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Text Chapter 116 Red Tide 1

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    Studies have shown that girls' feet are six times more smelly than boys' feet!

    Yamei sternly refuted this statement!

    Yamei, the video up master who likes cacti and electric wands in front.  Now she was soaking her feet, and she added some messy Chinese medicine, which was black like a pot of mixed soup.

    ? In the past Spring Festival file, every film and television up owner ate dumplings, and "The Wandering Earth 2" was flying all over the sky.  And it is inevitable that the homogenization of complaints will make the audience tired.

    So Yamei has her eyes on some new films, such as the recent sci-fi themed season.

    She has already made a video of "The Lost City", and she is always paying attention to "Red Tide", so when the last trailer is online, click to watch it as soon as possible.

    The previous ones were counted in seconds, but this one is more than a minute.

    "Over 1,000 square kilometers of red tides have been found in Longwan waters. The dominant species are Prorocentrum microphylla and Heterocurvium akashiwo. The highest density is 1.50x10^7 units/liter, exceeding the warning standard!"

    "The red tides will disappear due to factors such as ocean currents and lower sea temperature, and generally last for 5-7 days, but they appear more and more frequently and stay longer and longer"

    "The red tides are still there! The red tides are still there! They haven't gone away!"

    The screen turns.

    A patrol boat galloped across the sea, and a white wave was drawn behind it, as if an unknown creature was chasing it desperately.  A woman scolded: "Fuck, it's still exciting!"

    "You sail!"

    The companion took over the driving right, and the woman picked up a metallic harpoon gun that looked like an assault rifle.  The ferocious triangular spearhead, with four closed grapples, fluctuated with cold light, the speed of the ship was stable, and it aimed automatically.


    The spearhead drills into the water at super fast speed, and releases explosives within a few milliseconds, destroying its internal structure.  And the spear opened like an umbrella, and the four hooks were deeply embedded in its body.

    Bailang struggled, tossed, and quickly returned to calm. A large mutated creature slowly floated up.

    The companion also came out to take a look, shrugged, and looked at the sea in the distance, and asked worriedly: "Sister Lu, where do you think this ghost red tide came from?"

    "Where the hell can it come from? Keep patrolling!"


    The patrol boat made a beautiful drift on the wide sea, turned the bow and sailed to the other side, the camera zoomed back and landed on the mutant creature, close-up:

    It was a strange fish with two heads!


    Yamei sprayed all of a sudden.

    Two heads, mutation, mutation, two heads I like the yin and yang strangeness best!

    And she also suddenly discovered that the style of the mother's piece has been reversed 360 degrees, like a mud shell smashed, revealing the dog's head gold inside, the color tone, picture, editing, sound effects, and the fragmented plot presented are simply long in the world.  Aesthetic points of their own!

    What the hell was that before?  ?

    "Set off!"

    "Set off!"

    In the last shot, the huge gate suddenly opened, and nearly a hundred patrol boats lined up in groups and filed out. There was a boundless sea in front of them, and an isolated city behind them.

    The trailer ends.

    On the screen, three question marks appeared in the barrage, followed by a flood of comments.

    "Nimma, now the film crew is playing self-defeating!"

    "Are you sure it's a drama? A drama? A drama?"

    "This texture beats "The Lost City"!"

    "Damn it, Miss Sister is so handsome!"

    Yamei also added a few words, her heart could not be calm.  She originally wanted to smear "Red Tide", but suddenly reversed, her mood has become extremely anticipation.


    Zhuang Zhou was squeezed for more than ten days, and returned to Beijing exhausted, and it took him a long time to recover before he recovered.

    These days, the atmosphere of the Age of Miracles and Red Fox is very impetuous. Everyone is scratching their hearts and waiting for something to happen, but it has not yet come, so they are even more scratching their hearts and lungs.

    Even Lu Ke and He Saisai harassed him from time to time, but they had nothing to say. Zhuang Zhou knew that he was nervous.

    After all, only he, Dai Han, Lao Mo, and Yao Lin have seen the complete film.  Under the influence of reverse delivery, it is normal for mentality to fluctuate.

    Finally arrived on the 18th, Saturday.

    The night of the rest day should have been shopping, eating, watching movies, and having sex, but a large group of people gathered in the small meeting room in the Age of Miracles.

    It can't fit at all, three people can sit on one chair, and many people are standing, which seriously violates the security requirements.into the familiar smoke.

    Children who go to school, adults who go to work, old men who run a shop, scolding and shouting Wu Yangyang shuttled past her.

    The sky is gray and the streets are wet and cold.

    Everyone is entangled with moisture that cannot be shaken off, sticky and beats people to pieces, trying hard and struggling to stay alive in this city.

    Wearing a pair of boots, trousers, and a coat with a hood, Lu Ke went straight to a bus stop, where a double-decker commuter bus was already parked.

    "Good morning, Miss Lu!"

    "Wow, look at your dark circles!"

    "Did you play all night again yesterday?"

    "Don't talk to me, I'm dead"

    She walked sickly to the back row, put on the hood, leaned against the window, started to catch up on sleep, and waited for the energy drink to take effect.

