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Volume 2: My Country Six Hundred and Eighty-seven.  War - reversed!

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    On March 23, 1943, the 3rd Totenkopf Division of the Waffen-SS appeared in!

    The situation on the battlefield has reversed!

    On this day, the German assault group faced the most difficult day. Most of their positions were breached, and the Soviet army was about to complete its breakthrough.

    Victory is so close to the Russians.

    But at this most critical moment, German reinforcements finally arrived!

    The Third Skeleton Infantry Regiment of the Skeleton Division appeared first, followed by a large number of German tanks.  These elite troops of the SS quickly launched into the attack on the Soviet army without any hesitation.

    After that, the Waffen-SS Reich Division, Prinz Eugen Mountain Division, Hohenstaufen Division, Grossdeutschland Regiment, Arko Group, and Paipa Battle Group.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The 12th, 30th and 123rd Infantry Divisions of the National Defense Forces.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Riedel's 9th Army.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  , Hungarian 2nd Army, Romanian 3rd and 4th Army.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  All arrive at the battlefield!

    The German army completed the general encirclement of the Soviet Stalingrad Front!

    War - Reversal!

    When General Model met Ernst.  When Marshal Brahm and his men were standing in front of him, he couldn't believe that the person standing in front of him was Baron Alexson, who was always handsome, neat and charming in his impression. He also couldn't believe that the person standing in front of him was the mighty and majestic Baron.  SS soldiers.

    Every one of them looked so tired, and the military uniforms on their bodies were mixed with blood and soil, making them filthy.

    Model¡¯s nose felt sore, what a cruel battle Marshal Ernst and his medium assault group had experienced here.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "I want to have a good sleep." Wang Weiyi said tiredly: "General Otto Moritz Walter Model, can you take command for me? I don't want anyone to disturb me while I'm resting.  ¡±

    "Yes, Marshal!" Model stood straight: "I can take command on your behalf and complete the elimination of the Russians.

    You can rest peacefully.  "

    "Thank you, Marshal Model." Wang Weiyi turned to the officers and soldiers who had been fighting side by side with him these days: "You can all rest peacefully, no one will disturb us anymore!"

    After saying that, he slowly walked back.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    General Model¡¯s face was so serious: ¡°Marshal Ernst has done everything he can. Now, it¡¯s our turn!¡±

    Now, it¡¯s our turn!

    War - Reversal!

    The huge Soviet Stalin Green Front was completely surrounded by the German army!  On March 23, German reinforcements arrived. The Soviet army's best efforts finally came to nothing!

    Germany¡¯s counterattack horn sounds!

    Vasilevskiy¡¯s strategy was correct. He successfully surrounded the German assault group. He also anticipated the coming German counter-encirclement.

    But as long as the Central Assault Group can be annihilated, Vasilevsky can accept all losses.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  He was almost successful.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    However, the changes in the situation on the battlefield, as well as the situation in Ernst.  The tenacious and frightening fighting spirit of the medium assault group under the personal command of Marshal Brahm changed everything.

    The Fifth Viking Division of the Armed SS became famous in the first battle. The Armed SS Eike Battle Group had an iron wall and a copper wall. The Armed SS Guo Yunfeng made a miraculous defense!

    The powerful combat effectiveness of the Waffen SS was most fully experienced on the Terek River.

    ¡°About before the battle broke out, even if the Germans occupied it, they did not expect that the medium assault group would be able to hold on until now despite being at a huge numerical disadvantage and being surrounded from all sides.

    This is simply an incredible miracle!

    Actually, if you think about it more carefully, there is nothing strange about this. Wherever the Skeleton Baron is present, miracles must happen!  It seems that as soon as the Skeleton Baron appears, he comes for a miracle!

    Germany¡¯s large-scale counterattack has begun!

    Although the Soviet army, which was exhausted after fighting on the Terek River, still had a numerical advantage, they were no longer able to cope with the powerful German assault!

    On March 24, the 1st Soviet Tank Army became the main target of the German army.  Immediately, Model ordered a fierce attack on the Soviet 5th Assault Army.  Later, the Arko Group and the Hungarian 2nd Army joined the attack on the Soviet 1st Guards Army.

    The three main armored armies of the Stalingrad Front faced fierce attacks from the German army at the same time!

    On the 25th, the struggling 1st Guards Army collapsed. They lost more than two-thirds of their tanks, which was also of decisive significance.Righteous.

    On March 26, the German army launched a general offensive!

    An overwhelming number of German planes appeared in the sky, an overwhelming number of German tanks and assault artillery closed the battlefield, and an overwhelming number of German soldiers swept across Russia.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The general offensive has begun!

