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Text Chapter 282: Towards Decline

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    Chapter 282: Decline. In the guerrilla tactics textbooks distributed to commanders at all levels of the Soviet National Liberation Army guerrilla forces at the headquarters of the People's Liberation Army of the Soviet Revolutionary Front, not only the essence of guerrilla warfare, but also the essence of guerrilla warfare, the enemy's advance and our retreat, the enemy's advance and our retreat,  When the enemy retreats, I advance. When the enemy is tired, I attack. When the enemy flees, I pursue him.  Zhu.COm followed the five basic principles of combat methods: rational selection of combat locations, rapid deployment of troops, reasonable allocation of troops, reasonable selection of combat opportunities, and rapid retreat after the battle. He gave an overall introduction, and also gave a detailed introduction to the specific implementation of each basic principle.  Detailed explanation was given.  And the many guerrilla warfare methods created by the Chinese people in their long-term revolutionary practice have been used as tactics such as raid warfare, mine warfare, sparrow warfare, raid warfare, ambush warfare, tunnel warfare, siege warfare and other tactics that played an important role in winning the war.  Integrating the new experience, new tactics and psychological warfare of fighting tanks, bombs, airborne and helicopters in modern warfare, information warfare is explained in detail, with successful case descriptions.  ¡¾¡¿ The People's Liberation Army guerrillas of various ethnic groups active in the vast areas of the Soviet Union, under the guidance of special warfare advisers such as the Flying Leopard Commandos of the Far East Corps, are carrying out the guerrilla warfare of this new era of national liberation movements in full swing.  The constant blows and consumption of a large amount of the Soviet Union's vital forces pushed the already sluggish Soviet economy to the brink of collapse.  Through the effective strategy of encircling cities from the countryside, the National Liberation Army guerrillas of the Soviet Union established large guerrilla areas, constantly expanding the strategic depth of the National Liberation Army and the solid base areas on which guerrilla warfare relied for survival and development.  In the guerrilla zones and base areas, the broad masses of the people were mobilized to support the National Liberation Front and the National Liberation Army led by it.  In the liberated areas of the base areas led by the various national liberation fronts in the Soviet Union, the laws of the Soviet Union have been replaced by laws and regulations formulated by the autonomous national governments of the various national liberation fronts.  Soviet government workers were expelled from the liberated areas. Except for 10% of the taxes payable to the Soviet government, which were returned to taxpayers, the rest were retained by the autonomous national governments.  "" With the continuous development and expansion of guerrilla zones and liberated areas, many secret "PLA trails, MZD trails" have been opened up in guerrilla zones and sparsely populated areas leading to China's reliable strategic rear.  Various weapons, ammunition and materials needed by the guerrillas have been continuously replenished through these trails, and various guerrilla cadres can also go to China for training in large numbers.  The disintegration of the Soviet Union is also a great thing that the United States and NATO dream of.  Since China has created such a good opportunity, how can the United States let it go?  U.S. Vice President Richard Nixon secretly came to Beijing immediately after the Soviet Union launched a nuclear attack on China, and discussed jointly preventing a Soviet nuclear attack and further strengthening cooperation between the two countries and their militaries.  The United States proactively provided China with $1 billion in "humanitarian assistance" to compensate for China's losses in the Soviet nuclear attack.  In return, China promised not to launch a nuclear attack on the European part of the Soviet Union and provided the United States with all satellite photos of the Soviet medium and long-range missile bases deployed throughout Europe.  China proposes that in order to enhance its air strike capabilities across the Soviet Union, China is willing to use a second-generation heavy anti-tank missile weapon system with tube launch, optical targeting, infrared automatic tracking, and wired guidance - the BGM-71 TOW anti-tank missile.  All the information was exchanged for 10 U.S. B52 strategic bombers.  Although providing China with B52 strategic bombers can improve China's ability to attack the Soviet Union, it can also threaten the security interests of the United States.  However, when the United States and NATO face the huge armored assault group of the Soviet Union, China is willing to provide a variety of launch platforms, which can be launched from vehicles and airborne vehicles. They are more flexible in use, have a range of 3,000 meters, a warhead diameter of 127 mm, and a weight of 3.6  The advanced technology of anti-tank missiles with an armor-piercing thickness of 600 mm and an armor-piercing thickness of 600 mm is a dream.  