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Volume 2: My Country Six Hundred and Eighty Six.  The Place of Life (Part 2)

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    The German army was racing against time, the Soviet army was racing against time, and everyone was racing against time.

    Now, the situation of the medium assault group seems to be a bit difficult. Their position may be breached anytime and anywhere.  Every minute, every second, the Russians could rush into the position.

    Every soldier who can move is working hard, using all favorable conditions to block the enemy's advance.

    Even Ernst.  Marshal Brahm has already appeared on the front line, who else can't become a warrior?

    Life in the land of life is still blooming. Howling shells and flying bullets cannot stop the tenacious continuation of life.

    This belongs to Ernst.  Brahm-Baron Alexson's war; this is a war that belongs to the entire Germany!

    Determination and willpower will be most perfectly reflected here, and each of them is ready to devote themselves to their career.

    Let life continue here and miracles be created here.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Even though many years have passed since this battle, some people are still talking about it. They are discussing how this battle broke out in advance, and who are Baron Alexson and Vasilevsky in this battle.  Act more superior.

    They also discussed what would have been the outcome of the war if the genius Vasilevsky was directly commanding the battle on the front line instead of the reckless Voroshilov?

    Most people think that Baron Alexson and Vasilevsky are two talented generals, and their collision will burst out brilliant sparks.  At the beginning of the battle, Baron Skeleton took the initiative in the war and disrupted Vasilevsky's overall deployment. However, at this time, Vasilevsky did not panic at all. Instead, in a passive situation,  Along the way, the German army was introduced into the encirclement, putting the German assault group into a situation of being annihilated.

    But the performance of Baron Skeleton is also amazing.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  When the entire assault group faced a crisis, he did not panic at all, and carried out resolute assault while conducting counter-encirclement operations.

    At this time, serious problems occurred within the Soviet army.  Voroshilov replaced Vasilevsky's command on the front line, and all the original orderly order was disrupted.

    This is just a discussion for later generations, and at this time, no one knows what the outcome will be.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Wang Weiyi, who has been fighting on the front line, cannot control his own destiny. He cannot predict whether a bullet will penetrate his head.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    From the beginning of today to now, the enemy has charged more than ten times, and the intensity of the charge has exceeded every time.  Several times the enemy came right up to their noses, and the Germans here struggled to drive the Russians out.

    Wang Weiyi definitely didn't know how long he could hold on here. The news from the Eike Battle Group, Guo Yunfeng Battle Group and the Viking Division were mostly similar. Under the crazy Soviet offensive, each position was in danger of collapse.  .

    Furthermore, the ammunition of the medium assault group is being consumed rapidly. Although the German Air Force is still carrying out airdrops in tenacious positions, under the current conditions, relying on the air can no longer solve the problem.

    But no matter how many difficulties there are, who cares?  Judging from the intelligence from the outside, the Skeleton Division, which is the fastest in the assault, has already exchanged fire with Voroshilov's rearguard, and may arrive here soon. In this case, the mission of the Central Assault Group has actually gone smoothly so far.  finished.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    What they have to do next is to persist as much as possible and kill as many enemies as possible.

    At this time, Ike, Guo Yunfeng, and Gillette unanimously made a decision: All troops who could no longer hold their positions should surrender to Ernst.  Marshal Brahm's direction moved closer.

    Their purpose is very clear. Even if there is only the last person left on the battlefield, they must protect Baron Ernst!

    The burning earth quietly watched human beings fight on their own bodies without any sympathy.  She is sad and crying.  But there was nothing she could do.

    War is always an eternal theme that accompanies mankind.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The desperate Voroshilov continued to invest troops on the battlefield regardless of everything. The German army used every ounce of strength to defend, and the Russians also used every ounce of strength to attack!

    No one wants to accept failure. No one.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Soldiers of the German and Soviet armies are burning their lives here.  They watched life leave them and watched their souls flying in the air, until the last breath of life left them

    The survivors will never recall what happened here again. They are unwilling to look back on this terrible history and remember everything they have experienced here.

    Forgetting is actually the greatest responsibility for yourself.

    Forgetting can minimize the pain for the rest of your life.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The sound of fierce artillery fire sounds so feeble at this time. The battle has been going on so far, even the cannons may feel tired.

    Wang Weiyi was equally exhausted. He participated in all battles from offense to defense, and he was always commanding from the front line.

    He was tired, really tired, but he had to persist.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Everyone can fall, but he alone cannot. For the German army, he is all hope and all confidence.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    However, he could also see that the Russians were also tired. The continuous attacks not only caused them heavy casualties, but also consumed their physical strength and energy.  !'We are just a group of people.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  !