    On the day of the 26th, the Soviet assault force of the 5th Army, the 1st Tank Army, the 28th and 38th Army all suffered heavy losses under the fierce German offensive.

    The key problem is that they have lost the possibility of breaking out.

    Voroshilov knew that the most terrible thing still happened, and Vasilevsky knew that the most terrible thing still happened.

    When the news of the German army's arrival on the battlefield reached Vasilevsky's ears, he knew that everything was over.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Standing in front of the map, Vasilevsky stood motionless for more than an hour. He seemed to want to see something from the map.

    Khrushchev also stood with him for more than an hour.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Are you really gone?" Finally, Khrushchev asked in a low voice.  !

    Vasilevsky finally looked away from the map, and then shook his head numbly.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  It's impossible, it's really impossible.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Now, the Soviet army must suffer the most disastrous defeat.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Once upon a time, they were only one step away from success.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "I have ordered Voroshilov to break out on his own." Vasilevsky sighed softly: "But the hope of breaking out is too slim. Comrade Military Commissar, now we must launch the second plan.  . How are your arrangements for Stalingrad?"

    "The 2nd Guards Army, the 4th Tank Army, and the 65th Army have been arranged to defend Stalingrad. At the same time, I have also organized the 1st Workers' Army, the 1st Women's Army, and the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Guerrilla Brigades.  The huge strength of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Brigades of the Workers¡¯ and Peasants¡¯ Red Guards£®

    When he heard the words "huge power", Vasilevsky laughed at himself.

    ??\Is this considered a "huge force"?  Workers' Army?  Women's Army?  Under the devastating attack of the German army, they may not even have the ability to resist.  ,

    But now that I can no longer rely on them, there is no other better way.

    "Comrade Commander-in-Chief, can you ask Moscow for reinforcements?" Khrushchev asked tentatively.

    "It's impossible." Vasilevsky said helplessly.  Said: "Moscow is also in short supply of troops now, and once Stalingrad is lost, the German army will soon launch an attack on Moscow, and Moscow also needs strength to defend. Our troops are not really endless Even if  It¡¯s too late for Moscow to mobilize its troops.¡±

    Khrushchev fell silent.  Now, it's all up to you.

    But the main force of the Stalingrad Front was surrounded, so what else could we expect?

    "Request Marshal Budyonny to move closer to Stalingrad immediately. Maybe he can bring us some help." Vasilevsky calmed down: "No matter what, we must hold on to Stalingrad! Already!  It¡¯s not just about honor, it¡¯s about taking enough time to defend Moscow.¡±

    "Yes, Comrade Commander-in-Chief." When Khrushchev said this, he suddenly remembered something: "Should we send a capable force to rescue Marshal Voroshilov?"

    "Him?" Vasilevsky's face showed a hint of sarcasm: "Do you think that even if we can rescue him, will he still be able to survive?"

    Khrushchev understood immediately.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    When the battle broke out, Voroshilov got everything he asked for. Stalin gave him all the support he asked for, and even shot Davamirsky for him.

    However, such support was not unconditional. Stalin needed him to win victory, but Voroshilov failed to do this.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  What awaits him?  I'm afraid Voroshilov himself knows better.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He cannot survive. Even if he can reach Moscow now, what awaits him is an angry Stalin and the terrifying Supreme Military Tribunal of the Soviet Union.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Thinking of this, Khrushchev shuddered involuntarily.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    On the battlefield, the Soviet Stalingrad Front had lost all ability to resist. Facing the surging German attacks, their destruction was only a matter of time.

    The Soviet soldiers were exhausted and had no way to escape.  £®  ??.  £®  £®  The most desperate ending is coming.

    Troops one after another suffered devastating destruction. This is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that the Soviet soldiers who completely lost their confidence in victory also lost the courage to continue fighting.

    Large-scale surrenders and escapes began.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    This is inevitable.

    When an army is completely desperate and has no hope at all, they will naturally give up resistance and end this meaningless war.

    Now, the German army can easily advance on the battlefield.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    On the 27th and 28th, the German army launched six large-scale operations in succession, annihilating and capturing a large number of Soviet troops. At the same time, the German army began to prepare to forcefully cross the Terek River.

    On the other side of the river, Malinovsky also knew very well that the battle with his current strength would not be able to stop the German army.

    The war happening here is coming to an end.

    Voroshilov and his men have lost confidence in breaking out.  Under such a dense siege by the German army, probably not even a mouse can escape, right?

    At the same time, Voroshilov also lost the ability to control his troops.  Most of the front army structures were completely collapsed under the successive waves of German attacks. The only troops that Voroshilov could directly control were an infantry division and an armored division that was barely reorganized after being defeated.

