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Volume 2: My Country Seven Hundred and Fifteen.  August 8

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    August 8, 1943.  !

    It¡¯s a nice day.

    Moscow has been basically reduced to ruins under the constant bombing, with ruins everywhere.  After so many days of crazy bombing, the entire city suffered too many disasters.

    The battle to defend Moscow has been going on for more than a month.

    For more than a month, the German and Soviet armies engaged in the most brutal fighting here.  Both sides paid a heavy price here.

    However, the war has no intention of stopping at all, but intensifies.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The German troops are in Ernst.  Under the command of Marshal Brahm, although they had a huge advantage, they did not rush for success. Instead, they used great patience, worked steadily, and consolidated their existing advantages bit by bit.

    At the same time, we actively adjusted our forces and made a new deployment, preparing for a decisive victory to end the Battle of Moscow.

    This is the so-called "Judgment Day Plan."

    Like "Operation Hunter", "Project Judgment Day" was also directed by Ernst.  It was Brahm's own destiny.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Millions of German troops were concentrated.

    At 3 o'clock in the morning on August 8, with the sound of the first shelling, the "Judgment Day Plan" was launched!

    The flames drawn by the cannonballs burst out in the night sky like meteors, creating a splendid scenery.

    The tanks roared impatiently, as if they were unwilling to wait a second longer.

    From 3:00 to 5:00, artillery preparations were carried out for two full hours. Under such intensive artillery, the whole of Moscow was shaking.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The land of Moscow is trembling, and the soldiers and civilians of Moscow are trembling.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    They know that the legendary Day of Judgment has finally come.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    At 5 o'clock, the artillery fire began to spread.

    Groups of German Waffen SS and Wehrmacht forces appeared!

    Wang Weiyi held up the skull badge on his collar, which represented infinite glory and pride, and then said calmly: "Let's get started!"-

    let's start!

    At 5 o¡¯clock on August 8, Judgment Day began.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    On that day, led by the 123rd Infantry Division of the Waffen-SS Totenkopf Division and the Reich Division of the Wehrmacht, countless German soldiers launched the ultimate battle in Moscow that could change the fate of both countries.

    The tanks roared and moved forward, and the soldiers shouted, turning Moscow into a huge furnace.

    It has begun - this is the time of the beginning and the time of the end!

    Moscow has also invested all its resources.  They have only one purpose:

    No matter what, we must try our best to stop the enemy's attack and save this collapsing city at all costs.

    No one wants to fail, and everyone wants to win that coveted victory!

    At 5:20, a fierce battle broke out between the Skeleton Division and the Soviet elite 20th Army.

    Both sides used tanks as the vanguard, attacking the enemy desperately.

    Both sides used all the available power, and they continued to shoot at each other without stopping.  The cannonball came out of the barrel fiercely, and then hit the opponent fiercely.

    The sound of "Boom - Boom -" was so deafening that the earth was shaking.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Those soldiers who had not participated in the war for the time being almost held their breath as they watched the battlefield, watching tanks one after another being ruthlessly destroyed in the flames of war.

    Such a scene will never be forgotten by them for the rest of their lives.

    In the past, the Soviet army maintained the balance on the battlefield with human sea tactics and tank sea tactics, but now this no longer belongs to them.

    With each defeat coming, their losses became more and more heavy, and soldiers and tanks could no longer keep up with the consumption on the front line.  The resources of any country are not truly infinite.

    Here, the German army has an absolute upper hand, both in terms of numbers and tanks.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The Soviet tanks in the battle are still being consumed rapidly, and the German armored forces firmly grasp the absolute initiative on the battlefield.

    Yershakov watched all this anxiously but he had no good solution.

    Stubborn fighting spirit and firm determination cannot make up for the huge gap in weapons between the two sides.

    He could only watch helplessly as one of his tanks was lost one after another under the fierce attack of the enemy.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He suddenly remembered a story that began to spread on the European continent after the end of World War I.??£º

    "The gates of hell were temporarily closed. Death's vanguard hid his spear and hid quietly in the deepest part of hell However, his heart made of flames never stopped for a moment.  When the door to hell opens again, the god of death will appear again, and this time it will bring far more than destruction. £®

    No one knows which country this story first spread from, but most people at the time thought it was just a ridiculous prophecy made by a wizard.  But when Ernst.  Everything in this story about Brahm really coming back has come true.

