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Text Chapter 149 Marching into Tibet

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    Peak these two years.  As the director of the "India Special Working Committee".  I must spend half of the year in India and **.  It can be said that his understanding of politics is much deeper than before.  ** is a society with a theocratic feudal serfdom system, which is the most decadent form of society. All land and other main means of production are occupied by serf owners. The vast number of serfs and slaves who account for more than % of the population in the region not only have no  The means of production and even the human body were completely owned by the serf owners.  Slave owners could do whatever they wanted with their slaves.  Cramp, peel skin, gouge out eyes, if they want.  You can see slaves without legs casually on the street.  Needless to say, he must have escaped many times and was killed by the slave owner.  There are also many slaves who had their tongues cut out and became mute because they stole fruits from temples or ate food from slave owners' homes.  Slaves were subjected to extremely cruel exploitation and oppression. The vast majority of serfs and slaves were living in hell on earth, struggling on the verge of death.  Serf owners used the wealth plundered from serfs and slaves entirely to satisfy their debauched lives.  This is really a society where individuals cannibalize people. If you don¡¯t see it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe it is true.  ¡¾¡¿ There is almost no industry in today's world, and agricultural production is in a primitive state. The most advanced ones use wooden plows and wooden rakes to cultivate the land. The soil turned up is only two or three inches. Even the grass roots cannot be plowed away, and the soil clods cannot be broken up by raking.  ; In some places, a wooden stick is used to plow the land, which can only cut through the soil. When harvesting, the slaves hold it steady with their fingers, and almost always coax a group of yaks to step onto the field.  ¡°But why can this kind of one country, two systems exist for ten years in China¡¯s history?  Why did the Chinese Communist Party, which was sworn to the exploiting class, allow these evil slave owners and the most decadent and degenerate social form to survive in China, a socialist country, for ten years?  This is completely a helpless move by the Chinese government in this era.  At the end of the new year, I was sitting on the international train from Beijing to Moscow, sitting tall, looking at the white snow outside the window, and murmured to myself: "Siberia is covered in ice for thousands of miles, and this is probably the case in Japan."  On the special train to Moscow, the longest thoughts reached from Manchuria to the Himalayas, crossing the Chinese territory like a diagonal line.  **The question lingers in my mind.  Not to mention, just two months before the founding of the People's Republic of China, a small number of pro-imperialist elements in the Kashag local government represented by the regent Daza secretly colluded with the British and the Indian Consul General in Lhasa Richardson to take advantage of the situation.  Before the People's Liberation Army arrived in Tibet and the Kuomintang regime was facing collapse, it wanted to separate Tibet from China.  The Ninth Panchen Lama, who had fallen out with the Thirteenth Emperor and had lived in Qinghai for a long time, sent a message of support to Mao Wa and Zhu De on the day the Republic was founded.  Due to the intervention of history, religion and international reactionary forces, the anti-Japanese issue has been complicated from the beginning, and it is urgent to solve the anti-Japanese issue.  Mao advised Mao to send a telegram to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the issue of the Communist Party of China in the midst of the sound of the train: "In order to seize the opportunity to liberate China, combat the ambitions of imperialist aggression and expansion, and promote the inward transformation of China, it is appropriate to march into the country."  Sooner rather than later, the sooner the better, otherwise, there will be long nights and many dreams." The telegram was quickly transferred to Peng Dehuai, deputy commander-in-chief of the People's Liberation Army and the Northwest Military Region.  Peng Dehuai was extremely anxious at this time.  Before Mao Chi's visit, he had already given him a telegram to march into **: the solution to the ** problem should be completed in the autumn or winter of next year.  Judging from the current situation, the Northwest Bureau should be tasked with taking the primary responsibility, and the Southwest Bureau should be tasked with the secondary responsibility.  Because the war ended earlier in the northwest than in the southwest, some people say that the road from Qinghai to Japan is smooth and easy to walk.  The Panchen Lama and his group were in Qinghai again.  It is impossible to solve the political problem without sending troops. Of course, sending troops will not only involve the northwest, but also the southwest.  After receiving urgent telegrams from the Supreme Commander, Peng Dehuai, who has always been courageous, hesitated.  There has been no successful example of troops entering Tibet from the northwest in the past dynasties. How confident are we of winning under such hasty conditions?  Zhang Dehuai had big bubbles on his mouth.  Wandering back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back, he reported the truth to the central government: From Yutian and Hotan, across the Kunlun Mountains to the Heihe border with Taiwan, it is necessary to walk through the Salt Lake, a pure path.  It is impassable for mules and horses and sparsely populated.  It is said that it takes two months to ride from Heihe from Salt Lake to Lhasa.  It is difficult to enter Tibet from southern Xinjiang, and aircraft flying over the Kunlun Mountains require special equipment.  