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Volume 2: My Country One Thousand Twenty Six.  Paris, Paris!

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    The magical war is going on in a magical way.

    At this time, Wang Weiyi knew that he had partially completed his mission here. The German generals knew what they should do and how they should win the final victory of the war.

    And I should turn my attention to another country in Europe, the last piece of the puzzle on the European continent, and it is also an important piece of the puzzle:


    This is also a "magical" country. They once had what was known as the most powerful army in Europe, but it collapsed within a few days under the attack of the German army.

    They were once Germany's biggest enemies. As a result, after the establishment of the Vichy government, they became one of Germany's allies in Europe, especially at the most critical moment of World War II. Marshal Ernst Brahm said about Paris  The visit quickly stabilized the dissatisfaction in the city and turned the general French into pro-German faction.

    Or, to be more precise, he became Baron Alexon¡¯s most loyal follower.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    After the outbreak of the Third World War, the French Vichy government was overthrown under the planning of the United States, and a new French government was established with Royce Catri as president and Mengjean Sinager as prime minister.  Moreover, they quickly announced their break with Germany, rejoined the Allies, and participated in the all-out attack on Germany.

    Didion Lucien, a subordinate of the former French resistance leader Charles de Gaulle, became the defense minister of the new French government, and his close friend Juste Robito became the commander-in-chief of the Allied French forces.  .

    France still has a very strong strength on the European continent. The Carteri government firmly follows the footsteps of the United States. Regardless of the strong wave of domestic protests, it has always refused to withdraw its troops from Germany and is determined to carry out this war to the end.

    In order to reflect the huge "victory" that France is achieving on the battlefield, the French government temporarily recalled General Juste Robito, held a grand welcome ceremony for him in Paris, and awarded the French general the second  The first French marshal to be promoted to the rank of marshal after World War I.

    This is the most important moment in Juste Robito's life.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    It is true that the French government is well aware that such a welcome ceremony will not be smooth sailing. The voices in France that oppose joining the Allies are too loud. For this reason, the French government has also been under tremendous pressure, and the famous opposition leader Art.  Z. Yetiri has even been sent to prison in advance by the French government who found an excuse.

    For this reason, the Khatri government has been subject to an even greater wave of protests.

    All of this is in preparation for the upcoming welcome and promotion ceremony. The French government never wants any problems to disrupt their plans. This is not for the French people, but for the Americans.  They hope that Americans can know that even when the Allies encounter difficulties, France is still their most trustworthy ally.

    The head of the French secret police, the director of the French Intelligence Service, and praised as the most outstanding intelligence officer since De Sade, Fetim Berkeley, was authorized to comprehensively monitor Paris, and had the power to handle any emergencies and arrest any suspicious persons.  .

    With this arrangement, the Khatri government believes that everything is in place.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    However, one person obviously doesn¡¯t want this ¡°grand ceremony¡± in France to be held so easily:

    Ernst Alexson von Brahm¡ª¡ªThe Skeleton Baron!

    He appeared in Paris at the most appropriate time. He did not bring any helpers. He was just a man, carrying a simple suitcase and walked into the beautiful city of Paris.

    Sometimes you don¡¯t need many people to help you to accomplish something.  Wang Weiyi knows exactly what kind of appropriate thing to do at the appropriate time.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The interrogation in Paris was very strict. Wang Weiyi was interrogated by multiple secret police along the way, but his French with a strong Parisian accent and his polite attitude allowed him to pass the danger again and again.

    Paris - This city is very familiar to Wang Weiyi. He has entered this city many times and has firmly engraved his name on the city.

    Every Frenchman in Paris, when talking about the current political situation, will always mention the name of Baron Alexson and the things he has done in Paris.

    He found a cafe, sat down in the open air, ordered a cup of coffee, and then sat there calmly, enjoying the rare quiet afternoon.  There were already many French people sitting around him.  They seem to be used to this kind of life.

    To be honest, in fact, WangYi doesn't like drinking coffee, not at all.  What he prefers is to make a cup of tea and then drink it carefully.

    He remembered that when he last came to Paris, German officers and soldiers could be seen everywhere on the streets, but now all this was completely invisible.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Suddenly, several policemen appeared with sharp whistles. In front of the policemen, a teenage child was running desperately. This scene seemed a bit ridiculous. Several adults were chasing a child with so much effort.  .