    The German soldiers around him were as exhausted as Marshal Ernst. Even if there were a few seconds of fighting, they would seize the opportunity to close their eyes for a while.

    But as soon as the gunfire sounds, these soldiers who seem to be sleeping will immediately jump up like springs, pick up their weapons and enter the position again.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    They have long since become a group of robots.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  No soul, no thoughts, just fighting - fighting - fighting forever.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Until the end of the war.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The bullet penetrated his body alive.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Marshal, you may not be able to hold on for much longer." When the Russians started a new attack, Myristl said: "Why haven't the damn reinforcements arrived yet?"

    "I don't know, you have to ask Model." Wang Weiyi said briskly with the muzzle of the gun in his hand spitting out tongues of flame.

    In fact, you don¡¯t need to ask to know that Model and the German troops on the outside are more anxious than they are. They are trying their best to launch an attack at this time, trying to fight Ernst as soon as possible.  Marshal Brahm completed the rendezvous.

    Wang Weiyi was surprised to find that when the battlefield heard the sound of gunfire and there were no shouts, even the "Ula" sound that had been accompanying them for so many days had disappeared.

    Tired, everyone is tired.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The exhausted soldiers were fighting an exhausting battle, completely forgetting their fear. What they wanted most was for this cursed war to end soon.

    Winning or losing is no longer important to them.

    The artillery fire that combed the position would not stop for a moment.  The flying mud and gravel hit people painfully.

    After the bombardment, the soldiers buried in the mud would try their best to crawl out, then grab any weapons they could find around them, and shoot at the enemy indiscriminately.

    Large groups of soldiers died on this horrific battlefield. Some were directly hit by artillery shells, and not even a few bones were left.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Their families are waiting for their return, but I am afraid their families will be disappointed.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Parents have lost their children, wives have lost their husbands, and children have lost their fathers.  Every family has been broken up by this war.

    This cursed war.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    During the day, what is covered by gunpowder smoke is the same as at night, but at night, what is illuminated by fire is as bright as day.  The officers and soldiers on the battlefield simply cannot tell the difference between day and night. There is only one thing they can do:

    Combat - moving from the battle that just ended to another battle.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    On the first day of the battle, devout believers still prayed for God's blessing, but as the war progressed, they no longer prayed, but just hoped that they would not suffer too much torture in hell.

    This is their last request.

    The battlefield is so brutal and brutal, and the wind is full of the smell of blood.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    At this point, both sides have used all available means, and even the commanders of both sides can't wait for this battle to end as soon as possible.

    Another day has passed.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  During the day, the German army lost most of its positions. Now, all troops were forced to crowd into a very small position to carry out the final resistance.

    They killed countless enemies, and each soldier killed several, ten, or even dozens of times more enemies than they did.  £®  ??.  £®  £®  But no matter how many enemies they killed, they could not stop the new Soviet attack. For the German army, there were too many Russians.

    The number of them is simply astonishing.

    The results achieved by the German assault group are already very exciting. Wittmann alone has achieved an astonishing record of destroying 46 enemy tanks and 21 self-propelled artillery pieces after the war began.

    The number one ace tanker is none other than him.

    But what¡¯s the use of annihilating more?  The Russian armored force is still so huge

    The huge advantage in quantity can sometimes defeat quality.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    I probably won¡¯t be able to hold on until tomorrow.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Now every German officer and soldier has this idea in his mind.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Ike, Guo Yunfeng and Gillette even secretly held a brief meeting with Marshal Ernst during the break in the battle. Their purpose was very clear. Once all positions were lost, a powerful commando team must be organized.  Cover Marshal Ernst's protrusion!

    Everyone here can die, but not Marshal Ernst.

    He is Germany¡¯s entire hope.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Klingenberg was given this honorable mission.  Even after he accepted the mission, he and his team no longer participated in the battle, but were prepared to face the worst situation anytime and anywhere.

    "You have to know that the Marshal is not someone who leaves the battlefield so easily." Klingenberg raised his concerns: "What if he refuses our protection?"

    Guo Yunfeng was silent for a moment: "Knock him unconscious!"

    Klingenberg was startled and knocked unconscious?  Do you want to knock out an imperial marshal?

    "Knock him unconscious!" General Ike said firmly: "This is the only way to get the marshal to leave the battlefield"

    ? Okay, okay, you guys.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Klingenberg muttered in his heart that if he really did that, even if the baron didn't shoot him, the F¨¹hrer would not let him off easily.

