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Text Chapter 267 China¡¯s Suggestions

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    Chapter 267 China¡¯s Proposal Zhou Enlai explained very frankly to the Soviet delegation why China launched this Sino-Soviet border war.  Zhu.COm once again warned the Soviet Union that China's core interests should not be violated.  He said: In the past, we fought an arduous war of resistance against Japanese imperialism for eight years because Japanese imperialism violated China's core interests; in 1950, just one year after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the whole of China was still devastated and full of waste.  At this moment, on the land where we are talking now, we the Chinese people have no hesitation and are fighting against the most powerful, vicious, and armed to the teeth of U.S. imperialism in the world, and it is also because they threaten our security and violate  Our country's core interests; three years ago, we launched a border counterattack against India because India had territorial ambitions for our country and violated this core interest of our country.  ¡¾¡¿ Zhou Enlai glanced at the members of the Soviet delegation sitting opposite, and then said very seriously: Before launching a border counterattack against India, Comrade Li Dawei came to Moscow on behalf of the Chinese government to express his gratitude to your Soviet Union and the government.  When we informed you that we would launch a border counterattack against India, we made it very clear to you that China's territorial sovereignty is China's core interest and cannot be infringed. At the same time, we also informed you of China's hydrogen bomb test and our country's principles for the use of nuclear weapons.  But you have completely failed to take our core interests seriously, and have turned a deaf ear to our country's principle of using nuclear weapons.  "" As we all know, in the past 100 years or so, due to the invasion of China by imperialist powers, China has been continuously divided, leaving many territorial issues between China and its neighboring countries.  Regarding the sequelae caused by these imperialist aggressions, the Chinese government has always advocated the reasonable settlement of border and territorial disputes between various countries in a peaceful manner, respecting historical facts, and fully considering the current actual situation.  Now only the issue between China and the Soviet Union remains unresolved.  Regarding the territorial issues between China and the Soviet Union, we have talked with you. We will not talk about the government of the Republic of China before the founding of New China. We Chinese Communists also talked with you in Xibaipo on the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China.  Problems in Outer Mongolia.  You, Comrade Mikoyan, know this issue best. What was your attitude at that time, and what was Comrade Stalin¡¯s attitude? You can think about it and ask yourself, does this respect China¡¯s sovereignty?  In 1949, the Chairman of the MZD and I went to Moscow to discuss this issue with you, but Comrade Stalin avoided it and put pressure on us, not allowing us to discuss this issue.  Does Stalin have such an equal attitude towards China?  The unequal border treaties in the past were imposed on China by Tsarist Russia. It is necessary to abolish these unequal treaties.  China and the Soviet Union should first redefine the direction of the border between the two countries and resolve the disputed territorial issues between the two countries through comradely friendly consultations with an equal and fair attitude, but your Soviet government refuses to give up what the tsar imposed on China.  The series of unequal treaties on the Continent fully inherited the evil consequences of Tsarist Russia¡¯s aggressive expansion policy.  Comrade Stalin, in particular, intensified his efforts.  How can we talk about developing friendly relations with China and constantly pushing forward such friendly relations?  "Comrades from the Soviet Union, it is difficult for you to understand how much damage the imperialist powers have plundered China since 1840, and how serious the psychological trauma it has caused to the Chinese people. Among these imperialist powers,  Britain made a very bad start, but the two evil neighbors that will cause the most serious harm to China are the most greedy and vicious Tsarist Russia and Japan. Why do we Chinese people rise up and throw our heads?  , shed blood, are not afraid of sacrifice, and work one after another to overthrow China's incompetent government representing the feudal landlord class, overthrow the imperialist powers, establish a political power of their own, and overthrow all unequal treaties imposed on the Chinese people by all imperialist powers.  , restore the dignity that the Chinese nation deserves. In this process, the sound of the Russian October Revolution brought Marxism-Leninism to China. The Chinese Communists chose the path of proletarian revolution and achieved proletarian revolution.  