guilt on his face: "My dear wife, I'm sorry, I have been too harsh on you over the years. If you have any grievances, you can feel free to ask me for help."  I will never be angry. £®

    "Your Excellency, Grand Duke, why do you say that? Did I do something wrong again?" Sorkina's face was full of panic.

    Her attitude made Gregory very satisfied. No matter what, she was still extremely afraid of him.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Fear can make people dare not resist, fear can make people obey, and fear will make the other party never betray themselves.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    But Grigory decided to test it again: "Sorkina, the situation in Russia is very bad now. Enemies can appear in Moscow anytime and anywhere. Therefore, I want to send you abroad, which is far safer than here.  . . . . Ah, you probably know that I have some problems. To be honest, I don¡¯t have any money anymore, and even my son doesn¡¯t know about it.  £®

    As he spoke, he took out a black leather suitcase, which Sorkina had never seen before.

    Gregory opened the suitcase, which contained bundles of U.S. dollars. He pushed the suitcase in front of Sorkina: "Here are three hundred thousand U.S. dollars. Consider it the compensation I have given you over the years.  Get out of here with it."

    "No, I can't have it." Sorkina said repeatedly in horror: "No matter what you do to me, you should do it. You need money more than us now, so please take it back."

    Gregory was extremely satisfied.  If Sorkina dared to accept the money, she would be a dead person now.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Sorkina, I am very grateful for your loyalty." Grigory closed the suitcase: "In that case, take it and hide in the place I designated for you on the outskirts of Moscow. You are not allowed to leave this suitcase for a moment.  "If anything happens in Moscow, I will find a way to meet you and leave this damn place with you."

    Sorkina nodded silently.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  She knew that Gregory was not afraid of running away because there were two female bodyguards beside her who were always monitoring her.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    This is Gregory¡¯s first life-saving money. He handed it over to Sorkina, who feared him like a tiger. Then it was time for him to arrange his second life-saving money.

    ??And he will hand over this fund to Rona Nova.

    Lonanova is such a person. No matter what kind of injustice she suffers, she can endure it, especially to her family members.  Over the years, no matter how she treated her daughter, Lonanova always endured it silently and never complained.

    To a certain extent, he trusted Lonanova even more than he trusted his son Ilya.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    It was still 300,000 US dollars, also placed in a black suitcase. This time Grigory did not conduct any tests, but directly asked Lonanova to put it away, and left Moscow overnight, hiding until he had already prepared  In a good safe house, she is not allowed to say goodbye to her husband and children.

    Lonanova didn¡¯t ask any questions. Just like Sorkina, obedience seemed to be their nature.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Just before she was about to leave, Lonanova finally asked: "Father, won't you leave with me?"

    "No, my dear daughter, I still have some things to do in Moscow." Grigory shook his head: "Those who betrayed me?I haven't been punished yet, I haven't lost everything yet, and I will never give up until the last moment.  Those traitors and pariahs are trying to bring me down, and I will never let them get their way.  I still have the army and the police, and I will make the land of Moscow dyed red with blood.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  "

    Lonanova sighed softly. She wanted to tell her father that all this was caused by himself.  He had become a betrayer before he hated betrayers.  The real punishment has just begun now.

    Until now, my father still doesn¡¯t know what kind of terrifying opponent he is facing.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    She didn¡¯t dare to say anything more, because the baron was watching all this silently in the dark.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The two life-saving sums of money were arranged, which made Grigory relax a little. Apart from the 600,000 US dollars, he could no longer afford a ruble.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Of course, now he can deal with those damn traitors with peace of mind!  .

    Anyone who betrays him must accept the severest punishment. Gregory swore that he would never let those traitors go free!

    Under his instruction, all Moscow¡¯s military and police forces were armed and ready to engage in suppression at any time and at any time.  And not only that, the 8th Armored Corps, the most elite Russian armed force, was also urgently transferred to Moscow.

