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I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War Latest chapter update list


Text Chapter 1 The worst time traveler in history (1)Text Chapter 2 The worst time travel in history (2)Text Chapter 3 The Worst Time Travel in History (3)Text Chapter 4 The Worst Time Travel in History (4)
Text Chapter 5 The Worst Time Travel in History (5)Text Chapter 6 Devil's Castle 731 (1)Text Chapter 7 Devil's Castle 731 (2)Text Chapter 8 Devil's Castle 731 (3)
Text Chapter 9 Devil's Castle 731 (4)Text Chapter 10 Devil¡¯s Castle 731 (5)Text Chapter 11 Devil's Castle 731 (6)Text Chapter 12 Be cautious
Text Chapter 13 In order to surviveText Chapter 14 OathText Chapter 15 What is a true pervert?Text Chapter 16 Plan (1)
Text Chapter 17 Plan (2)Text Chapter 18 Plan (3)Text Chapter 19 Plan (4)Text Chapter 20 Plan (5)
Text Chapter 21 Action (1)Text Chapter 22 Action (2)Text Chapter 23 Action (3)Text Chapter 24 Action (4)
Text Chapter 25 Action (5)Text Chapter 26 Action (6)Text Chapter 27 Action (7)Text Chapter 28 Decision
Text Chapter 29 Destruction (1)Text Chapter 30 Destruction (2)Text Chapter 31 Destruction (3)Text Chapter 32 Destruction (4)
Text Chapter 33 Destruction (4)Text Chapter 34 The dragon enters the sea (1)Text Chapter 35 The dragon enters the sea (2)Text Chapter 36 The dragon enters the sea (3)
Text Chapter 37 The dragon enters the sea (4)Text Chapter 38 The dragon enters the sea (5)Text Chapter 39 The dragon enters the sea (6)Text Chapter 40 The dragon enters the sea (7)
Text Chapter 41 The Dragon Enters the Sea (8)Text Chapter 42 Where to goText Chapter 43 SuppliesText Chapter 44 Enemy Situation
Text Chapter 45 DisposalText Chapter 46 ArrangementText Chapter 47 Dawn (1)Text Chapter 48 Dawn (2)
Text Chapter 49 The gorgeous fireworks (1)Text Chapter 50 The gorgeous fireworks (2)Text Chapter 51 ShockText Chapter 52: Distress (1)
Text Chapter 53: Distress (2)Text Chapter 54 Trapped (1)Text Chapter 56 Trapped (2)Text Chapter 57 Escape
Text Chapter 58 Accumulating strength (1)Text Chapter 59: Accumulating strength (2)Text Chapter 60 Robbery of the Pioneer GroupText Chapter 61 Disposal
Text Chapter 62 Secret Camp (1)Text Chapter 63 Secret Camp (2)Text Chapter 64 Political CommissarText Chapter 65 The first battle (1)
Text Chapter 66 The first battle (2)Text Chapter 67 The First Battle (3)Text Chapter 68: Attack (1)Text Chapter 69: Attack (2)
Text Chapter 70 Surprise attack on Weihe (1)Text Chapter 71 Surprise Attack on Weihe River (2)Text Chapter 72: Attacking from the West and Attacking from the EastText Chapter 73 The bloody setting sun (1)
Text Chapter 74 The bloody setting sun (2)Text Chapter 75 The bloody setting sun (3)Text Chapter 76 The bloody setting sun (4)Text Chapter 77 The bloody setting sun (5)
Text Chapter 78 A classic night ambush (1)Text Chapter 79 A classic night ambush (2)Text Chapter 80 A classic night ambush (3)Text Chapter 81 A classic night ambush (4)
Text Chapter 82 A classic night ambush battle (5)Text Chapter 83 Deciding on a Strategy (1)Text Chapter 84 Making a decision (2)Text Chapter 85 Deciding on a Strategy (3)
Text Chapter 86 Decision (4)Text Chapter 87 Yang Zhen¡¯s new opponentText Chapter 88 Poison Scheme (1)Text Chapter 89 Poison Scheme (2)
Text Chapter 90 Who to fight for (1)Text Chapter 91 Who to fight for (2)Text Chapter 92 Enemy SituationText Chapter 93 Countermeasures
Text Chapter 94 ChoiceText Chapter 95 TeamText Chapter 96 Special TrainingText Chapter 97 Ideas
Text Chapter 98 The military song is loud and clear (1)Text Chapter 99 The military song is loud and clear (2)Text Chapter 100 Commander-in-Chief (1)Text Chapter 101 Commander-in-Chief (2)
Text Chapter 102 Commander-in-Chief (3)Text Chapter 103 DiscussionText Chapter 104 Enemy SituationText Chapter 105 Intelligence
Text Chapter 106 Sasaki Toichi¡¯s DecisionText Chapter 107 Preparing for War (1)Text Chapter 108 Preparing for War (2)Text Chapter 109 Bad News
Text Chapter 110 Going South (1)Text Chapter 111 Going South (2)Text Chapter 112 Going South (3)Text Chapter 113 Going South (3)
Text Chapter 114 Going South (4)Text Chapter 115 Going South (5)Text Chapter 116 Going South (6)Text Chapter 117 Going South (7)
Text Chapter 118 Going South (8)Text Chapter 119 DisposalText Chapter 120 PromiseText Chapter 121 Important Task
Text Chapter 122: Marching Eastward (1)Text Chapter 123: Marching Eastward (2)Text Chapter 124: Marching Eastward (3)Text Chapter 125: Marching East (4)
Text Chapter 126: Marching Eastward (5)Text Chapter 127 Arms Depot (1)Text Chapter 129 Arms Warehouse (2)Text Chapter 130: Borrowing a nest to hatch eggs (1)
Text Chapter 131: Borrowing a nest to hatch eggs (2)Text Chapter 132: Copying all the weapons that can kill the JapaneseText Chapter 133 A glorious beginning (1)Text Chapter 134 A glorious beginning (2)
Text Chapter 135 A glorious beginning (3)Text Chapter 136 A glorious beginning (4)Text Chapter 137 A glorious beginning (5)Text Chapter 138 A glorious beginning (6)
Text Chapter 139 A glorious beginning (7)Text Chapter 140 A glorious beginning (8)Text Chapter 141 A glorious beginning (9)Text Chapter 142 A glorious beginning (10)
Text Chapter 143 A glorious beginning (11)Text Chapter 144 A glorious beginning (12)Text Chapter 145 A glorious beginning (13)Text Chapter 146 A glorious beginning (14)
Text Chapter 147 The price that must be paidText Chapter 148 Summary of the battleText Chapter 149: Copycat Weapons of 1939Text Chapter 150 Yang Zhen¡¯s Thoughts
Text Chapter 151 DecisionText Chapter 152 New Enemy SituationText Chapter 153 Ueda Kenkichi¡¯s final madnessText Chapter 154 Fierce Battle with Tang Yuan (1)
Text Chapter 155 Fierce Battle with Tang Yuan (2)Text Chapter 156 Fierce Battle with Tang Yuan (3)Text Chapter 157 Fierce Battle with Tang Yuan (4)Text Chapter 158 Fierce Battle with Tang Yuan (5)
Text Chapter 159 Fierce Battle with Tang Yuan (6)Text Chapter 160 Fierce Battle with Tang Yuan (7)Text Chapter 161 Fierce Battle with Tang Yuan (8)Text Chapter 162 Fierce Battle with Tang Yuan (8)
Text Chapter 163 Ma ChunshengText Chapter 164 Major General Heiyan¡¯s Elegy (1)Text Chapter 165 Major General Heiyan¡¯s Elegy (2Text Chapter 166 Major General Heiyan¡¯s Elegy (3)
Text Chapter 167 Major General Heiyan¡¯s Elegy (4)Text Chapter 168 Major General Heiyan¡¯s Elegy (5)Text Chapter 169 Beacon Fire Group Ce Mountain (1)Text Chapter 170 Bloody Qunce Mountain (2)
Text Chapter 171 Beacon Fire Qunce Mountain (3)Text Chapter 172 Beacon Fire Group Ce Mountain (4)Text Chapter 173 Beacon Fire Group Ce Mountain (5)Text Chapter 174 Beacon Fire Group Ceshan (6)
Text Chapter 175 Beacon Fire Group Mount (7)Text Chapter 176 Beacon Fire Group Ceshan (8)Text Chapter 177 Medals and MedalsText Chapter 178 Reasons for the Medal
Text Chapter 179 Opinions and flatteryText Chapter 180 The Commander-in-Chief¡¯s CriticismText Chapter 181 The pressure in Yang Zhen¡¯s heartText Chapter 182: Could this be an opportunity?
Text Chapter 183 Helpless ExchangeText Chapter 184 Yang Zhen¡¯s evaluation of his subordinatesText Chapter 185 Liu ChangshunText Chapter 186 Xingshan Fortress
Text Chapter 187: All your hard work is in vainText Chapter 188 Ma Chunsheng¡¯s rejoicingText Chapter 189 DisobedienceText Chapter 190 Three Disobediences
Text Chapter 191 The precursor of a bloody battleText Chapter 192 The Japanese Army¡¯s Reaction That Surprised Yang ZhenText Chapter 193 The beginning of the bloody battleText Chapter 194 Bloody Guanmenzuizi Mountain
Text Chapter 195 Reinforcements have arrivedText Chapter 196 Wang Xiaoming¡¯s DecisionText Chapter 197 CounterattackText Chapter 198 The use of landmines requires knowledge
Text Chapter 199 The Blinded Nishiyama FukutaroText Chapter 200 Yang Zhen¡¯s farewell actionText Chapter 201 Reorganization MeetingText Chapter 202 Military Division
Text Chapter 203 The Ending of Ueda KenkichiText Chapter 204 Yang Zhen¡¯s decisionText Chapter 205 FarewellText Chapter 206: Anger or surprise?
Text Chapter 207 Yang Zhen also deceives people sometimesText Chapter 208 CentralText Chapter 209 Excitement and WaitingText Chapter 210 Moscow 1939
Text Chapter 211 Stalin¡¯s ReplyText Chapter 212 Frustration in JuneText Chapter 213 Prepare for a rainy dayText Chapter 214 Preparation
Text Chapter 215 Wei ZhengminText Chapter 216 Do you want to catch them all?Text Chapter 217 Hunting requires patienceText Chapter 218 How to develop combat power
Text Chapter 219 How should the flag be planted?Text Chapter 220 DecisionText Chapter 221 Yang Jingyu¡¯s doubtsText Chapter 212: You treat us as your second-in-command
Text Chapter 223 The Soviets with a Sensitive SmellText Chapter 224: Arsenal and Fianc¨¦eText Chapter 225 Kovalev¡¯s true identityText Chapter 226: Traitor
Text Chapter 227 The Complex Third Route ArmyText Chapter 228 ProvocationText Chapter 229 Central DelegationText Chapter 230 The little wrist in the center
Text Chapter 231 Night TalkText Chapter 232 ConfessionText Chapter 233 PlacementText Chapter 234 Important Task
Text Chapter 235 Conversation and High ExpectationsText Chapter 236 Heart-to-heart talkText Chapter 237 The Talented General Du KaishanText Chapter 238: Surprise or fright?
