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    "The army has gained the support of the majority of members of the Communist Party of India. Indian Maoism has developed rapidly. After a period of hard work and with the participation of the China-India Secret Service Committee, the Indian Maoist Central Committee headed by Comrade Napati  , completed the integration of the Indian People's War and the People's Guerrilla Army of the Indian Maoist Action Center. According to the instructions of the "Indian Working Committee", the entire Indian People's Liberation Army was established in northeastern India, with more than 40 people.  Divided into three divisions and regiments, many guerrilla fighters trained by the "Indian Special Intelligence Commission" served as commanders at all levels. Shiming Chinese consultants participated in the Indian Maoist Central Army and the Indian People's Liberation Army.  The leadership work of the army. A large number of weapons and ammunition eliminated by our army are continuously delivered to the soldiers of the Indian People's Liberation Army through several secret passages. They are organized into regiments and camps on the Brahmaputra River in northeastern India.  Various states in the south actively carried out guerrilla warfare and mine warfare, which dealt a heavy blow to the already weak Indian government forces. However, the Indian People's Liberation Army became more courageous and stronger as it fought. [] By the first half of this year, the Indian People's Liberation Army became stronger.  In the past three years, under the direct command of Chinese advisers, the Indian People's Liberation Army has defeated three large-scale encirclement and suppression campaigns by the Indian government troops, killing more than 60,000 Indian government troops on the north bank of the Ganges.  A vast guerrilla zone has been established in the northeastern part of India, starting from Panchayat, Uttaranchal, to the northern suburbs of New Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Garikpur, Bengal, and the entire northeast.  India's first proletarian government was established in Shillong, Meghalaya, and the Meghal Pradesh People's Revolutionary Committee was established in Tripura in March.  People's Revolutionary Committee. These two connected states have become the most consolidated red bastion of Maoism in India. In the first half of the year, the Indian revolution took place in Assam, Manipur, and Mizora in northeastern India.  In states such as Kashmir, Nagaland and Tripura, vast guerrilla zones have established base areas of varying sizes and controlled Chittagong in northeastern India. The population of the Maoist base areas in India has reached tens of millions.  Maoism controls vast areas, and the Indian Maoists vigorously promote land reform. There are two aspects of land reform: tenancy reform and land redistribution. Tens of thousands of tenant farmers have been granted land leased by the Indian People's Revolutionary Committee for permanent and permanent farming.  Inheritable leasehold rights are protected by the law of the Indian People's Revolutionary Committee; according to the "Land Ceiling Law" enacted by the Communist Party of India, the Indian People's Revolutionary Committee expropriated quota land from landlords and rich farmers and distributed it to the land reform base areas of Jinduo.  The vast majority of farmers have directly benefited. In the base areas, poor and middle peasants own land owned by the base areas. Land reform has fully unleashed the vitality of the countryside and the enthusiasm of farmers. The average annual growth rate of grain output in the base areas has increased by 6%, which is higher than that in the government-controlled areas.  Indian Maoism has received unprecedented support from the Indian people.  Peasants who obtained land joined the Indian People's Liberation Army and the Militia and Self-Defense Forces.  To protect the vested interests that they have obtained, and no longer be taken back by the government or the landlords and rich peasants.  The vigorous development and continuous military victory of the agrarian revolutionary movement led by the Maoists in India have had a huge impact.  Maoism in India has developed even more rapidly. There are currently about 10,000 party members, and the total number of subordinate Communist Party organizations exceeds 40,000.  Why did Deng Feng¡¯s ¡°Indian Special Intelligence Commission¡± first choose Northeast India as the focus of India¡¯s anti-Maoist activities and development?  Because the northeastern part of India is close to the eastern section of the territorial dispute between India and China, the disputed territory is 10,000 square kilometers, which is the Menyu-Luoyu-Chayu area in the south of the country.  The northeastern region of India includes the states of Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura, as well as the 10,000 square kilometers of Chinese territory later occupied by India.  "Arunachal Pradesh" and Sikkim officially joined the Northeastern Indian Council and became the 8th northeastern state.  If the Indian Maoists occupy northeastern India, the territorial dispute with China will cease to exist.  After all, the party now has absolute say.  This area is rich in natural resources such as oil, natural gas, mineral deposits and forests. However, except for the forest resources, people now do not know the existence of other resources.  These are essential for China Exhibition.  ??This area is one of the poorest areas in India.  If you are poor, you will want to change. There is a good mass base for revolution here. In addition, because it is geographically isolated from the vast hinterland of India by East Pakistan, which later became Bangladesh, the Northeast plays an important role in the political and economic map of India.  They are all in a relatively special position, making it difficult for the Indian government to carry out large-scale encirclement and suppression. They look at Dongba to the west, Myanmar to the east, China's southern Tibet region to the north, and the Indian Ocean to the south.  Historically, this area was composed of several relatively independent states, and it was not directly under the jurisdiction of British rulers during the British colonial period.  Administratively it does not fall within the scope of British India.  