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Volume 2: My Country One Thousand One Hundred and Eight.  Ireland

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    Northern Ireland, 1966.

    In Northern Ireland, there was a once-famous paramilitary organization - the "Irish Republican Army".

    The Irish Republican Army was founded in 1919 as the military arm of Ireland's Sinn F¨¦in party.  It is headquartered in Dublin with members spread across Northern and Southern Ireland.  In December 1921, the United Kingdom signed a treaty with Ireland, allowing the 26 southern counties of Ireland to establish a "Free State" and enjoy autonomy, while the northern 6 counties were assigned to the United Kingdom, namely Northern Ireland.  In 1922, the Irish Republican Army was suppressed because of its opposition to the Anglo-Irish Treaty that divided Ireland into northern and southern parts.

    After Ireland gained independence in 1937, Northern Ireland remained under British rule.  The Irish Republican Army announced that it would continue to fight for the reunification of the North and the South and carry out violent activities.  In 1939, the IRA began to cause bombings in the UK and was banned by the Irish and British governments.  In October 1954, it announced the cessation of military activities in southern Ireland, pointing the finger at the British army in Northern Ireland, aiming to unify Ireland by force.

    By the 1960s, the organization had basically disintegrated.

    However, this military organization, which was declared an illegal armed force by the then British government, regained its vitality after the outbreak of the war.

    They have received full support in terms of funds and weapons from abroad, and their personnel have also been greatly expanded.  There are even rumors that the IRA has a secret military base overseas that is responsible for training military personnel to maintain the combat effectiveness of the entire organization.

    This rumor is not groundless.  Bert Adams, the leader of the Irish Republican Army, knew that all this was true. Not only did they receive financial and weapons support from abroad, but they also had secret military bases overseas.

    Since the outbreak of the war, the Queen went into exile and a new British government was established, which brought huge opportunities to the dying Irish Republican Army.  Especially when the war situation became more and more favorable to the Axis powers, the Fenton government had already messed up its hands and feet, and they no longer had any more energy to focus on Ireland and the IRA.

    And this also allowed Bert Adams to see the possibility of victory.

    More than a dozen trucks slowly appeared. When the trucks stopped, Bert Adams' right-hand man Edward jumped off the first truck and came to Bert Adams: "Leader, a new batch of combatants  Members have completed training, and new weapons have been delivered by our allies."

    "Edward, I see the dawn of victory." Bert Adams suppressed his inner excitement.

    "There is even more exciting news." Edward said immediately: "Our ally and our strongest supporter, Mr. A, has fallen."

    Bert Adams was surprised.

    "Mr. A" is the code name of the largest provider of funds and weapons to the IRA. At the same time, the IRA's overseas military training bases are also all in charge of this "Mr. A", but Bert Adams has never met him.  Passing "Mr. A", after hearing this name, Bert Adams quickly asked: "Where is Mr. A?"

    It was only then that he noticed that there was a black car in the middle of the truck queue. After a while, the door of the car opened and an old man walked out.

    Adams hurriedly greeted him: "Are you Mr. A?"

    "Yes, I am." A smile appeared on the old man's face: "Hello, Mr. Bert Adams, when we contacted, I was Mr. A, but now, you can call me Tingland. Will.  Tingland.¡±

    "Will Tingland?" Adams felt that the name was very familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it before.

    "President of Montagut Group." Edward whispered in Adams' ear.

    Adams was a little dumbfounded when he heard this. He couldn't imagine that "Mr. A", who had always been helping him, would actually be the president of Montagut Group.

    "Former president, now my company has been handed over to my son to take care of" Will said with a smile: "And my main job now is to help you realize your dreams."

    "It's my honor to know you." Adams finally woke up from the shock: "Mr. Tingland, welcome here. I believe that with your help, we will be able to complete the reunification of the north and south of Ireland."

    This is the dream of the Irish Republican Army, and it is also the dream that Adams wants to realize throughout his life.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Ireland¡¯s problems have existed for a long time. Negotiations, violence, renegotiations, and violence have always been filled in Ireland, and the opposition between Protestants and Roman Catholics has also become an extremely sharp contradiction.

    At the beginning of the 20th century, due to the agitation of the Irish Parliamentary Party,So close.  Unionists, who were mostly Protestant and concentrated in Ulster, opposed Home Rule and Irish independence and feared living in an overwhelmingly Catholic country dominated by the Roman Catholic Church.  In 1912, the Unionists, led by Edward Carson, signed the Treaty of Ulster League, vowing to resist devolution by force if necessary.  To this end they formed the paramilitary Ulster Volunteer Force and imported weapons from Germany.  The nationalists formed the Irish Volunteers, ostensibly to ensure that devolution after the First World War was not opposed by British or unionist elements.  But the Irish Volunteers were gradually infiltrated by members of the Irish Republican Brotherhood, such as Patrick Pearce.  The First World War in 1914 diverted the crisis and delayed the resolution of the issue of Irish independence.  Although devolution was passed by the British Parliament, its implementation was suspended during the war.

