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Volume 2: My Country One Thousand Eighty-Four.  Lucy's death

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    General Gandra discussed many work issues with Wang Weiyi, and then he suddenly sighed heavily.

    "What happened, General?"

    "Yes, there is indeed something wrong." Now General Gandra has completely regarded "Lieutenant Colonel Moyol" as his friend: "I once told you that I have a very rebellious son Shu.  Kakko, I always have a headache for him, but this time he caused me a lot of trouble. Yesterday, my colleague in New York told me that his troubles are so big that it cannot be solved by the military.  Exonerated."

    Wang Weiyi knew exactly what happened.

    Shukakko was involved in a murder case, and it was a murder case that shocked the United States.

    One night on the streets of New York, a black boy named Luci was beaten. Later, the body of the black boy named Luci was found in a trash can.  The body looked badly bruised and miserable.  Luci's mother, who had been dependent on her son since she was a child, suffered a complete mental breakdown after learning the news, and she finally chose to commit suicide.

    At this time, in New York, due to the impact of the economic crisis, everyone's heart is full of anger and hesitation, and Lucy's death gave them an excellent opportunity to vent their feelings.  In addition, under the influence of Martin Luther King, black Americans were fighting hard for their rights. Lucy's death caused the anger and dissatisfaction in the hearts of black people to completely explode.

    Whites and blacks were rarely united. They held an angry demonstration and demanded a thorough investigation of the matter.  Punish the murderer so that Lucy and her son can rest in peace in heaven.  Reporters also swarmed in New York, paying close attention to the tension.

    Under strong public opinion and social pressure.  Almost the entire New York Police Department was invested in solving the case, and they quickly caught the three white youths who committed the crime.  These were three white youths who usually had nothing to do. They got drunk at night, and then they met Lucy, and then such a tragedy happened.

    Originally, the perpetrator was punished and the matter ended there, but the case soon took a turn for the better a few days later.  The three white youths insisted that a white man named Shukako Gandela also participated in the murder.  And he was the mastermind, and he even killed Luci himself.

    The police caught Shukak without much effort and found the murder weapon in his home.  Coupled with the simultaneous testimony of three witnesses, Shukakko was arrested.

    Shukakko refused to admit that he had anything to do with Luci's death, and told the police that he was drinking in a bar that night, and the waiters and barmaids there could prove his innocence.

    But what made Lucy unexpected was this.  Everyone in the bar confirmed that Shukakko did not appear in the bar that day.

    Shukakko became the main perpetrator in Luci¡¯s death case!

    Although Shukakko has been crying for himself.  But it looks like nothing can be done.  Subsequently, the "New York Times" dropped a bombshell: Shukakko is the son of General Gundla, the top commander of the US military in the UK!

    American society is in an uproar!  The son of a general turned out to be a despicable racist and murderer The son of a general must not be shielded, American society once again issued such a cry!

    The "Lucy's death incident" quickly began to heat up, and almost everyone was talking about what happened between Luci and Shukakko.  Even several senators publicly told reporters that no matter what identity Shukak is or what background he has, he must get the punishment he deserves, and no one can protect him.  They will be closely monitoring the progress of this matter.

    Wang Weiyi listened calmly to what General Gandra was saying. In fact, he knew exactly what was going on Luci's death was a very accidental incident.  It is also a manifestation of racial discrimination among white Americans, but Paris in the United States firmly seized this opportunity.  It is too easy to wrongly accuse someone with the power of the Wittgenstein family.  All the people involved in the case were bribed by Paris with money or threats. No one can testify for poor Shukakko. Shukakko has no idea how such a terrible thing happened

    "It is impossible for my son to kill someone!" General Gandra said with great certainty: "He has done many bad things, but he will never be able to commit murder. Don't ask me why I am so sure. I am his father.  Get to know my son!¡±

    This is a kind of strong confidence that a father has in his son Sometimes the source of this confidence is even unclear to the person involved

    Wang Weiyi said calmly: "General, don't you want to invite me to dinner? I think we can discuss this issue in detail during dinner."

    General Gandra¡¯s expressionHe nodded solemnly and silently


    "The tricky thing about this matter is that you are a general" Wang Weiyi took a sip of wine: "If Shukakko's father was just an ordinary person, then the public opinion would not be so boiling. Those reporters and  The senators will not pay close attention to this matter. You must know that ordinary people in the powerful class always have a strange mentality, and Luci's death is the best manifestation of this mentality. General, I am very sad.  Worry about your son."