Victory. Now our country is the people's New China. It is no longer what it used to be. You may say that the Chinese Communists are narrow-minded nationalists. Then I would like to say to the Soviet comrades who say this.  Ask yourself, are you a narrow-minded nationalist? If you occupy so much territory of others, if it is for the expansion of the Communist Party and the liberation of all mankind by the proletariat, then what is the point of occupying the territory of a socialist country?  How to explain it? Is this conducive to the international anti-Japanese movement? Zhou Enlai paused for a while, looked directly at Mikoyan and said: Comrade Mikoyan, you have repeatedly threatened to use several million tons of nuclear weapons.  Nuclear warheads were used to carry out destructive nuclear strikes on China's nuclear bases, China's political center, and China's industrial centers, making naked nuclear threats to China, and then launching nuclear attacks on China.??You also claim that the nuclear attack on China launched by the Soviet Union was entirely a personal act of some individuals in the Soviet army with ulterior motives and had nothing to do with the Soviet government.  Is what you are doing a proper behavior for a big country?  Don¡¯t you feel that what you said in the days before and after is contradictory?  Your latter statement is inappropriate and unconvincing.  This is an event that could destroy the world.  How could such serious consequences be excused with just a personal act?  How can we say it has nothing to do with the Soviet government?  Even if the Soviet government is responsible for the Soviet people and all mankind, it cannot speak like this.  You have produced such weapons of mass destruction, how do you manage them?  How did you deploy it?  What principles do you use?  This is not something a responsible government should do well.  How can we say that it has nothing to do with the Soviet government?  If this is the case, will one day everyone be able to explain all nuclear attacks in this way?  If our troops had not stopped your launch in time this time, then it would have been not one atomic bomb, but four atomic bombs. If that happened, we would not be able to do what we are doing now without making a nuclear counterattack. Our people can promise our government  Such an act of weakness?  Then, Zhou Enlai said in a stern tone: If the Soviet government cannot effectively manage the nuclear weapons it possesses, I can tell you responsibly that we will not give you another chance.  We know your nuclear bomb launch bases very clearly, and we can deactivate your existing mid- and long-range missile launch sites at any time.  Please, you Soviet comrades, have a sufficient understanding of this point and do not doubt our capabilities at all.  The reason why we did not do this was entirely to consider the interests of the entire socialist camp and the Soviet Union's normal defense capabilities against NATO.  All members of the Soviet delegation listened very attentively to Zhou Enlai's statement of China's position.  They have no doubt that China has the ability to destroy the Soviet Union's existing medium- and long-range missile launches, which has been proven on the first day of the war.  Although they know that China did not take a "dead hand" against the Soviet Union this time because of China's own global strategic balance considerations.  But they still appreciate China's overall view.  If China joins forces with the United States and NATO at this time, what will the Soviet Union look like?  In the final analysis, we are still "our brothers" in the socialist camp, and China has not done this.  The Soviet delegation knew that these words from Zhou Enlai were definitely not a threat. Then Mikoyan explained in great detail the circumstances surrounding the Soviet "nuclear threat" and the nuclear attack, and promised that similar incidents would not happen again.  Next, Zhou Enlai briefly explained China¡¯s position on resolving border and territorial issues regarding the current situation between China and the Soviet Union. He pointed out: The territorial issues between China and the Soviet Union have been formed over hundreds of years.  We have been talking for more than two years in the past, but have not made any progress. I hope that the Soviet Union can show its greatest sincerity this time and resolve these territorial issues left over from history as soon as possible.  Of course, we do not expect that all these problems can be solved through this negotiation.  Negotiations always take some time, and some temporary measures need to be taken to end the war between China and the Soviet Union before these issues are resolved.  To this end, he proposed a ceasefire first and maintain the state of the ceasefire between the two sides. In order to avoid further armed conflicts between the two sides, the Chinese and Soviet armed forces separated from the ceasefire line and each retreated two kilometers.  