    Many sci-fi films will show a big scene at the beginning, allowing the audience to see those fantastic buildings, vehicles, and urban layouts.

    But so far, there is no shot showing a big scene, and it always follows the protagonist.

    When the car started, the camera continued to follow, with a low angle of view, driving through the criss-crossing streets, tall and cold buildings passing by on both sides, like an ant crawling in the forest.

    The commuter car drove to Pier 1.

    In the office building area, the sign reads: "Longwan Brigade, Offshore Patrol Detachment, Baisha City."

    A group of people went in to change clothes and boarded the boat. Lu Ke was in better condition and jumped onto his own patrol boat. The patrol boats were ready to set off, and someone greeted: "Morning!"

    "Hey, where's Xu Kai?"

    "I've had a bad stomach."

    "He ate wild fish again? Subdue him, see you later!"

    Lu Ke waved his hand and got into the cabin.

    This boat is based on a realistic template, small and light, with a white hull and blue cabin, semi-enclosed, with two seats inside.  The steering position is equipped with a rudder and a large touch screen.

    She pressed a button, the screen lights up, the camera recognizes the face, and synthesizes the voice:

    "Patrol boat No. 037, pilot Chen Lu, number 11928co-pilot Xu Kai, number 30521, is on sick leave."

    "Time tide height: 1.55 meters; speed: 0.66 m/s; south wind level 4, small waves of 0.3~0.9 meters."

    "It is expected that there will be storm surges of 80 to 240 centimeters along the coast of Longwan during the night, reaching the highest level of the red alert tide level. Please take preventive measures in advance"

    Lu Ke wore a standard jacket with a life jacket like a vest inside, and his hair was tied neatly behind his head, and he set off by boat.


    The engines of more than a dozen boats roared, like arrows leaving the string, Lu Ke merged into them, and drove towards the gate together.

    At this time, the camera suddenly zoomed up, giving a large panorama.

    In other divisions, their respective patrol teams are also setting off, drawing out water-marked white waves, and in front of their routes are huge fan-shaped gates.

    The gate opened, and the patrol boats filed out.

    Lu Ke suddenly accelerated, rushing to the front very conspicuously, and the camera rotated 180 degrees around her and zoomed up again. The audience finally saw the overall layout of the coastal area.

    "Damn it!"

    Yamei couldn't help exhaling the fragrance.

    The outermost one is a huge island chain full of mangroves formed by man-made islands and natural islands that tightly surrounds the coastline of Baisha City. It is divided into several large areas, connected by tide-proof gates as entrances and exits.

    Inside is a vast water area enclosed into an inland sea, with wharves and ports, and countless man-made oyster reefs.

    These oyster reefs float as the sea rises, acting as a buffer against wind and waves, and filter feeders such as shellfish also help clean the harbour.

    Inside, there is an endless flood control dam.

    Inside the embankment is a strange city composed of migrants whose homes have been destroyed, Baisha City!

    The audience's eyes follow the camera layer by layer, a little bit deeper into the core of "Red Tide":

    Those huge fan-shaped gates, the leaves of the mangroves on the island are rustled by the sea breeze, the shells on the oyster reefs, the dense stacked buildings without sunlight

    The producer is using a meticulous painting-like delicacy to show the world to everyone.

    Ever since, when the first big scene in the whole play appeared, almost all the audience were like girls, and couldn't help but let out a cry:

    "Damn it!"

    Dai Han and Lao Mo watched it for the second time, but they still couldn't help but stand up.

    It was hard for them to imagine that the little play they filmed at the beginning would turn into this appearance after Zhuang Zhou's magic hands, even with a bit of grandeur.

    And those who haven't seen it are trembling with excitement.

    This feeling is like seeing for the first time in "The Wandering Earth", two teenagers leave the dungeon and enter the carrier vehicle, which keeps zooming out and zooming in, presenting a scene of icy doomsday and heavy metal machinery that can be recorded in Chinese film history  great lens.

    It's a feeling of "I finally saw it in a domestic film"!

    It's the same at this moment, but the technology of "Red Tide" is more refined, without any blurring and fooling!

    Lu Ke swallowed his saliva, and unconsciously grabbed his pants with his fingers, a thought suddenly came to his mind: "I, I, I actually starred in this thing?!" </div>??Imagine that the little drama I filmed back then, after Zhuang Zhou's magic hands, would turn into this appearance, even with a bit of grandeur.

    And those who haven't seen it are trembling with excitement.

    This feeling is like seeing for the first time in "The Wandering Earth", two teenagers leave the dungeon and enter the carrier vehicle, which keeps zooming out and zooming in, presenting a scene of icy doomsday and heavy metal machinery that can be recorded in Chinese film history  great lens.

    It's a feeling of "I finally saw it in a domestic film"!

    It's the same at this moment, but the technology of "Red Tide" is more refined, without any blurring and fooling!

    Lu Ke swallowed his saliva, and unconsciously grabbed his pants with his fingers, a thought suddenly came to his mind: "I, I, I actually starred in this thing?!" </div&gt
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