    He is back, and he will bring far more than destruction but eternal death.  £®  £®

    Yershakov seemed to see troops composed of countless ghosts, rushing towards here overwhelmingly.  In the middle of the team is a death knight riding a horse of fire, holding a spear of fire, and beating a heart of fire:

    The Skeleton Baron!

    The Soviet generals fought one after another, blocking the attack with their loyalty and lives.  They roared and shouted, and we were fearless, but under the slaughter of the Death God Department, they seemed to have little ability to resist.

    This is a contest between the human world and hell.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Such terrible thoughts suddenly came to Yershakov's heart.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Finally, he still firmly remembered what Marshal Zhukov said to him. No matter what, he must firmly stick to his position and never take the initiative to attack.

    The Germans are far more eager to win than the Russians!

    He has to be patient and patient until one's patience is completely exhausted.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Indeed, Zhukov¡¯s judgment was not wrong. In such urban warfare, the German army¡¯s weapon advantages were greatly limited. They must also rely on the efforts of the infantry to clear the enemy¡¯s positions bit by bit.

    Sometimes a position consisting of only two or three people will take a German commando team several hours or even a whole day.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    This is the most cruel place in urban warfare.

    All the Soviet troops were huddled in their positions. No matter what the enemy did, they would never leave their positions.

    And those snipers who had chosen a good position early on kept shooting in the dark to give the defense forces maximum support.

    The two sides compete here to compete with each other's fighting will and fighting qualities.

    Soviet tanks are no longer a match for the German armored forces. All that can be counted on by choosing Yershakov is the sacrifice spirit of those soldiers.

    Every once in a while, those German planes would appear, and then drop their bombs viciously, destroying the positions that the Russians had worked so hard to build amidst bursts of rumbling explosions.

    But as soon as the plane leaves, the Russians will repair their positions again.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    A large number of German engineers appeared. This is a very important part of the German army. They can often show amazing abilities in battle.

    At the same time, they are also the most trustworthy force.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    They are constantly blasting and destroying the enemy's fortifications one by one, and digging for positions for their own troops to advance. If the battle ends with the German victory, then the efforts of these engineers on the battlefield will not be inferior to any of them.  A troop.

    Fighting until 10 o'clock on the night of the 8th, the Soviet 20th Army had 6,000 killed, 17,000 captured or surrendered, and 2,000 missing.

    In less than a day, Yershakov lost 25,000 men. The heavy loss was shocking.

    But Yershakov didn¡¯t feel distressed at all. In his opinion, even if everyone died, as long as he could stop the enemy¡¯s offensive, it was completely worth it.

    At night, Marshal Zhukov appeared in person at the headquarters of the 20th Army, which surprised Yershakov.

    Marshal Zhukov is not very reassured about the situation on the front line. This is a very important part of the entire Moscow defense war. Once it is lost, it will affect the situation of the entire defense war.

    Not only did Marshal Zhukov come, but he also brought two entire divisions of reinforcements.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "I know that you lost more than 20,000 soldiers in today's battle, and I will provide you with supplies." Zhukov told his men: "As long as possible, no matter how many people you lose, I will supply you with as many people as possible.  "

    "Thank you, Comrade Marshal Zhukov!" Yershakov became energetic.

    If the marshalIf Zhizhi can really do this, then he will be fully confident in defending here for a long time.

    But in fact, there were some things that Zhukov did not tell his men. The troops of these two divisions were his guards and the effective force to protect his headquarters.  Zhukov actually doesn't have many reserves in his hands.  However, he had to do this in order to strengthen the confidence of the frontline soldiers.

    If he can win, he is even willing to throw the last company around him into the battlefield.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "The enemy's firepower was too strong. In one day today, more than half of our armored units and artillery were destroyed." Despite receiving reinforcements, Yershakov decided to tell what happened on the battlefield today.  Marshal Zhukov: "I'm afraid the battle will be even more intense tomorrow"

    "Yes, tomorrow's battle will be more intense" Looking at the batches of wounded being transported, Zhukov's expression was so solemn: "Comrade Yershakov, are you confident that you can complete the task?"  Mission?"

    "I have confidence, Comrade Marshal!" Yershakov said firmly.

    At this moment, gunshots rang out intensively again.

    "That was the German SS commando team engaged in a night battle." Yershakov quickly said: "Comrade Marshal, these SS commando teams are quite a headache. During the battle, they showed far superiority.  Their combat quality exceeds ours, and their ability to cooperate and cooperate is simply perfect. To put it bluntly, compared to them, our soldiers are just like a group of children fighting with adults, especially at night, they have nowhere to go.  Not here.