The Soviet Union agreed with Zhou Enlai's proposal to cease fire first, but also proposed an exorbitant price and repayment on the spot. The Chinese Communist Party should return to the area before the war, and then follow the two "Gala" proposals proposed by Comrade Lenin.  It was useless to use the principles of the "Korean Declaration on China" to deal with the territorial issues between China and the Soviet Union.  After all, war is determined by the strength on the battlefield and a country's war potential, as well as various comprehensive factors at home and abroad.  Obviously this Soviet proposal is an unrealistic suggestion.  Naturally, we were rejected by the Chinese delegation.  The first meeting ended after 4 hours.  After Zhou Enlai set the principles for this negotiation, he returned to Beijing by special plane overnight.  Before leaving, Zhou Enlai took Mikoyan's hand and said: "I have something to do now. I will go back to Beijing first. You and Bulganin are now Khrushchev's right-hand men and the three giants who control the Soviet Union. You should shoulder the responsibility of a big country."  We should shoulder the responsibility and handle things well between our two countries. Chairman MZD said that some disunity between us and the Soviet Union is temporary and the people of China and the Soviet Union are friendly.  The overall development of relations is still the mainstream and the overall situation. It is in this spirit that we come here to negotiate with you. After the first meeting, Mikoyan made Andropov, the head of the External Affairs Department of the Soviet Communist Party, the first.  Deputy Foreign Minister Kuznetsov and First Vice Chairman of the State Planning Commission Kosygin were invited to his room. He asked everyone what they thought of the meeting.The husband said very optimistically that first of all, we should affirm that this meeting is extremely beneficial, at least we are no longer worried about a nuclear war.  A ceasefire is also within reach.  It also allows us to understand the attitude and scale of the Chinese leaders' attitude towards this war between the Soviet Union and China.  We also understand that resolving territorial boundary issues is the key to stopping the war. All we can do now is to lose as little territory as possible.  Kosygin said very pragmatically: "I feel that some of the views of Chinese leaders are not something we can see through at the moment. They have a different understanding of socialism and democracy from us. With the rise of China, due to the rapid development of China's economy and  Population pressure is also understandable in its demands for resources and territory. I think we should face reality and take advantage of the situation to gain some benefits for the Soviet Union. At least we must lay a good foundation for future Sino-Soviet relations.  It was impossible to reach the border areas between China and Soviet Union before the war. So I still fully agree with Zhou Enlai¡¯s suggestions. No matter what, I don¡¯t know how big China¡¯s territorial claims are.  "Kuznetsov said: "Zhou is a very elegant man. I noticed that today's speech was very stern, but also very frank.  Compared with China¡¯s previous formulations, this time Zhou Enlai did not mention the "Calahan Declaration on China." Mi Gaoyang frowned and said very frustrated: "The Chinese will never take the initiative to mention unequal treaties and  What about Lenin's "Garahan Declaration on China", because now they occupy far beyond the territory covered by these documents.  " He paused for a while and then said: "Now it seems that we can only follow Zhou's suggestion and cease fire first.  Only when we stop can we know how much space the Chinese have occupied. The next specific actions will be revealed soon. Then we will know how big their appetite is. In short, it is difficult to lose territory on the battlefield.  Get it back from the negotiating table.  Especially Li Dawei, who has participated in the negotiation of almost all major foreign-related events in China in recent years.  We have been dealing with him for more than 2 years. He is a very tough and cunning person.  " "Comrade Kuznetsov, you have been ambassador to China for three years. Do you know this person's situation?  "Andropov asked. "I have some understanding, but not much. Li Dawei is a typical nationalist. He is a very knowledgeable person. He knows the world very well and knows about the Soviet Union.  Also a lot.  Even all of us here.  He doesn't seem to be responsible for any specific department in China, but he can be seen in any major foreign-related events in China. It is said that he has an unusual relationship with Mao and Zhou, and with Deng Feng, who is currently commanding the war against the Soviet Union.  Like comrades in arms.  During the time when I was in Beijing, he mainly worked in Europe and the United States, and I didn't understand much of the situation.
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