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Volume Three: With a blow of destiny, the king appears. Chapter 86: Mozi¡¯s Menduo Warriors

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    "Han Shu Yi Zhi" believes that the Mohist school originated from Wu Zhu, and the Mohist school originated from the guardianship of the Qing temple.  Choosing rafters for a thatched house is based on nobleness and frugality; raising three elders and five young men is based on love for all; choosing scholars for shooting is based on the most virtuous; worshiping strict fathers is based on right ghosts; walking through the four seasons is based on non-life; filial piety  Look at the world and treat it as the same.  The so-called guardians of the Qing Temple are actually clergy such as Wu Zhu.

    Mozi was born in the lower class of society.  He was originally trained in Confucianism.  Later, because he was dissatisfied with the red tape and wasteful and wasteful funerals emphasized by Confucianism, he had doubts, so he went against Zhou Dao and used Xia Zheng, emphasizing the need to learn from Dayu's spirit of hard work and frugality.  So he broke away from Confucianism and used it to make his emperor prosperous and prosperous, and founded the Mohist school.

    In order to promote his ideas, Mozi recruited many disciples, and he usually had hundreds of close disciples.

    ?? Confucianism and Mohism were both prominent schools in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. At that time, there was a saying that if you did not follow Confucianism, you would follow Mohism.  During the pre-Qin period, Confucianism and Mohism were at odds with each other.  In the late Warring States period, the influence of Mohism was even greater than that of Confucianism.

    The Mohist family is also regarded as the earliest civil association organization in China. It has strict organization and strict discipline. Its supreme leader is called Juzi or Juzi. Members of the Mohist family call themselves Mohists. The so-called Mohist family has many warriors.

    Mo Zhai may be the first generation of great men.  The giant is appointed by the previous generation, passed down from generation to generation, and enjoys supreme authority in the group.  Mozi served with one hundred and eighty men, and all of them could go through fire and sword, and they would not return the heel even if they died.

    Most of the Mohists came from the lower class of society, with the purpose of education to bring benefit to the world and eliminate harm to the world. The Confucian mat is not warm, the ink is not Guizhou, and they pay special attention to hard practice, short brown clothes, and quinoa soup.  If you get it in the morning, you won't get it in the evening. If you rub your head and put your heels down, you will benefit the world and do it.

    Wearing fur brown clothes and wearing straw sandals as clothing, we work day and night, taking self-suffering to the extreme and living a miserable life.  Mohists can go through thick and thin.  To not turn back one's heel means to die without turning back one's heel.  Among Mohists, those who engage in conversation and debate are called Mohists; those who engage in martial arts are called Mohists.  Mohists must obey the leadership of the great master and his discipline is strict.  According to legend, according to Mo Zhe's law, those who kill are killed and those who injure others are punished.

    For example, Ju Zifei's son killed someone. Although he was forgiven by King Qin Hui, he still insisted on the Mohist method of killing the murderer.

    According to Mohist regulations, Mohists who are sent to serve as officials in various countries must implement Mohist political ideas; they would rather resign when it does not work.  in addition.  Mohists who serve as officials should donate their salaries to the group so that they can share their wealth with each other.  Leaders should lead by example.

    In short, Mohism is a school of thought with leaders, theories, and organization. They have a strong spirit of social practice.  Mohists are hard-working and self-disciplined.  Consider upholding justice and morality as an unshirkable responsibility.  Most of the Mohists are knowledgeable workers.

    In the late Warring States period, it was divided into two branches: one focused on the research of epistemology, logic, geometry, geometric optics, statics and other subjects, which was called the Mohist school (also known as the late Mohist school), and the other branch transformed into the Qin and Han society.  Rangers; but there is also a saying that they are divided into three factions.  For example, Han Feizi said that after Mozi's death, the Mohist family split into three factions: the Xiangli family, the Xiangfu family, and the Dengling family.

    Generally, Qin's transformation from weakness to strength is attributed to Shang Yang's reforms.  Historian He Bingdi believes that the Qin State issued an order to seek talents, and many Mohists came to Qin. Qin Mohism made incomparable contributions to the prosperity of the Qin State.