It was not until the independence of India that these Tuhan knives were gradually incorporated into Indian editions.India has the same ethnic and social structure as other parts of India, resulting in some differences between this region and the main areas of India.  In addition, when these princely states were merged into India, the rule of the Indian central government was still unstable, and the Indian government divided the Northeast region into "three categories of areas," which also hurt the feelings of the local people to a great extent.  In terms of economic development, the Northeast is one of the poorest regions in India. Both economic and social development indicators and infrastructure conditions are far behind other regions in India. Therefore, this region is most suitable as a breakthrough point against India.  He even wants to incorporate this area into China's territory if the conditions are right. But this is not something he can decide. After all, there are nearly 100 million mouths to feed, and there is a Himalayan Mountains across from China.  In February of that year, Feng came to Shillong, a city in the northeastern Indian state of Meghala. After attending the meeting of the Meghala State People's Revolutionary Committee, he visited Meghal in the company of Napati, General Secretary of the Maoist Party of India.  There is a small village called Savara near Shillong City in Karabang Province. There are four people in this village. There are about 100 Indian Maoist Party members in this village, and most of them are farmers. Before liberation, the Indian farmers here.  Life is in a relatively difficult situation, and there are many cases of farmers committing suicide due to debt. After liberation, the Indian Maoists confiscated limited land from landlords and rich farmers in this village, and distributed the land to poor farmers and provided assistance.  Farmers solve practical difficulties encountered in labor production. Since the Indian Maoists have established a party branch in the village, farmers in this village go to the branch or party members if they have difficulties. The Indian Maoists can always find ways to overcome difficulties.  Method, the role of party members is also better. The Indian Maoists have a very high prestige in small villages. If anyone dares to say a bad word about the Indian Maoists, people here will attack them.  The villain was even transferred to the village militia and self-defense force. The arrival of Na Feng and his entourage was warmly welcomed by the villagers with gongs and drums. Di Feng said to General Secretary Napati with great satisfaction: "In less than three and a half years.  Here, you have made such great achievements that far surpass everything that India did in the 1960s. Comrade Napati, you are amazing!  "Napati said with gratitude: "Everything we have achieved has been achieved under the guidance of doctrine and the correct leadership of you and the Secret Service Committee.  As ** said, what we are doing now is just the first step in a long march of thousands of miles. Our future road will be longer and our work will be greater. Na Feng smiled and said, "Yes! You will also usher in the whole country in the future."  In the construction of political power, you must be prepared in all aspects. After the correct line is determined, cadres are the decisive factor. You must do a good job in building the cadre team to ensure that the correct line can be implemented in the past few years.  Having been in contact with Deng Feng for a long time, he understood Deng Feng's meaning very well and said hurriedly: "Director Deng, comrades of the Special Service Committee, please rest assured that the first criterion for our selection of cadres is whether they have strong proletarian feelings towards China and whether they have strong proletarian feelings towards China."  Able to unswervingly implement the instructions of the Special Task Force.  I have already drawn up a list of candidates for the leadership of the new country, and I will ask you to review it when I get back.  "Deng Feng also knew that Napati said these things sincerely, and that his hard work over the years had not been in vain. "You are the General Secretary of the Maoist Party of India, the founder of the party, and the Central Army of the Maoist Party of India  Chairman, founder of the Indian People's Liberation Army.  I think you should combine the party, government and army. Na Feng finally added: "Indian Maoism has a great leader like you, the Secret Service Committee can rest assured. "No, no" Napati said frankly:  "You are the true founder of our party and our army. Everything that the Indian Maoists and the Indian People's Liberation Army have achieved is the result of your hard work.  We Indian people will never forget "Don't say that, it goes too far. We are a family, how can we say polite words." Deng Feng said: "I went back to Beijing a few days ago and saw  Your three children are all very good. Your eldest son and daughter are both studying at Peking University, and your younger daughter is at the High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University. Their Chinese is much better than yours now. "Really!  Napati said happily: "That's great!"  I'm so happy for them.  "Sending Napati's three children to study in Beijing was the only personal request Napati made to Deng Feng in the past few years. Deng Feng agreed without hesitation. He personally took the three children to Beijing to make arrangements.  . Because Napati did something that moved him very much: In March of that year, the Indian People's Liberation Army captured Kalimpong in West Bengal for the first time. Kalimpong is an important town at the southern foot of the Himalayas in northern India.  Located in the border area between India and the Kingdom of Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan, it is very close to Yadong County in China. Its strategic location is extremely important and is a gathering place for various terrorists and is the site of the conspiracy of the "West" in India.  As early as the British-Indian period, India used Kalimpong as a base for the activities of the Thirteenth Revolution to split the motherland. When the People's Liberation Army peacefully liberated India, the former Tibetan king Lu KangHe and Lobsang Tashi instigated some reactionaries to flee to Kesiyi and use Kalimpong as their stronghold.  