Text Chapter 239 Announcement of AppointmentText Chapter 240 Farewell MessageText Chapter 241 The 1939 version of Bayi Bang and PKText Chapter 242 The dispute between speed and slow machines
Text Chapter 246 Unknown OmenText Chapter 247 Trading or BlackmailText Chapter 248: Mutual SchemesText Chapter 249 The Prelude to the War
Text Chapter 250 The First BattleText Chapter 251: The Nightmare of the 89th RegimentText Chapter 252 Wang Guangyu¡¯s FeastText Chapter 253 Prelude to the decisive battle
Text Chapter 254 Knocking out the little devil¡¯s front teethText Chapter 255 Western FrontText Chapter 256 Yang Zhen¡¯s Good AppetiteText Chapter 257 The 70th Regiment was destroyed by the bombing
Text Chapter 258 Masao Iwabe¡¯s SchemingText Chapter 259 Guo Bingxun¡¯s SecretText Chapter 260 Du Kaishan who has never had enough funText Chapter 261 Wang Guangyu risked his life
Text Chapter 262: Let the 40th Regiment do a good job of bloodlettingText Chapter 263 Prelude to the decisive battleText Chapter 264 AccidentText Chapter 265: The Source of Colonel Qingjin¡¯s Uneasiness
Text Chapter 266 The battle between main attack and assistText Chapter 267 These are all old bonesText Chapter 268 A bloody battle under the nightText Chapter 269 Adjusting Tactics
Text Chapter 270 The Destruction of the Field DetachmentText Chapter 271 Doihara who is going crazyText Chapter 272 An accident within an accidentText Chapter 273 Contingency
Text Chapter 274 DisposalText Chapter 275 Become a commander instead of a generalText Chapter 276 General AttackText Chapter 277 The final madness of the 40th Regiment
Text Chapter 278: Lost My Love ForeverText Chapter 279 This is not an accident but a conspiracyText Chapter 280: Taking advantage of the situationText Chapter 281 Hattori Takushiro¡¯s Vision
Text Chapter 282 New invasion planText Chapter 283 Specialized TalentsText Chapter 284 The war resumesText Chapter 285 Verification
Text Chapter 286: Choosing the Timing to CounterattackText Chapter 287 Singing a fake show to show the Japanese armyText Chapter 288 Finally took the baitText Chapter 289 The opportunity has arrived
Text Chapter 290: Must fight outText Chapter 291: There is no turning back when the bow is firedText Chapter 292 A head-to-head battleText Chapter 293 Wrong typo
Text Chapter 294 Raid on the AirportText Chapter 295 It¡¯s time to launch a general offensiveText Chapter 296 If you hit him, break one of his legsText Chapter 297 Unsustainable
Text Chapter 298 VariablesText Chapter 299 Timely Rain in Du KaishanText Chapter 230 I am not Tian DengText Chapter 231 Angry Wang Guangyu
Text Chapter 232 New tacticsText Chapter 233 Major General Katayama is at a lossText Chapter 234 Iimura Rang¡¯s planText Chapter 235: Cavalry Battalion, Attack
Text Chapter 236 The strange Japanese reinforcementsText Chapter 237: Tooth for tooth, eye for eyeText Chapter 238 Final preparationsText Chapter 239: You must hit accurately and hard
Text Chapter 240: It¡¯s your own fault that makes you unluckyText Chapter 241: The Puppet Manchurian ArmyText Chapter 242 Yang Zhen was really angryText Chapter 243 Must be dealt with seriously
Text Chapter 244 The anxious Sawada ShigeruText Chapter 245 The Osaka Division brought its own evilText Chapter 246 The Reorganization Plan of the Fourth DivisionText Chapter 247: The Kwantung Army is strong on the outside and incompetent on the inside
Text Chapter 248: Umezu Yoshijiro jumps over the wall in a hurryText Chapter 249 Ground Ambush BattleText Chapter 250 Reasons for suspending the attackText Chapter 251: Persuading to Surrender
Text Chapter 252 They won¡¯t kill youText Chapter 253 SurrenderText Chapter 254 The Value of Kitano TakatsuText Chapter 255 Abnormalities of the Japanese Army
Text Chapter 256: Unable to fight anymoreText Chapter 257 The End of the BattleText Chapter 258 You are deceiving yourselfText Chapter 259 Shadow Troops
Text Chapter 260 The dispute between expansion and mechanizationText Chapter 261 Equipment AdjustmentText Chapter 262 I don¡¯t believe itText Chapter 263 Lily Club
Text Chapter 264: Lifting the VeilText Chapter 265 The victor is not punishedText Chapter 266: Reasons that cannot be forgivenText Chapter 267 Personnel Adjustments
Text Chapter 268 Production and Construction CorpsText Chapter 269 The WhetstoneText Chapter 270 The urgent need is solvedText Chapter 271 Yang Zhen in Li Yanping¡¯s Eyes
Text Chapter 272 Because we are all soldiersText Chapter 273 Top priorityText Chapter 274 Korean Independent DivisionText Chapter 275 Come back to me when you have figured it out
Text Chapter 276 Tao Jingfei with a keen sense of smellText Chapter 277 He will get through itText Chapter 278 The change in Jiangbei¡¯s attitudeText Chapter 279: Dignity must be achieved through strength
Text Chapter 280 Yang Zhen¡¯s thinking and visionText Chapter 281 I insistText Chapter 282: Let¡¯s go, now is not the timeText Chapter 283 Send them all back
Text Chapter 284 It¡¯s a complaint, but it¡¯s also the truthText Chapter 285 Codename 101Text Chapter 286 Can troops who cannot fight still fight?Text Chapter 287 I think it is you who should be punished
Text Chapter 288: You must understand the meaning of the word comrade-in-armsText Chapter 289 You are putting the cart before the horseText Chapter 290 MisunderstandingText Chapter 291 Family and Affection
Text Chapter 292 Two Female SoldiersText Chapter 293 Check the terrainText Chapter 294: Get used to thinking about the other person¡¯s perspectiveText Chapter 295 Accidental Encounter
Text Chapter 296 Jianchuan Ersan¡¯s IntuitionText Chapter 297 Serious InjuryText Chapter 298 You are the benefactor of our entire armyText Chapter 299 Swallow
Text Chapter 300: The sky-high asking priceText Chapter 301 This person must be eliminatedText Chapter 302 Thunderous MeansText Chapter 303 Our enemies are not just Japanese pirates
Text Chapter 304 Trip to JiangbeiText Chapter 305 He seems to have no weaknessesText Chapter 306: This is a sugar-coated bulletText Chapter 307 Modification of Aircraft and Tanks
Text Chapter 308 You are the hopeText Chapter 309 Power MultiplierText Chapter 310 Two sides of the same coinText Chapter 311 This is a matter of principle
Text Chapter 312 We can¡¯t fight this kind of battleText Chapter 313: They really dare to ask for a priceText Chapter 314 We can also make a war fortuneText Chapter 315 He is an eagle
Text Chapter 316 This is good news after allText Chapter 317 If you agree, I will admit itText Chapter 318 The reason why you can buy an airplaneText Chapter 319: What does it mean to push your nose on your face?
Text Chapter 320 The harm caused by two stupid donkeysText Chapter 221 I don¡¯t need it anywayText Chapter 322 General MobilizationText Chapter 323: Fame rises
Text Chapter 324: Car ProblemsText Chapter 325: That long-lost cryText Chapter 326 You must not be capturedText Chapter 327 Guo Bingxun¡¯s Judgment
Text Chapter 328 Substituting offense for defenseText Chapter 329: Look at itText Chapter 330: Attack launch timeText Chapter 331 The Blindly Optimistic Japanese Army
Text Chapter 332 Yang Zhen¡¯s deception methodText Chapter 333 The 10th Division was attacked firstText Chapter 334: The Confused ColonelText Chapter 335 Radio interference with aircraft
Text Chapter 336 Confident Juichi NamadaText Chapter 337 Damn Intelligence DepartmentText Chapter 338 Final preparationsText Chapter 339 The well-deserved beast army
Text Chapter 340 The Result of the Artillery BattleText Chapter 341 Anti-tank warfareText Chapter 342: Your previous fight was too smoothText Chapter 343: Stick to them and beat them
Text Chapter 344: I don¡¯t have any reinforcementsText Chapter 345: You must not fall in love with warText Chapter 346 The Function of New EquipmentText Chapter 347 Our department has arrived on time
Text Chapter 348 The Eighth Division¡¯s New TacticsText Chapter 349: One-stop strategic visionText Chapter 350: You might as well bet biggerText Chapter 351: Mu Changqiu, the swindler
Text Chapter 352 The Regretful Machijiri RyokiText Chapter 353: People are doing it, God is watchingText Chapter 354 A secret order that can only be conveyed orallyText Chapter 355 The Eve of Collapse
Text Chapter 356: Successive blowsText Chapter 357 A strange drug attackText Chapter 358 I can finally take a breathText Chapter 359: Standby on the spot
Text Chapter 360 Fuel-Air CannonballText Chapter 361: Forcing the Japanese Army to Jump Over the WallText Chapter 362 The Japanese Army imitates othersText Chapter 363 Depressed Tezuka Nakaichi
Text Chapter 364: There is no joke in the armyText Chapter 365: Just follow your ideasText Chapter 366: Stealing the chicken failed and lost the capitalText Chapter 367 The Anti-Japanese Alliance is not what it used to be
Text Chapter 368: Terrible OpponentText Chapter 369 You finally found out somethingText Chapter 370 Reinvention and Heavy InjuryText Chapter 371 Order from the Kwantung Army
Text Chapter 372 A highly creative attackText Chapter 373 Yang Zhen¡¯s painstaking calculationText Chapter 374 Imaginary Enemy SquadronText Chapter 375 The Destruction of Pingdao Detachment
Text Chapter 376 The reason for transferring youText Chapter 277 The cunning Toshichi UemuraText Chapter 378 Fairly sensitive intuitionText Chapter 379 How to be a mother-in-law
Text Chapter 380: It¡¯s rude to come and not reciprocateText Chapter 381 Shouldn¡¯t be buriedText Chapter 382 The Enemy¡¯s AppearanceText Chapter 383: Fight until every soldier is killed
Text Chapter 384 Personality and QuarrelText Chapter 385: Your back hurts when you stand and talkText Chapter 386 I know better than youText Chapter 387 The beginning of the bloody battle
Text Chapter 388 Rogue TacticsText Chapter 389: Trouble him with Jiutian HancheText Chapter 290 The fox¡¯s tail finally appearsText Chapter 391: Ready to fight at any time
Text Chapter 392 No choiceText Chapter 393 The ever-changing battle situationText Chapter 394: Unconvinced Ushijima MitsuruText Chapter 395 The bloody battle at Jinsha Hill
Text Chapter 396 Comrades kill the JapaneseText Chapter 397 We should obey ordersText Chapter 398 The Power of NapalmText Chapter 399 The Nightmare of the Eleventh Division
Text Chapter 400: Unmoving as a mountainText Chapter 401 Total AttackText Chapter 402 DecisionText Chapter 403 Persistence
Text Chapter 404 Missing the best timeText Chapter 405: The Corrupt War SituationText Chapter 406: A sudden turn of eventsText Chapter 407 Lost Contact
Text Chapter 408: Reaping the consequencesText Chapter 409 BreakthroughText Chapter 410 A question of visionText Chapter 411 Banjiehe Fortress
Text Chapter 412 New Situation and New ProblemsText Chapter 413: Dragnet investigationText Chapter 414: Attack the enemy from behindText Chapter 415 I ignored it
Text Chapter 416 A different kind of mobilization meetingText Chapter 417 Honey Mountain FrontText Chapter 418: To alert the snakeText Chapter 419 Attack Tactics
Text Chapter 420 Clever TacticsText Chapter 421: Repeated FightingText Chapter 422 The Second Test SiteText Chapter 423: Overly Cautious Interludes
Text Chapter 424 Complete DestructionText Chapter 425 The power of new bombsText Chapter 426 An ending beyond expectationsText Chapter 427 A terrifying scene
Text Chapter 428 UnexpectedText Chapter 429: What¡¯s the next step?Text Chapter 430: AttackedText Chapter 431: The vicious traitor
Text Chapter 432: Keep it to kill chickens and scare monkeysText Chapter 433 Solving the urgent needText Chapter 434: You cannot kill the chicken to obtain the eggsText Chapter 435 A rare opportunity