In addition, it is possible to carry packhorses through Puli and the eastern hinterland of the Pamir Plateau from Hashgar, but it must pass through India and go eastward into Tibet.  The northern route is easy to travel, but due to political restrictions, it is not possible.  If the task of entering Tibet is returned to the northwest, it is necessary to station troops and food in Hotan, Yutian, and Yushu, build roads, and complete preparations for entering Tibet. It will take two years. The ** in Moscow received Peng Dehuai's telegram and read it several times.  Preoccupied.  It is impossible to enter Tibet from the northwest, the only way is to march from the southwest.  However, when Liu and Deng entered the southwest, their foothold was not stable, and they were currently busy suppressing bandits. However, the country's international status was too important and must be won.  At 4 o'clock in the morning on October 2, 2018, when the guards removed the second ashtray full of cigarette butts, the supreme commander handed the draft of the telegram to his secretary and rushed back to the country.  The telegram was addressed to the Central Committee and Peng Dehuai, and was forwarded to Xiao Ping Bo Cheng He Long.?: Since there are great difficulties in marching from Qinghai and Xinjiang to **, the task of marching to ** and operating ** should be determined to be borne by the Southwest Bureau." I think there are no insurmountable difficulties, and we should strive to do so by mid-April this year.  Started to march towards Japan, and liberated Japan before the old month. Liu Bocheng and Na Xiaoping received the telegram from the tank and passed it back and forth twice, while Deng Xiaoping did not.  They kept smoking "hiss, hiss". Now the two of them were in a dilemma: Who should send troops to attack?  They have the strongest combat effectiveness, so it is appropriate to send them. However, the commander of the army has been in poor health recently and it is difficult to enter Tibet. "Let Zhang Guohua of the 18th Army go!"  "Di Xiao*ping put out the cigarette butt, waved his hand to drive away the smoke in front of his eyes and said. Liu Bocheng smiled happily: "Okay, we want to go together again, so let him go.  " At this time, the Eighteenth Army has almost returned to its hometown. A large number of cadres have been sent to various places in southern Sichuan to serve as county and city leaders. The political commissar has already had a farewell drink and is about to go to Zigong City to become the municipal party committee secretary. Zhang Guohua himself also  "Has taken office" as the first director of the Nanjing Administration.  On the day of the month of yo, after the telegram from Commander Liu and Deng came, Zhang Guohua and the main leaders of the divisions came to Chongqing.  Upon arriving at Zengjiayan, Liu Bocheng put on a smile and said: "This time I give you a very important, very difficult, and very glorious task. The Party Central Committee decided that the 18th Army will be responsible for the task of liberating the People's Republic of China." Di Xiao*ping  Then he said: Historically, Tibet has not been solved through the use of troops many times, and the solution has mostly relied on politics, such as the Tang Dynasty and Fan Dynasty. In the future, the use of troops has not been solved. This time we entered Tibet and relied on policy to fight against the two-pronged politics.  There are 30,000 people in hiding, and we strive to be lean and capable. We have a supply line of 30,000 people and strengthen the military station line.  The news of the siege spread among the Eighteenth Army, and the Eighteenth Army seemed to be in a boiling pot.  **, who is going to hang somewhere?  Run quickly.  The number of deserters from the army soared.  In some classes, there are only two monitors and deputy monitors left.  In the end, the deputy squad leader ran away.  The company commander and instructor were so anxious that they dared not sleep at night and took turns guarding the door.  Every night the battalion leaders asked about the number of deserters that day.  Regarding his unconditional acceptance of the task in front of his superiors, Zhang Guohua had even more trouble saying: This glorious army that fought against Japan and Chiang Kai-shek never had any deserters even in such a difficult and cruel environment as it advanced into the Dabie Mountains.  Phenomenon.  Seemingly overnight, this team changed!  Zhang Guohua, who was always young and energetic, was so angry that his eyes widened and he stamped his feet with hatred: "Why are these soldiers so bad? Go and capture them all!" The cadres below were waiting for the commander's words.  So as soon as the order was issued, the "capture troops" attacked in all directions.  After a while, a large number of deserters were kidnapped.  Some of the company cadres who were suffocating took off their belts. First, they banged on the table and started talking. After seeing that it had no effect, they went to the deserters' backs and buttocks to find some effect.  What makes Zhang Guohua most distressed is that there are "deserters" among the cadres.  The former political commissar of the 18th Army Artillery Battalion and later promoted to the deputy political commissar of the Chou Division's Falling Regiment, Dao Jieting, whom he admired the most, was the first to tell him and political commissar Zhen that he was not in good health and could not enter Tibet.  Zhang Guohua's hands were shaking with anger.  His eyes were gleaming with anger.  To be honest, this is his favorite cadre, he is knowledgeable, smart and capable.  He is already preparing to promote him to the position of political commissar of Bi Tuan, and he has also served as acting secretary of the Yibin County Party Committee.  Zhang Guohua was so angry that he could not speak coherently: "This Liu Jie is so bad, I didn't expect him to be so bad! Why is he so bad? I don't want to see him again in my life!" "No!" Shi Guansan was also so angry that he pounded the table.  