    The child was already running very fast, but in the end he was still unable to outrun the adults. When he ran to the cafe, he was caught by the police.  The police kicked him to the ground and kept cursing there.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The attention of all the French people enjoying their afternoon was completely attracted.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Wang Weiyi probably understood why the police wanted to arrest this child. He was spreading some leaflets against the current French government, calling for the immediate release of opposition leader Atez Yetiri and returning real democracy to France.

    Wang Weiyi didn¡¯t believe that a child would do such a thing, so he stood up and walked to the policeman who was punching and kicking the child: ¡°Mr. policeman, can you please stop violence against this child?¡±

    The policeman finally stopped what he was doing and looked at Wang Weiyi with vigilant eyes: "This is an anti-government guy What about you? Who are you? Please show me your ID."

    "I am Mr. Moyol." Wang Weiyi handed the ID to the police: "Mr. Fetim Berkeley from the Intelligence Bureau is a very good friend of mine. Do you want me to call him?"

    "Ah, no need." Hearing that the other party was a friend of secret police leader Fetim Berkeley, the policeman hurriedly returned the ID to Wang Weiyi: "Mr. Moyol, there is absolutely no need to sympathize with people like this.  Even though he is just a child."

    "As you said, he is just a child" Wang Weiyi quietly put a few francs into the policeman's hands while taking the ID: "My wife always says that I  Unprincipled and full of compassion, my compassion is beginning to overflow. £®

    What a generous person.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  When the policeman saw that the other party was very aggressive, his attitude completely changed: "Look, he is still a poor child after all. Why do we have to make things so difficult for him? Mr. Moyol, I will leave this child to you, of course."  , you should pay attention to him, even if he is just a child."

    "Ah, I think I will." Wang Weiyi smiled and watched the police leave, then smiled and extended his hand to the child on the ground: "Would you like to get up and have a cup of coffee with me, sir?"

    This was probably the first time that the child was called "Sir". Although his head was badly beaten by the police, he happily accepted the invitation of "Mr. Moyol".  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    What satisfies the child the most is that this "Mr. Moyol" did not pretend to ask about his injuries or whether he wanted to go to the hospital like those gentlemen and ladies who always want to show how compassionate they are.  He felt that he was already an adult and this small injury was nothing at all.

    "This little injury is nothing at all" Wang Weiyi actually said what the child was thinking: "I think the most important thing for a man is to be firm"

    He actually called himself "a man", and the child became excited: "Mr. Moyol, I am Jean Dodogan, nice to meet you!"

    He decided to become a real adult, so he asked himself to speak in an adult tone.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Mr. Duoduoan, I am also very happy to meet you" Wang Weiyi smiled lightly: "Then, if it is convenient for you, please tell me why you did this?"

    Dodogan was silent for a moment: "Mr. Moyol, I asked to do this on my own initiative Do you know Mr. Yatez Yedili? He is a good man. Ah, to be honest, what?  I don¡¯t know much about the relationship between the opposition and the current government, but my dear Mr. Atez once helped me when I was a child.  I was sick, but no one could help me. I was almost dead. Mr. Atez happened to meet me at this time, so he took me to the hospital and took care of me until I fully recovered.  £®

    Wang Weiyi nodded slightly. For a child like Duoduoan, political mattersLove was too far away from him, and the only thing he thought about was how to repay Yetili's kindness.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Dodogan suddenly looked angry: "However, even Mr. Atez, a kind and kind man, was arrested in the most rude manner by those guys Mr. Atez was very dissatisfied, and he vowed to arrest him  Mr. Yatez was rescued, no matter what means were used, and he said that arousing a wave of popular protest was what they had to do. Mr. Moyol, I don¡¯t understand, but I think Mr. Yatez¡¯s friends must have done it.  It¡¯s the most correct thing. £®

    "I just noticed that you mentioned Mr. Lantes" Wang Weiyi asked, "Who is this Mr. Lantes?"

    Dodogan hesitated for a moment, as if he was considering whether to tell the other party this information, but he quickly felt that "Mr. Moyol" was trustworthy: "He is another leader of the opposition and the most loyal to Mr. Yatez."  £®  Mr. Joel, you won't tell the police this, will you?"

    "Those policemen and I are not friends" Wang Weiyi smiled: "Mr. Dodogan, I have a small request. Can you take me to see Mr. Lantes?"

    Duoduoan didn¡¯t dare to agree so easily.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  You must know that the Paris police and secret police are arresting Mr. Lantes and his friends everywhere.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    But "Mr. Moyol" told him that he had no ill intentions and that he only had a very important matter to discuss with Mr. Lentes, which probably related to whether Mr. Atez could be rescued.