Text Chapter 436: The 29th Division EscapedText Chapter 437 What we want is a messText Chapter 438: Forcing them to change themselvesText Chapter 439: Time waits not for us
Text Chapter 440 Yang Zhen is also frightenedText Chapter 441 SecretaryText Chapter 442 Talented WomanText Chapter 443 Things that must be considered
Text Chapter 444: Just borrowing strength to fightText Chapter 445 NegotiationText Chapter 446: The Americans¡¯ PlanText Chapter 447: War of words
Text Chapter 448 CollectionText Chapter 449: American InterestsText Chapter 450 The White House¡¯s IntentionText Chapter 451: First impression is very important
Text Chapter 452: Winning is fundamentalText Chapter 453 New Division of LaborText Chapter 454 A Little PrivilegeText Chapter 455 We need money more
Text Chapter 456: Hypocritical AmericansText Chapter 457 DealText Chapter 458: Strange goods may not be habitableText Chapter 459: Not Qualified to Follow the Steps
Text Chapter 460 A solid foundationText Chapter 461 AftermathText Chapter 462 ConfessionText Chapter 463: Risky Chess
Text Chapter 464 It¡¯s time for a resolutionText Chapter 465 ExcitementText Chapter 466: To forge iron, you need to be tough yourselfText Chapter 467: Defending Dignity
Text Chapter 468 Poisonous WolfText Chapter 469: A Rat-Prohibiting WeaponText Chapter 470 There is no solutionText Chapter 471: Remaining unchanged to cope with all changes
Text Chapter 472 Maybe there is a wayText Chapter 473 DilemmaText Chapter 474 PremonitionText Chapter 475 The first cry of the young eagle
Text Chapter 476 Modern Air CombatText Chapter 478 Losses and CostsText Chapter 479 DefeatedText Chapter 480 Gambler¡¯s Character
Text Chapter 481: Coming out in full forceText Chapter 482 AwarenessText Chapter 483 The Last ChanceText Chapter 484 Misjudgment
Text Chapter 485: Fist TroopsText Chapter 486 Don¡¯t run away aloneText Chapter 487 I want to take it all to myselfText Chapter 488 The Beginning of the Second Phase
Text Chapter 489 Details determine fateText Chapter 490: Not much time leftText Chapter 491: No compromise can be made without a bottom lineText Chapter 492: Stones from other mountains can attack jade
Text Chapter 492 Gaining the Maximum BenefitsText Chapter 493: The picture shows the daggerText Chapter 494 The lesser of two evilsText Chapter 495: Clean the house to treat guests
Text Chapter 496 CompromiseText Chapter 497 Everything depends on human effortText Chapter 498: Talented, but a pityText Chapter 499: There is no need to settle old scores
Text Chapter 500 Surprise AttackText Chapter 501: Surprise Attack (2)Text Chapter 502: Discipline when entering the cityText Chapter 503 New Field Food
Text Chapter 504: Unable to let go and fightText Chapter 505 Close Ambush Battle (1)Text Chapter 506: Close Ambush BattleText Chapter 507 Two Cities of Flesh and Blood (1)
Text Chapter 508 Two Cities of Flesh and Blood (2)Text Chapter 509 Two Cities of Flesh and Blood (3)Text Chapter 510 Two Cities of Flesh and Blood (Text Chapter 511 Two Cities of Flesh and Blood (5)
Text Chapter 512 Two Cities of Flesh and Blood (6)Text Chapter 513 Two Cities of Flesh and Blood (7)Text Chapter 514 Two Cities of Flesh and Blood (8)Text Chapter 515 Two Cities of Flesh and Blood (9)
Text Chapter 516 Ma Fengqi¡¯s intentionText Chapter 517: Taking advantage of Japanese infantryText Chapter 518 The Unlucky 25th DivisionText Chapter 519 Yang Zhen¡¯s intention
Text Chapter 520: Going West and Going NorthText Chapter 521: Calculation by heart but not by heartText Chapter 522: Keep them allText Chapter 523: Shooting yourself in the foot
Text Chapter 524: Treat differentlyText Chapter 525 Ma Qichang¡¯s requestText Chapter 526: The Ninth Division Can¡¯t Stay CalmText Chapter 527: Angry from Humiliation
Text Chapter 528: Iimura Rang¡¯s AdviceText Chapter 529: Fight or withdrawText Chapter 530: Bow your head and admit defeatText Chapter 531 The Kwantung Army¡¯s retreat plan
Text Chapter 532 Losing a pawn to save a rookText Chapter 533 The opponent is too tenaciousText Chapter 534: It¡¯s better to be on the safe sideText Chapter 535 No troops to adjust
Text Chapter 536: The slap and the finger hurtText Chapter 537 The Difficult Eastern FrontText Chapter 538 Dongning FortressText Chapter 539 The embarrassing first day
Text Chapter 540: The Prodigal Son¡¯s StrategyText Chapter 541 Asking for helpText Chapter 542 A cold-blooded decisionText Chapter 543 The most troublesome thing
Text Chapter 544 Acting vigorously and resolutelyText Chapter 545: Stab himText Chapter 546 We have tried our bestText Chapter 547: Detonate on time
Text Chapter 548 The hardest bone to crackText Chapter 549 Sui Changqing¡¯s hesitationText Chapter 550 Please consider this carefullyText Chapter 551 Headquarters¡¯ reply
Text Chapter 552: What does No. 1 value most?Text Chapter 553 Not even the skinText Chapter 554 Just a smoke bombText Chapter 555 Underground Tunnel
Text Chapter 556 The Secret of Dongning FortressText Chapter 557 The Crazy Japanese ArmyText Chapter 558: Play some new tricks with the JapaneseText Chapter 559: Vicious
Text Chapter 560 Confident AmericansText Chapter 561 BetText Chapter 562 Yang Zhen¡¯s PurposeText Chapter 563: Pearson¡¯s Vision
Text Chapter 565: Taking advantage of the situationText Chapter 566 The last chanceText Chapter 567: Unwilling Yang ZhenText Chapter 568 The Real Foundation
Text Chapter 569 The true backbone of the countryText Chapter 570: Similarities in the past and presentText Chapter 571: Catch the ducks and put them on the shelvesText Chapter 572 Urgent Matter¡¾1¡¿
Text Chapter 573 Type Zero¡¯s worriesText Chapter 574 You must restText Chapter 575: PersuasionText Chapter 576 Yuan Zhiruo¡¯s life experience
Text Chapter 577 A tricky battlefieldText Chapter 578 Tanks enter the battleText Chapter 579 Fierce Battle with North KoreaText Chapter 580 The Gap between Dreams and Reality
Text Chapter 581 One hundred percent effort is not enoughText Chapter 582 Rationing SystemText Chapter 583 A huge taskText Chapter 584: We must abide by scientific laws
Text Chapter 585 Criticism and Self-CriticismText Chapter 586: The Rut of HistoryText Chapter 587: Real AmericansText Chapter 589 Missing
Text Chapter 590 I was just like youText Chapter 591: Prepare to face the most difficult timeText Chapter 592: Entering the CustomsText Chapter 593: The lost land
Text Chapter 594 It is impossible to predict what will happen tomorrowText Chapter 595: Follow the good adviceText Chapter 596: ConfidentialityText Chapter 597: Friendly Feeling
Text Chapter 598 Criteria for SuccessText Chapter 599 It doesn¡¯t matterText Chapter 600: Win the fight without losing colorText Chapter 601 The most fatal weakness
Text Chapter 602 AdjustmentText Chapter 603 You are the commanderText Chapter 604: Talking in full swingText Chapter 605: Anti-corrosion and resistance to change
Text Chapter 606 Give me some timeText Chapter 607 Peace and TranquilityText Chapter 608 The most indispensable thing is trustText Chapter 609: Blank
Text Chapter 610: Be Prepared for FightingText Chapter 611 I can skydiveText Chapter 612 Strict confidentialityText Chapter 613 The First Battle in the Pass
Text Chapter 614: Deploying troops against ordersText Chapter 615 Safety firstText Chapter 616: The next generation is to be fearedText Chapter 617 An unexpected opening statement
Text Chapter 618 I won¡¯t come to peaceText Chapter 619 Heroes Cherish HeroesText Chapter 620: Think more carefullyText Chapter 621 Acting vigorously and resolutely
Text Chapter 622 SmokeText Chapter 623: Be prepared to sacrificeText Chapter 624 EvacuationText Chapter 226 Fierce Battle in Southern Anhui
Text Chapter 227: Transformed Elbows and ArmpitsText Chapter 228: Kill one to serve as a warning to othersText Chapter 229 No more discussionText Chapter 230 Yang Zhen is very dissatisfied
Text Chapter 231 AccidentText Chapter 332 An accident within an accidentText Chapter 333 Let the facts proveText Chapter 634 Unheard of
Text Chapter 635: All necessary meansText Chapter 636: No idiotText Chapter 637 No one can be left behindText Chapter 638: Changing Route
Text Chapter 639 The key lies in speedText Chapter 640 The final decisionText Chapter 641 The direction of the breakoutText Chapter 642: Open Enemies and Secret Enemies
Text Chapter 643: The petty mentality that cannot be changedText Chapter 644: Hold onText Chapter 645 Looks like the old manText Chapter 646 There are plenty of opportunities
Text Chapter 647: Feint PlanText Chapter 648: I¡¯m afraid the person who came here is ill-intentionedText Chapter 649 The stubborn Shangguan YunxiangText Chapter 651: Wen Mingjian¡¯s Persuasion
Text Chapter 651: Call from the Central CommitteeText Chapter 652: Scolding and Good NewsText Chapter 653 GapText Chapter 654 Reverse Thinking
Text Chapter 655: There are too many things to learnText Chapter 656: Distant water cannot save nearby fireText Chapter 657 Changing RouteText Chapter 658 The gap is too big
Text Chapter 659: The Army Commander¡¯s Worst WorryText Chapter 660: He deserves to be killed, you deserve to dieText Chapter 661: Be more cautiousText Chapter 662 The dangers of wall grass
Text Chapter 663: Will not interfereText Chapter 664 The only choiceText Chapter 665 That¡¯s itText Chapter 666: Intrigue
Text Chapter 667 It¡¯s all in vain after allText Chapter 668 Complete DisappearanceText Chapter 669: Really TiredText Chapter 670 Food Problem
Text Chapter 671 The price you shouldn¡¯t payText Chapter 672 Random thoughtsText Chapter 673 Ye Chao¡¯s AnalysisText Chapter 674 I am just a passerby
Text Chapter 675 A different tasteText Chapter 676 The only choiceText Chapter 677 Never give upText Chapter 678: Drunk and Passionate
Text Chapter 679: The Inescapable FateText Chapter 680 The turning point of lifeText Chapter 681: Returning like an arrowText Chapter 682 Leaving
Text Chapter 683 Li Huilan and Yuan ZhiruoText Chapter 684 The Bottom LineText Chapter 685 I think it¡¯s not enoughText Chapter 686 The man ran away
Text Chapter 687: A sighText Chapter 688 ReturnText Chapter 689 Aerial encounterText Chapter 691 The Japanese Army Eager to Avenge Humiliation
Text Chapter 692 Lucky Yu MingText Chapter 693: Finding the WeaknessText Chapter 694 Correct and Effective TacticsText Chapter 695 The only good news for the Japanese army
Text Chapter 696: Depressed JapaneseText Chapter 697 Interlude after the air battleText Chapter 698: Ten Years in the Air ForceText Chapter 699 Yang Zhen¡¯s Heart Problem
Text Chapter 700: Standing out alone is not springText Chapter 701 Female PilotText Chapter 702: Heartfelt wordsText Chapter 703 Our hands are too short
Text Chapter 704 Stuck NeckText Chapter 705 Asking for help and being in troubleText Chapter 706: Face realityText Chapter 707 Xiong Dazhen¡¯s Double Act
Text Chapter 708 Yang Zhen¡¯s emotionText Chapter 709: The once familiar figureText Chapter 710: Don¡¯t put me on the fireText Chapter 711 Solving doubts
Text Chapter 712 The value of a weaponText Chapter 713: Future generations will never forget, the teacher of past livesText Chapter 714 Another blessing in disguiseText Chapter 715: Bearing Dilemma
Text Chapter 716 BeatingText Chapter 717 ClairvoyanceText Chapter 718 There is no bottom line for trustText Chapter 719: The Problem of Site Selection
Text Chapter 720: Being on guard against others is essentialText Chapter 721 I can only give you two yearsText Chapter 722 The reason for putting you hereText Chapter 723 The perfect candidate
Text Chapter 724: Side of the couchText Chapter 725 BanditryText Chapter 726: Learn to employ peopleText Chapter 727 What is the correct tactic?
