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Volume 2: My Country One Thousand and Forty-Eight.  Paris uprising

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    August 2, 1966, Saturday.

    On this day in Paris, nothing seems to be wrong on the surface. Ordinary citizens still have to worry about their normal lives after getting up, and the police still appear on the streets doing nothing.

    When Prime Minister Sinager walked into his office, he had a phone call with President Khatri as usual, and then had to immerse himself in documents for a whole day.

    Of course, he didn¡¯t forget to ask his secretary to bring him a cup of coffee.

    An extremely ordinary day, isn¡¯t it like this?  Sit comfortably in the office, finish a busy day's work, and then report to President Carter, and then get off work.

    Who says the Prime Minister can¡¯t take a break?  In Sinager's view, the Prime Minister should have enough rest time more than anyone else because he is the core of running the country.

    "Here are the tickets you asked for tonight at the Paris Opera House." The secretary handed the two tickets to the Prime Minister: "I wish you and your wife a wonderful night."

    ¡°I would be more satisfied if those annoying bodyguards weren¡¯t around to bother me and my wife.¡± Sinager joked.

    Of course, that¡¯s what I say, but as the prime minister of a country, it is absolutely unimaginable if he does not have bodyguards by his side.

    Ah, think about it carefully. I just deposited all my life savings in Dewey Bank yesterday. This is really a great bank. With the support of the "Lion Fund", my wealth will soon increase.  Several times.

    Of course, the "Lion Fund" should indeed reward itself well, otherwise they will not be so successful in France.

    Thinking of this, Sinager felt that the troublesome situation in France was no longer so terrible.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    It¡¯s 8 o¡¯clock in the morning, and workers are entering the Paris Steel Factory one after another.  These workers don't look any different from usual.  There was no expression on their faces, and their steps were still so heavy.  The hard work of the day will soon begin, and the reward will be a meager salary.

    But from the perspective of the management, they have no right to complain.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  In today's situation in France, it is quite good to have a stable job.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    As the president of the steel plant, Thierry is very satisfied with everything.  Some time ago, the labor union and the management started negotiations, demanding reduction of working hours and increase in work remuneration, but the management firmly rejected it.  They even threatened the worker representatives to either work overtime to keep the factory running according to the current wages and working hours, or to be thrown into jail by the military and police for the crime of sabotaging production.

    You must know that the Paris Steel Works is an enterprise backed by the government.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    That ridiculous union president Awako is still talking to me about nonsense. Don¡¯t they know that they have the final say here?  Don't they know that they are giving them a bite to eat here?  Don't they know that in order to ensure the smooth operation of the factory, more than 100 military police officers, led by Lieutenant Colonel Adams, have already been stationed in the steel factory?  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    These stupid guys, the only thing they can do is to work honestly for themselves.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  They have no qualifications to bargain with themselves.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Look how good the situation is now?  The workers are still going to work normally, and they have not taken any further action at all.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Thierry took a thick cigar and put it in his mouth.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Abaco, the workers are ready" Pisnoche came to the side of the union president Abaco and whispered.

    "Very good, tell everyone to start taking action on time at 9 o'clock" Avaco looked to the side: "And we have received instructions from our superiors. The military and police will not take any action against us today.  action."

    Pisnoche was a little surprised. Won¡¯t the military and police interfere with their actions?  How did the superiors do this?  You know, the brutality of those lackeys of the French government is enough to make people angry.  But since Avako said so, there must be a reason for him.

    Workers passed by one after another, and everyone who passed Awaco cast a meaningful look at him.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The big wave of ** will break out today.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The big wave of revolution will break out first at the Paris Steel Works.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The workers walked into their workshop normally, but the only thing that was abnormal was that they did not put on their work clothes as usual.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??Gelton, the workshop manager, was very dissatisfied, but there were still more than 20 minutes before the start of work. Maybe these guys were taking advantage of this time to be lazy.  But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem like it. Why did the workers come in so early today?  At 8 o'clock, a large number of workers came to the factory.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He called Thierry and reported the situation to him, but Thierry on the other end of the phone said enthusiastically: "Ah, my dear Gelton, isn't this a good thing?  £®  £®I'm even thinking about moving forward. £®

    What the boss said is probably correct.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Gordon put down the phone and shrugged.

