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Volume 3: A blow of destiny, the king appears Chapter 69: The melancholy thoughts of the body, the graceful sun and moon

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    Because the soldiers and horses in Jiannan knew about the rebellion, Xu was forced to live in Zizhou (today's Santai, Sichuan) and Langzhou (today's Langzhong, Sichuan).  In the first year of Emperor Guangde's reign in the Tang Dynasty (763), the imperial court called him to serve as a meritorious officer, but he did not take up the post.

    In the first month of the second year, Yan Wu took office in Chengdu again and wrote several letters hoping that Du Fu would come back.  In June, Yan Wu recommended Du Fu as Jiedu's staff officer and a member of the Inspection and Engineering Department, also known as Du Gongbu in his later life.

    In the first month of the first year of Yongtai (765), Du Fu withdrew from Yan Wu's shogunate.  In April, Yan Wu died of illness, and Du Fu lost his support. In May, he left Chengdu and sailed south, passing through Jiazhou (now Leshan, Sichuan), Rongzhou (now Yibin, Sichuan), Yuzhou (now Chongqing), Zhongzhou (now Zhongzhou, Chongqing).  County) to Yunan (now Yunyang, Chongqing).

    In the late spring of the following year, he moved to Kuizhou (today's Fengjie, Chongqing), and even made his home on a boat. Cui Yue and others were in trouble, and he traveled between Zi and Kui.  What does Piaopiao look like?  The sky and the earth are like sand gulls.  Du Fu lived in Kuizhou for nearly two years and wrote more than 400 poems.

    In the first month of the third year of the Dali calendar (768), Du Fu and his family left the Three Gorges, passed through Jiangling and Gong'an, and arrived in Yueyang in late winter.  After that, the poet wandered in Hunan, suffering from poverty and illness, and was on the verge of despair.

    In the winter of the fifth year of the Dali calendar (770), Du Fu died of illness in a boat on the Xiangjiang River at the age of fifty-nine.  Du Fu died of wind disease.

    Du Fu¡¯s death has been a topic of discussion in academic circles to this day.  Some experts believe that Du Fu died of diabetes, and found evidence in Du Fu's poem, "I have been ill for a long time, and I miss the court for a long time."  His lungs were dry and he was very thirsty, so he wandered in Gongsun City.  Changqing's disease refers to the diabetes syndrome that Sima Xiangru suffered from.

    It is said that Du Fu was trapped by floods in Leiyang and did not eat for more than ten days. Later, the magistrate of Nie County in Leiyang hired a boat to pick him up and presented him with a lot of beef and liquor.  Du Fu ate all his food in one night and died of satiation.  Based on this, Guo Moruo believed that Du Fu ate meat and rotten food that was hot in the sky and died of food poisoning.

    Du Fu¡¯s coffin rested in Yueyang. In the eighth year of Yuanhe (813), Emperor Xianzong of Tang Dynasty, his grandson Du Siye moved it to the foot of Shouyang Mountain in Henan Province.  But now there are eight tombs of Du Fu, located in Gongyi City, Henan Province, Yanshi City, Henan Province, Leiyang (now Leiyang City), Hunan Province, Pingjiang County and other places.

    There are more than 1,400 Du Fu poems in existence, and his poetry writing can be divided into four periods:

    Reading and wandering period (before age 35):

    Du Fu traveled to Wu, Yue (today's Jiangsu and Zhejiang) and Qi and Zhao (today's northeastern Shandong and southern Hebei). During this period, he went to Luoyang to apply for the examination, but failed.  Later I met Li Bai in Luoyang.  The two formed a profound friendship and wrote poems to Li Bai. Yu Yidong was a guest and felt pity for you as a brother.  Sleeping drunkenly in the autumn together, walking hand in hand during the day, is a joy.

    ??Then he met Gao Shi again.  The three of them traveled together in Liang and Song Dynasties (now Kaifeng and Shangqiu).  Later, Li Du went to Qizhou again, and met Donglu again after breaking up. Unfortunately, because the two of them had a rough life in the second half of their lives, they had no chance to meet again after this separation.

    The period of being trapped in Chang'an (35 to 44 years old):

    Du Fu first took the exam in Chang'an and failed.  Later, he presented gifts to the emperor and presented gifts to nobles.  With only a small amount of funding, he lived a rich life in the morning, followed by fat horses in the evening, with a broken cup and a cold heart.  He lived a sad and miserable life everywhere, but he had no clothes to cover his body and often gave food to others. Finally, he was appointed as a minor official by the right guard and led the governor to join the army.

    During this period, he wrote poems such as "The Journey of Military Chariots" and "The Journey of Beauties" that criticized current affairs and satirized the powerful.  The "Five Hundred Words of Empathy from Beijing to Fengxian County" is particularly famous.  It marks that his understanding of court politics and social reality has reached a new height after experiencing ten years of hard life in Chang'an.

    The period of being a thief and being an official (forty-five to forty-eight years old):

    The Anshi Rebellion broke out and Tongguan fell.  Du Fu put his family aside and went to join Suzong alone. On the way, he was captured by the Anshi rebels and taken to Chang'an.