After all, B52 is not an advanced technology. China¡¯s failure to produce it may just be a matter of lack of time and strategic need.  The lesser of two evils.  Regarding this exchange of "software" for "hardware", the United States is definitely No problem (no problem).  The two sides had a frank exchange of views on the next step of strategic issues towards the Soviet Union. Although both sides had their own agendas and agendas, both sides had the same idea of ??disintegrating the Soviet Union.  For this common goal, although the two sides do not agree, they work together.  The cooperation is very tacit.  In the Baltic Sea of ??Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in the Soviet Union, the People's Liberation Army armed organizations with the purpose of national independence in the Soviet republics received overt and covert support and help from the United States and NATO. Many of China's aid supplies also passed through NATO.  Sent to the hands of these National Liberation Army.  Under these conditions, the democratic movements of various ethnic minorities in the Soviet Union not only had the extremely active internal factor of the various ethnic minorities in the Soviet Union demanding liberation from the centralized rule of the Soviet Union and the realization of national independence, but also the existence of the two factors of China and the United States.  A major country actively supports??The external objective and suitable international environment.  The national liberation armies of the Soviet Union regarded guerrilla warfare as the main form of combat in the initial strategic stage. They combined strategic centralized command with decentralized command in battle and continued to develop and grow in battle.  Finally, the guerrilla war was expanded to a large-scale mobile war focused on annihilating the Soviet army's effective forces, actively creating conditions for the complete victory of national liberation.  Faced with this situation of internal and external difficulties, Khrushchev, the ruler of the Kremlin, felt mentally and physically exhausted.  Khrushchev¡¯s rise and fall in power, from a poor man to the Soviet king who ruled the largest territory in the world, he was both a Stalinist and an anti-Stalinist. He had a violent temper but also behaved well.  There are inexplicable contradictions and accidents in Khrushchev, which even Khrushchev himself has difficulty understanding.  In his climb to the top of power, he played humble and mediocre roles.  Under Stalin's iron fist, he pretended to be stupid, which was a safer approach.  The reason why Khrushchev was so successful in playing this wise and foolish role was not only because it was his mission, but also because of the actual situation.  He was never a Marxist-Leninist, he was just a realist who hoped that his achievements would outweigh his failures.  He liberated those "ghosts" who had been raped and tortured during the Stalin period and returned them to society.  In fact, when he began to destroy the Soviet system formulated by Lenin and Stalin, he was also destroying the foundation of his own power and the foundation of the Soviet Union as a socialist country.  At the last moment of his life, he said: "They will put what I have done on the scale - evil on one side and justice on the other. I hope that the good aspects will outweigh the bad aspects." Regarding his merits and demerits, he still  Let history judge it.  Under the instruction of the CIA, about twenty American psychologists and psychiatrists conducted a psychological analysis on Khrushchev and concluded that the symptoms of hypomania were almost the same as those of Khrushchev.  The behavior is exactly the same: elated, energetic, self-righteous, witty, smug, highly emotional in public, especially sociable, likes to be the ideal object of others, addicted to work, frivolous, open-minded but secretive actions  feels guilty for offending others, cannot face oneself alone, has vacillating thoughts, lacks systematic understanding of problemshas grand ideas and avant-garde ideas, and is particularly insensitive to general physiological needs such as food and sleep.  Care work hard and never stop, until you are exhausted and finally collapse physically and mentally.  Khrushchev's wife, Nina Petrovna Khrushcheva, put it more directly: "He is either going all the way up, or he is going down all the way." Regarding the severe domestic and international situation after the Sino-Soviet armistice,  On the one hand, Khrushchev actively worked hard to seek peace talks with China and resolve the territorial issues between the two countries through politics.  On the other hand, he still reacted very strongly to those ethnic minority liberation movements that wanted to break away from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.  He warned the leaders of the national separatist movements, "Don't play with fire. The Soviet Union will never allow this kind of splitting the country to happen."  