    This force commanded by General Tangalonev is the most elite armed force in Russia, and it is also the force into which Grigory devoted the most effort.  Gregory was unwilling to use this armed force unless it was absolutely necessary.

    And now, this situation has finally arrived.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Admiral Tangronev upheld his consistent loyalty to the Grand Duke. When he entered Moscow, he told the Grand Duke without hesitation that he and all the officers and soldiers of the 8th Armored Corps would swear allegiance to the Grand Duke and suppress any possible attack.  Rebellion emerged.

    Gregory felt safe again.  What I lost, I can definitely get back as long as I am still in the position of Grand Duke.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  As for the German army and the Ukrainian rebels who are advancing steadily towards Moscow, there can always be a solution. The great thing is to pay an astronomical war compensation.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    ¡°Anyway, the money will eventually be transferred to the Russian people.

    He decided to take action, and he did it desperately.  And the first target is obviously the "Moscow Pioneer" newspaper that exposed everything about him.

    Gregory has decided to make a desperate move. He no longer thinks about the warnings of Americans or the condemnation of the international community. He must show his strength in front of everyone and tell everyone that Moscow - or himself  Moscow!

    This task was handed over to his son-in-law Khmeltsky, and in order to make Khmeltsky serve him loyally, he also promised that as long as he could complete the task he assigned, then the Foreign Minister or  He can choose any other position he wants.

    Khmeltsky swore that he would protect Moscow and the Grand Duke with his life and loyalty.  "Moscow Pioneer" and their editor-in-chief Podolv will definitely receive justice.

    The task of monitoring Fristoya was given to Milosevic. Once anything happens, Fristoya, who has huge influence, will become a good hostage.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He is crazy, he has decided to do whatever it takes, even if it will cause terrible things.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "As for Migrosky who betrayed me" Gregory's eyes fell on Similov, the captain of the Grand Duke's guard who had just been appointed by him: "Send your people to capture Migroski."  Get all of Gronsky's family, listen, I need them all."

    "Yes, Your Excellency the Grand Duke, I will do it immediately." Similov responded immediately.

    "Let Moscow turn into a tomb!" Grigory hissed: "Let those traitors know the consequences of betraying me. From now on, no one will be allowed to leave here without my order. Everyone  Be armed and ready to fight. Gentlemen, we will never let Moscow fall into the hands of the Germans.  "

    As the captain of the Grand Duke's guard, although Similov's status is not high, he is the one who is easiest to see the Grand Duke. Over the years, the Grand Duke has also given him a lot of benefits, and it is precisely because of this.  , the Grand Duke firmly believed that this person would be able to successfully complete any task assigned to him.

    But he probably didn¡¯t expect that Similov did not lead any soldiers into Mr. Migrosky¡¯s club.Instead, he walked in alone.

    The person he wants to see is "Mr. Petergoff".  In front of "Mr. Petergoff", he carefully repeated the tasks assigned by the Grand Duke.

    "You did a good job, Mr. Similov." Wang Weiyi smiled and praised him: "You know how to choose, and you also know who to be loyal to. Go back and tell Grigory, just say Migrosky's  The whole family has run away, and you are being actively pursued. Also, no matter what happens in Moscow, you must stay by Grigory's side and not be allowed to leave. I must be the first to know where he goes.  £®

    "Yes, Mr. Petrogov." Similov breathed a long sigh of relief, which meant that Mr. Petrogov had regarded himself as his confidant.

    The situation in Russia is about to change. At this time, there is no need to hang himself on the tree of the Grand Duke of Berstoka.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "See, Alice." Wang Weiyi said to Alice softly after watching Similov leave: "There are many people in this world who can be bribed, especially those who seem to be loyal.  There is no moral concept and no bottom line in life. As long as you have enough money, they can choose to work for you. £®

    Alice raised her head: "Then are they all bad people?"

    "Yes, they are all bad people."

    Alice nodded in understanding: "But what about the good people? Mom always says that there are always more good people than bad people in this world. What do you think?"