    General Gandra looked very sad: "Lieutenant Colonel Moyol, I don't know what to do now. The Ministry of National Defense called me and repeatedly told me not to be interviewed by reporters on this matter or to express any opinions.  , Don¡¯t even try to see Shukakko in prison, but I know that my son has never done such a terrible thing Lieutenant Colonel Moyol, can you understand my mood at this time?"

    "I can completely understand." Wang Weiyi said: "It is very despairing to see your son being wronged but unable to do anything about it. General, I think maybe I can be of some help to you."

    General Gandra¡¯s eyes lit up immediatelyYes, why didn¡¯t he think of Lieutenant Colonel Moyol?  He is a senior investigator with Army Intelligence.  Although his heart is not in the United States, he must have many friends in the United States and many forces that he can use.

    Originally, General Gandra never asked for help.  But this is already related to the life and death of his son Shukakko.  He once consulted a lawyer on the matter, and the lawyer's answer made him despair. Shukakko may be sentenced to death for multiple murder charges.  The most optimistic outcome is also life imprisonment.

    General Gandra actually didn¡¯t have many friends around him. All his activities revolved around the army. When this incident happened, he had no idea who to go to.  The military, which had helped him many times, was afraid to avoid him this time.  This is no small case of theft.  But it was a murder case that shocked the entire United States!

    ??Especially because it involves the very sensitive black issue in American society.  After the Little Rock incident, the issue of black Americans has received serious attention from all levels of society.

    In September 1957, white people used force to prevent black people from enrolling in Little Rock, Arkansas.  It sparked strong protests from black people.  The District Court in Little Rock announced that the city's middle schools will admit black students and begin co-educational schools in the fall.  On September 2, Arkansas Governor Orpheus Forbes sent 200 armed National Guards to set up posts near the middle school in the name of "riot control."  Preventing black students from enrolling.  In order to avoid the situation from escalating.  Eisenhower intervened and demanded concessions from the Arkansas governor, but he refused.  On September 23, at the instigation of the governor, more than 1,000 white people surrounded the school, forcing the eight black students who had enrolled to leave the school.

    On September 23, Eisenhower issued Proclamation No. 3024, announcing: "I will use the full power of the United States, including all armed forces needed, to prevent any obstruction of the law and to implement federal court orders." September  24th.  The president ordered the 101st Airborne Division to be sent to Little Rock, with more than 1,000 paratroopers. He also ordered the state guard to be transformed into a federal force under the command of the federal government.  Eisenhower said this was the first time since Reconstruction that martial law had resulted from southern opposition to the center on racial issues.  It was not until November 27 that the last troops of the Airborne Division evacuated Little Rock.

    The Little Rock incident is a symbol of the rise of the black movement after the war. It heralds the vigorous development of the anti-racial discrimination struggle.

    If the "Lucy's Death Incident" cannot be properly handled, it may turn into a serious social chaos under the influence of the current climate in the United States.

    General Gandra fully understood this truth, which was also the source of his worries about his son, and now Lieutenant Colonel Moyol gave him hope.

    "I have many powerful friends in the United States." Wang Weiyi repeated his words again: "I believe in your intuition as a father. A father will never misjudge his son. General, please stay here with peace of mind.  Leave Shukak¡¯s problem to me.¡±

    "Lieutenant Colonel Moyol, I don't know how to express my gratitude at all." General Gandra said very seriously: "I have not known you for a long time, but you have selflessly given me time and time again.  Providing help. I am just a soldier. I don¡¯t know how I can help you in the future.¡±

    "We are friends, general." Wang Weiyi said calmly: "Friends should not say the word "repay" between friends. However, maybe one day in the future I will really ask for your help with something."

    General Gandra can swear that no matter what problems Lieutenant Colonel Moyol encounters in the future, he will do everything possible to provide Lieutenant Colonel Moyol with any help he needs


      New York, 1966.

    The influence of the "Lucy's Death Incident" is rapidly increasing. You must know that after entering the 1960s, black Americans have escalated their struggle to a violent form in order to fight for their own rights.

    Beginning in 1964, the black movement entered the stage of armed resistance.  From July 18 to July 23, 1964, thousands of black people in Harlem, New York City, protested against the police shooting of black children and fought with thousands of police officers for a day and night, marking the beginning of the struggle.  In August 1964, unrest also occurred in New Jersey, Illinois, and Pennsylvania.  Malcolm X advocated using force to protect black lives, property and freedom rights.  He said: African Americans "react violence with violence, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!" He also said: "There is no such thing as nonviolent revolution. The only kind of nonviolent revolution is the black revolution." February 1965  On the 21st, he was assassinated by a black man at the Audubon Ballroom in Manhattan, New York.