Text Chapter 728 The embarrassment after passionText Chapter 729: To take revenge on youText Chapter 730 Maybe this is fateText Chapter 731: Destiny
Text Chapter 732 Jiangbei¡¯s new requirementsText Chapter 733: Military Rank ControversyText Chapter 734: Selection of bombing targetsText Chapter 735: Solve it all at once
Text Chapter 736: Who broke the contract first?Text Chapter 737: So unauthenticText Chapter 738 I only listen to Yan¡¯anText Chapter 739 Threats and Warnings
Text Chapter 740 Obligation does not equal hungerText Chapter 741 The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant nestText Chapter 742: The helpless man cuts off his wristText Chapter 743: Visit
Text Chapter 744 Excited Father YuanText Chapter 745: Guo Bingxun¡¯s PastText Chapter 746 Du Kaishan¡¯s PressureText Chapter 747 You must get used to it
Text Chapter 748: Jade cannot be used until it is polishedText Chapter 749: It takes a hundred refinements to become steelText Chapter 750: The Difficulty of RMBText Chapter 751: Getting stronger with age
Text Chapter 752: Let¡¯s get straight to the pointText Chapter 753 A PromiseText Chapter 754 A Father¡¯s RequestText Chapter 755 A somewhat embarrassing design
Text Chapter 756 The Crazy General UmezuText Chapter 757 The Impact of SanctionsText Chapter 758: Kimura Hy¨­taro¡¯s ViewsText Chapter 759: Drawing fire from the bottom of the cauldron
Text Chapter 760 The Dilemma of the 23rd DivisionText Chapter 761 Sudden air attackText Chapter 762: The germ warfare unit is completely finishedText Chapter 763: Fear and Fear
Text Chapter 764 These two people must dieText Chapter 765: SophisticatedText Chapter 766 This is the order of the Kwantung ArmyText Chapter 767 Zang Shiyi¡¯s sense of smell
Text Chapter 768 We are bound to winText Chapter 769: Find and take backText Chapter 770 CrucialText Chapter 771 Warning
Text Chapter 772: Heading WestwardText Chapter 773 ObstructionText Chapter 774 An Indelible ImpressionText Chapter 775: After all, it¡¯s still a step too late
Text Chapter 776 Extremely ShamelessText Chapter 777: You are more aggressive than meText Chapter 778: Don¡¯t give in even an inchText Chapter 779 No choice
Text Chapter 780 It¡¯s too lateText Chapter 781 Wang Guangyu¡¯s WorriesText Chapter 782 The beating will be unforgettable for their entire livesText Chapter 783: Fight to the death
Text Chapter 784: Aerial Strangulation BattleText Chapter 785 This is the revenge of the Anti-LeagueText Chapter 786 The Shadow BehindText Chapter 787 The sooner the better
Text Chapter 788: Hope dashedText Chapter 789: This time, that timeText Chapter 790 The Prisoner¡¯s DilemmaText Chapter 791 The drama must be done well
Text Chapter 792: The Mongolian Army with Inflexible TacticsText Chapter 793 The autumn wind sweeps the fallen leavesText Chapter 794: Someone took the lead after beating the dogText Chapter 795 Wang Guangyu¡¯s Hallucination
Text Chapter 796 This is our styleText Chapter 797 A terrible feelingText Chapter 798 Don¡¯t tell lies in front of real peopleText Chapter 799 A rare opportunity
Text Chapter 800 An unexpectedly successful blackmailText Chapter 801: Take it with peace of mindText Chapter 802 Unintentional understandingText Chapter 803 Yang Zhen¡¯s Secret Action
Text Chapter 804 A big gambleText Chapter 805 Begin preparationsText Chapter 806: Covering up the true strategic intentionText Chapter 807 The principle of chicken laying eggs
Text Chapter 808 ConcernsText Chapter 809: Thorny troops emerging from both endsText Chapter 810 Wang Guangyu¡¯s ThoughtsText Chapter 811 The Japanese Army Has No Weak Brigades
Text Chapter 812 Vague explanationText Chapter 813 The old commander¡¯s worriesText Chapter 814: Sharpening the Gun in BattleText Chapter 815 The spy before the war
Text Chapter 816 Chen Bo¡¯s InferenceText Chapter 817 The harm caused by corruptionText Chapter 818: Lure your opponent into making mistakesText Chapter 819 I¡¯ll give you back a big oil field
Text Chapter 820 Yang Zhen¡¯s planText Chapter 821: Inconsistent with the original intentionText Chapter 822 The attack launch time is advancedText Chapter 823 Countdown
Text Chapter 1 Guo Bingxun¡¯s JudgmentText Chapter 2 Offense instead of defenseText Chapter 3 ReadingText Chapter 4 Attack launch time
Text Chapter 5 The Blindly Optimistic Japanese ArmyText Chapter 6 Yang Zhen¡¯s deceptionText Chapter 7 The 10th Division was attacked firstText Chapter 8 The Confused Colonel
Text Chapter 9 Radio Jamming AircraftText Chapter 10 Confident Juichi NamadaText Chapter 11 Damn Intelligence DepartmentText Chapter 12 Final preparations
Text Chapter 13 The well-deserved beast armyText Chapter 14 The Result of the Artillery BattleText Chapter 15 Anti-tank warfareText Chapter 16 You played too smoothly in the front
Text Chapter 17 Stick to them and beat themText Chapter 18 I don¡¯t have any reinforcementsText Chapter 19 You must not fall in love with warText Chapter 20 The function of new equipment
Text Chapter 21 Our department has arrived on timeText Chapter 22 The Eighth Division¡¯s New TacticsText Chapter 23: One-stop strategic visionText Chapter 24: You might as well bet bigger
Text Chapter 25 Mu Changqiu, the swindlerText Chapter 26 The Regretful Machijiri RyokiText Chapter 27 People are doing it, God is watchingText Chapter 28 A secret order that can only be conveyed orally
Text Chapter 29 The Eve of CollapseText Chapter 30 Continuous blowsText Chapter 31 A strange drug attackText Chapter 32 I can finally take a breather
Text Chapter 33: Standby on the spotText Chapter 34 Fuel Air CannonballText Chapter 35: Forcing the Japanese Army to Jump Over the WallText Chapter 36 The Japanese Army imitates others
Text Chapter 37 Depressed Tezuka NakaichiText Chapter 38 There is no joke in the armyText Chapter 39: Just follow your ideasText Chapter 40: Stealing chicken failed and losing money
Text Chapter 41: Today¡¯s Anti-Japanese War is DifferentText Chapter 42 A terrible opponentText Chapter 43 You finally found out somethingText Chapter 44: Reinvention and Heavy Injury
Text Chapter 45 Orders from the Kwantung ArmyText Chapter 46 A highly creative attackText Chapter 47 Yang Zhen¡¯s painstaking calculationText Chapter 48 Imaginary Enemy Squadron
Text Chapter 49 The Destruction of Pingdao DetachmentText Chapter 50 The reason for transferring youText Chapter 51 The cunning Uemura ToshichiText Chapter 52 Fairly sensitive intuition
Text Chapter 53 How to be a mother-in-lawText Chapter 54: It is rude to come and not reciprocateText Chapter 55 Should not be buriedText Chapter 56 The enemy¡¯s first appearance
Text Chapter 57: Fighting to the endText Chapter 58 Personality and QuarrelText Chapter 59: Your back hurts when you stand and talkText Chapter 60 I know better than you
Text Chapter 61 The beginning of the bloody battleText Chapter 62 Rogue TacticsText Chapter 63: Trouble him with Jiutian HancheText Chapter 64 The fox¡¯s tail finally appears
Text Chapter 65: Ready to fight at any timeText Chapter 66 No choiceText Chapter 67 The ever-changing battle situationText Chapter 68: Unconvinced Ushijima Mitsuru
Text Chapter 69 The bloody battle at Jinsha HillText Chapter 70 Comrades kill the JapaneseText Chapter 71 We should obey ordersText Chapter 72 The Power of Napalm
Text Chapter 73 The Nightmare of the Eleventh DivisionText Chapter 74: Unmoving as a mountainText Chapter 75 General AttackText Chapter 76 Decision
Text Chapter 77 PersistenceText Chapter 78 Missing the best timeText Chapter 79: The Corrupt War SituationText Chapter 80 A sudden turn of events
Text Chapter 81 Lost ContactText Chapter 82: Reaping the consequencesText Chapter 83 BreakthroughText Chapter 84 The problem of vision
Text Chapter 85 Banjiehe FortressText Chapter 86 New Situation and New IssuesText Chapter 87 Dragnet investigationText Chapter 88: Attack the enemy from behind
Text Chapter 89 I ignored itText Chapter 90 A different kind of mobilization rallyText Chapter 91 Honey Mountain FrontText Chapter 92: To alert the snake
Text Chapter 93 Attack TacticsText Chapter 94 Clever TacticsText Chapter 95 Repeated FightingText Chapter 96 The Second Proving Ground
Text Chapter 97 Overly Cautious InterludesText Chapter 98 Complete DestructionText Chapter 99 The power of new bombsText Chapter 100 An ending beyond expectations
Text Chapter 101 A terrifying sceneText Chapter 102 UnexpectedText Chapter 103 What¡¯s the backup plan?Text Chapter 104 Attack
Text Chapter 105 The vicious traitorText Chapter 106: Keep it to kill chickens and scare monkeysText Chapter 108 You cannot kill the chicken to obtain the eggsText Chapter 107 The Problem of Talent
Text Chapter 435 A rare opportunityText Chapter 436: The 29th Division EscapedText Chapter 437 What we want is a messText Chapter 803 Yang Zhen¡¯s Secret Action
Text Chapter 804 A big gambleText Chapter 806: Covering up the true strategic intentionText Chapter 805 Begin preparationsText Chapter 807 The principle of chicken laying eggs
Text Chapter 808 ConcernsText Chapter 809: Thorny troops emerging from both endsText Chapter 810 Wang Guangyu¡¯s ThoughtsText Chapter 811 The Japanese Army Has No Weak Brigades
Text Chapter 812 Vague explanationText Chapter 813 The old commander¡¯s worriesText Chapter 814: Sharpening the Gun in BattleText Chapter 815 The spy before the war
Text Chapter 816 Chen Bo¡¯s InferenceText Chapter 817 The harm caused by corruptionText Chapter 818: Lure your opponent into making mistakesText Chapter 819 I¡¯ll give you back a big oil field
Text Chapter 820 Yang Zhen¡¯s planText Chapter 821: Inconsistent with the original intentionText Chapter 822 The attack launch time is advancedText Chapter 823 Countdown
Text Chapter 23 New Combat ModeText Chapter 24 The Power of New WeaponsText Chapter 25 UnexpectedText Chapter 26 A smooth start
Text Chapter 27 It¡¯s time to adjust the deploymentText Chapter 28 Borrowing the RoadText Chapter 29: Changing formations and selecting generalsText Chapter 30 Positioning error
Text Chapter 31 Make good use of the second echelonText Chapter 32 Don¡¯t be afraid of being late for a good mealText Chapter 33: Colonel Kaneoka takes a gambleText Chapter 34: Fear
Text Chapter 35 Toxic Gas ObstacleText Chapter 36 Zhuge Liang MeetingText Chapter 37 An unexpected replacementText Chapter 38 I believe I saw the right person
Text Chapter 39 The Line of Life and DeathText Chapter 40 Time is running outText Chapter 41: Discovering the targetText Chapter 42: Put yourself to death and survive
Text Chapter 43 The sooner the betterText Chapter 44: Red-eyedText Chapter 45 The Combat Effectiveness of Japanese ArtilleryText Chapter 46: Die together
Text Chapter 47 You are the seedsText Chapter 48 Weird ThingsText Chapter 49 Test it outText Chapter 50: Concern leads to chaos
Text Chapter 51 The Kwantung Army¡¯s BaitText Chapter 52 Supporting Role and ProtagonistText Chapter 53: Punch on the waistText Chapter 54 No. 1, I insist
Text Chapter 55 Ma Chunsheng¡¯s three requestsText Chapter 56 Just use twenty-six regimentsText Chapter 57: Divide the troops and go southText Chapter 58: Turnaround
Text Chapter 59: Even if you beat me to death, you won¡¯t get outText Chapter 60 The power of recoilless riflesText Chapter 61 Angry Cao HuiText Chapter 62: Turning the Impossible into Possible
Text Chapter 63 Habits of Japanese Army Staff OfficersText Chapter 64 Seto Keiji¡¯s ThoughtsText Chapter 65: Passivity caused by errors in judgmentText Chapter 66: Overestimating the Enemy
Text Chapter 67: Fight with all your strengthText Chapter 68: Miura Wenta, the one who has some skills leftText Chapter 69 Be prepared for the final battleText Chapter 70 What should be done most is not self-criticism
Text Chapter 71 To blow up the bridge or not?Text Chapter 72 They are not the only ones hesitatingText Chapter 73 You underestimated the madness of the Japanese armyText Chapter 74: Crossing the Yangtze River and Heading South in Advance
Text Chapter 75 I really don¡¯t take it seriouslyText Chapter 76 Deployment and ExpectationsText Chapter 77 The Effect of Letting You GoText Chapter 78 The most important thing
