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Volume 3: A blow of destiny, the king appears Chapter 85 Mozi

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    Mozi, one of the guardians of the devil

    Mozi (date of birth and death unknown, approximately 479 BC - 381 BC), a famous thinker and politician during the Warring States Period.  ¡ùA native of the Song State (now Shangqiu, Henan Province) at the end of the Warring States Period and the early days of the Warring States Period, or a person from the Lu State (now Mushi, Tengzhou, Shandong Province).

    He put forward the views of universal love, non-aggression, advocating virtue, advocating unity, heaven's will, Minggui, non-fate, non-happiness, frugal burial, frugal use, mutual benefit, etc. He founded the Mohist theory and wrote the book "Mozi"  handed down from generation to generation.

    The Mohist school had a great influence at that time. "Mencius and Teng Wengong" states: The words of Yang Zhu and Mo Zhai are popular in the world. If the words of the world are not attributed to Yang, then they belong to Moh.  It can be seen that during the Warring States Period, the Moh family was prominent in learning.

    Mozi¡¯s thoughts reflected in the book "Mozi" still have a certain influence in later generations. The widely circulated "Thousand-Character Classic" records the story of Mo's tragic silk dyeing from "Mozi Dyeing".  In the Qing Dynasty, with the rise of Zhuzi studies, scholars' research on Mozi's thoughts reached a new level.

    Mozi once studied Confucianism, but because he was dissatisfied with the cumbersome etiquette, he established a new doctrine, gathered his disciples to give lectures, and became the main opposition to Confucianism.  It is said that the King of Chu had planned to attack the Song Dynasty. Mozi went to persuade the King of Chu and won in a simulated attack and defense like Gongshu, so the King of Chu had to retreat.  Mozi¡¯s thoughts and ideas can be found in the Mohists.

    Wang Zhong, a scholar of the Qing Dynasty, regarded Mohism on an equal footing with Confucius. He believed that Confucius was a great official of Lu, while Mozi was a great official of Song Dynasty, and their positions were comparable.

    There are considerable differences between Mozi and Confucius.  Confucius advocated long mourning and generous burials, and attached great importance to sacrifices. Confucius said: You will never tire of fine food, and you will never tire of fine food.  It is an explanation for the sacrifice.  Mozi lived a simple life all his life, eating according to his belly and clothing according to his body.  He advocated frugal use and frugal burial, which was not a pleasure. His disciples also wore short brown clothes and soup of quinoa.

    The historical community is still unable to determine Mozi¡¯s real name. There are various theories as follows:

    The most traditional saying is, Mozi.  Mo's name was Zhai, as he was called in "Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals", "Huainanzi", and "Historical Records of Mencius and Xunqing".

    Sima Qian did not write a biography for Mozi. Only after the biography of Mencius and Xunqing, there is a brief record: Gai Mozhai was a senior official in the Song Dynasty.  It is good at guarding and guarding, and it is used for economical purposes. It may be said that it was combined with Confucius, or it was said to be after it.

    "The Compilation of Yuanhe Surnames" states that the Mo family, after Guzhujun, is the original Motai family.  Later it was changed to the Mo family, a native of the Song Dynasty during the Warring States Period.  Mo Zhai's book number is Mo Zi.  "New Tang Calligraphy and Literature" also follows this statement.

    According to the "Shiben" text cited by Tong Shuye in "Guangyun Liuzhi" and "Surname Emergency Chapter", Mo Yi, the son of Song Xiang Gong, must be the Great Sima, followed by Mo Yigao.  And the Motai family recorded in "Tongzhi Clan Brief" has the surname Zi.  After Song Chenggongzi Motai.  Research shows that the elder brother of Duke Xianggang of the Song Dynasty, his son Muyi (Ziyu), was the protagonist of the famous Ziyu debate story recorded in the "Zuo Zhuan of the 22nd Year of Duke Xi". His name was also written as Moyi or Mo.  tower.  His descendants took Moyi as their surname.

    Based on this, Tong Shuye believed that Mozi was the descendant of the Song Dynasty's official surname Mo Yi, so Mozi inherited the aristocratic status and became a Song Dynasty official.

    "Beishan Yiwen" written by Kong Zhigui of the Southern Qi Dynasty calls Mo Zhai Zhai Zi.  "Langhuan Ji" written by Yi Shizhen of the Yuan Dynasty also echoed this theory and believed that Mozi's surname was Zhai Mingwu.

    "Gu Shuwu Shu Ying" written by Zhou Lianggong of the Qing Dynasty put forward more specifically: using ink as the way, now the surname is the name.  It is believed that his surname was Zhai and he changed his surname into a given name; while Mo was a school of thought.

    The late Qing Dynasty scholar Jiang Ming's "Reading Zi Yan" follows Zhou Lianggong's statement and further explains that it is believed that the surname Zhai did exist in ancient times, but there was no surname Mo, and among the scholars of the Warring States Period, Confucianism, Taoism, Ming, Fa, and  Yin Yang, Zongheng, Za, Nong, Novel, etc. do not use surnames as school names, so Mo should be the name of the school.

    Modern scholar Qian Mu's "Biography of Mozi" conducted research from the perspective that Mo Xing was one of the names of ancient punishments. He believed that the ancients were punished with light punishments and were punished with hard labor as slaves. Therefore, Mo was called a prisoner, but it was actually slavery. The life of the Mohists was meager.  The ultimate goal is self-suffering.

