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Volume Three: With a blow of destiny, the king appears. Chapter 70: Reading through thousands of volumes, writing like a god.

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    Du Fu's enthusiasm for revitalizing the world, his condemnation of the chaos, his indignation at the tyranny, his sorrow for the wandering, his compassion for the loss of life, his regret for the exhaustion of material resources, and his praise for giving to the masses, and it is these heavy emotions that are the basis of  Expression makes Du Shi's language tend to be depressed and frustrated.

    Wu Hang's "Huanxi Poetry Talk" commented on Du Fu's late poems, which changed wildly and opened and closed the yin. He also said: But the meaning is far-reaching. If you lift the previous sentence, you can't know the next sentence.

    Wu Hang also said: When ordinary people write poems, they can only say one thing in one sentence, but they can say two more things.  One sentence of Du's poems can talk about three, four, or five things; ordinary people write poems, but they can't talk about tens of miles in front of their eyes. One sentence of Du's poems can talk about hundreds of miles, can talk about two armies and states, and can talk about Manchuria.  In the world, this is the wonderful thing

    Du Fu's poems have a variety of styles. Yuan Zhen commented on Du Fu this way: As for Zimei, it is the so-called thin and coquettish one, but it should be Shen and Song Dynasties.  Zaxu and Yu's flowing and graceful movements capture the ancient and modern styles, and combine the unique and special qualities of each person.

    Qin Guan also has a similar view: Therefore, the beauty of Du Zi has a superb style, a very heroic spirit, a dilute interest, a handsome and clean posture, and a beautiful appearance, which is beyond the reach of other schools.  However, without gathering the strengths of all the families, the Du family cannot achieve this alone.

    For example, Du Fu also had a wild and uninhibited side. From his famous work "Song of the Eight Immortals in Drinking", we can see Du Fu's heroic spirit.  His creative style is to express good sentences about human nature without shocking others.

    Han Yu, a great scholar in the Tang Dynasty, once discussed Du Fu and Li Bai together: Li Duzhang is here, and his glory will last forever.  At the end of the Tang Dynasty, when Yongzhen's revolution failed, Uncle Wang repeatedly recited Du's poems and died before leaving the army, which made the hero burst into tears to express his grief and indignation.

    Wang Anshi praised Du Shi¡¯s poems for their beautiful and beautiful paintings, which are numerous in size and shape, but none of them have such achievements.  Volume 7 of Chen Shan's "New Comments on Men Liao": Lao Du's poems should be regarded as the "Six Classics" among poems, while other people's poems are like those of other scholars.

    Volume 1 of Jiang Shiquan's "Zhongya Tang Collection" "Preface to the Collection of Detailed Annotations on Du's Poems" is also known as Du Poetry.  It is also called "Four Sons Book" in the poem.

    Hu Yinglin said in "Shi Sou": The works of Wei Gongbu are majestic and huge in scale. When the gods come to reach the realm, they are intricate and unpredictable.  After all the eternity, it¡¯s just one person.

    In terms of rhythm, Du Fu's poems are characterized by precise word chaining and neat contrasts.  It is consistent with the architectural beauty of Chinese poetry, such as the strong wind, the howling of apes high in the sky, the white birds flying back from the clear sands of Zhugong, the rustling of falling trees from the edge, and the endless rolling of the Yangtze River, which are the embodiment of Du's superb chain of words and counterpoints.

    in addition.  Du Fu made many innovations in genre. For example, his creativity in the Five and Seven Rhythms was also a unique feature of his study of creation.

    "Du's poems are known as the history of poetry. This view was first seen in the late Tang Dynasty. Du met with the difficulties in Lushan and fled to Yong, Long, and Shu. After completing his poems, he was inferred to be in hiding.  There are almost no relics, so it is called the history of poetry.  By the Song Dynasty, the conclusion was reached, but the meaning of the history of poetry has its own interpretation.

    Some people annotate Du's poems based on historical events and think that Du's poems are documentary poems.  It can supplement history and prove history, so it is called the history of poetry.  This view only emphasizes the truth and falsehood of historical events, and underestimates the emotional characteristics of poetry.  Another theory is that Du Fu is called the History of Poetry.  Because of his compassion for heaven and earth, he feels sorry for the times and events.

    But there are also people who don¡¯t like Du Fu¡¯s poems.  Yang Yi didn't like Du Fu. Liu Fang's "Zhongshan Poetry Talk" said: Yang Danian didn't like Du Gongbu's poems, so he called him a village master.

    Influenced by Du's poetry, realistic poets in the middle and late Tang Dynasty such as Zhang Ji, Bai Juyi, Yuan Zhen, Du Xunhe, Cao Ye, and Pi Rixiu were all influenced by Du's poetry.

    Du Fu created the famous New Yuefu poems, describing the sufferings of people's livelihood, and initiated the New Yuefu movement in the mid-Tang Dynasty.  Han Yu's poems are majestic, profound, dangerous, blunt, twists and turns, and he likes to think of poetry, which was influenced by Du's poems.

    Li Shangyin's poems are rich and melancholy, lofty and sophisticated, and are also influenced by Du's poems.

    Sun Yang of the Song Dynasty said in his "Preface to the Collected Poems of Du Gongbu": Gong's poems can be divided into six branches.  Meng Jiao got his arrogance, Zhang Ji got his simplicity, Yao He got his elegance, Jia Dao got his remoteness, Du Mu and Xue Neng got his heroism, and Lu Gui got his support.