Text Chapter 79 The confidence to dare to do thisText Chapter 80 The troubles encountered by the outflanking troopsText Chapter 81 Are we taking things for granted?Text Chapter 82 Listen to their suggestions and ideas
Text Chapter 83 Changes in SituationText Chapter 84 The difference between inside and outside the customsText Chapter 85 Wang Guangyu¡¯s ThoughtsText Chapter 86 If you can¡¯t eat, then walk around
Text Chapter 87 How can people be so shameless?Text Chapter 88 CandidatesText Chapter 89: Everyone has the problem of making a fortuneText Chapter 90 I¡¯m making a big fortune this time
Text Chapter 91 Power comes from the barrel of a gunText Chapter 92 I¡¯m still wrongText Chapter 93: Leave it aloneText Chapter 94 The reason why the Soviets bowed their heads
Text Chapter 95 The hole dug by Yang ZhenText Chapter 96 The reason for Yang Zhen¡¯s dissatisfactionText Chapter 97 The aftermath of the incidentText Chapter 98: Reciprocal revenge in the aftermath
Text Chapter 99: Mutual disruption in cooperationText Chapter 100 Compromise in the AftermathText Chapter 101: Request for Two Benefits in the AftermathText Chapter 102: Recalculation in the Aftermath
Text Chapter 103: Exchange of AftermathText Chapter 104: The Aftermath: The Source of Yang Zhenzhi¡¯s CourageText Chapter 105: The Aftermath of the Centennial NavyText Chapter 106 The subsequent development of the aftermath
Text Chapter 107 The aftermath within the aftermathText Chapter 108 The Sino-US Naval War in the AftermathText Chapter 109: Highlights of the AftermathText Chapter 110 The Final Aftermath of the Aftermath
Text Chapter 111 Breaking through the National BorderText Chapter 112 Hold on for eight hoursText Chapter 113 Special Approval of Forced Buying and Selling OnceText Chapter 114 We share the responsibility
Text Chapter 115 Pressure and ShadowText Chapter 116 The 1941 version of forced demolitionsText Chapter 117: Problems with internal troopsText Chapter 118 The Dilemma of the Troops Leaving the Customs
Text Chapter 119 Guerrilla HabitsText Chapter 120 Must be thrown awayText Chapter 121 The disapproval of the veteransText Chapter 122 The difference between inside and outside the customs
Text Chapter 123 The Conflict between Wild Road and RegularizationText Chapter 124 The ugly words come to the frontText Chapter 125 Analysis from detailsText Chapter 126 Lin Zhiqiang¡¯s Thoughts
Text Chapter 127 It¡¯s better to take the initiativeText Chapter 128: Go and cause havoc in the Heavenly PalaceText Chapter 129 I am still the Chief of StaffText Chapter 130: Terrified Customs Troops
Text Chapter 131 The order to clean the gunText Chapter 132 This is just an introductionText Chapter 133: At a critical positionText Chapter 134 Understanding the Japanese Army
Text Chapter 135 The Japanese Army¡¯s CountermeasuresText Chapter 136 I will stay here and persistText Chapter 137 Late at night and many wolvesText Chapter 138 Danger
Text Chapter 139 If you can¡¯t keep it, I want his headText Chapter 140 CrisisText Chapter 141: Reversal at a critical momentText Chapter 142: Artillery support is enough
Text Chapter 143 Teeth Gritting StageText Chapter 144 The blood is exhaustedText Chapter 145 Taking over defenseText Chapter 146 The Difference between Tactics and Playing Styles
Text Chapter 147: Destroy the Deadliest ThreatText Chapter 148 Finally breathed a sigh of reliefText Chapter 149: Sharpening the Gun in BattleText Chapter 150 Yang Jicai¡¯s Trouble
Text Chapter 151: The Puppet Mongolian Army Who Doesn¡¯t Get TogetherText Chapter 152: Find out the opponent¡¯s psychologyText Chapter 153 The First CardText Chapter 154: Talk to them with only firepower
Text Chapter 155 Li Shouxin got angryText Chapter 156 Dog bites dogText Chapter 157: Firepower AmbushText Chapter 158 The Master Appears
Text Chapter 159 The last strawText Chapter 160 Yang Jicai¡¯s ThoughtsText Chapter 161 DeterrenceText Chapter 162 Lin Zhiqiang¡¯s Evaluation
Text Chapter 163 The Japanese Strategy in Yang Jicai¡¯s EyesText Chapter 164 The Turtle Tactics of the 23rd DivisionText Chapter 165 What is hidden behind it?Text Chapter 166 The latest situation
Text Chapter 167 Just the surfaceText Chapter 168: A poisonous plan to draw out the firepowerText Chapter 169: Waiting at all costsText Chapter 170 Wang Guangyu¡¯s different opinions
Text Chapter 171 Possible variablesText Chapter 172: Solve your urgent needs firstText Chapter 173 Can three peopleText Chapter 174: Try to think ahead
Text Chapter 175 Yang Zhen goes southText Chapter 176 The feeling of having nowhere to use your strengthText Chapter 177 Weaknesses of Intelligence WorkText Chapter 178 The lesser of two evils
Text Chapter 179 The thorn sent by the navyText Chapter 180 Conflicts and calculations between Japanese troopsText Chapter 181 The real conspiracy of the Kwantung ArmyText Chapter 182 Yoshimoto Teiichi¡¯s Warning
Text Chapter 183 He is here to disrupt the situationText Chapter 184 Slap in the faceText Chapter 185 The Failure of Lu HangText Chapter 186 Onishi Takijiro¡¯s mentality
Text Chapter 187 AmbitionText Chapter 188 Suggestions put forward by the aviation forceText Chapter 189 Is it worth it?Text Chapter 190: Heartfelt words
Text Chapter 191 Acceptance and AdjustmentText Chapter 192 Another kind of persistenceText Chapter 193: Playing a bit too bigText Chapter 194 Upside Down Resource Advantage
Text Chapter 195: You have the confidenceText Chapter 196 Yang Zhen¡¯s ThoughtsText Chapter 197: The Five Forces Facing the Advancing ArmyText Chapter 198: Fear against terror
Text Chapter 199 Murderous IntentText Chapter 200 Yang Zhen¡¯s WorriesText Chapter 201: Concern leads to chaosText Chapter 202 The sigh caused by the new pistol
Text Chapter 203 Feelings and AnnoyanceText Chapter 204 AttackText Chapter 205 It may not be true peaceText Chapter 206 To make the final decision
Text Chapter 207: Excited Yasuhiro TakadaText Chapter 208 Everyone has their own agendaText Chapter 209 Grenade is a treasureText Chapter 210 Cui Sihu¡¯s feelings
Text Chapter 211 ConsumablesText Chapter 212 A one-shot deal?Text Chapter 213 Takada Yasuhiro¡¯s ThoughtsText Chapter 214 It can only be an empty joy
Text Chapter 215 FearText Chapter 216 Baptism of Bullet RainText Chapter 217 What kind of weapon is this?Text Chapter 218 The Effect of Shelling
Text Chapter 219 NightmareText Chapter 220 QuarrelText Chapter 221 The situation suddenly changesText Chapter 222 Battlefield Observation Group
Text Chapter 223 Helpless Tactical AdjustmentText Chapter 224 The Japanese Army was not fooledText Chapter 225: Things are changingText Chapter 226 Suspension of Attack
Text Chapter 227 Rescue (1)Text Chapter 228 Rescue (2)Text Chapter 229 Rescue (3)Text Chapter 230 Rescue (4)
Text Chapter 231 Rescue (5)Text Chapter 232 Error in JudgmentText Chapter 233: Not satisfiedText Chapter 234 Bad Fate
Text Chapter 235 The most urgently needed suppliesText Chapter 236 DisagreementText Chapter 237 Yang Zhen¡¯s ultimate goalText Chapter 238 Advantages and Disadvantages
Text Chapter 239 The longer it is, the more dangerous it isText Chapter 240 Be cautious, be more cautiousText Chapter 241 What I need them to doText Chapter 242 Heavy losses
Text Chapter 243 A deeper levelText Chapter 244 Fatal MistakeText Chapter 245 A strong opponentText Chapter 246: Treat with caution
Text Chapter 247 Understanding DifferencesText Chapter 248 It is inevitable to winText Chapter 249 The Unexplainable ReasonText Chapter 250 Can¡¯t happen again
Text Chapter 251: Practice for fighting, not for watchingText Chapter 252 The Risk of Civil WarText Chapter 253 Foreshadowing laid in advanceText Chapter 254 Counterfeit Banknotes
Text Chapter 255 Yang Zhen¡¯s DilemmaText Chapter 256 They are only half a bottle of waterText Chapter 257 The Political Commissar¡¯s WorriesText Chapter 258: What you think is not what I think
Text Chapter 259 The Japanese Army imitates othersText Chapter 260: Bright Light Shock BombText Chapter 261 This is the opportunity the Japanese army is waiting forText Chapter 262 The weight of the bait
Text Chapter 263 Don¡¯t fight too openlyText Chapter 264 This is a bet on the futureText Chapter 265 I only give them three daysText Chapter 266 A combat mode that is difficult to change
Text Chapter 267 Killing MachineText Chapter 268 We will always be a familyText Chapter 269 The rich man who beat himText Chapter 270: Bring enough dry food and prepare an umbrella
Text Chapter 271: It¡¯s really a test to get out of seclusionText Chapter 272 War is RiskText Chapter 273: Never give up until the goal is achievedText Chapter 274: They are not worthy of being soldiers
Text Chapter 275 How to repay kindness?Text Chapter 276 A precursor to a full-scale counterattack?Text Chapter 277 The calmer the place, the more dangerous it isText Chapter 278 Too steady
Text Chapter 279 A shocking gambleText Chapter 280 The best anti-tank weaponText Chapter 281 Some prices must be paidText Chapter 282: For future development
Text Chapter 283: Dissatisfied Matsuda IwaText Chapter 284: The thorn-like head of a hobText Chapter 285 Nishihara Kanji¡¯s different feelingText Chapter 286 Ikoma Lin¡¯s Ambition
Text Chapter 287 Qi Zhibiao¡¯s PressureText Chapter 288 Qi Zhibiao¡¯s AdventureText Chapter 289: Blind their eyesText Chapter 290: Songtian Gang¡¯s decisive method
Text Chapter 291 Lost most of the trump cardsText Chapter 292: Accident while raking grass and beating rabbitsText Chapter 293 Ikoma Lin¡¯s IntuitionText Chapter 294 A different tank battle
Text Chapter 295 Additional ArmorText Chapter 296 One-sided tank battleText Chapter 297 The reason why Yang Zhen attaches great importance toText Chapter 298 The gap determines fate
Text Chapter 299 ShortcomingsText Chapter 300: Speak out your thoughtsText Chapter 301: Practical Armored Forces Command SchoolText Chapter 302 The Americans will find it themselves
Text Chapter 303 There will be milk tooText Chapter 304 The Value of WasteText Chapter 305 Confirmed JudgmentText Chapter 306: Calm down and be steady again
Text Chapter 307 Three IfsText Chapter 308 I want fish and bear paws tooText Chapter 309 Forming a Meat GrinderText Chapter 310 Mentality Issues
Text Chapter 311 Japanese Army Tian Ji¡¯s Horse Racing TacticsText Chapter 312 Remember you are the bestText Chapter 313: Beware of this guyText Chapter 314 Everyone is the same
Text Chapter 315 Major General Onishi who beat him upText Chapter 316: A well-trained opponentText Chapter 317 The Japanese Army Wants to Fight with All Their StrengthText Chapter 318 Shura heretics
Text Chapter 319 Difference in PerspectivesText Chapter 320: We lost strategicallyText Chapter 321 Don¡¯t fall down continuouslyText Chapter 322 Must be kept strictly confidential
Text Chapter 323: Let them bleed moreText Chapter 324 Differences in TemperamentText Chapter 325: Thirsty for talentsText Chapter 326 Difficult Migration
Text Chapter 327 You must not leave hereText Chapter 328 Yang Zhen¡¯s HopeText Chapter 329 Dilemma in ConversationText Chapter 330: Talking by any means necessary
Text Chapter 331: Extraordinary Treatment in TalkText Chapter 332 Conversation is never allowedText Chapter 333: Conversation XingbeiText Chapter 334 Guarantee of Conversation
Text Chapter 335 The top priority of the conversationText Chapter 336 Pandora¡¯s Box of ConversationText Chapter 337 Deterrence meansText Chapter 338: The Weapon of the Country
Text Chapter 339 UncertainText Chapter 340 New Northeastern UniversityText Chapter 341: Don¡¯t engage in bloodline theoryText Chapter 342 The Limits of Use
Text Chapter 343: A tie is also a lossText Chapter 344: The last word is that the battle is overText Chapter 345 General Umezu¡¯s BetText Chapter 346 Warning from Base Camp
Text Chapter 347 Stubbornness and PersistenceText Chapter 348 Tanaka Shinichi¡¯s replyText Chapter 349 The Final Requirement for the Kwantung ArmyText Chapter 350 Yoshimoto Teiichi¡¯s Analysis
Text 351: Don¡¯t take your opponent too lightlyText Chapter 352 The Furious General UmezuText Chapter 353: Umezu Meijiro¡¯s AngerText Chapter 354 What does the base camp mean?