    A child¡¯s thinking is always simpler. Once he chooses to trust you, it is completely unconditional.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Dodoan finally nodded vigorously.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The place where Lantes and the opposition were hiding was not as mysterious as Wang Weiyi imagined. They were in a relatively prosperous place northeast of Paris.

    But when Wang Weiyi walked into the house, he was quickly pointed at his head by several guns, and then a slightly annoyed voice rang out: "Dudoan, why did you bring a stranger in?"

    "Hey, big man, put down your gun, this is Mr. Moyol, our friend, he just saved me from the police" Dodogan shouted loudly.

    The big man had no intention of putting down his gun, but stared at Wang Weiyi fiercely: "Mr. Moyol? You can fool the children, but you can't fool me. You are the secret police, right? Tell Dodoan that you are a secret  police!"

    "I'm not a secret policeman, but I won't tell anyone" Wang Weiyi was still smiling even under gunpoint.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    But just when the big man was furious, he was suddenly hit hard in the lower abdomen, and then he felt a lightness in his hand.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  When he came to his senses, he found that his gun had fallen into the hands of "Mr. Moyol", and the black muzzle was pointed at his head.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The big man and his companions were shocked. Dodoan hurriedly shouted: "Mr. Moyol, don't hurt him. The big man is a good man."

    "Of course, I won't hurt him, I just want to see Mr. Lantes" Wang Weiyi smiled lightly: "If I can't see Mr. Lantes within five minutes, then I  Guaranteed, everyone here will be killed.¡±

    He spoke calmly and calmly, as if he was talking about the easiest thing in the world.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  But when the big man and his companions heard this, they didn't know why, but there was a chill in their hearts that made them timid.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "I am Longster, Mr. Moyol. I beg you to put down the weapons in your hands" At this time, a voice sounded, and then a man who was probably only in his thirties walked from another room.  come out.

    Wang Weiyi didn¡¯t expect that this person was so young.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He is Longstead, one of the leaders of the French opposition.  It seemed that even under such circumstances, he was still very calm: "Mr. Moyol, there is some misunderstanding. We rarely have strangers here"

    However, he just said this. When he saw Mr. "Moyol"'s face clearly, his whole person suddenly froze there. His subordinates didn't know what happened.

    long timeAfter a long time, he finally spoke again, but his voice sounded a little trembling: "You are not Mr. Moyol, no, I swear you are definitely not Mr. Moyol"

    At this moment Wang Weiyi knew that he had recognized who he was.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Baron Alexson, you are Baron Alexson." Lantes said with difficulty.

    Wang Weiyi smiled bitterly, can someone always recognize him wherever he goes?  He looked at Longster: "What about you? Who are you?"

    "You won't know who I am, but you must know my mother" Longster's voice was filled with infinite emotion: "During the First World War, you were in her care.  I bought flowers from the florist, and she gave them to you in Paris during the Second World War.¡±

    Wang Weiyi knew who Longster¡¯s mother was in an instant.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    In Reims, a group of Germans, led by a German major, did the most surprising and romantic thing.

    That¡¯s a tank covered with roses!

    The flower shop girl looked a little crazy when she saw the tank she had decorated with her own hands leaving her sight.  I really envy the German girl in the tank. If it were me, she would be willing to do whatever she asked me to do.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    In Paris, when the lady who came to lay flowers on behalf of the Vichy government appeared, the surrounding area became slightly quieter.

    This lady was about forty years old, and it could be seen that she was shaking with excitement.

    She stood in front of Baron Alexson, and then said in a visibly trembling voice: "Mr. Baron, welcome to Paris!"

    "Thank you." Wang Weiyi said with a smile.

    However, the lady stared deeply at Wang Weiyi: "Mr. Baron, don't you recognize me?"

    "You are" Wang Weiyi really couldn't remember whether he had seen this lady before.

    General Dietrich whispered in his ear: "He is Isabelle, the wife of the French Minister of Defense Guntermann."

    "Hello, Ms. Isabel." Wang Weiyi nodded towards her.

    "No, Baron." Isabel's voice was full of emotion: "I specifically asked my husband to get the opportunity to give you flowers this time. Have you forgotten Lance? The florist who arranged the flowers on the tank for you  Girl? That tank covered with flowers¡±

    That tank covered with flowers!  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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