    Few people in the Tang Dynasty studied Du's poetry. Ye Shaoyun's "Shilin Poetry" said: Among the people in the Tang Dynasty who studied Lao Du, Shang Yin was the only one.  Wang Anshi also said that the only person in the Tang Dynasty who learned from Lao Du and gained his vassalship was Yishan.

    Li Tiaoyuan's "Yucun Poetry Talk" believes that if you study Du and follow the rules everywhere, you are a stupid person who will not be promoted to the hall in his life, let alone enter his room.  In the Tang Dynasty, Li Yishan was the only one who rose to the throne.  This was partly due to his innovations in style and meter, some of which some critics consider to be still bold and eccentric.

    There were almost no reference materials about him when he was alive, only 6 poets with a total of 11 poems.  And none of these poems mention his influence as a model of poetry and ethical views.

    However, as Hong Ye said, Du Fu is the only poet in China whose influence continues to grow over time.  His work became famous in the ninth century AD, with early positive reviews coming from Bai Juyi, who popularizedEthical views in some of Du Fu's works, although he found these views only in some of Du Fu's works.

    In addition to Bai Juyi, there is also Han Yu, who wrote this to refute the voices opposed to Li Du and defend their aesthetic status.  At the same time, there are shadows of Du Shi in the poems of these two poets.

    Du Fu¡¯s realist creative spirit, since Bai Juyi, influenced the creations of Pi Rixiu, Cao Ye, Nie Yizhong, Du Xunhe and others, thus forming a realist school of poetry that dominated the poetry world of the late Tang Dynasty.

    Huang Tingjian, the founder of the Jiangxi Poetry School in the Song Dynasty, was the poet Du Fu. It is said that the Jiangxi Poetry School has one ancestor and three sects, and the first ancestor is Du Fu.  The Jiangxi Poetry School followed the example of Du Fu's poems. Huang Tingjian believed that every word in Du Fu's poems had no origin, while the Jiangxi Poetry School also required every word to have its origin.  The Jiangxi School of Poetry also likes to use the oblique style that began with Du Fu.

    In the Song Dynasty, Huang Tingjian, Chen Shidao, etc. specially explored the strange and steep side of Du Fu's poems, forming the Jiangxi Poetry School. Later Wang Anshi, Su Shi, Lu You, and Tianxiang were also influenced by Du Fu to a certain extent. Tianxiang composed 200 poems in prison.  The first collection of Du Fu's five-character poems says in the preface: Whatever I want to say, Zimei will speak for me first.

    Du Fu¡¯s broader influence is that Du Fu¡¯s works turned rhythmic poetry from a game of words into a vehicle for expressing political ambitions, laying the foundation for later poets¡¯ writing on political themes.

    Du Fu is not only famous in China, but also famous overseas.  In 1481, Korea translated Du Shi's poems into Korean and called it "An Interpretation of Du Shi's Proverbs".  His influence on Japanese studies was relatively late, and until the seventeenth century he was as famous in Japan as he was in China.

    Du Fu had a particularly profound influence on Matsuo Basho.  Du Fu is also the favorite author of American writer Rex Ross.

    Du Fu¡¯s influence on future generations also had a moral aspect.  In the 20th century, the modern American poet Rex Ross believed that Du Fu was concerned about the love between people, tolerance and sympathy between people: My poetry is undoubtedly mainly influenced by Du Fu.  I think he is the greatest poet of all time in fields other than epic and drama. In some aspects, he even surpasses Shakespeare and Homer. At least he is more natural and approachable.

    During his lifetime and some years after his death, Du Fu did not receive much praise or attention. The "Zhongxing Jianqi Collection" compiled by Gao Zhongwu specifically selected poems from the period from Suzong to the end of Daizong, but did not include Du's poems.  "Heyue Yingling Collection" also did not select Du's poems.

    There are currently ten selections of Tang poems from the Tang Dynasty. Except for seven poems by Du Fu selected in Wei Zhuang's "Youxuan Collection", none of the other selections include Du Fu's poems.

    At the beginning of the 10th century AD, Wei Zhuang, a poet of the Five Dynasties, found the ruins of the thatched cottage and rebuilt the thatched cottage to preserve it.

    In the Song Dynasty, Du Fu's reputation reached its peak. Su Shi first advocated the theory of the completion of Du's poetry anthology. His poem "The Last One of the Letters to the Six Families of the Tang Family" says: Du Zi's beautiful poems are so powerful that they have been famous since the Han, Wei, Jin and Song Dynasties.  .  .

    The development of Neo-Confucianism in the Song Dynasty ensured Du Fu's role as a model of poetry and his supreme status. Su Shi explained the reason: There are many poets in ancient and modern times, but Zimei is the leader. Isn't it because he lived in exile, hunger and cold, spent his whole life without food, and never forgot a single meal?  You are welcome!

    His ability to think created his influence. Due to his yearning for establishing a good social order, he was deeply respected by politicians. Reformers also learned from his compassion for the poor, and scholars learned from his innovation in artistic techniques.  .

    Jin Shengtan, a scholar in the early Qing Dynasty, combined Du Fu's poems with Qu Yuan's "Li Sao", Zhuang Zhou's "Zhuangzi", Sima Qian's "Historical Records", Shi Naian's "Water Margin" and Wang Shifu's "The Romance of the West Chamber", collectively called the Six Talents  Book.

    In contemporary times, Du Fu's loyalty to the country and concern for the people have been reinterpreted as the meaning of nationalism and socialism, while others have been appreciated by modern researchers for using the people's language.
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