Text Chapter 355 General Umezu¡¯s GuaranteeText Chapter 356: The Kwantung Army Who Slaughtered PotatoesText Chapter 357 The hard-working General UmezuText Chapter 358 Ma Chunsheng¡¯s Thoughts
Text Chapter 359: Xinjing is a meat grinderText Chapter 360 Guo Bingxun¡¯s SuggestionsText Chapter 361: Always keep a clear mindText Chapter 362 What is needed is patience and tenacity
Text Chapter 363 Yang Zhen worries about gains and lossesText Chapter 364: No matter what happens, go to the Three Treasures HallText Chapter 365 A very different Yang ZhenText Chapter 366: Incredible Transformation
Text Chapter 367 Hidden dangers of follow-up effectsText Chapter 368 Pearson¡¯s ProblemText Chapter 369 We will fight to the endText Chapter 370: It¡¯s the same with or without you
Text Chapter 371 The whole storyText Chapter 372 The intrigue behind the scenesText Chapter 373 It¡¯s us fighting the JapaneseText Chapter 374 Yang Zhen¡¯s Rejection
Text Chapter 375 The British AbacusText Chapter 376 They also have passionText Chapter 377 PromiseText Chapter 378 But this has a prerequisite
Text Chapter 379 Big shitText Chapter 382 Li Yanping¡¯s WorriesText Chapter 383 It¡¯s just mutual useText Chapter 384 Who should I tell my concerns to?
Text Chapter 385 Hisao Tani¡¯s AmbitionText Chapter 386 The ambitions of the staffText Chapter 387 Finally there is movementText Chapter 388 The people across the country are paying attention to us
Text Chapter 389 Conscious ExposureText Chapter 390 The surprising reason for secrecyText Chapter 391 The Seventh Division¡¯s Journey to Hell BeginsText Chapter 392 Noboru Kunisaki¡¯s self-confidence
Text Chapter 393 Three captains with different thoughtsText Chapter 394 Ichiki Kiyoshi¡¯s AmbitionText Chapter 395 CrazyText Chapter 396 Precision Bombing at Night
Text Chapter 397 Various technical support methodsText Chapter 398 The long-term impact of this battleText Chapter 399 Extreme ChangeText Chapter 400: The spoiled Japanese soldiers in China
Text Chapter 401 A frightened Qing Nao IchikiText Chapter 402 Wang Deyao¡¯s OpportunityText Chapter 403 ConfidenceText Chapter 404 Wang Deyao¡¯s plan
Text Chapter 405 Personality CommanderText Chapter 406 I¡¯ve decided on this battleText Chapter 407: Other associated impactsText Chapter 408 Deployment
Text Chapter 409 I can only give you one hourText Chapter 410 Not the best timeText Chapter 412 Qiu Jintang¡¯s WorriesText Chapter 423 There is a difference between betting and gambling
Text Chapter 424 ObstructionText Chapter 425 Chaos SituationText Chapter 416 CollisionText Chapter 417 The Threat of the Japanese Army¡¯s New Machine Gun
Text Chapter 418: DangerText Chapter 419: Burning togetherText Chapter 420 Is it a group fight or a one-on-one fight?Text Chapter 421 Continue what you have not finished
Text Chapter 422 I also passed the examText Chapter 423: The more you need to be clear-headedText Chapter 424: Kill you while you are sickText Chapter 425: Battle of Reputation?
Text Chapter 426 Is the decision really wrong?Text Chapter 427: Stubbornness and backing upText Chapter 428: Capsized in the gutterText Chapter 429 This route cannot be taken
Text Chapter 430: Relying on IntuitionText Chapter 431 Su Yingqi¡¯s Three RoutesText Chapter 432 A fight that gains momentumText Chapter 433 I have an unusual sense of smell
Text Chapter 434: Driving them into the lakeText Chapter 435 HarmText Chapter 436: Maneuver AdvantageText Chapter 437: There is a difference in alerting the snake
Text Chapter 438 Yi Jianping¡¯s viewsText Chapter 439: Not necessarily a bad thingText Chapter 440 There is no solutionText Chapter 441 Noboru Kunisaki is not a fool
Text Chapter 442 Are you so confident in him?Text Chapter 443 I believeText Chapter 444 Requirements and ConfidenceText Chapter 445: Transformed Elbows and Armpits
Text Chapter 446: Can¡¯t care anymoreText Chapter 447 Lack of SpiritualityText Chapter 448 HarmText Chapter 449: Taking advantage of the situation
Text Chapter 450 The Furious Qiu JintangText Chapter 451 Everyone keeps calmText Chapter 452: There is no turning back when the bow is firedText Chapter 453 Completely cripple him
Text Chapter 454: Beauty and ProdigalityText Chapter 455: Have a wonderful drinkText Chapter 456 Kunizaki Noboru is in a dilemmaText Chapter 457 Noboru Kunisaki¡¯s hesitation
Text Chapter 458: Determination of DystociaText Chapter 459 The very angry Miao ZhiheText Chapter 460: Kill the wrong person, never let him goText Chapter 461 Lifelong Faith
Text Chapter 462: Raid and BeheadingText Chapter 463: The ending of fate¡¯s tricksText Chapter 464 The dispute between the remaining members of the 7th DivisionText Chapter 465: Opportunity not to be missed
Text Chapter 466: So what¡¯s the point of burning the boat?Text Chapter 467 A different tasteText Chapter 468: So what if it¡¯s all lit?Text Chapter 469 You must be mentally prepared
Text Chapter 470: Fight them all outText Chapter 471 Retreat and MeleeText Chapter 472 The Japanese Army Trapped in a CocoonText Chapter 473 Omissions
Text Chapter 474 This is characterText Chapter 475 CausalityText Chapter 476 Already alertedText Chapter 477 The critical moment has truly come
Text Chapter 478: Knocking on mountains and shaking tigers is also a methodText Chapter 479 I don¡¯t have that big of an appetiteText Chapter 480 It is also a kind of pressureText Chapter 481 Mist
Text Chapter 482: Night interception air combat full of loopholesText Chapter 483: Be extremely vigilantText Chapter 484 It¡¯s actually not easy anymoreText Chapter 485 It takes several generations of efforts
Text Chapter 486 The inevitable trendText Chapter 487 Not a favorable timeText Chapter 488: The edge of a sword is sharpenedText Chapter 489 It¡¯s hard to decide
Text Chapter 490: Only by giving up can you gainText Chapter 491 I think it is inappropriateText Chapter 492 Guo Bingxun¡¯s ThoughtsText Chapter 493 The painful Guo Bingxun
Text Chapter 494: Reluctant to let go of the child but unable to trap the wolfText Chapter 495: Some good bait must be laidText Chapter 496: Made up of determinationText Chapter 497 I¡¯m afraid it¡¯s not that simple
Text Chapter 498 Unexpected resultsText Chapter 499 The choice of exchangeText Chapter 500: The subsequent impact of the exchangeText Chapter 501 Yang Zhen¡¯s long-term plans and goals
Text Chapter 502 The Contribution of German Prisoners of WarText Chapter 503 The troubles caused by the use of German prisoners of warText Chapter 504 The impact of subsequent developmentsText Chapter 505 The German who loves and hates Yang Zhen
Text Chapter 506 Li Yanping has a headacheText Chapter 507 Yang Zhen also has a headacheText Chapter 508 Let¡¯s forget itText Chapter 509: Be tougher
Text Chapter 510 The Problem of BelarusText Chapter 515 The Central Committee¡¯s request for helpText Chapter 516 The Problem of Winter ClothesText Chapter 517 It¡¯s not our style
Text Chapter 518 It can also be regarded as a test of resilienceText Chapter 519 The Impact of SubstitutesText Chapter 520: Intrigue during handoverText Chapter 521 Yang Zhen¡¯s Self-Question
Text Chapter 522: Look at it from both sidesText Chapter 523 The true intention of the Kwantung ArmyText Chapter 524: It doesn¡¯t matter if you don¡¯t have itText Chapter 525: The truth is also false when it is fake
Text Chapter 526: It is better to motivate a general than to dispatch himText Chapter 528: Difficult AttackText Chapter 529 The Japanese Army¡¯s New TacticsText Chapter 530: The reason must be found within oneself
Text Chapter 531: I can¡¯t use my brain anymoreText Chapter 532: Acting like a nouveau richeText Chapter 533 Two accidents on the battlefieldText Chapter 534: The Shame of an Era
Text Chapter 535 It¡¯s just the beginningText Chapter 536 Rescue and ProblemsText Chapter 537: Battle for the Outskirts of TongliaoText Chapter 538: The battle for the periphery of Tongliao (2)
Text Chapter 539: The battle for the periphery of Tongliao (3)Text Chapter 540 Hai Jingqing¡¯s ConfidenceText Chapter 541: Machine gun or artillery?Text Chapter 542: Bloodletting is still going on
Text Chapter 543 The time has comeText Chapter 554: The Japanese Army¡¯s Psychological CollapseText Chapter 555: The most unforeseen troubleText Chapter 556: Hesitation and Price
Text Chapter 557 Serious lossesText Chapter 558: Don¡¯t spread your word too muchText Chapter 559 Breaking through the city wallText Chapter 560 Prisoner¡¯s Dilemma
Text Chapter 561: Preparation of broken jadeText Chapter 562: Just fight randomlyText Chapter 563 It is also a kind of experienceText Chapter 564: I will never default on my debt
Text Chapter 565 What must be doneText Chapter 566 Never retreatedText Chapter 567 A worthy opponentText Chapter 568: Strong bones
Text Chapter 569 Can grenades still be used in this way?Text Chapter 570 Danger aboundsText Chapter 571: Li He who regrets endlesslyText Chapter 572 It would be great if it were a man
Text Chapter 573 Our Female Soldiers of the Anti-Union AllianceText Chapter 574 New changes in enemy situationText Chapter 575 Japanese ParatroopersText Chapter 576: Rewards and Punishments to Boost Morale
Text Chapter 577 The Japanese Paratroopers Li He Can¡¯t UnderstandText Chapter 578: Suppression and CounterattackText Chapter 579 The distance is too closeText Chapter 580 Heavy artillery enters the city
Text Chapter 581: Reflection of the People¡¯s ConfidenceText Chapter 2 Terminating the OffensiveText Chapter 3 Guo Bingxun¡¯s different suggestionsText Chapter 4 The enchantment array will continue to be set up
Text Chapter 5 The drama needs to be doneText Chapter 6 The posture must be strongText Chapter 7 BluffingText Chapter 8 Yoshimoto Teiichi¡¯s point of view
Text Chapter 9: Saving others by yourself?Text Chapter 10 The Kwantung Army¡¯s Best ChoiceText Chapter 11 Two distinct factionsText Chapter 12 Where is the promised result?
