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Volume 2: My Country One Thousand and Fifty Five.  The Death of Captain Hayes!

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    Spring in France is finally upon us.

    When Wang Weiyi said this, he always looked at all these stunned French officials with a smile, and then slowly introduced himself:

    "I am Ernst Alexson von Brahm!"

    Ernst Alexson von Brahm¡ª¡ªThe Skeleton Baron.

    Every French official was stunned. They stared blankly at "Mr. Wittgenstein" and the skeleton baron.  They never dreamed that the Baron would appear here, that the Baron would appear in front of them.

    "Look, a pleasant day has begun." Wang Weiyi said slowly: "The revolutionaries are pursuing the France they want, and you are trying your best to protect the France you want. Fighting is always inevitable. However, from now on  As it stands now, the rebels have won.¡±

    On August 2, 1966, the French Revolution broke out!  On August 4, a series of the most senior officials of the French government, including French President Catri, French Prime Minister Senegal, and French Defense Minister Lucien, were arrested.

    At 3 pm on August 4, the "French National Provisional Assembly" headed by Litem announced that it would take over the French power, which means that the French Revolution has won!

    The French Revolution broke out without warning, and the rapid collapse of the French Cathar government was shocking.  In less than three days, these rebels achieved such a brilliant victory.

    At the same time, National Assembly Speaker Litem announced the arrest of a series of senior French officials, including former French President Carter, former French Prime Minister Sinager, and former Defense Minister Lucien, and would organize a special court to try them.

    The streets of Paris were filled with fanatical cheers as everyone celebrated their hard-won victory.  Even they themselves did not expect that Japan would win in such an unexpected form.

    In fact, for Litem, the trial can be put aside for the time being, and the struggle for power must begin immediately.

    He quickly appointed a large number of officials loyal to him in the name of the Provisional Parliament. He knew that he could not compare with General Robito and Berkeley in terms of strength.

    He originally thought that this would be protested by Robito and others, because the "military faction" headed by Robito did not obtain any seats in the appointment of the National Assembly.  But the strange thing is that there is no movement from the "military faction". They seem to willingly accept the leadership of the National Assembly.

    This made Litem feel relieved a lot.  It also convinced him that the "military faction" sincerely supported the government.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  But this is also where the naivety of these so-called "rebels" lies.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  He had never thought about how these soldiers could hand over the fruits of victory to these guys who were civilians before?  How could these soldiers be willing to play only a small supporting role in this victory?

    They are not in a hurry, strength is the most important thing. The "military faction" has tanks, planes, cannons, and so many soldiers armed to the teeth, but what about the National Assembly?  They have nothing but poor weapons and enthusiasm.

    More importantly, the "military faction" received support from Baron Alexson.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The baron firmly told them that they could do whatever they wanted.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    With the support of the Baron, they can let go and deal with these arrogant guys.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    On the 5th, National Assembly Speaker Litem secretly met with the U.S. Ambassador to Paris, Mr. Robin. During the meeting, Litem told the ambassador that the National Assembly would continue to urge France and the United States to maintain an alliance and respect the agreements signed with the United States in the past.  A series of cooperation agreements, and at the same time, he hopes that the National Assembly he leads can also be recognized by the United States.

    Litem wants to ensure his status by trying to please both sides. He is unwilling to offend either Germany or the United States.

    Ambassador Robin solemnly promised in front of Litem that the United States will not interfere in France's internal affairs. The U.S. government also fully supports the new "French National Provisional Assembly".  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Mr. Ambassador¡¯s promise reassured Litem.  But after returning to the embassy, ??Robin quickly summoned Colonel Winger: "Order all American soldiers to continue to stay in their military camps. The second mutiny will happen soon!"

    "Mutiny?" Colonel Wenger stayed there: "The National Assembly has taken control of the situation in Paris, and the French soldiers have no objections to it."

    "My colonel, do you think those French soldiers really allowed a civilian organization to seize what belongs to them?" Ambassador Robin poured himself a cup of coffee:?The military faction supports the National Assembly simply because they want to use their influence to overthrow the Cathar government.  Now that their purpose has been achieved, what need is there for the National Assembly to exist?  Litem and his men were jumping up and down, arrogant, but they never thought about a very serious problem. They did not have any armed forces.  The military faction can deal with them at any time, they are just waiting for an opportunity.  And what I can be sure of is that this opportunity must have been created by themselves.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  "

    Colonel Wenger didn¡¯t particularly understand what it meant.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  But this doesn't matter. Anyway, this is just an internal matter in France.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    August 6, 1966, night.