The liberated areas of the base launched an offensive to encircle and suppress the National Liberation Army led by the National Liberation Front of various ethnic groups. This led to the Soviet Union falling into a protracted all-out civil war, and the decline of the Kremlin was inevitable. At 15:00 on October 15, 1959,  The China-made "Sky Train" Peace Messenger plane that the Chinese Sino-Soviet border negotiation delegation boarded slowly landed on the runway of Moscow's Sheremetyevo 2 International Airport.  Head of the Chinese delegation, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Li Dawei, Special Assistant to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mao Anying, Secretary of the Party Committee of Baikal Province of China, Assistant to the Governor of Baikal Province of China Jiang Jingguo and other 28 members of the Chinese negotiating delegation slowly stepped off the special plane and met with  Head of the Soviet Sino-Soviet border negotiation delegation, Vice Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Anastas Mikoyan, Andropov of the International Liaison Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and Foreign Ministry  First Deputy Foreign Minister Kuznetsov.  Kosygin, First Vice Chairman of the Soviet State Planning Committee.  After shaking hands and greetings, Mao Anying, deputy head of the Chinese delegation, delivered an airport speech.  Wearing a crisp black and blue tunic suit, he walked up to the microphone and said in very fluent Russian to the many diplomatic envoys from various countries and the Soviet people who came to welcome him: "Comrades, hello to everyone on the 42nd anniversary of the Great October Revolution.  As the anniversary approaches, our China-Soviet border delegation once again comes to the great Soviet Union. Taking this opportunity, on behalf of the Chinese people, I would like to extend my warmest holiday greetings to the fraternal Soviet people (applause). The Soviet people are.  Great people. After the October Revolution, it took the Soviet people ten years to transform the Soviet Union from a backward agricultural country into a great socialist country that was the first in Europe and the second in the world.A righteous country has created a miracle in the history of human development.  (Applause) Similarly, the Chinese people are also a great people. They have created a splendid Eastern culture in the long history of mankind.  A gunshot from the cruiser Aurora brought Marxism-Leninism to China. The Chinese Communists chose the path of proletarian revolution. In 1949, the Chinese people overthrew the three mountains that were pressing on the Chinese people and achieved victory.  The victory of proletarian revolution.  The Chinese people have since stood up. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese people have built socialist New China into a modern country with initial prosperity in just ten years.  The practice of socialist revolution and socialist construction in China and the Soviet Union has once again proved that the socialist system has incomparable advantages over the capitalist system.  (Applause) China and the Soviet Union are both socialist countries, and the people of the two countries have always supported each other in socialist revolution and socialist construction.  In the Second World War, our two peoples fought together against the aggression of German fascists and Japanese fascists. I still remember my Soviet comrades who participated with me in the battles into Belarus, Poland and the Czech Republic.  The Chinese people will never forget those Soviet comrades who sacrificed their lives for China¡¯s national liberation cause.  For these comrades who died, we ask the Soviet government to provide our government with an explanation of the sacrifices of these comrades at that time. We will grant them the honorary title of 'Internationalist Warriors' in accordance with the regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Preferential Care of Communists, and give these  The immediate family members of the 'internationalist warriors' compensated in kind, a 21-inch color TV set made in China.  (Prolonged applause) As we all know, over the past 100 years or so, the imperialist powers have carried out shameless aggression against China and cut off large tracts of China's territory.  This left many territorial issues between China and neighboring countries.  Regarding the sequelae caused by these imperialist aggressions, the Chinese government has always advocated the reasonable settlement of border and territorial disputes between various countries in a peaceful manner, respecting historical facts, and fully considering the current actual situation.  Now only the issue between China and the Soviet Union remains unresolved.  On the border issue between China and the Soviet Union, a series of unequal border treaties in the past were imposed on the Chinese people by Tsarist Russia.  China and the Soviet Union should have an equal and fair attitude, abolish the series of unequal treaties imposed on China by Tsarist Russian imperialism, abandon the negative consequences of Tsarist Russia's aggressive expansion policy, and redefine the divisions through comradely friendly consultations.  The direction of the border between the two countries will resolve the disputed territorial issues between the two countries.  (Warm applause)
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