Text Chapter 13 The black hole that swallowed the Kwantung ArmyText Chapter 14 Lieutenant Colonel Takei¡¯s JudgmentText Chapter 15 A Difficult OpponentText Chapter 16 Minimum Requirements for Base Camp
Text Chapter 17 The whereabouts of Hisao TaniText Chapter 18 Hisao Tani¡¯s IntegrityText Chapter 19 The Japanese Army Advances Instead of RetreatingText Chapter 22 Strategic Weaknesses
Text Chapter 23 The aviation force through the back doorText Chapter 24 High school students also plan to useText Chapter 25 I¡¯m afraid it¡¯s a bitter pillText Chapter 26 The Attitude of the Soviets
Text Chapter 27 ImminentText Chapter 28 It¡¯s really not easyText Chapter 29 The Soviets are more anxiousText Chapter 30 The secret that cannot be told
Text Chapter 31 Game outside the battlefieldText Chapter 32 How did he hold on?Text Chapter 33 We can¡¯t even take away the potText Chapter 34 Recruitment Methods for the Marching Army
Text Chapter 35 The biggest restricting factor to developmentText Chapter 36 The most thorough planned economyText Chapter 37 If it can pull out pus, it is a good plasterText Chapter 38 The marching army asked to change their clothes
Text Chapter 39 The Dissatisfaction of the Political CommissarText Chapter 40 Yang Zhen also has hidden worries in his heartText Chapter 41 Start from belowText Chapter 42 Everyone has lost patience
Text Chapter 43 Hidden worriesText Chapter 44 Don¡¯t let tragedy happen againText Chapter 45 Why don¡¯t you have those problems?Text Chapter 46 How did he do it?
Text Chapter 47 Invitation from MoscowText Chapter 48 Yang Zhen¡¯s ambiguous attitudeText Chapter 49 Just better than nothingText Chapter 52 The British Thoughts
Text Chapter 53 The Source of PrideText Chapter 54: It¡¯s our face that¡¯s slappedText Chapter 55: Really a bit uselessText Chapter 56 Jealous Qiao
Text Chapter 57: Harsh versus bitterText Chapter 58 Change of ImpressionText Chapter 59 Yang Zhen¡¯s WarningText Chapter 61 Some worries are unfounded
Text Chapter 61 The war between two peopleText Chapter 62 The most difficult opponentText Chapter 63: Unhappy breakupText Chapter 64 Pearson¡¯s Persuasion
Text Chapter 65 The scene of knocking on the mountain and shaking the tigerText Chapter 66: Growing old togetherText Chapter 67 Embarrassed Yang ZhenText Chapter 68 The person who knows Yang Zhen best
Text Chapter 69 Distribution Plan for 2014Text Chapter 70 We Can¡¯t Afford to CompensateText Chapter 71 This is by no means alarmistText Chapter 72 Betrayal by the Soviets
Text Chapter 73 This is not normalText Chapter 74 This is the real youText Chapter 75 More in line with the interests of the United StatesText Chapter 76 You are blackmailing
Text Chapter 77 We are not supermen eitherText Chapter 78 There are prerequisites for fulfilling promisesText Chapter 79 A cunning foxText Chapter 80 A living person cannot be choked to death by peeing
Text Chapter 83 Give me a childText Chapter 84 A huge burdenText Chapter 85 We are not picky eatersText Chapter 86 A very cost-effective deal
Text Chapter 87 The British are uselessText Chapter 88 I am not a country bumpkinText Chapter 89 Yang Zhen who is walking down the slopeText Chapter 90 Yang Zhen¡¯s unusual calmness
Text Chapter 91 A PunText Chapter 92: Using dishes to judge situations and using wine to compare peopleText Chapter 93 Yang Zhen is hard to convinceText Chapter 94: Wavell takes a back seat
Text Chapter 95 They are the real heroesText Chapter 96 There is a wolf in front and a tiger behindText Chapter 97 That¡¯s itText Chapter 98: Every penny counts
Text Chapter 99 You can be the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the futureText Chapter 100 That is the enemyText Chapter 101 Not a good choiceText Chapter 102 Our plan is more suitable
Text Chapter 103 I am bound to winText Chapter 104 I just want to be the little woman behind youText Chapter 105 Follow your ideasText Chapter 106 You must move quickly
Text Chapter 107 DisagreementText Chapter 108: Insufficient ConsiderationText Chapter 109 It must become a driving forceText Chapter 110 Recruit training close to actual combat
Text Chapter 111 Expansion of Armored ForcesText Chapter 112 Everyone has their own reasonsText Chapter 113 The Selfish BritishText Chapter 114 British Trash
Text Chapter 115 The Stone Falls to the GroundText Chapter 116 Preparations before bombingText Chapter 117 Unifying Thoughts and UnderstandingText Chapter 118 The price may not be that high
Text Chapter 119 Reasons for choosing TokyoText Chapter 120: If you do this, you will go down in the history booksText Chapter 121 I will do this evil personText Chapter 122 Steady, accurate and ruthless
Text Chapter 123 The most urgently needed thingText Chapter 124 is a mistakeText Chapter 125 The problem lies with meText Chapter 126 The Unpopular T34
Text Chapter 127 HesitationText Chapter 128 More LostText Chapter 129 This is no jokeText Chapter 130 Official Announcement
Text Chapter 131 Family AffairsText Chapter 132 Yang Zhen¡¯s helplessnessText Chapter 133 Little Sister¡¯s MisunderstandingText Chapter 134 The most difficult thing to solve is the knot in the heart
Text Chapter 135 It is difficult to start a pen and even harder to solve the problemText Chapter 136: There is a long way to goText Chapter 137 Really control these iron horsesText Chapter 138 Main Battle Tank
Text Chapter 139 The real solution to the dilemmaText Chapter 140 The Final CandidateText Chapter 141: Disputes within the two Japanese armiesText Chapter 143 Okamura Neji¡¯s Judgment
Text Chapter 144 That is a means of confusionText Chapter 145 Okamura Neji¡¯s DeterminationText Chapter 146 The Iron CurtainText Chapter 147: The Tragedy of Kwantung Army Intelligence
Text Chapter 148 Okamura Neji¡¯s IntuitionText Chapter 149 The Cold Winter of 1941Text Chapter 150 Gifts from the British Army in the Hands of the Japanese ArmyText Chapter 151 Yang Zhen¡¯s Strongest Rival
Text Chapter 152: More than enough courage, but surprisingly less than enoughText Chapter 153: Large-scale detoursText Chapter 154 But the Flying General of Dragon City is hereText Chapter 155 Unpopular Soviet Artillery
Text Chapter 156: Enthusiastic Artillery SoldiersText Chapter 157 The beginningText Chapter 158 CountdownText Chapter 159 The Raid Begins
Text Chapter 160 The Sea of ??Fire in TokyoText Chapter 161: Dawn¡¯s ThoughtsText Chapter 162: The bitter fruit I brewedText Chapter 163 When will it be in place?
Text Chapter 164 The life-saving straw in Ross¡¯s eyesText Chapter 165 No choiceText Chapter 166 New Changes in the Enemy SituationText Chapter 167 The Threat of the British Army¡¯s Contribution
Text Chapter 168 DeploymentText Chapter 169 Railway TransportText Chapter 170 Final Stage PreparationsText Chapter 173 The Power of the Iron Woman
Text Chapter 174 The Talent of the JapaneseText Chapter 175 Okamura Neji¡¯s painstaking effortsText Chapter 176 Tactical AdjustmentsText Chapter 177: Opportunity not to be missed
Text Chapter 178 A different kind of burdenText Chapter 179 Time is victoryText Chapter 180 I believe in my troopsText Chapter 183 The Battle of Guisui (3)
Text Chapter 184 The Battle of Guisui (4)Text Chapter 185 The Battle of Guisui (5)Text Chapter 186 Yang Zhen¡¯s AmbitionText Chapter 187 The beginning of the chaos
Text Chapter 188 The Battle of BasumuText Chapter 189: It¡¯s time to eatText Chapter 190: If you want to bet, bet biggerText Chapter 191 The key lies in a quick word
Text Chapter 192 The Stubborn Liu ChangshunText Chapter 193: Making up for the situationText Chapter 194: An Opponent Beyond JudgmentText Chapter 195 How to fight this battle?
Text Chapter 196 Exchange ConditionsText Chapter 197 I can only watch itText Chapter 198 The Japanese Army¡¯s Painful ArrangementsText Chapter 199 Change of Plan
Text Chapter 200 The Japanese Army¡¯s ReactionText Chapter 201 The Japanese Army Regardless of the CostText Chapter 202 Key nodesText Chapter 203: Reinforcement is like putting out fire
Text Chapter 204 AdjustmentText Chapter 205 Du Kaishan¡¯s ThoughtsText Chapter 206: Tighten your tail a bitText Chapter 207: Changing generals at the last moment of battle
Text Chapter 208 That¡¯s just the superficial reasonText Chapter 209 You can no longer lead troopsText Chapter 210 Su Yingqi¡¯s feelingsText Chapter 211 Do you dare to take on this task?
Text Chapter 212 I accepted this missionText Chapter 213 The most critical questionText Chapter 214 Acting vigorously and resolutelyText Chapter 215 Completion of complete division
Text Chapter 216 Still a mistake in judgmentText Chapter 217 Okamura Neji¡¯s ThoughtsText Chapter 218 Lost ContactText Chapter 219 A poisonous plan?