    "Yes, in my era, there were more good people than bad people." Wang Weiyi looked at her lovingly: "But now it has changed, and interests come first. Morality and bottom line are the most illusory things, but  £®  To all kinds of people."

    Alice listened carefully and memorized it carefully. Although she could not fully understand the meaning of these words, she believed that she would understand it when she grew up.

    Tatyana had been listening, and at this moment she finally couldn't help but ask: "Do you really think it's okay to tell Alice this at such a young age?"

    "I don't know how to be a competent father" Wang Weiyi said frankly: "I don't know how to teach a child, but the only thing I can do is to tell her everything I know. She  The road ahead is long and I must let him know the ugliest side of the world."

    He will never allow Alice to be harmed in any way as she grows up, so he will not regret telling Alice some ugly things.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    One after another, people betrayed the Grand Duke of Bierstoka without his knowledge. He had no idea what was happening around him.  But at least he saw one thing: Moscow was turning into a tomb.

    But who could be buried in this tomb?

    A large number of police and soldiers appeared on the streets of Moscow, especially tanks.  The orders received by Generals Khmeltsky, Duyoshenko, and Tangalonev were that once any uncontrollable things happened, they would resolutely suppress them without hesitation.

    But the people in Moscow were not afraid at all. They still gathered together and shouted slogans against the Grand Duke and the government.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    No one can stop their determination to change all this!

    Among the people marching, the secret police even discovered the editor-in-chief of the "Moscow Pioneer", Mr. Bordov, whom the Grand Duke named for arrest.

    "Major, I saw Boldorf" A secret policeman pointed to the front of the crowd: "Do you want to arrest him immediately?"

    "Are you crazy?" The major glanced at his men: "Capture Boldorf? A few of us will soon be overwhelmed by the angry people. Damn it, I don't want to take such a risk."

    The secret policeman scratched his head: "But the Grand Duke has already issued an order"

    "My child, wake up. You must be lucky to have met me." The major sneered: "Do you think the Grand Duke can continue to sit in that position safely? No, if my guess is right, the Grand Duke  He will step down soon. Even his loyal subordinates Migroski and Kim Walker have escaped, let alone us villains.What about?  I can tell you one more thing. Director Khmeltsky has issued an order. Without his personal instructions, no one is allowed to act rashly.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  "

    "Then what should we do now? Just stay here?"

    "Why not? Such beautiful weather" The major glanced at the sky: "Or the storm will soon cover Moscow, and the weather in Moscow will soon change."

    No one is willing to serve Grand Duke Byrstoka anymore, no one.

    This once arrogant Grand Duke is currently experiencing the most terrifying scene in his life.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    At this time, in Migroski¡¯s club, all the people who swore allegiance to ¡°Mr. Petergov¡± had gathered together.

    Some of them are willing to work for "Mr. Petergoff" - Baron Alexson, and some are forced to do so, but no matter what their mentality is, at least they can see one thing clearly now.  Thing: Grigory is at his wits end!

    Changing the owner is also a good option.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Is everything almost done?" Wang Weiyi looked at these people coldly and asked coldly.

    "Yes, everything is ready." Khmeltsky replied respectfully: "Gregory has lost everything he has, and what he is doing now is basically struggling to death. I think we can take action.  ¡±

    "Where is General Tangronev of the 8th Armored Corps?" Wang Weiyi asked.

    "Your Excellency, Baron, he may have been loyal to Gregory before, but now the situation has completely changed. He knows what he should do and how to choose when a mutation occurs. I can completely guarantee this."

    Wang Weiyi smiled: "Yes, you are all smart people, and you all know how to protect yourself when danger comes. So, what are we waiting for now? The storm is about to wash away the entire Moscow!"

    The storm is about to wash away the whole of Moscow - when Baron Alexson says these words, the final outcome is about to unfold!

    Everyone will inevitably be involved in this big storm intentionally or unintentionally!  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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