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Text Chapter 309 This is China¡¯s core interest

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    The members of the Flying Leopard Commando led by Yang Guang are on the front line of retrieving overseas cultural relics. As a team of Raiders of the Lost Ark, they are capable and well-trained, and they are responsible for the task of retrieving important cultural relics lost overseas.  They used various special methods to recover important cultural relics quietly but effectively.  Zhu.COm and others quietly investigated the situation of China's cultural relics lost overseas in countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, France, and Germany: through cultural relic exchanges, inspections, and verification of cultural relics, like a group of outstanding  Implement subcontracting like a magician.  ¡¾¡¿ Of course, the methods of these special forces are far from these. In order to achieve the purpose of recovering cultural relics, they use all kinds of methods.  In major museums, aristocratic mansions, and large manors in Western countries, ghost-like figures often appear in the night, causing these peaceful places to be filled with ghosts and strange things for a while. The cultural relics in these places will disappear overnight.  Time disappeared, and the guards either disappeared or died inexplicably.  The Q detachment of the Flying Leopard Commando kept those Chinese cultural relics that could not be imitated, and the rest went through the underworld's cultural relics smuggling groups and theft groups. These stolen cultural relics were thrown out on the cultural relics black market around the world, and the "stolen money" obtained was laundered.  Bai Hou flowed to the secret account of the Shannan Special Administrative Region headquarters. Of course, part of it was used as funds for their special operations overseas. Yang Guang and the others discovered during the process of investigating and retrieving China's lost overseas cultural relics that many  The history of the burning of the Old Summer Palace by the British and French forces and the war of aggression against China by the Eight-Power Allied Forces has been deliberately concealed by the governments of Western countries. There are very few books on this aspect in libraries. Even if they do exist, they are articles celebrating "victory" and self-promotion. The West  Very few people in the country know the truth about this historical event. "History must not disappear silently, let alone such a tragic history while Yang Guang and others are pursuing their pursuit."  The Chinese government is also carrying out "official recourse" through a series of means. On October 6, 1960, the 100th anniversary of the burning of the Old Summer Palace, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a press conference with representatives from the United Kingdom, France, and Germany at the National Press Center.  , the Soviet Union, the United States, Japan, Italy, Austria, and Hungary.  The cultural counselors of the embassies of Belgium, Spain, the Netherlands and other countries in China attended the Chinese and foreign press conference on the Chinese government¡¯s pursuit of cultural relics looted abroad since 1840.  "Who is responsible for the burning of the Old Summer Palace, a catastrophe that shocked the world? Who is responsible for the consequences of the unprecedented burning, killing and looting in Beijing in August 1900? It has been a hundred years and none of your governments involved in this incident have publicly acknowledged it.  and bear their own culpability." Chinese Foreign Minister Chen Yi faced more than 300 Chinese and foreign journalists as well as the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Soviet Union, the United States, Japan, Italy, Austria, and Hungary.  Cultural counselors from the embassies of Belgium, Spain, the Netherlands and other countries in China asked loudly.  "Mr. Foreign Minister, it was a very regrettable war," the British Times reporter stood up after taking the microphone and said: "According to my understanding of history, the Parkes incident was the direct cause of the burning of the Old Summer Palace."  If the Emperor Xianfeng of the Qing Dynasty had not gone back on his promise and tore up the Treaty of Tianjin, he had also very arrogantly detained the British diplomatic envoy Parkes Parkey and his entourage who had refused to kneel and went to negotiate with the Qing government, and escorted him  If you go to the Old Summer Palace, the incident of burning down the Old Summer Palace, where the Qing emperor lived, would not have happened. Therefore, the Qing emperor at that time should bear the main responsibility for this matter.  " "What you said is completely the logic of a robber. The so-called Parkes incident is just an excuse for the wolf to eat the lamb.  "Li Dawei responded with a very tough attitude to the reporter from the British Times: "If I follow your logic, can I lead the People's Liberation Army's Indian Ocean Fleet to your London tomorrow and ask your British government to allow China to export to the UK?  What about drugs that bring huge profits?  What about demanding privileges such as agreed tariffs, consular jurisdiction, and one-sided most-favored-nation treatment?  If you don't agree, can I burn your Buckingham Palace?  " Li Dawei paused and looked at the Times reporter and said: "100 years ago, the attitude of the Western leaders towards the Chinese was: these sick men of East Asia who only know how to bow their heads and swallow their humiliation.  Killing is in vain.  Today, a hundred years later, you descendants of those who burned the Old Summer Palace, shouldn't you reflect on it?" "The Times reporter just now" actually thought that the burning of the Old Summer Palace only burned down the place where the Qing emperor lived.  Is this just the personal residence of the Qing emperor?" Foreign Minister Chen Yi said angrily: "On the contrary, in the memory of the Chinese people, the Old Summer Palace is part of China's historical heritage and the crystallization of the wisdom and great creativity of the Chinese working people.  