    Their purpose does not seem to be to seize many positions, but to directly give us a psychological threat.  "

    "I know that is the ace in the German army." Zhukov nodded, feeling helpless: "In terms of individual soldier quality and team quality, our soldiers are completely comparable to them. But we cannot get this weakness at all now. We must let our soldiers  The defense is in their position, no matter what situation occurs, they are absolutely not allowed to leave the position! "

    "Yes, I gave the order exactly as you wanted!"

    The inspection of the front line filled Zhukov's heart with worry.  The Soviet soldiers showed fearless courage, but compared to them, the German army was too powerful.

    It is even powerful to the point of being scary.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Sacrifice has become the most common word here. The piles of bones bear witness to the courage of the Soviet soldiers, but relying only on these cannot achieve the final victory of the war.

    They are doing their duty as soldiers, and they have nothing to blame.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  If failure is really inevitable, then they are the only ones I can leave here with my head held high.

    Zhukov also observed that although the German army was extremely eager to win this war as soon as possible, their calmness on the battlefield was amazing.

    They were never impatient, pushed forward patiently, and controlled the boiling blood in their hearts.  Once they encounter strong resistance from the enemy, they will immediately stop the attack and instead call for artillery and armor support. They will continue to advance only after wiping out the opponent's resistance firepower to the greatest extent possible.

    Mature is scary.

    Zhukov sighed. This is the huge gap between the Soviet army and the German army that cannot be bridged.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    At this time, a new German attack began.  Zhukov ignored the advice of his subordinates to leave this dangerous place immediately and insisted on staying here to observe.

    The usual artillery preparations were followed by the advance of tanks and self-propelled artillery. Behind them were a large number of infantry moving cautiously.

    A machine gun on the Soviet position opened fire, which quickly attracted German firepower. In just a few seconds, the machine gun fire on the Soviet position was completely suppressed.

    Then, the German infantry reinvested in the new attack.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    It would be great if I also had such fire support and soldiers.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Zhukov suddenly thought in his heart.  Unfortunately, we can only think about such things at the moment.

    "Look, the soldiers have tried their best." Pointing to the hot battlefield, Yershakov said helplessly: "But we simply can't find a better way to deal with the war at hand. The Germans can use powerful  Artillery fire destroyed most of our position. Then in order to deal with their armored strength, we had to sacrifice more soldiers. This created a vicious cycle. If the terrain here was not seriously beneficial to us??I'm afraid it will cause more terrible consequences.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  "

    Zhukov frowned and didn't say a word. At least now, he couldn't think of a better way.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He saw a combat group of more than a dozen Soviet soldiers, all falling on the road where the enemy tanks were blown up. Then another combat group of more than a dozen people rushed forward. After sacrificing more than half of the soldiers,  Did they finally kill the German tank? However, even if these people were retaliated by German infantry fire, none of them could escape.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    In order to kill an enemy tank, the soldiers actually had to make such a huge sacrifice.

    "Move back a little further." Zhukov decisively ordered: "Now, the opposite position can still allow the German tanks to move. Pulling back two hundred meters will greatly restrict the movement of the German tanks."

    Zhukov¡¯s decisive orders seemed to have a good effect, and the Soviet army gave up some positions on the front line.

    The German tank movement has indeed been greatly restricted.

    But at this time, German commandos and engineers appeared.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    They cooperated so seamlessly, constantly making breakthroughs again and again, and constantly building small victories into big victories.

    They seemed to have achieved insignificant results, but the seemingly insignificant victories were superimposed on everything. Zhukov suddenly discovered that in just one hour, the Soviet army had lost more than twenty small positions.

    Soon, these positions were connected together and became a frontline offensive base for the German reinforcements.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "This is the fighting quality." Zhukov sighed: "The fighting quality that we can't imitate no matter how hard we try"

    "In order to deal with this kind of attack, I have taken many measures, but they have never worked" Yershakov smiled helplessly: "Often we finally think of some solutions to the problem.  method, but the German army will use new offensive methods, so we are always in a passive response. To be honest, Comrade Marshal, at the beginning, I also tried to take the initiative once, but it was exactly what you said.  The same thing, the Germans welcome us to take the initiative. They can convert the attack into defense at the first time, and then inflict heavy damage on our assault troops. So on this point, I did not follow your instructions.  It's a big mistake, so I'd like to ask for your criticism."

    "Now is not the time to pursue any mistakes." Zhukov's eyes were always staring at the front: "But we are completely behind."
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