    Facing the chaotic Chang'an, he heard the news of the repeated defeats of the army and wrote poems such as "Moonlight Night", "Spring View", "Aijiangtou", "Sorrow for Chen Tao" and other poems.  Later he fled to Fengxiangxingzai and worked as Zuo Shiyi.  Because of his loyal words and outspoken advice, Shangshu was demoted to Huazhou Si Gong and joined the army as prime minister Fang Guanshi.  Later, he used poetry to truly record what he saw and heard, which became his immortal works, namely Three Officials and Three Farewells.

    Period of wandering in the southwest (forty-eight to fifty-nine years old):

    With the defeat of the army in Xiangzhou in the ninth quarter and the famine in Guanfu, Du Fu abandoned his official position and fled with the people with his family. He passed through Qinzhou, Tonggu and other places and arrived in Chengdu. With the help of Yan Wu, he lived a relatively stable period.  life.

    When Yan Wu entered the dynasty, the Sichuan warlord Chengdu Shaoyin and censor Xu Zhizhi rebelled, and he drifted to Zizhou and Langzhou.  Then return to Chengdu.  After Yan Wu died, he wandered again, living in Kuizhou for two years, and then drifted to Hubei and Hunan, where he died of illness on the Xiangjiang River.

    During this period, his works include "The Water Threshold Refreshes the Heart", "Spring Night Joyful Rain", "Song of Thatched Cottage Broken by the Autumn Wind", "Sick Orange", "Climbing the Tower", "The Prime Minister of Shu", "Wearing that the Government's Army Takes Henan and Hebei",  "Wu Lang appears again", "Climbing high", "Autumn Xing"There are more than a thousand poems such as "Three Quatrains" and "Sui Yan Xing", accounting for more than 70% of all Du's poems, which profoundly reflect the overall social picture of the Tang Dynasty for more than 20 years before and after the Anshi Rebellion.

    There are sixty volumes of Du Fu's poems, which were lost early.  In the second year of Baoyuan of the Northern Song Dynasty (1039), Wang Zhu compiled 1,405 articles into 18 volumes, titled "Collection of Du Gongbu".  Qian Qianyi compiled "Annotations to Du Gongbu Collection".  Yang Lun said: Since the Six Dynasties, many Yuefu questions have imitated plagiarism, which is the most disgusting thing.  Zimei was inspired by what he felt at the time. He felt pity for the country at the top and the poverty of the people at the bottom.

    Characteristics, Du Fu is a socialist poet, tending to realism, extensive in content, rich in contemporary characteristics, based on the rise and fall of politics, social unrest, war, corvee, hunger, poverty and the disparity between rich and poor.

    Du¡¯s poems are good at describing the historical reality at that time and reflecting the current situation of the Tang Dynasty from prosperity to decline, so it is known as the history of poetry.  From the Anshi Rebellion to before entering Shu, Du Fu experienced the turmoil of the great era and wrote a large number of famous and realistic works.  Among his famous works, there are many realistic ones, such as the masterpiece "Beauty's Journey", which reflects the extravagance and debauchery of the upper class.

    In terms of ideology, Du's poems contain Confucian thoughts, compassion for heaven and earth, concern for the country and the people, and are full of feelings of benevolence and love for things and strong patriotism, and are known as poets.

    Du Shi is good at using reason to carefully observe the reality of life and society, and understands the joys and sorrows of the people from his own life experience. He has a strong political consciousness, inherits and carries forward the realistic spirit of the Book of Songs, Han Yuefu folk songs and Jian'an Studies.

    In terms of technique, Du Shi is good at writing character dialogues and monologues, and selects characters and events with typical significance to describe them.  Du's poems are also good at expressing emotions, combining lyricism and narrative, and combining lyricism and description of scenery, expressing his feelings in the scenery.  Du Shi's narrative focuses on objective description, allowing the story to directly affect readers without making any comments.

    In terms of language, Du Fu has a very serious attitude in writing, concise language, accurate word usage, vivid and colorful images, and is good at using folk spoken language.

    In terms of genre, Du Fu's works are good at all styles, including ancient five-seven-character style, rhymed poetry and quatrains.  He often uses different poetry styles to express different contents. For narratives, he often uses ancient poetry with less metrical restrictions, which is convenient for narrative description, and for lyricism, he often uses modern poetry.

    Du Fu created a large number of seven-character rhyme poems. His works have a wide range of contents, are proficient in technique, pay attention to the rhythmic counterpoint, have rigorous meter, and have strong language. They are model works of all ages and have reached extremely high achievements, making the seven-character rhyme creation mature.  He also created new Yuefu poems that were instantly famous, describing the sufferings of people's livelihood in society.

    In terms of style, the main style of Du's poetry is melancholy, with various styles, rich and colorful, some vigorous and unrestrained, some fresh and delicate, some melancholy, some rich in rhetoric, some plain and simple, some popular and natural.  Du Shirongye absorbed the artistic techniques of his predecessors and developed a unique new style.

    Du Fu's poetry is generally considered to have the characteristics of melancholy in terms of language. The word melancholy was first seen in the Southern Dynasties, which refers to the melancholy of melancholy and the beauty of the sun and the moon. Later, Du Fu wrote the four words melancholy and frustrated to accurately summarize the language of his own works.  , As for the depression and frustration, he can be agile at any time, and the disciples of Yang Xiong and Meigao can be defeated by ordinary people.
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