Tsetang, who commanded the anti-motherland activities of the "Rebellion Branch" in the Xikang area, even the several riots against Lhasa in later generations were also instigated in Kalimpong. The Indian People's Liberation Army eliminated this in one fell swoop  The command center of the anti-Japanese rebels and the so-called government-in-exile of the anti-Japanese government captured more than 3 anti-revolutionaries including the former Tibetan kings Lu Kangwa and Lobsang Tashi and the second brother of the anti-Japanese government, Gyalet Tendup.  He and three Han nationals, including several officials from the current local government who came to contact foreign terrorists, seized a large amount of weapons, ammunition, precious metals, and documents from their past interactions.  Zhinafeng and the "Indian Secret Service" under his leadership were extremely disgusted with these so-called political elites, so he personally ordered that none of these Tibetans be spared and all were shot, resulting in the sensational Kalimpong Massacre.  Afterwards, he handed over the precious metals, documents and the three Han people seized by the Indian People's Liberation Army to the "Indian Secret Service." After interrogation, it was found that two of the three Han people were agents sent by Chiang Kai-shek in Taiwan.  After the liberation of Taiwan.  Several of them have returned to Taiwan to receive adaptations.  The remaining two are die-hard elements who are determined to be the enemy of the people. The other one is Jiang Huating, the director of the Artillery Regiment of the Second Field and Eighteenth Army of the People's Liberation Army.  After entering Tibet, because of his promiscuous relationship with the daughter of an upper-class noble, he was later hid in a Tibetan monastery by an upper-class noble.  Later, under the cover of Lobsang Sandan, the third brother of the Communist Party of China at that time, the deputy director of the Public Security Department of the Communist Party of China, he fled to India and committed the criminal act of betraying the motherland!  Di Feng recalled that he had seen such a thing in the briefing on the Sino-Indian border counterattack. There was an officer named Jiang. Because the woman ended up betraying our army¡¯s intelligence secrets and colluding with the Japanese treasonous group,  Complicity in rebellion.  Before the rebellion, he went to Taiwan and was personally picked up by Chiang Kai-shek and awarded the rank of Major General of the Kuomintang.  In March 1959, when the Kuomintang reactionary group launched an all-out armed rebellion, this man became the deputy commander of the rebels and led a large number of rebels to ambush our People's Liberation Army. He ambushed hundreds of our military vehicles in Shannan, causing our army to  The damage was so severe and the condition was so miserable that it was really hateful!  After the failure of the rebellion, Jiang Huating fled from Shannan to India. He seemed to have married five wives at once, organized a treasonous government-in-exile in India with his fellow escaped rebels, and continued to carry out treasonous criminal activities.  During the Sino-Indian border self-defense counterattack in 1962, this traitor once again acted as the lackey of Indian Asan.  He became the vanguard of the revolution and once commanded the Indian artillery to fight against the Chinese People's Liberation Army, causing heavy casualties to our border defense troops.  This shameful traitor has played a huge destructive role that Chinese and foreign reactionaries are far from able to play.  The more Na Feng thought about it, the clearer it became that it was him.  Although the following crimes have not yet occurred, it is only because there is no condition for them to occur. Now that he has fled to India, this shameful traitor can do anything.  He couldn't help but feel hatred welling up in his heart.  He told the "Indian Secret Service" around him. Yang Guang, who was responsible for conducting guerrilla training for the Indian People's Liberation Army, said: "Yang Guang, that Jiang Huating was left to you."  You have to show your unique skills and entertain him well. This is a traitor whose hands are stained with the blood of our soldiers.  You can't handle it too much, but there is one thing you can't do to let him live in this world again!  Yang Guanglie smiled and said: "Okay, let him enjoy it before he dies. Let him go on the road with those two dedicated Kuomintang agents tomorrow. Napati's action this time made  Di Feng was quite moved. Killing three people at once was a huge scapegoat. In order not to cause trouble to himself, he decided to kill him first and tell him later how difficult it would be.  It was either a matter of killing or keeping them, but he still carefully left the three Han people to his own devices. After being moved, Nafeng gave Napati a high degree of praise, saying that he had committed suicide in India more than once.  The Maoist high-level meeting said: ¡°Comrade Napati has a strong sense of the overall situation and a high political level.  He has the extraordinary courage of a proletarian revolutionary and high political skills in handling various complex affairs at home and abroad.  It took decades for your Indian government to have such a great leader.  All comrades in the party must learn from him.  Unite closely around him.  Consciously maintain his prestige.  "This happened after his death. When he saw Napati again, he personally took off the Hong-style pistol he was wearing and a heterodyne FM and AM radio and gave them to Napati. Napati was very happy.  He happily accepted this great gift, and then said shyly: "Comrade Na Feng, I have always wanted to ask you something, but I never knew how to tell you. I really want to give away my three children.  Go to China to study. Deng Feng said before he could finish: "Comrade, if you have anything to say, just say it. Okay, I'll take care of this for you. Just let me know when they want to go."  Not long after, Deng Feng gave another rocket launcher to the Indian People's Liberation Army.  concave.  rocket missile.  Through this incident, Napati also felt that Deng Feng had become closer to her personally, and she felt that it was worthwhile.  Didn¡¯t I just kill a few more slave owners and their lackeys??.  In exchange for such great benefits for themselves and the People's Liberation Army of India.
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