    But after the end of the Warring States Period, the Mohist school began to decline.  By the Western Han Dynasty, due to the exclusive Confucianism policy during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, changes in social mentality, and the hard training, strict rules and noble ideas of the Mohists who were not accessible to everyone, the Mohist school basically disappeared after the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

    Wang Zhong once spoke justice for Mozi, and was called a sinner of famous religion by Weng Fanggang.  At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Sun Yirang wrote "The Interpretation of Mozi", which was the culmination of the collation of "Mozi".

    After modern times, Mohist thought is believed by some people to have something in common with modern socialism and thought.

    Mohist writings: There are still 86 Mohist writings recorded in the Eastern Han Dynasty in "Hanshu-Yi Zhi":

    Seventy-one chapters of "Mozi" - three chapters of "Hu Feizi" by Mo Zhai - six chapters of "Sui Chao Zi" by Mo Zhai's disciples - one chapter of "My Son" by Mo Zhai's disciples and three chapters of "Tian Qiu Zi" - first  Two chapters of "Yin Yi" by Han Zi - written by an official of the Zhou Dynasty during the Cheng and Kang Dynasties.

    The Mohist school gradually disappeared after the Six Dynasties. In the tenth year of Zhengtong (1445), Zhang Yuchu was ordered to engrave "Mozi" into "Tao Zang".

    There are only fifty-three chapters of "Mozi" handed down in modern times. These chapters were preserved because they were included in the Taoist work "Tao Zang".  Wang Zhong divided Mozi's book into two parts, internal and external, and wrote a volume called "Representations of Mozi".

    Hu Shi first divided the fifty-three chapters of "Mozi" into five parts in the "Outline of the History of Chinese Philosophy".  Part One: From "Kin Shi" to "Three Bian", all seven chapters are forged by later generations.

    The second part: three chapters of "Shang Xian", three chapters of "Shang Tong", three chapters of "Universal Love", three chapters of "Fei Gong", two chapters of "Jie Yu", one chapter of "Jie Bury", and "Heaven's Will"  Three chapters, "MingOne chapter is "Ghost", one chapter is "Fei Yue", three chapters are "Fei Ming", and one chapter is "Fei Ru". There are twenty-four chapters, most of which were written by Mohist disciples.

    The third part: the six chapters of "Jing", "Jing Shuo", "Daqi" and "Xiaoqi" are all later Zhuangzi's other inscriptions.

    The fourth part: "Gongzhu", "Guiyi", "Gongmeng", "Luwen" and "Gongshu" are five chapters. They are a collection of Mozi's words and deeds throughout his life, which is equivalent to the Confucian Analects.

    Part Five: From "Bei City Gate" to "Za Shou", all eleven chapters record the Mohist methods of defending the city and preparing for enemies.

    The basic thoughts of Mohism mainly include the following ten points:

    1. Universal love: undifferentiated fraternity, separation of relatives and social classes.  (It is quite contrary to the Confucian well-off society or the Doctrine of the Doctrine, where close relatives are not the only ones, but similar to the Great Harmony, where one does not only kiss one's own relatives, and one does not only kiss one's sons, one should treat relatives as father, son, son, brother, friend, brother, brother, brother, brother, etc.  , extended to other strangers).

    2. Non-offensive: Oppose aggressive war.  (The war is a meaningless destructive act that harms the loser, hurts lives and talents. For the winner, it only gains a few cities and taxes, but overall the harm and losses are  It is also huge, so war is a meaningless act).

    3. Respect the virtuous: only those who are worthy should be promoted regardless of high or low status.

    4. Shangtong: We should work together to serve the people and bring benefits and eliminate disadvantages to society.  (There is a saying called Shangtong, which holds that the emperor is the head of all officials, and the people obey the orders of the officials and act in the same way as above. This is the meaning of Shangtong.)

    5. Heavenly Will: Master the laws of nature.  (There is a saying that the emperor administers affairs on behalf of heaven, and from the same concept as above, it is inferred that the people act according to the will of heaven.)