Said, "Can't we just treat him so easily? Tie him up for me! Don't want to go? I'll tie him up to the ****! Wherever I go, I'll ask the horses to drag him there!" Zhang Guohua thought over and over again and felt that going to Tibet was a big deal.  It is a matter of honor that these people should not be allowed to ruin the reputation of the Eighteenth Army. It is stipulated that all deserters are not allowed to go into hiding and must be transferred to their local areas. The history of the new republic and the army has made the word "honor" very clear.  , most people still regard honor as more important than life.  No matter where you go, the first thing an organization does is look through your files and look for "organizational identification."  Deserters are almost equal to traitors. Who is willing to bear the name of a deserter and leave the army?  That means you will never be able to turn over in your life.  In politics, it is basically announced that "death penalty". So people who have deserted are anxious, fearing that they will be laid off and leave an indelible stain on themselves or future generations. Therefore, people express their determination and write blood letters in droves. "Hey, hey  , want to go now?  late!  We don¡¯t want any deserters. "It is difficult to enter Tibet in this era! Even if it is difficult, we have to enter. This is how the People's Liberation Army started and took the road to march towards Japan. "The Battle of Qamdo was carried out on the sunrise of the old month of the same year, and the Tibetan army was basically eliminated.  Occupying Qamdo, the political and economic center of eastern Tibet, opened up the road to march into Japan. In the spring of Gu, under pressure from the People's Liberation Army, the local authorities in Yuya sent a delegation headed by Ngabo Ngawang Jigme.  Went to Beijing to negotiate with representatives of the Central People's Government, and reached an agreement on the "Central People's Government and the Local Government of ** on the Peaceful Liberation of **" on the same day.?? Agreement¡·.  Gu, after thousands of years and months, the highest order was given to march to Japan by a separate route.  The People's Liberation Army marched toward Lhasa peacefully in two directions: north and south.  With the arrival of the "base", the history of the times, the history of the march to Japan and the history of Japan have also changed, and the good days of the so-called upper-class serf owners of Japan have also come to an end.  Immediately after the end of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, in March 2016, the first mechanical engineering division of the Chinese People's Liberation Army stationed at various construction sections of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway with four vehicles, a powerful excavator and a small bulldozer, which were exchanged for American prisoners of war.  With the highway route map and construction standards provided by the base, bridges should be built, detours should be opened, and roads should be built.  Due to the use of mechanized construction, it only took one and a half years, which was a full two and a half years less than in history.  In August this year, the highway from Xining City, Qinghai Province to Lhasa City, ** was completed, covering a total length of more than 10 kilometers, which is the best and safest highway in Qinghai-Tibet.  The completion of this highway has greatly improved the speed of the People's Liberation Army's entry into Tibet.  Supplies are continuously coming into the Tibetan area.  Delivered to the hands of the troops entering Tibet, it also enabled the Japanese people to use modern transportation to replace the extremely backward transportation method of people and animals for thousands of years, opening a new chapter in the development of Taiwan's transportation industry.  ¡°Subsequently, this particularly capable mechanical engineering division moved northward and began the more arduous construction of the strategic highway from Xinjiang to Xinjiang.  In that year, the 6th Army had a force of ten thousand people: a fierce "Destroyer" tank, a "Raider" wheeled armored vehicle, a variety of vehicles. An Army Aviation Brigade and a "Hunter" armed helicopter.  .  Driving into **, we practiced plateau adaptability along the Xinjiang-Tibet Highway.  At the same time, the Tibet aid team of the base's meteorological squadron also brought weather radar to Tibet in advance and established an air force forward base.  Provide route weather conditions and ground command for the air force entering Tibet.  The Tibet aid team of the UAV brigade also went to Tibet to provide timely and accurate ground conditions for our troops entering Tibet, as well as the situation on the Sino-Indian border.  Ah Nianyue Nafeng led some comrades from the Tibet aid team of the base's airport maintenance squadron to take a lift into Tibet.  The Tibet aid team and the infrastructure engineering troops entering Tibet began to build a simple runway with a length of ten meters and a width of four meters on a grassland in the southwest of Damxung County, 2 kilometers away from Lhasa City. This is the first of its kind.  A runway.  When the Qinghai-Tibet Highway was completed, they renovated the airport.  So that it can adapt to the take-off and landing of modern aircraft.  The second phase of the renovation project was completed in four years.  The 1st Division of the 1st Group Army of the People's Liberation Army Air Force, the 1st Regiment's two "Jinjiu" MiGs and "Falcon" fighter-type fighter and Hao "Destroyer" bombers entered the battle under the leadership of deputy division commander Wang Wei  Arrive at **Dangxiong Airport.  The First Regiment Battalion of the 1st Airborne Division took 6 "sky trains. Transport aircraft also came to the city for plateau adaptability training. The aviation division reorganized from the Kuomintang Air Force also stationed at Qamdo Airport and Ganfang Airport
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