It carries China¡¯s extremely rich cultural information. We simply cannot forget the destruction of the Old Summer Palace by these vicious arsonists."What hurts the sentiments of the Chinese nation greatly is that it has brought great trauma to the hearts of the Chinese people. Nothing makes the Chinese people hate the Western imperialists more deeply than the burning and looting of the Old Summer Palace!" "  Foreign Minister Chen, I am a reporter from AFP. I just noticed that you mentioned in your speech, who is responsible for the world-shattering disaster in the Old Summer Palace? I once read an article.  In his memoirs written by a major who participated in the French Expeditionary Force, "He said that some people in China also participated in the robbery activities." He described the situation at the time in his memoirs: What is shocking is that among the team that looted the Old Summer Palace,  A large number of Chinese people appeared. They had been following our French march since Tianjin. They were like a group of robbers, grabbing everything they could take away. We tried to drive them away by force.  But they were like a swarm of flies chasing odors, and they followed us wherever we went. As we approached Beijing, the number of them increased, and they plundered, stole, and even destroyed things that we ourselves had not damaged.  - Grab what you can and destroy what you can't take away. They talk about it endlessly. Should these Chinese people also bear some responsibility for this? " &nb¨¡yuan, Shiqiao,  The statues and decorative columns were not seriously damaged.  But in those dark days, some unsatisfied Chinese themselves also committed acts of destruction.  "Some local people" and even guards who were on the lookout for theft kept taking materials from the garden to burn fires, build houses, and exchange them for money. Some buildings that were intact or could still be repaired were completely destroyed. "It cannot be denied that this is possible.  After all, there is still a contradiction between the peasant class and the landlord class here.  But first of all, it is certain that the British and French allied forces killed or drove away the managers of the Old Summer Palace, which caused this situation to happen. For more than 150 years from the establishment of the Old Summer Palace in 1707 to October 6, 1860, everything here was intact.  Yes, in order.  "Foreign Minister Chen Yi said righteously: "I think here we need to review a passage said by the French writer Hugo in 1861: We, Europeans, always think that we are civilized people; in our eyes,  The "Chinese" are barbarians. However, this is how civilization treats barbarians. When handed over to the judgment of history in the future, one robber will be called France and the other will be called England. But "I want to put forward this here"  protest, and I would also like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to express my repentance. "It is always the government that commits robberies. As for the people of various countries, they have never been robbers. The French Empire has embezzled half of its treasures. Now, she  "You are so shameless" that you, as the owner, put these magnificent ancient cultural relics from the Summer Palace on public display.  I believe that one day, France, which has been liberated and has washed away its filth, will return its stolen goods to China. For the time being, I will prove this: this robbery is these two plunders  Mr. Hugo, reporter from AFP, already answered your question today. "Hello, Foreign Minister Chen," I am Seck, a reporter from French newspaper Le Figaro.  Qi, I very much agree with what the great writer Hugo said, but on the issue of the respective responsibilities that Britain and France should bear in the disaster of the Old Summer Palace.  In my opinion, the British are the main culprits, and the French can be regarded as the followers.  Judging from the purpose of the war of aggression against China, the British wanted to dump opium into China, while the French came to China just to preach: Judging from the scale of the troops dispatched, more than 12,000 British people participated, and they also had cavalry.  We in France only have 8,000 people and no cavalry, and the French once strongly opposed the burning of the Old Summer Palace. It was the British Plenipotentiary James Bruce and the British Commander Grant who ordered the British troops to set fire to the Old Summer Palace.  So I want to know whether the Chinese government will treat Britain and France differently when dealing with this incident.  Li Dawei pointed out: "Mr. Sekqi, you are obviously exonerating France. In fact, it was the French who robbed the Old Summer Palace first: Although the number of French soldiers participating in the war was small, they still received no less than the British after the war.  A cent of 8 million taels of indemnity; the French commander Montauban still wanted to occupy the Zhoushan Islands forever. I think the descendants of those who participated in the sack of the Old Summer Palace must face this period of history and show determination and courage to deal with the burning of the Old Summer Palace by the British and French forces.  Bear historical responsibility. First of all, unconditionally return the cultural relics looted from China and make due compensation for the damaged Chinese national property. "Sebastian, a reporter from the German Frankfurter Zeitung, I would like to ask Vice Foreign Minister Li Dawei, everyone.  Knowing that every case has a statute of limitations, on what basis does China require the return of cultural relics that were lost in the war 100 years ago?  Nowadays, many owners of cultural relics have purchased them through legal means. What do you think of this issue? Is there any precedent for retrieving cultural relics looted in wars?  " "First of all, let me correct the question you asked.What I just said is the return of cultural relics looted from China, not the lost cultural relics. These are two different concepts, and you cannot deliberately blur them.  "Li Dawei thought for a while and then said: "The earliest international convention involving the responsibility for the protection of cultural heritage during war is the Hague Convention.  Article 56 of the Convention on the Laws and Customs of War on Land, which is an annex to the Second Convention and the Annex to the Fourth Convention, both stipulates that the property of municipal authorities, including the property of religious, charitable, educational, artistic and scientific institutions, even if owned by the State,  It should also be treated as private property.  