    6. Minggui: Respect the wisdom and experience of predecessors.  (There is a saying that the Mohist theory of ghosts is not superstitious, but they hope to use the theory of gods and ghosts to make people vigilant and not do evil.)

    7. Unfate: Control your own destiny through hard work.

    8. Feile: Get rid of the shackles of hierarchical rituals and music, and abolish the tedious and extravagant production and performance of chimes.  (Music in ancient times was time-consuming, labor-intensive, and expensive. It had no productive activities for the country, so it was useless.)

    9. Economy: Save to expand production.  Oppose luxury and pleasure life.

    10. Funeral: Don¡¯t waste social wealth on the dead.  (We are opposed to Confucianism¡¯s expensive burial, which consumes money. The mourning period lasts for three years. After three years, the person will be weak and needs help to get up, which will affect the country¡¯s productivity and is a waste.)

    Mohist logic is a kind of logic in the Mohist school, mainly represented by the theory of three things, which are reasons, principles and categories.  Mo Bian is the main work explaining Mohist logic.

    In modern times, a large number of scholars have studied the "Mo Jing" and found that the "Mo Jing" almost covers philosophy, logic, psychology, politics, ethics, education, natural science and other disciplines.

    Hu Shi said: When Mohists discuss knowledge, they focus on experience and inference. Looking at the articles on optics and mechanics in "Mobian", we can see that Mohists can really do many field experiments.  This is exactly the spirit of science and the contribution of Mohism.

    The Mohists refer to reasoning as saying. "The First Classic" says: "Speaking, so it is clear;" "The Second Classic" says: "For things that are not what they are, the explanation lies in inferring them."

    "Xiaochei" also mentions seven forms of reasoning: or, false, effective, evasive, Ù°, yuan, and inference.  Mozi often criticized Confucian scholars for answering questions that were inappropriate. Mozi asked Confucian scholars what happiness was, and the answer was: Happiness is happiness.  Mozi criticized: Now I ask: Why is it a room?  Said: How to avoid the cold in winter, how to avoid the heat in summer, the room is considered to be the difference between men and women.  Then my son accused me of being a wife.  Now I ask: Why is it happiness?  Said: Happiness is happiness.  Shi Yu said: Why is it a room?  Said: A room is a room.  .

    Mozi was also an outstanding scientist. He made significant contributions in mechanics, geometry, algebra, optics, etc., which are beyond the reach of contemporary scholars.

    "Mo Jing" proposed concepts such as end, ruler, area, and acupoint, which are roughly equivalent to points, lines, planes, and bodies in modern geometry.  Mohist's achievements in science have been praised by many scholars. Joseph Needham pointed out that if the line followed by Mohist thought continued to develop, it might have produced the Euclidean geometric system.

    Cai Yuanpei believes that in the pre-Qin Dynasty, Mozi was the only one who practiced science.

    "Huainanzi Synopsis" records: Mozi studied Confucianism and received the skills of Confucius.

    "Han Shu Yi Zhi Zhu Zi Lu" says: The Mohist movement originated from the guardianship of the Qing temple.  Choosing rafters for a hut is based on nobleness and frugality; raising three elders and five young men is based on love for all; selecting scholars for shooting is based on virtuous people; worshiping strict fathers is based on right ghosts; walking in accordance with the four seasons is based on unfaithfulness; filial piety  Looking at the world, it is the same as above; this is what it is good at.  And those who hide it, see the benefits of frugality, and use it as disrespectful, pushing the meaning of universal love, and not knowing the distance between them.  .

    Wang Zhong's "Preface to the Study of Mozi": Among the nine schools of thought, Confucianism is the only one who can compete with it, and all other scholars are incomparable to it.

    Weng Fanggang's ""Shu Mozi" in Volume 15 of "Chu Zhai Ji" attacks: Wang Zhong, a living member, blatantly wrote a preface to "Mozi", claiming that he could cure "Mozi", and dared to say that Mencius' words were universally loved.  Without a father, this is also called a sinner of religion, and there is no doubt about it.
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