    Mozi and his disciples all had calluses on their hands and feet, and their faces were black and white. They were serving as slaves and did not dare to ask for their desires. Everyone could be made to walk through fire and die without hesitation.  In this way, it is called ink.  In history, Wang Yingbu of Huainan in the Western Han Dynasty was called Tingbu after being tortured. This is also a proof.  And Zhai is indeed his name, because "Mozi" and "Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals" record Mo Zhai, so he is often called Zhai.

    There is no clear record of where Mozi was born in the existing books. There are also different opinions in history. Some people in the Song Dynasty said it, people in Chu said it, people in Lu said it, people in India said it, etc.  Among them, the Lu theory has been recognized by most people in Mohist circles.

    "Historical Records of Mencius and Xunqing Biography": Gai Mo Zhai, a great official in the Song Dynasty, was good at guarding the imperial court and used it for economy.  It may be said that it merged with Confucius, or it may be said that it came after him.  Accordingly, some scholars call them Song people.  This theory remained popular until the Qing Dynasty.

    When Bi Yuan annotated "Mozi" in the Qing Dynasty, according to Gao You's annotations in "Lu Shi Chun Qiu" and referring to Mozi's many conversations with Lu Yang Wenjun, it was inferred that he was from Luyang, that is, a Chu person.

    Song peopleThe theory of ?? and Chu people was criticized by Liang Qichao.  In "Mozi Xuexian", according to "Mozi. Gongshu", he returned to the Song Dynasty, which strongly proves that he was not a Song Dynasty person.  According to "Mozi Guiyi", Mozi traveled south to Chu.  If Mozi was from Luyang, Chu State, he should be called You Ying.

    Fang Shuochu's "Origins of Mohism" and Zhang Chunyi's "Mo Zi's Theory of Lu People" both criticized Mo Zi's theory of Song people and Chu's theory of Lu Yang people.

    Jiang Baochang's "From Gao Youzhu's Commentary on Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals to the conclusion that Mozi was from Donglu and not from West Lu": Bi Yuan misread Gaoyu's annotation.

    Sun Yirang of the Qing Dynasty wrote "The Interpretation of Mozi", and in the accompanying "Biography of Mozi", it was first proposed that Mozi was a native of Lu.  The main basis is: "Mozi Guiyi" Mozi established Qi after Lu.  "Mo Zi Lu Wen" was written to welcome Mo Zi to Lu.  "Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals" Gongshu Pan was a ladder, and he wanted to attack the Song Dynasty. Mozi heard about it and went from Lu.

    Zhang Zhihan, a well-known Mohist scholar, further verified in papers such as "Mozi was originally from Tengzhou" and "New Exploration of Mozi's Li Ji" that Mozi's birthplace should be Lanyi of the ancient Zhu state (now in Tengzhou, Shandong).  Lanyi later belonged to the State of Lu.  Its main basis are:

    Mozi was a descendant of Muyi, a nobleman of the Song Dynasty. According to historical records, there was a Muyi Pavilion in the southeast of Tengzhou.

    Mozi¡¯s theory inherited the tradition of Zhu Lou culture, and Zhu Lou is known as the hometown of hundreds of craftsmen, and Mozi¡¯s living habits and scientific and technological achievements are closely related to this.

    This theory is now recognized by the vast majority of Mohist researchers (Kuang Yaming, Ren Jiyu, Yang Xiangkui, Zhang Dainian, Ji Xianlin).

    Hu Huaichen wrote treatises such as "Mo Zhai's Identification of Indians" and "Mozi's Study of Mozi", which proposed for the first time that Mozi was an Indian.  He believed that Mo was not a surname, and Zhai was not a surname, let alone a given name, but the pronunciation of Qi Di or Man Di. Furthermore, Mozi was dark in appearance and advocated universal love and non-aggression, which showed that Mozi should be a Brahmin.  Jin Zutong and Chen Shengliang said that Mozi might be a Muslim before Muhammad, while Wei Juxian verified that Mozi should be an Indian or an Arab.

    In the early days, there were many Mohist disciples. "Gongshu Chapter": Mozi said that the King of Chu said: "I have three hundred disciples, including Qin Huali," and "Book of the King of Huainan" also says that Mozi served one hundred and eighty people, and all of them can be sent to the fire.  Dancing on the edge, death will not turn on the heel, but there is very little information about the activities of Mozi and the Mohists, and they cannot be recorded in name books.

    From the existing historical materials, there are three people who can be called Juzi: Meng Sheng, Tian Xiangzi, and Fu?

    The existing fifty-three chapters of "Mozi" were gradually added by Mozi and his disciples of various generations. They are the basic materials for studying Mozi and Mohist doctrines.

    The original text of "Langhuan Ji": Mozi's surname was Zhai Mingwu.  His mother dreamed that a red bird flew into the room in the middle of the day.  The flames are shining brightly, and the eyes cannot be alert.  It gives birth to crow, hence its name.

    The Mohist School is one of the hundreds of schools of thought during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period in ancient China. Its founder was Mo Zhai, known as Mozi in the world. The name of the Mohist School comes from its founder.

    Since then, due to Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty's policy of exclusive Confucianism, changes in social mentality, and the hard training, strict rules and noble ideas of Mohism itself that were not accessible to everyone, Mohism basically disappeared after Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty reigned.
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