    But the issue was fueled by the Easter Rising in Dublin by elements of the Irish Republican Brotherhood of the Irish Volunteers.  Although the rebellion was suppressed, the execution of 15 of the uprising's leaders greatly radicalized Irish nationalists.  The independence issue came to a head in December 1918, when the separatist Sinn F¨¦in party won most of the seats in Ireland, established the Irish Parliament in Dublin, and broke away from the United Kingdom, although it was not recognized by Britain or other countries at the time.  At the same time, Brotherhood volunteers, seeing themselves as the army of the Irish Republic, began to launch armed attacks on government troops the following January 1919, killing Gerry's transport at Soloheidberg in County Tipperary.  Two Catholic policemen with explosives.

    In 1920, during a guerrilla war between IRA volunteers and British government forces, the Irish Government Act divided the island of Ireland into two separate jurisdictions: "Southern Ireland" and "Northern Ireland".  Ireland's partition was confirmed by the Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921, which ended guerrilla warfare in the south and established the Irish Free State - a virtually independent Irish state - which became a republic and fully independent in 1949.  This agreement recognized the great divisions among the Irish people between the Protestants, mainly concentrated in the ancient province of Ulster, who wished to remain part of the United Kingdom, and the Catholics, who overwhelmingly demanded independence from Britain as a whole.  .

    Under such circumstances, the Irish Civil War broke out in 1922.

    The main reason for the outbreak of the war was the signing of the "British-Irish Treaty".

    The Anglo-Irish Treaty was created by Irish separatists who organized the Anglo-Irish War between the Republic of Ireland and the British government.  The treaty stipulated the establishment of an autonomous Irish state, controlling most of Ireland's population and land, and having its own army and police.  However, it stipulates that the country, like Canada and Australia, is a dominion within the British Empire with the British monarch as head of state, rather than an independent republic as most nationalists favor.  The treaty also stipulates that members of the new Irish Parliament must recite the following "Pledge of Allegiance":

    "I, solemnly swear allegiance and allegiance to the Constitution of the Irish Free State, duly constituted by law, and in accordance with the duties of a private citizen of Ireland, and to the constituent countries of Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Great Britain to which it depends and accedes, to His Majesty King George V and his heirs and legal  Heir."

    The oath aroused strong opposition from many Irish republicans.  Under the treaty the new country was not called a republic but a "Free State" and included only 26 counties in the west and south of Ireland.  The remaining six counties remain within the United Kingdom as Northern Ireland.  Additionally, several strategic ports remain occupied by the Royal Navy.  Nevertheless, Michael Collins, the republican leader who led the Irish negotiating team, persuaded that the treaty "did not give the most fundamental freedom that all peoples long for and pursue, but the freedom to realize freedom."  Later events proved him right, and the Free State later evolved into an independent republic.  However, in 1922 anti-treaty fighters believed that the treaty would never lead to complete independence for Ireland.

    The war lasted on and off for more than eight months before it ended.

    The anti-treaty Republicans failed, but their armed struggle never stopped.

    As the new leader of the Irish Republican Army, Adams wanted more than anyone else to see his organization win, and more than anyone else to wash away the shame of the defeat of the anti-treaty republicans in the Irish Civil War.

    And now obviously this opportunity has appeared in front of him.

    Will Tingland, a world-famous plutocrat, has become their staunchest ally, which has greatly improved their financial problems that had always been tight. What could be more exciting than this?

    Adams accompanied Mr. Will Tinland to inspect his base and weapons. It was obvious that Will was quite satisfied with the Irish Republican Army.

    "Mr. Adams, I must draw your attention to the impending large-scale Axis attack on Britain.Beginning.  "After returning to Adams' headquarters, Will said: "This may be the best opportunity for you and the IRA to carry out the largest armed uprising in the history of the IRA before October 8th.  "

    Adams didn¡¯t seem to understand very well: ¡°Mr. Tingland, why before October 8th?¡±

    "Because on October 8, the Axis powers will launch a full-scale landing operation."

    Mr. Tingland¡¯s words made Adams a little confused. How did a businessman know such a military secret, such a specific date that only the top military leaders of the Axis powers knew?

    "Mr. Adams, do you think I am the only one supporting you behind the scenes?" A smile appeared on Will's face: "No, you are wrong, I cannot do all this with my own strength.  A huge organization, or more accurately a huge regime, has always been behind you and your IRA."