Text Chapter 220: Choice of battlefieldText Chapter 221 A quick victoryText Chapter 222 Take all measuresText Chapter 223 Suggestions
Text Chapter 224 Enemy SituationText Chapter 225: Escape immediately after one successful attackText Chapter 226 It¡¯s not that there is no hope at allText Chapter 227 The Acting Commander¡¯s Instructions
Text Chapter 228: Racing all the wayText Chapter 229: Under Taiyuan CityText Chapter 230 RescueText Chapter 231 A headache
Text Chapter 232: Kill the chicken and scare the monkeyText Chapter 233 The situation worsensText Chapter 234 These things are all for youText Chapter 235: Prepare to sell the pot and sell it
Text Chapter 236 Heavy PressureText Chapter 237 The situation suddenly changesText Chapter 238 The worst planText Chapter 239 It¡¯s still worth it
Text Chapter 240 Should we ventilate beforehand?Text Chapter 241 The Harvester PlanText Chapter 242 Food DifficultyText Chapter 243 Dilemma is just the beginning
Text Chapter 244 New Enemy SituationText Chapter 245 Missing the opportunity firstText Chapter 246: Exchange of IdeasText Chapter 249 Don¡¯t hit them with a stick
Text Chapter 247 BarrierText Chapter 248 TrainingText Chapter 250: Weaken the branches first, then dig the main rootText Chapter 251: I will do this handsome myself
Text Chapter 252 The Meat Grinder on the Xinjing BattlefieldText Chapter 253 Tank BattleText Chapter 254: Must fightText Chapter 255: Cats will not easily teach tigers to fuck
Text Chapter 256 The reason why we have to fightText Chapter 257 Act within your capabilitiesText Chapter 258 I have a standard in my heartText Chapter 259: Mind-attacking Scheme
Text Chapter 260 The inevitable hurdleText Chapter 261 General RetreatText Chapter 262: To alert the snakeText Chapter 263 Behind the War of Public Opinion
Text Chapter 264: So thoroughText Chapter 265 TroubleText Chapter 266 The situation is about to changeText Chapter 267 An unexpected surprise
Text Chapter 268: Don¡¯t hit a snake five inchesText Chapter 269 The most dangerous situationText Chapter 270: Really removing the firewood from under the cauldron?Text Chapter 271 The latest enemy situation
Text Chapter 272 Well-equipped Puppet ArmyText Chapter 273: What are you afraid of?Text Chapter 274 Guo Bingxun¡¯s SuggestionsText Chapter 275: Obedience to orders comes first
Text Chapter 276 Time is running outText Chapter 277 Where are they hiding?Text Chapter 278 Yang Jicai¡¯s different viewsText Chapter 281 The calmness is abnormal
Text Chapter 282: Something missedText Chapter 283 Clenched into a fistText Chapter 284 The boss¡¯s decisionText Chapter 285 The enemy appears suddenly
Text Chapter 286: Follow the trendText Chapter 287: I overlooked one pointText Chapter 288 Fake Yu and destroy Guo?Text Chapter 289: Smashing pots and selling iron
Text Chapter 290: We can only fight on the insideText Chapter 291 Chen Hanzhang¡¯s MistakeText Chapter 292 FailureText Chapter 295 Chen Hanzhang¡¯s Judgment
Text Chapter 296 UnexpectedText Chapter 297 General AttackText Chapter 298: The Overpowered Japanese ArmyText Chapter 299 Impressions
Text Chapter 300 Sui Changqing¡¯s AmbitionText Chapter 301 Wolf NatureText Chapter 304 Too impatientText Chapter 302 The battle situation is like a chessboard
Text Chapter 303: Soft Persimmon?Text Chapter 305 What the hell kind of person is this?Text Chapter 306 Yoshimoto Teiichi has no troops to adjustText Chapter 307: Wipe your own butt by yourself
Text Chapter 308 Bad luck?Text Chapter 309 The opponent plus the best studentText Chapter 310 Speed ??upText Chapter 311 Old things happen again
Text Chapter 312 The final gritting stageText Chapter 313: Then do moreText Chapter 314 You should be more cautiousText Chapter 315: It¡¯s time to eat
Text Chapter 316 The real impactText Chapter 317 Guo Bingxun¡¯s worriesText Chapter 318 Yang Zhen¡¯s ConfidenceText Chapter 319 The Japanese Army¡¯s Attempt
Text Chapter 320 The Overly Conservative JapaneseText Chapter 321 The aftermathText Chapter 322 The conflict in the aftermathText Chapter 323: The quarrel in the aftermath
Text Chapter 324 New OffensiveText Chapter 325 Everyone is holding on for the last breathText Chapter 326 General Umezu¡¯s Crisis AwarenessText Chapter 327 The Kwantung Army is making up for its losses
Text Chapter 328 Yang Zhen¡¯s real needsText Chapter 329 The Kwantung Army defending in the east and attacking in the westText Chapter 330: Opponent by chanceText Chapter 331: The Kwantung Army put down its airs
Text Chapter 332 Disadvantages and AdvantagesText Chapter 333 Battle of Western Liaoning (1)Text Text Chapter 334 Battle of Western Liaoning (2)Text Chapter 335 Battle of Western Liaoning (3)
Text Chapter 336 Battle of Western Liaoning (4)Text Chapter 337 The Fatty Battle of Western LiaoningText Chapter 338 The Impact of the Battle of Western LiaoningText Chapter 339: Adjustments to the Battle of Western Liaoning
Text Chapter 340 The First DominoText Chapter 341 The Most Suitable TroopText Chapter 342: Responding to all changesText Chapter 343: Smashing pots and selling iron
Text Chapter 344 It¡¯s more cost-effective to extend your handText Chapter 345 Du Bei Yang¡¯s JudgmentText Chapter 346 The Severe PunishmentText Chapter 347 Demonstration
Text Chapter 348: The root of the problemText Chapter 349: Peeling off the skin layer by layerText Chapter 350 Everyone is arrogantText Chapter 351 The Bloody Ten Families
Text Chapter 352 The last ambush circleText Chapter 353 The Power of the MG34 Machine GunText Chapter 354: Kill one to serve as a warning to othersText Chapter 301: No more discussion
Text Chapter 302 Yang Zhen is very dissatisfiedText Chapter 303 AccidentText Chapter 304 An accident within an accidentText Chapter 305 Let the facts prove
Text Chapter 306 Unheard ofText Chapter 307 All necessary meansText Chapter 308 No idiotText Chapter 309 No one can be left behind
Text Chapter 310 Changing RouteText Chapter 311 The key lies in speedText Chapter 312 The final decisionText Chapter 313 The direction of breakout
Text Chapter 314: Open Enemies and Secret EnemiesText Chapter 315: Unchangeable petty mentalityText Chapter 316: Hold onText Chapter 317 Looks like the old man
Text Chapter 318 There are plenty of opportunitiesText Chapter 319 Feint PlanText Chapter 320 I¡¯m afraid the person who came here is evilText Chapter 321 The stubborn Shangguan Yunxiang
Text Chapter 322 Wen Mingjian¡¯s PersuasionText Chapter 323 Call from the Central CommitteeText Chapter 324: Scolding and Good NewsText Chapter 325 Gap
Text Chapter 326 Reverse ThinkingText Chapter 327 There are too many things to learnText Chapter 328: Distant water cannot save the near fireText Chapter 329 Changing Route
Text Chapter 330 The gap is too bigText Chapter 331 The Army Commander¡¯s Worst WorryText Chapter 332: He deserves to be killed, you deserve to dieText Chapter 333: Be more cautious
Text Chapter 334 The dangers of wall grassText Chapter 335: Will not interfereText Chapter 336 The only choiceText Chapter 337 That¡¯s it
Text Chapter 338: IntrigueText Chapter 339 It¡¯s all in vain after allText Chapter 340 Complete DisappearanceText Chapter 341: Really Tired
Text Chapter 342 Food ProblemText Chapter 343 The price you shouldn¡¯t payText Chapter 344 Random thoughtsText Chapter 345 Ye Chao¡¯s Analysis
Text Chapter 346 I am just a passerbyText Chapter 347 A different tasteText Chapter 348 The only choiceText Chapter 349 Never give up
Text Chapter 350 Drunk and PassionateText Chapter 351 The Inescapable FateText Chapter 352 The turning point of lifeText Chapter 353 Returning like an arrow
Text Chapter 354 LeavingText Chapter 355 Li Huilan and Yuan ZhiruoText Chapter 356 Bottom LineText Chapter 357 I think it¡¯s not enough
Text Chapter 358 The man ran awayText Chapter 359 A sighText Chapter 360 ReturnText Chapter 361 Aerial encounter
Text Chapter 362 The appearance of Zero WarText Chapter 363 The Japanese Army Eager to Avenge HumiliationText Chapter 364 Lucky Yu MingText Chapter 365: Touching the Weakness
Text Chapter 366 Correct and Effective TacticsText Chapter 367 The only good news for the Japanese armyText Chapter 368 The Depressed JapaneseText Chapter 369 Interlude after the air battle
Text Chapter 370 Ten Years of Air ForceText Chapter 371 Yang Zhen¡¯s Heart ProblemText Chapter 372: Standing out alone is not springText Chapter 373 Female Pilot
Text Chapter 374: Heart-warming wordsText Chapter 375 Our hands are too shortText Chapter 376: Stuck in the NeckText Chapter 377 Asking for help and being in trouble
Text Chapter 378: Face realityText Chapter 379 Xiong Dazhen¡¯s Double ActText Chapter 380 Yang Zhen¡¯s emotionText Chapter 381 The once familiar figure
Text Chapter 382 Don¡¯t put me on the fireText Chapter 383 Solve the doubtsText Chapter 384 The value of a weaponText Chapter 385: Future generations will never forget, the teacher of past lives
Text Chapter 386 Another blessing in disguiseText Chapter 387 Bearing DilemmaText Chapter 388 BeatingText Chapter 389 Clairvoyance
Text Chapter 390 There is no bottom line for trustText Chapter 391: The Problem of Site SelectionText Chapter 392: Being on guard against others is essentialText Chapter 393 I can only give you two years
Text Chapter 394 The reason why I put you hereText Chapter 395 The perfect candidateText Chapter 396: Side of the couchText Chapter 397 Banditry
Text Chapter 398: Learn to employ peopleText Chapter 399 What is the correct tactic?Text Chapter 400: Embarrassment after PassionText Chapter 401: To take revenge on you
Text Chapter 402 Maybe this is fateText Chapter 403: DestinyText Chapter 404 Jiangbei¡¯s new requirementsText Chapter 405: Military Rank Troubles
Text Chapter 406: Selection of bombing targetsText Chapter 407: Solve it all at onceText Chapter 408 Who broke the contract firstText Chapter 409 It¡¯s so unauthentic
Text Chapter 410 I only listen to Yan¡¯anText Chapter 411 Threats and WarningsText Chapter 412 Obligation does not equal hungerText Chapter 413 The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant nest
Text Chapter 414 The helpless man cuts off his wristText Chapter 415 VisitText Chapter 416 Excited Father YuanText Chapter 417 The Past of Guo Bingxun
Text Chapter 418 Du Kaishan¡¯s PressureText Chapter 419 You must get used to itText Chapter 420: Jade cannot be used until it is polishedText Chapter 421: It takes a hundred refinements to become steel
Text Chapter 422 The Difficulty of RMBText Chapter 423: Getting stronger with ageText Chapter 424 Let¡¯s get straight to the pointText Chapter 425 A Promise
Text Chapter 426 A Father¡¯s RequestText Chapter 427 A somewhat embarrassing designText Chapter 428 The Crazy General UmezuText Chapter 429 The Impact of Sanctions
Text Chapter 430 Kimura Hy¨­taro¡¯s ViewsText Chapter 431: Drawing fire from the bottom of the cauldronText Chapter 432 The Dilemma of the 23rd DivisionText Chapter 433 Sudden air attack
Text Chapter 434: The Destruction of the Germ Warfare TroopsText Chapter 435: Fear and fearText Chapter 436 These two people must dieText Chapter 437: Sophisticated
Text Chapter 438 This is the order of the Kwantung ArmyText Chapter 439 Zang Shiyi¡¯s sense of smellText Chapter 440 We are bound to winText Chapter 441: Find and take it back
Text Chapter 442 CrucialText Chapter 443 WarningText Chapter 444: Rushing to the WestText Chapter 445 Obstacle
Text Chapter 446 An Indelible ImpressionText Chapter 447: After all, it¡¯s still a step too lateText Chapter 448 Extremely ShamelessText Chapter 449: You are more aggressive than me
Text Chapter 450: Don¡¯t give in even an inchText Chapter 451: No choiceText Chapter 452 It¡¯s too lateText Chapter 453 Wang Guangyu¡¯s Worries
Text Chapter 454: Beat them to a point they will never forgetText Chapter 455: Fight to the deathText Chapter 456: Aerial Strangulation BattleText Chapter 457 This is the revenge of the Anti-League
Text Chapter 458 The Shadow BehindText Chapter 459 The sooner the betterText Chapter 460: Hope dashedText Chapter 461: This time, that time
Text Chapter 462 The Prisoner¡¯s DilemmaText Chapter 463 The drama must be done wellText Chapter 464 The Mongolian Army with Inflexible TacticsText Chapter 465 The autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves
Text Chapter 466: Someone took the lead after beating the dogText Chapter 467 Wang Guangyu¡¯s HallucinationText Chapter 468 This is our styleText Chapter 469 A terrible feeling
Text Chapter 470 Don¡¯t tell lies in front of real peopleText Chapter 471 A rare opportunityText Chapter 472 An unexpectedly successful blackmailText Chapter 473: Take it with peace of mind
Text Chapter 474 Unintentional understandingText Chapter 1 Yang Zhen¡¯s secret operationText Chapter 2 A big gambleText Chapter 3 Start preparations
Text Chapter 4 Concealing the true strategic intentionText Chapter 5 The principle of chicken laying eggsText Chapter 6 ConcernsText Chapter 7: Thorny troops emerging from both ends
Text Chapter 8 Wang Guangyu¡¯s ThoughtsText Chapter 9 The Japanese Army has no weak brigadeText Chapter 10 Vague ExplanationText Chapter 11 The old man¡¯s worries
Text Chapter 12: Sharpening the Gun in BattleText Chapter 13 The spy before the warText Chapter 14 Chen Bo¡¯s InferenceText Chapter 15 The harm caused by corruption
Text Chapter 16 Lure your opponent into making mistakesText Chapter 17 I¡¯ll give you back a big oil fieldText Chapter 18 Yang Zhen¡¯s planText Chapter 19 Inconsistency with original intention
Text Chapter 20 Attack launch time is advancedText Chapter 22 Countdown  
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