    March 21-25, 1965.  Under the protection of the army, Martin Luther King led more than 3,000 people to march peacefully from Selma to Montgomery.  From August 11 to 19, 1965, armed black men sniped at military police in the Watts area of ??Los Angeles.  August 12 of the same year.  There was also a two-day armed conflict between black people and 2,000 military police in the Lake West District of Chicago.  This year the black armed resistance struggle expanded to nine cities.

    After the "Lucy's Death Incident" broke out, the "Black Panther Party" was established.

    The Black Panther Party is also a radical organization that fights against racial discrimination and strives for political equality.  It was founded in Oakland, California, where two black students at Merritt College, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale, founded this radical organization.  The Black Panther Party organized armed patrols. Most of its members came from the lower classes of the black areas. They claimed to be the vanguard of the black revolution, but their actual influence was far less than they imagined.

    At this time, a man who called himself "Parris" found Huey Newton and Bobby Seale, the founders of the Black Panther Party.

    These two young African-Americans have just turned 23 this year.  Apart from their head full of radical ideas, they had no idea how to lead the Black Panther Party properly.  They are troubled by many things inside and outside the party.  The appearance of the white man Paris also made them almost have the urge to kill each other.

    "The police are nearby. So you must stay calm at this time." Faced with the fierce gazes of the two black youths, Paris looked very calm: "Besides, I am not your enemy, I am here to help you.  "

    "Help us?" Huey and Bobby became hesitant.

    "I hope with my dreams. All men are created equal; I hope with my dreams that the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will sit down at the same table as brothers. I hope with my dreams that one day this country will  People will no longer be judged by the color of their skin, but by their character.¡±

    When Paris read out this famous quote from Martin Luther King, Huey and Bobby's attitudes immediately changed.  Ah, maybe white people are not all bad people.  At least the white man in front of me can read out Martin Luther King's speech.

    "Look, I know that your organization is encountering huge difficulties now." Paris said slowly: "What is the most necessary prerequisite for maintaining a party? Funds! And what do you lack most? Funds! Gentlemen,  Revolution does not succeed with full enthusiasm. It requires comprehensive planning. What is even more important is the support of a strong person behind it.

    Huey and Bobby were confused: "A powerful person? We don't recognize such a person."

    Paris smiled: "I think such a powerful person is standing in front of you at this moment."

    He took out a check for ten thousand dollars and handed it to Huey: "This will slightly represent my sincerity, and I think it can also provide you with some help."

    Huey and Bobby had no idea what to sayyeah.  They need money now, more than ever.  Those in the Black Panther Party spent a lot of money on food, drink, and toilet every day, and all the funds they raised had been used up. But when they were most troubled, a white man provided them with such a large amount of money.  s help.  You know, because of money issues, some people in the Black Panther Party even proposed to rob.

    Heck, even if Huey and Bobby were impulsive, they would know that this would cause serious dissatisfaction among black sympathizers

    "Mr. Paris, you really make us so grateful." At this time, Huey's title also changed: "A few minutes ago, we couldn't believe that a white man would actually provide us with such help, God.  , how can we thank you?"

    "I think this is what I should do." Paris said very calmly: "It's just that I want to ask you?A suggestion, why can't you get the respect you deserve?  Because you have never done anything significant.  You cannot make your presence known.  "

    Huey and Bobby nodded helplessly. They also knew the problem, but it was difficult for them to think of a solution.

    "Force, use force to fight for your legitimate rights and interests!" Paris raised his voice: "In Oakland, you are not alone in the entire United States. There are many black groups doing the same thing as you.  Things. Use force, force again and again, so that white people can recognize your existence and let the U.S. government pay attention to your existence! Merritt College is full of black students, and all of Carsley College is white students. They enjoy the distance.  They have better living conditions than you, and they seriously despise you. Even students who graduate from Kasli College have a much easier time finding a job than you. Gentlemen, do you think this is fair?"

    "No, this is not fair!" Huey and Bobby shouted out at the same time: "They always look at us with discriminatory eyes. They always abuse us on various occasions. They enjoy privileges and their work rights are also violated.  They occupy it, and black people can only find the most menial jobs at the bottom!¡±

    Paris said word by word: "Then fight to the end for the legitimate rights and interests you deserve!" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!
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