    What else can he do with such power?

    German planes appear all the time, and artillery shells and bullets continue to inflict final destruction on the Russians.  Even Voroshilov's general headquarters was often attacked by German planes!

    It was in chaos, everything on the battlefield was completely in chaos.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Once, they were so arrogant, once, they were so close to victory, but now everything has completely changed.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Standing here, you can see the German tanks marching majestically on the battlefield, and you can see the German soldiers attacking unstoppably!

    And what can those Russians do?  Killed, surrendered, or escaped.

    Not many officers are willing to command the troops to continue fighting. Now continuing to fight means death. Not everyone is determined to die for their beliefs.

    Being able to survive is already the biggest miracle.

    On the night of the 28th, when Voroshilov learned that several major armies such as the 1st Guards Army and the 5th Assault Army had been completely and completely annihilated by the Germans, he knew that the war should end here.

    No power can save them anymore!

    Voroshilov sat there silently, smoking one cigarette after another.  Smoke shrouded the Soviet marshal.

    His mind went blank and he couldn't think of anything.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    What to think?  No matter how much you think about it, can you still achieve miracles?  Not long ago, Comrade Stalin's telegram arrived. The wording of the telegram was so harsh that it was scary.

    "But in Vasilevsky's place, there was not even a telegram of inquiry.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  So Voroshilov was able to judge that Vasilevsky had given up on himself.

    What fate will you face if you fail?  Voroshilov knew it without anyone telling him.

    ?Perhaps Comrade Stalin has prepared a trial seat for himself?  He was not Marshal Timoshenko, who had unparalleled prestige in the army. Comrade Stalin did not dare to try him publicly even if he was defeated.

    He who had been holding Comrade Stalin's thigh and rose to the rank of marshal lost his best opportunity to gain more trust.

    He firmly believed that Comrade Stalin would not let him go because of this failure

    ????????????????????The final outcome must be to be shot. This is not bad, but what is even more terrifying is that his family will be implicated.

    The labor camps are waiting for them!

    He lit another cigarette. At this time, his chief of staff Varennikov came in with a panic: "Comrade Marshal Voroshilov, Kiriyenko, the commander of the 28th Army, has surrendered."

    "Oh." Voroshilov pointed and said lightly: "Comrade Chief of Staff, can you please bring me a bottle of vodka?"

    Varennikov hesitated for a moment, opened a bottle of vodka and placed it in front of the marshal.  Voroshilov poured himself a glass: drank it all in one gulp and asked: "Comrade Chief of Staff, I remember you have three children?"

    "Yes, Marshal, I have three children" Valennikov had no idea why.Why at this time the Marshal would ask himself such a question.

    "Have you ever thought about their ending?"

    When Voroshilov asked this question, Varennikov's face changed drastically. He suddenly thought of the tragic experience that his family was about to face.

    "I have thought about what they will face if we live" Having said this, Voroshilov waved to his subordinates: "Come on, Varennikov, you also accompany me.  have a drink."

    Varennikov was no longer polite, poured himself a large glass of wine, and drank it down: "Can we just die?"

    "Yes, this is the only way to protect our families." Voroshilov sighed: "This is also our sorrow. We cannot decide the fate of ourselves and our families Now we are still alive.  £®

    Varennikov nodded, knowing that the marshal meant what he said very seriously.

    "If we die, maybe we can save something for our family." Voroshilov smiled: "So, no need to hesitate anymore, Varennikov, look, I have everything ready.  "

    He took out a few pills from his pocket and put half of them into the vodka: "Look, there is no pain. I have been carrying these pills with me since the great purge. I didn't expect that they would finally come in handy today."  £®

    "Thank you, Comrade Marshal Voroshilov." Varennikov sighed, then picked up the pills with trembling hands and put them into his wine glass.

    "Goodbye, my motherland." After Voroshilov said, he raised his cup: "For our family!"

    "For our family, Comrade Marshal Voroshilov, farewell forever." After Varennikov finished speaking, he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.


    These are the last words Voroshilov left in this world.

    Clement.  Yefremovich.  Voroshilo, known as the "Red Marshal", was extremely brave in combat. During the Great Purge of the Soviet Union, he actively participated in the suppression of Red Army generals.  But lacks commanding ability.

    After he took over as the former enemy commander-in-chief of the Stalingrad Front, his incompetence led to the Soviet army's largest defeat.

    On the night of March 28, 1943, Clement.  Yefremovich.  Marshal Voroshilo and his chief of staff Varennikov committed suicide in his headquarters.

    Only in this way can he make it possible for his family to escape from bad luck.  This is probably the tragedy that he and all the Soviet generals faced together.
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