    Captain Hayes and his two men still patrolled Paris at night in accordance with the orders of the National Assembly to ensure that local security would not be affected by the transition period.

    The captain himself participated in the mutiny. He was awarded the medal by the National Assembly just two hours ago, but what is surprising is that the captain actually refused the "Medal of Freedom Second Class" from the Congress.

    In an interview with reporters, Captain Hayes said: "General Robito did not receive the respect he deserved. He should have been awarded the rank of marshal. The Carteri government failed to fulfill this promise that had been implemented, and the National Assembly  The rank of marshal should also be awarded to the general first. Before the general gets the honor he deserves, my colleagues and I will not accept any form of medal, never!"

    This made the National Assembly very embarrassed, and their authority and majesty also suffered a big blow.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    In fact, the promotion of General Robito to Marshal has been discussed in the National Assembly. It is said that there are still some disputes within the National Assembly. Some people think that the rank of Marshal should be awarded to Robito. He played a very important role in the success of the revolution.  An important role, but some people believe that Robito was forced to join the Communist Party. He was once a loyal lackey of the Catri government.

    Litem is more inclined to the former opinion, but he also has some worries.  After all, Robito has so many followers in the army. Once he is awarded the rank of marshal, it will further strengthen his power, which is not very beneficial to himself.

    So he adopted a compromise approach, first awarding medals to those officers who had made meritorious service in the war, to test their attitude and win the hearts of the army at the same time.

    But what he didn¡¯t expect was that the soldiers led by Captain Hayes refused to accept the medal.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  This is something that gives Speaker Litem a headache.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Captain Hayes didn¡¯t think about it that much. In his opinion, no one¡¯s achievements could match General Robito¡¯s, and he was well-deserved for his promotion to marshal.  All he has to do is fulfill his responsibilities.

    When patrolling to Tenth Street, Captain Hayes suddenly found two sneaky guys in front of him. He yelled at them to stop immediately for inspection, but the two guys had no intention of stopping and instead walked away.  run.

    "Follow me!" Captain Hayes and his two men quickly chased forward.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Captain Hayes lost track of the two guys in a small alley. Just when Captain Hayes was confused, more than a dozen guys with submachine guns suddenly appeared.  The person taking the lead shouted loudly:

    ¡°Sentence you, Robito¡¯s lackeys, to death in the name of ***!¡±

    Then all the submachine guns rang out.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Captain Hayes and two soldiers of the French Defense Forces were assassinated!

    Early in the morning, all Parisians knew the news!

    This is completely shocking. Captain Hayes is a hero of the revolution. Although he refused the medal awarded to him by the National Assembly, he is still a hero of the revolution.

    However, now this hero has been despicably assassinated.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  General Robito was outraged, the military was outraged, and even the National Assembly was shaken.

    God, who did such a terrible thing?  This will cause an uproar!  The news that followed also made members of the National Assembly panic.

    Anger in the army is spreading rapidly, and a large number of junior officers are preparing to take control of Paris by force and find those despicable murderers!

    This is tantamount to another mutiny!

    The councilors were arguing without any ideas, but they didn't have any good ideas when it came to coming up with a solution.

    "General Robito is here!"

    Amidst this sound, General Robito appeared in the meeting.?ÖÐ.

    There was a mutiny?  Are you here to arrest them?  Almost every congressman has such worries in their hearts.  However, when they discovered that General Robito appeared alone, their hearts relaxed slightly.

    General Robito came straight to the rostrum. He looked around at the congressmen:

    "A very terrible thing happened last night. Captain Hayes, the hero of our revolution, was assassinated. I think this was the darkest night after the victory of the French revolution There are some rumors in the army.  , thinking that Captain Hayes was assassinated by some radical revolutionaries. I can tell you frankly that some hot-blooded officers are trying to use force.  To find out the truth. £®

    The congressmen were completely relieved.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "The victory of Japan was hard-won. As a soldier, I have the responsibility to ensure the stability of Paris" General Robito continued: "I tell all the soldiers that if they want to adopt the same radical approach,  The only way is to step over my body."