Any confiscation, destruction and intentional damage to these institutions, historic buildings, artistic and scientific works shall be prohibited and prosecuted by law.  , that is to say, "both conventions prohibit the looting of cultural property during war" regardless of whether the property is privately owned or state-owned, and the looting of property should be prosecuted by law.  It is worth noting that the illegal and wanton widespread destruction and appropriation of property without military necessity shall be considered a war crime.  It is different from ordinary civil and criminal cases. "The stolen goods stolen in war are neither unjust enrichment under civil law nor subject to the statute of limitations under criminal law. No matter how large the time span is, the original owner has unlimited recourse."  . All war criminals must be punished by law even if they flee to the ends of the earth, and their plundered property must be recovered no matter where it is hidden. Of course, in this case, the criminals involved have long since died, but their stolen goods must be recovered.  If we do so, we will undoubtedly voluntarily give up our due rights, acknowledge the legality of the imperialist banditry that burned the Old Summer Palace, and continue to deepen the psychological trauma of the Chinese people." Li Dawei paused for a while and then said: "For your second question.  The second question is that since 1840, Western imperialist powers have plundered cultural relics from China through aggressive wars.  The source is the proceeds of robbery, which is illegal, so no matter how many times they change hands, they cannot change their nature as stolen goods, so no matter how they were obtained, they must be returned.  Regarding your third question, is there any precedent for recovering cultural relics looted in wars?  I think you, as a German, should know.¡± After World War II, some countries returned some cultural relics in accordance with relevant laws and agreements. For example, from 1945 to 1949, the U.S. occupation authorities returned artworks originally belonging to Germany to the local government of West Germany. In the late 1950s, the Soviet Union  The government also returned some artworks that originally belonged to Germany to the GDR government. "Li Dawei said in a very provocative tone: "In fact, the looting of cultural relics is not a misfortune suffered by a Chinese country."  During the colonial period, the cultural relics of colonized countries were almost without exception plundered by the colonizers.  For example, the famous Code of Hammurabi was discovered and transported by a French archaeological team in Susa, Iran, and is now stored in the Louvre Museum.  In North Africa and West Asia, a large number of Egyptian antiquities were stolen and sent to France as a result of Napoleon's Eastern Expeditions.  In 1800, the British minister to Turkey even planned the shipment of the Parthenon and sculptures from Greek mythology to the British Museum in London.  The cultural heritage of a nation is an objective and true record of the historical development process of the people of the nation. It is the crystallization of the wisdom of the people of the nation. It is also the huge material wealth and spiritual wealth of its inheritors. Therefore, it requires "return" or "repayment".  "The stolen cultural relics of our nation are the cry of the liberation people of every nation that has won national independence."  Therefore, we strongly urge Western governments to return all illegally looted cultural relics of other ethnic groups in your museums and public and private collections to the countries of origin.  Rebuilding the damaged cultural heritage of the country of origin by returning the cultural relics that have been unreasonably seized by you is already a moral principle that the current international community should recognize and accept.  " I am David, a reporter from the Associated Press: I want to know what method the Chinese government will use to achieve the unconditional return of cultural relics looted from China by all countries. How about due compensation for damaged Chinese national property? "We  First of all, I hope the governments and people of all countries will understand that these illegally plundered Chinese cultural relics are China¡¯s national property and are related to China¡¯s national sovereignty and national dignity. They are China¡¯s core interests. The Chinese people strongly demand that their central government take action on this.  As a result, the Chinese cultural relics obtained by various countries through various illegal means since 1840 must be returned and due compensation must be made for the damaged Chinese national property. This is the voice of the 600 million Chinese people. I would also like to trouble you here.  Convey the just voice of the Chinese people and let the people in your countries know the truth and make them fully aware that continuing to possess these looted Chinese cultural relics is harboring stolen goods and is a violation of those who committed crimes in China in the past.  The connivance of heinous crimes by criminals is also an extremely unfriendly attitude towards the Chinese government and people. We will hold them legally responsible according to the Cultural Relics Protection Law of the People's Republic of China. I said it just now, but I would like to reiterate it again.  All war criminals must be punished by law even if they flee to the ends of the earth, and their looted property must be recovered without any discount.?We will also conduct active diplomatic consultations with governments of various countries and strive to properly resolve relevant issues through intergovernmental negotiations and friendly consultations. If the issue cannot be resolved through friendly consultations, China will reserve the right to use other means to resolve the issue.  rights to safeguard China¡¯s core interests.  On the other hand, we will also work through the international community to formulate and improve relevant international laws as soon as possible to resolve disputes arising from the return of cultural relics as soon as possible.
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