    It¡¯s 9 o¡¯clock, but no worker has any intention of changing into work clothes and going to work.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Galton couldn't bear it any longer and yelled loudly: "Hey, hey, you lazy guys, do you see what time it is? Are you going to sit here until dinner? Get up, get up quickly.  , go to work!"

    But still no worker left.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Galton was furious and was about to continue cursing them in vicious words, but he found that the workers suddenly stood up.  Gelton thought that his insults had an effect, but he soon discovered that this was not the case at all.  The reason why those workers got up was entirely because of the arrival of the union president Abako.

    "Gelton, we decided to negotiate again today." Avaco came to Gelton under the protection of a group of workers: "We will continue to put forward the demands we made before, and we require the factory to fully accept what we have  £®

    "Are you crazy?" Galton looked at Abaco as if he were looking at a fool: "Mr. Thierry has clearly rejected all your demands. Now, I order you to start work immediately!"

    "Then, we have lost the room for negotiation!" Avaco said coldly: "I declare that starting from August 2, 1966, the Paris Steel Plant will go on strike!"

    ¡°Gelton was completely dumbfounded. Strike?  Did he hear wrongly?  They actually chose to go on strike at this time?

    However, he saw Avaco coming to a higher place, and then said loudly:

    "My compatriots, we do the most menial manual labor, but we get the most meager wages. We work hard every day, but in exchange for wages that cannot even support our families. The wealth we have created through hard work, in exchange for  It¡¯s the capitalists¡¯ extravagance. £®  Simple, they just want to feed themselves and their families, but even this poor request cannot be met. £®Thierry and his lackeys, like them.  Shamelessly exploiting us, they want us to die in our jobs without even having to pay a franc of pension.  £®

    "Gelton was completely dumbfounded. How dare Avako say such rebellious words here."  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    However, Avaco¡¯s words are not over yet:

    "The great revolutionary pioneer Mr. Yatez Yetiri who died has cared about our lives countless times during his lifetime, but such a just and kind elder was shamelessly killed by the government! Although Mr. Yetiri  He has left us, but his soul remains in our bodies forever! Wake up, fellow citizens! Wake up, France! For our most basic right to exist, and for Mr. Yetiri¡¯s unfinished legacy, I declare,  The general strike at the Paris steelworks has begun!"

    Cheers and slogans resounded in the workshop.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Starting at 9 o'clock, all workers in all workshops of the Paris Steel Plant announced that the strike had officially begun.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Galton fled the workshop like a bereaved dog and reported the situation to Thierry in a panic. When he arrived at Mr. Thierry's office, he found that the supervisors of each workshop had already arrived, and they met and  Same situation myself.

    Thierry's face was extremely gloomy. He never thought that those damn workers would choose to go on strike today, thus catching himself off guard.

    "Answer Lieutenant Colonel Adams' call immediately" Thierry hurriedly picked up the phone. When he heard Lieutenant Colonel AdamsAfter the colonel's voice, he seemed to have seen a savior: "Lieutenant colonel, those damn workers have started to go on strike and are trying to rush out of the factory. This will not only have a serious impact on the factory, but also on the government. We must  I know those despicable guys can do anything. I ask you to take your people to suppress them."

    "Mr. President, I don't have to obey your orders." Who would have thought that Lieutenant Colonel Adams on the other end of the phone would say so coldly.

    Thierry was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he did not have the capital to issue orders to many military police. He barely controlled his inner unhappiness: "Yes, I think I said something wrong. So, Lieutenant Colonel  , I ask you to suppress it immediately and order all workers to return to their jobs!"

    Lieutenant Colonel Adams' voice still sounded so emotionless: "Mr. President, I need to remind you again that I only have more than 100 subordinates, and the other party has thousands of workers. Do you want me to deal with it alone?"  Dozens of people? Unless I¡¯m really crazy.¡±

    Thierry stayed there, how could the lieutenant colonel say such a thing?  Isn't their mission here to prevent these workers from causing trouble?  Don't they have guns in their hands?

    "Unfortunately, my people and I will not take any action without further orders and reinforcements from above" After speaking, Lieutenant Colonel Adams hung up the phone.

