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Volume 3: A blow of destiny, the king appears Chapter 15: Totems and taboos, listen to the elegance of thousands of years

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    Freud believed that humans are driven by two conflicting desires: eros, the libido energy, and eros, the death drive.  *Literature Hall* What Freud said about love and libido includes all creative and life-producing drives.

    The death drive (or death instinct) represents the urge inherent in all living things to return to a state of peace, or even ultimately to non-existence.  Freud did not recognize the death drive until later in his life, and the contrast between these two drives represents a major revolution in Freud's style of thought.

    Freud explains the origins of religion in different works.  The book "Totems and Taboos" proposes that human beings began to gather in primitive tribal ways. This polygamous combination included one man, multiple women, and their offspring.

    According to Freud¡¯s psychoanalytic theory, boys have sexual desire for their mothers early in life, and this Oedipus complex is a common phenomenon.  The father has the ability to protect the tribe, so the men admire him, but at the same time they are jealous of his father's relationship with the mothers.

    The sons understood that they could not defeat the leader father alone, so they worked together to kill him and then ate it in the form of a ritual feast to absorb their father's power into their own bodies.

    However, the guilt carried by the sons also made them strengthen their memories of their father and worship him.  The superego thus replaces the father and forms the source of internalized authority.  This also resulted in taboos on sex and marriage within the tribe, and ritualistic human slaughter was replaced with symbolic animal sacrifices (sacrifice).

    The book "Moses and Monotheism" reconstructs the history of the Bible based on Freud's theory. However, biblical scholars and historians do not accept it because it is inconsistent with existing credible historical data.

    Freud's ideas are further developed in the book "The Future of Illusions".  When talking about religion as an illusion, Freud emphasized that it is a fantasy structure, and people must break away from this structure if they want to enter maturity.  Freud's treatment of the unconscious.  It leans towards atheism.

    Freud was trained as a physician, so he firmly believed that his research and results were the product of science.  However, his colleagues and later psychologists and academics criticized his research and practice.

    For example, Juliette Mitchell and others have proposed that the reason lies in Freud's basic proposition - that is, subconscious fears and desires activate our thoughts and behaviors at the conscious level - challenging the universality and objectivity of the world itself.  the opinion of.

    Some advocates of science believe that this theory invalidates Freud's theory as a way to explain human behavior.  Others who support Freud believe that this theory invalidates science.  It also makes it a way to interpret human behavior.  Psychoanalysis today still maintains the same ambiguous relationship with medicine and academia that Freud experienced during his lifetime.

    Today¡¯s psychotherapists who attempt to treat mental illness are related to Freudian psychoanalysis in different ways.  Some therapists modify Freudian approaches and develop various psychodynamic models and treatments.

    Some reject Freud¡¯s psychological model.  However, some parts of his therapy, especially those that relied on the patient's words as a therapeutic form, were adapted and reused.  Psychiatrists are trained in medicine, but like doctors in Freud's era, they mostly reject Freud's psychological theory. They do not pay attention to speech during treatment, but rely more on activating psychological drugs.

    Freud¡¯s theory of psychology is still controversial.  Many psychiatrists in important academic and research fields regard him as nothing more than a doctor; but there are also other heavyweights in this field who agree with the core of Freud's theory.

    Psychiatric disorders are often regarded as purely brain diseases and are essentially hereditary in origin.  This perspective emphasizes the biological makeup of mental illness.  Freud believed in most mental disorders.  It comes from a combination of physiological makeup and environmental factors. Which one is more important varies from person to person.

    Whatever the value of psychoanalysis as a form of philosophy, Freud introduced the following three concepts.  A break with previous Western philosophies.

    He created a model of mental programming that dismantled Descartes¡¯ cogito.  For Freud.  The process of generating thoughts cannot be ascertained by the subject's direct reflection.

    From a historical perspective, Marx¡¯s analysis of ideology preceded Freud¡¯s, but the latter regarded the unclear subjectivity as fundamental.  After the two, the goals of people's practice and the ideas used to rationalize their goals are nothing more than Freud's psychosexual history and Marx's social class roles.

    Freud examined the rationality found in dreams, slips of the tongue, neurotic symptoms, and the construction of words by mental patients¡ªmaterials that seemed completely incomprehensible, irrational, and meaningless.

    By contrast, he discovered irrationality (e.g., elements of sheer arbitrariness and eccentricity) in clearly rational material such as work activities, political philosophy, and standard social behavior.

    Freud introduced innovative speech techniques from speech therapy,This allows people to relieve their frustration by indirectly leaking subconscious content.  The reverse process of psychoanalytic therapy shows how individuals subconsciously formulate the problems they encounter based on the logic of symbol compression and emotional transference.

    Freud¡¯s model of psychosexual development has been criticized a lot.  Some people attack Freud's view that children are sexual beings (and by extension the concept of sexuality that Freud promoted).

    Although others accept Freud's concept of sexuality, they believe that this development model is not universal and is not necessary for the development of healthy adults. They also emphasize the importance of social and environmental factors and believe that  It is necessary to pay attention to social dynamic factors (such as class relations) that Freud relatively ignored.  This branch of thought that criticizes Freud was deeply influenced by the works of Herbert Marcuse.

    There are also those who criticize Freud for his rejection of positivism.  The philosopher of science Karl Popper formulated a method for distinguishing science from non-science.  He believes that all reasonable scientific theories have the possibility of being falsified.

    If a theory cannot be falsified, it cannot be called scientific.  Popper pointed out that Freud's psychological theories could never be proven because no behavior could prove their validity.

    Although scientists generally accept Popper's method of distinguishing science from non-science, there are still disputes in the fields of philosophy of science and general philosophy.  Academic psychology usually only distinguishes between theories, which are too abstract to be proven false, and hypotheses, which are derived from theories but may be verified by research.

    Behaviorism, evolutionary psychology, and cognitive psychology all regard psychoanalysis as pseudoscience and reject it.  Humanistic psychology insists on the psychoanalytic view of people, which is both harsh and incorrect.  Other schools of psychology have constructed alternatives to psychotherapy, including behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, and person-centered therapy.

    Important works: "1895, Studies on Hysteria", co-authored with Joseph Brewer.

    "Interpretation of 1899 Dreams" - "I saw this book most often in bookstores when I was a teenager, but unfortunately I bought it several times and never read it."

    "1901 Psychiatry in Daily Life", "1905 Three Essays on Sexuality", "19013 Totems and Taboos", "1914 On Narcissism"

    "1920 Beyond the Pleasure Principle" "1923 The Self and the Id" "1927 The Future of Illusion" "1929 Civilization and its Discontents" "1939 Moses and Monotheism" "1940 Summary of Psychoanalysis"

    Freud¡¯s theory led to the emergence of surrealism and existentialism

    I am listening to and watching "Lanruo Temple's "Thousand Years of Elegance" plot music MV". Some friends said it is quite sad. Personally, I like the beginning and when the first flute sound appears (because I wear headphones all the time, I can't seem to distinguish the details.  ), and when the first female voice appeared in the lyricsI forgot what it waslike the voice of "Jinjiandang, Jinqiandang"

    I had searched with Ye Li before and found it, but I didn¡¯t know where it was, so I said I was getting old

    Yesterday I selected a team and ran to place my bets. I met an analyst friend who enthusiastically told me which team I should bet on. I was suspicious because his bets were opposite to mine, so I placed the same bets as he did.  The result was that the entire army was annihilated!
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