    There was a burst of applause.  General Robito made everyone quiet again:

    "I will not allow a second war in Paris. It would be a disgrace to a soldier. I will do my best to ensure the safety of Paris and the safety of Parisians. However, the death of Captain Hayes must be resolved. I  I think all distinguished members also want to know the truth, so I request the establishment of a special investigation team composed of the military, headed by Mr. Berkeley, the former French Police Chief, to conduct a thorough investigation of this incident!¡±

    "Ah, I have no objection to the establishment of a special investigation team!" A congressman said at this time: "But why Berkeley? He was once the most loyal lackey of the Carteri government, and his hands are full of revolutionaries.  of blood!¡±

    "No, he is a meritorious official!" General Robito said slowly: "He has always been a sympathizer of the Communist Party, and he even actively rescued Orange when he was arrested. Moreover, I  I think you should know that the arrest of those senior French officials headed by Carter made the revolution a rapid success, and Berkeley played a huge role in it. We can even think that if there were no Berkeley, then we would still be here.  Fighting fiercely with government forces."

    "Why not?" Sam, who was also one of the congressmen, stood up: "Berkeley has made great contributions to the government, and he has strong criminal investigation experience. Any one of us here can also  Can you think of a more suitable candidate than him?"

    Seeing that the congressmen were still hesitant, General Robito's expression darkened: "I don't understand what you are still waiting for. There is a time limit for controlling the emotions of the army. If this time is exceeded, you are still  If we keep talking, then I can hardly guarantee what terrible things will happen to the army!¡±

    There is no word more lethal than this sentence.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Speaker Litem cleared his throat: "General Robito swore allegiance to the National Assembly in his own way. He was a patriotic general. The death of Captain Hayes makes me very sad. Everyone here hopes that as soon as possible  Find the murderer. If you think there is a more suitable candidate, you can propose it."

    There was total silence.

    Litem knew that he had to make some compromises with the military at this time: "Then I announce the establishment of a military special investigation team in the name of the National Assembly. General Robito will select the list of the team. He has the right to appoint anyone to join.  The group.¡±

    ¡°Thank you to the Speaker and all the members for trusting me.¡± General Robito said slowly.

    The establishment and establishment process of the military task force quickly appeared on the front page of the newspaper, and General Robito's reputation was once again enhanced.

    ?This is how General Robito was described in the Paris Journal:

    "The general could have used force to force the National Assembly to surrender to his decision, but the general did not do so. He respected the National Assembly just as he cherished his honor as a soldier This is a society governed by the rule of law.  , the general respects this, and this is France¡¯s greatest luck.¡±

    Wang Weiyi put the Paris Journal aside and smiled: "Is this a society governed by the rule of law?"

    "At least we have the initiative in our own hands." Colonel Heisenberg said: "Robito did such a thing according to your instructions, and he also won a name for himself.Voice.  "

    "What about you?" Wang Weiyi asked with a smile, "Have you done what you should do?"

    "Yes, I have done my job." Colonel Heisenberg said calmly: "I can be sure that my cry of 'sentence to death for you, Roberto's lackeys, in the name of ***' is enough to make  Most of the residents in that alley heard it, and you should know that it was not bedtime yet. "

    "Look, sometimes I think this is a despicable move." Wang Weiyi smiled faintly, then turned his head to the other side: "What do you think, Mr. Berkeley?"

    "Any crime is actually full of despicableness and conspiracy." Berkeley replied with an expression on his face: "For example, Littlem, who came to power for the first time, betrayed your trust. He secretly contacted the US Ambassador Robin.  "A person who is loyal to you and also pleases the United States is not qualified to lead the entire France."

    Wang Weiyi looked at him: "So in your opinion, how should this country be led?"

    "Adopting a one-sided policy towards Germany" Berkeley said without hesitation: "I am sure that Robito and I will have all the rights in France with your support, but we know better.  , Who gave you such power? Your Excellency, we should be the least of your worries.¡±

    "Yeah, I don't have to worry about you." Wang Weiyi said thoughtfully: "You have had power in your hands, and you know the complexity of the struggle for power, so you will cherish it more, and what about those rebels?  Once they have power, they get complacent, they get carried away, they think they have everything under control.¡±

    "So their ending will not be much happier than those of Carter." Berkeley finally showed some smile on his face: "I will let them spend the rest of their lives in prison, and I will let everyone  The French think they deserve it, and believe me, this is what I do best.¡±

    Wang Weiyi nodded, he knew that Berkeley fully possesses such a powerful ability!  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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