    "Damn workers, damn lieutenant colonel!" Thierry was furious, but he had no choice: "Get me to the Prime Minister's Office, immediately!"

    "Mr. President, come over and take a look!"

    Amid the calls of his subordinates, Thierry came to the window and saw a scene he would never forget.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Countless workers poured out from various workshops, gathered together, and walked toward the factory gate with great momentum.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The military police who were supposed to be at the factory gate now completely lost their presence.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The workers left the Paris steel plant without any hindrance.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    When it was over, Thierry felt dizzy in his head. He knew something big was going to happen in Paris today.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "What? The Paris steel plant workers went on strike and took to the streets to demonstrate?" When he heard the news, Sinager couldn't believe it was true. Then, the phone on his desk rang one after another.  He got up and said, "Ah? There's also a strike in the garment factory and the cement factory Damn it, why do those guys in the restaurant also participate in the strike"

    ¡°Bad news came one after another, and it seemed that the whole of Paris was completely in chaos in just an hour.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Strikes, marches, demonstrations, these damn guys actually did such unforgivable things!  Sinager picked up the phone angrily: "Put me through the office in Berkeley I am Prime Minister Sinager. Those people in Paris are carrying out despicable acts against the government in an organized manner"  £®Yes, I ask all the police and secret police to put an end to this incident. £®  You can even shoot if necessary."

    After hanging up the phone with Berkeley, he quickly answered General Robito's call: "General Robito, the situation in Paris has changed. I ask all troops to take to the streets immediately to maintain order."

    General Robito on the other end of the phone said carefully: "Your Excellency Prime Minister, I have also received this terrible news, but I think that the 51st Armored Corps and the 52nd Armored Corps cannot be dispatched. They are undertaking a heavier task. If  If someone with ulterior motives takes advantage of this opportunity, it will be very dangerous. I suggest that the 1st National Guard Division be mobilized."

    Sinager thought about it for a moment, and probably felt that General Robito's suggestion was correct: "Then, General, I ask you to stabilize the army at all costs."

    After receiving General Robito¡¯s affirmative commitment, Sinager dialed the number of the 1st National Guard Division in Paris.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Most of Paris has taken action! Gentlemen, the moment we have been waiting for has finally arrived!"

    In the headquarters of the "Yetili *** Party", the new leader of the Yetili *** Party, Litem, excitedly announced the news: "Let us walk out of here together to support the great wave of revolution!  "

    The entire conference room burst into cheers.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Go out, go out, join all Parisians and overthrow this government.?

    They rushed out like chicken blood, shouting slogans and scrambling to be the first.  Previously, a large number of people had been mobilized to organize demonstrations in various places, such as Abaco at the Paris Iron Works.  Those who are still here are very worried that all the credit will be taken away by others. They must use this rare opportunity to express themselves well.

    When only himself and Baron Alexon were left in the office, Litem said cautiously: "Baron, the attack has begun, what about me?"

    "You should also go and be with your comrades." Wang Weiyi closed the book in his hand: "What an exciting day!"

    Litem's emotions were completely aroused by the baron's words. He nodded heavily at the baron, and then strode out of his office.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Baron, I'll go too!" Dodoan said excitedly.

    Wang Weiyi smiled and shook his head. Looking at Duoduoan's puzzled eyes, he said in a low voice: "Duoduan, this is not the real **. The real ** is completely different from what you imagined.  I ask you to stay here, stay with me, and look carefully, not with your eyes, but with your heart."

    Dodogan didn¡¯t understand what this meant at all, and he looked at Baron Alexon in confusion.  : "Baron, I don't know how to feel with my heart."

    "Yeah, you can't understand the meaning of this sentence now." Wang Weiyi said lightly: "But many years later, when you really grow up, you will understand all this, and what will you ask for?"  The real **, what is the real **?¡±

    "What about Mr. Yetiri? Is he a real rebel?" Dodoan asked curiously.

    "No, he has never been a true rebel." Wang Weiyi's answer was so decisive: "A true rebel will never fall, especially not as worthless as he did.  "

    Dodoan has completely lost himself at this moment!  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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