    There were so many things that surprised Adams today, but none of them surprised Adams more than these words.

    A huge regime has always supported itself and its own Irish Republican Army?  He had never known this since becoming leader of the IRA.

    "Mr. A" - Will Tinland's support for him began last year. Before that, the IRA lacked funds and weapons. It was Mr. Tinland's intervention that changed everything.  .  Now Mr. Tingland's words are obviously sending a signal that the IRA has more powerful allies than Mr. Tingland.

    "Mr. Adams, Germany." Will said the name of the country: "Germany has always been selfless and silently providing support to the Irish Republican Army, especially in terms of weapons. They are willing to see Ireland unified and are willing to help  You realize your dream. Let us be more clear. Field Marshal Ernst Brahm, Baron Alexson, led all of this. It was his persistence that made fundamental changes in your organization.  Change."

    When he heard the name, Adams was greatly moved.

    Baron Alexson, the Hell Knight sent to the world by Death, is an undefeated legend.

    Adams suddenly found that victory was firmly in his hands.  Germany and Baron Alexson will be the greatest guarantee for the victory of the IRA.

    "Please convey my gratitude to the Baron and Germany for me." Adams said respectfully: "When Ireland is unified, I will let everyone know the Baron's help to us."

    "No, I don't think I can convey this to you." Will's answer was somewhat unexpected: "It would be better if you told him face to face, because the Baron will be arriving in Ireland soon."

    Adams had forgotten his surprise, but at the same time there was still a kind of excitement rising in his heart:

    The Baron will arrive in Ireland!

    What the Irish Republican Army is about to face is the regular army. The Republican Army, which has been under guerrilla warfare for a long time, lacks the experience of a head-on confrontation with the government's National Army. If it is commanded by a baron, everything will be different.

    "Do you think the Baron will arrive in Ireland in person?" Adams decided to confirm the news.

    Will nodded solemnly: "Yes, I have made contact with the Baron before I arrived in Ireland, and he will personally guide your armed struggle. Of course, before that, we will launch an armed uprising in advance!"

    Adams became excited.

    "Do you have a map here?"

    "Of course." Adams asked for a map of Northern Ireland. Will pointed to the map and said: "Moyle, our uprising will start from Moyle. It is close to Rathlin Island, can advance and retreat freely, and can get access from  Maritime support. Mr. Adams, what we can ensure is that weapons will be continuously delivered to you."

    Adams looked at the map carefully: "Yes, this is a good place for the uprising. We have a large number of sympathizers here, and I am sure we can get support from the locals. I think the only thing we have to deal with there is the House Guards.  And we have the same possibility of winning them over to our side as the Internal Guard."

    The Home Guards were a special force created during the Irish Civil War.

    The civil war was short and bloody.  Many high-ranking figures died, including Michael Collins, who is revered as the founding father of Ireland.  Atrocities were committed on both sides: anti-treaty forces murdered members of parliament and burned many monuments; the government executed anti-treaty prisoners, either formally or covertly.  The National Army who supported the treaty suffered more than 800 casualties, and a total of 4,000 people died.  Another 1,200 Republican soldiers were detained until further notice.?The Civil War ended and most remained unreleased until 1924.  From October to November 1923, as many as 8,000 IRA prisoners went on a hunger strike to protest their continued incarceration.

    But whether the toll of the Irish Civil War could have been even greater remains controversial.  The number of dead was minuscule compared to other civil wars of the time.  In addition, the new police force, the Home Guard, was not involved, meaning that the Free State could establish an unarmed and politically neutral police force after the war.

    There are also sympathizers of the Irish Republican Army in this force. They even gave some secret help to the Republican Army in exchange for the Republican Army's promise not to launch an attack on the Internal Guard.

    "Sympathy is not the same as complete support." Will moved his eyes away from the map: "I know Colonel Tarrant, the commander of Moyle's Home Guards, and I think I can visit this commander in advance.  official."

    "I must thank you again for your support." Adams said gratefully: "I asked Edward to take a few people to follow you to ensure your safety."

    "I think I won't be harmed in Ireland. Of course it's best if someone follows me." Will said with a smile: "During these days, I hope you can make intensive preparations for an armed uprising.  In three days you must arrive at Moir in person to command the armed uprising, and I will be waiting for you there."

    "Yes, Mr. Tingland." Adams nodded seriously and said: "We have 2,000 armed personnel in Moyle. At the same time, I will gradually transfer the armed personnel here to Moyle. When the uprising occurs, I will  "I think we can have about 5,000 combat members, which is a huge force."

    Will smiled: "I think, don't forget the elite policemen of the Internal Guard."

    Adams didn¡¯t know why Mr. Tinland was so confident in persuading Tarrant to join the armed uprising!  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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