    But as long as the baron can be rescued, he doesn¡¯t care about other things.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    When the war resumes, everyone on the battlefield knows that on this day, the two armies strangled together will determine the winner.

    It has become difficult for the mid-range assault group to persist. What they now rely on is their strong will to fight.

    But when the will to fight will eventually be used up, especially when all the troops are completely lost, there is no such thing as a will to fight.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Despite this, the German assault groups still have reason to be proud of themselves. Although they were dozens of times behind the enemy in numbers, they killed and injured dozens of times more enemies than themselves.

    Not every army can do this.

    You should die in a worthy place, and you should die vigorously.

    Now all tactics on the battlefield are useless. What matters is who of the soldiers on both sides can persist until the last minute.

    In the area closest to the enemy, the troops under Wang Weiyi's command suffered more than two-thirds of their casualties, especially the soldiers in the engineering battalion. They quickly regarded themselves as real commandos and fought tenaciously against the enemy.

    They suffered a large number of casualties, but they refused to retreat even one step.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    And here, in addition to the miraculous Skeleton Baron, they also have two miraculous tanks:

    S21 and S22.

    "The fact that these two German tanks have survived the battle unscathed is simply a miracle among miracles.

    But their life was not easy either. Just now, two tanks had fired their last shells.

    Wittmann, Brandt and everyone in the tank jumped out of their beloved tanks.

    Wittmann picked up a submachine gun from the ground, and then said loudly: "Marshal Ernst, the S21 and S22 tanks have no shells. Now, we request to join the infantry combat order!"

    "Second Lieutenant Wittmann, your request has been approved." Wang Weiyi said with a smile.

    "Marshal, I have a request."

    "Please tell me, Lieutenant Wittmann."

    "If I die in battle, please grant me the rank of major. I have always dreamed of becoming a majorAh, is this request too much? I am only a second lieutenant now"

    Wang Weiyi smiled so happily: "Yes, your request is indeed very excessive, but I agree. If you can die gloriously here, you will be a major of the SS!"

    ? ?A very shameless guy.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  "Brandt, who lost to Wittmann in the tank annihilation competition, couldn't help but mutter.

    Mylistel came over and said: "Second Lieutenant Wittmann, you are a god-like existence in the tank.

    But now, I¡¯m afraid you can¡¯t even kill ten enemies.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  "

    "Really?" Wittmann looked at the other party provocatively.

    "Enter the position - enter the position - the enemy attacks!"

    With such a sound, perhaps the last battle on position F began.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The Soviet troops surging forward were still so numerous.  But for all the German troops on position F, it is no longer important.

    No matter what, they are with Marshal Ernst!

    "Fritz Klingenberg, if you plan to attack me secretly, I will shoot you directly."

    When Wang Weiyi saw Klingenberg appearing at position F with his commando team, he immediately said coldly.

    Klingenberg quickly stopped and looked a little embarrassed: "Hey, Marshal, how do you know?"

    Wang Weiyi looked at his embarrassed expression and smiled: "Every German soldier knows to stick to his position. You suddenly appeared here, probably under some special order?"

    "Yes, Marshal." Klingenberg had nothing to hide at this point: "The generals asked me to do this."

    Wang Weiyi used the weapon in his hand to shoot at the enemies who were rushing up one after another, while shouting: "Major Klingenberg, stay here and fight with me. Please remember, I will not abandon you."  of soldiers.¡±

    "Okay, I'm convinced by you." Klingenberg quickly joined the battle sequence: "At least, with me here, I can help you block the bullets fired at you!"

    Wang Weiyi smiled very happily.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  With subordinates like this, what do I have to worry about?

    In this day's attack, the Russians were so crazy.  A lot of artillery fire, a lot of tanks, and a lot of soldiers appeared like a tide. They must have smelled some kind of crisis, right?

    It is difficult for the Central Assault Group to persist any longer. Persistence until now is already a miracle in itself.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    There are more and more enemies, getting closer and closer, and the last moment has arrived.

    Every German soldier is ready:-

    Let yourself face death bravely!

    At this time, suddenly, Mailiste pointed at the back of the enemy team and shouted loudly:

    "Look, something seems to be happening there!"

    Wang Weiyi took the telescope and looked towards the rear of the Soviet army. Smoke was billowing and dust was flying.

    Then, countless tanks appeared!

    And what¡¯s flying on those tanks is¡ª¡ªthe skull battle flag!

    On March 23, 1943, the German Armed SS Skeleton Division appeared on the battlefield!
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