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Volume 2: My Country Seven Hundred and Sixteen.  "Three tragic days"

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    The "Judgment Day Plan" started on August 8, 1943, and as it continued until August 8, the battlefield began to change.

    Under the strong pressure of the German army, the Soviet positions on all lines were gradually lost, and the German army began to take control of the battlefield initiative.

    ?? Continuous and high-intensity oppressive attacks prevented the Soviet army from getting any chance to breathe.  The high-density bombing also plunged the entire Moscow into a kind of spiritual panic.

    What¡¯s more important is that the food crisis that has been mentioned repeatedly before has become more serious now.

    Currently, even normal supplies for frontline soldiers are no longer available.  Not to mention the civilians who made heavy sacrifices in the defense of Moscow.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Once the problem of eating cannot be solved, the consequences can be imagined.

    Some Soviet soldiers who were cut and surrounded by the German army, as well as the civilians who assisted, were plagued by hunger all the time, but for them, they could not find any solution.

    A small piece of bread has now become life-saving food.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Starting on the 16th, the German army continued to increase its attack intensity.

    As for the Soviet 20th Army, they were always under direct attack from the Germans and suffered perhaps the greatest losses among all the units.

    The two infantry divisions that Zhukov personally assigned as reinforcements had already been completely wiped out.  By this time, Zhukov really had no troops left to use.

    On the afternoon of the 16th, the war known as the "Three Days of Moscow Tragedy" finally broke out.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    In the afternoon, the German army organized the SS Totenkopf and Reich divisions, as well as two Wehrmacht infantry divisions, and the Nordland Combat Regiment to launch a general attack on the Soviet 20th Army.

    This is the decisive general offensive, led by the commander-in-chief of the German Ernst Battle Group Ernst.  Marshal Brahm personally directed the battle.

    On the Soviet side, Marshal Zhukov once again appeared on the front line.

    Ernst and Brahm once again stood face to face after more than twenty years.

    This is an unequal war, maybe there is a certain outcome.

    More than twenty years ago, Zhukov, who was still an officer in the Tsarist Army, surrounded the Skeleton Commandos but was defeated by Ernst.  The skeleton commando commanded by Brahm skillfully completed the breakout.

    But this time, it was Ernst.  Brahm occupies an absolute advantage on the battlefield.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Two great marshals will have a final battle of fate here!

    The powerful German commandos, supported by the powerful German air force, artillery, and armored forces, roared and launched rounds of attacks on the Soviet army.

    The Soviet army braved the enemy's absolute artillery superiority and persisted bitterly.

    Who is willing to give up this war? No one is willing to be a shameful loser.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    At this time, Wang Weiyi did not know that it was Zhukov who was standing opposite him. He just felt that the Soviet army's defense strength was stronger than before.

    In the past, although the German army also faced strong resistance from the Soviet army, the final result was that the German army could always win with relative ease.

    But this time it was obviously different. The Soviet army seemed to be able to judge the German army's main attack direction in advance and strengthen the defense of the area as soon as possible.

    There is a new commander.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  This was Wang Weiyi's first thought.

    According to intelligence analysis, the commander of the Soviet 20th Army is General Yershakov, and the German army has basically mastered Yershakov's combat methods.

    But now the commander who is commanding the Soviet army on the opposite side behaves in a completely different way, being tougher and more flexible.

    "Join the Nordland Combat Regiment and launch an assault on Position A." Wang Weiyi coldly issued his order.

    "The German army is about to launch a surprise attack on the 87th Infantry Division, and the 96th Infantry Division will provide immediate support." Almost at the same time, Zhukov issued such an order.

    The 87th Infantry Division is located in what the Germans call the "A" position.

    Zhukov once again discovered the enemy's movements in time.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Before the German Nordland Combat Regiment launched its attack, the positions defended by the 87th Infantry Division had received support from the 96th Infantry Division.

    Here, the German armored forces were greatly restricted and artillery fire could not cover all positions. The timely arrival of Soviet reinforcements also largely made up for the lack of combat quality and weapons and ammunition.

    The offensive of the Nordland Combat Group was blocked.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®Wang Weiyi¡¯s entire interest was piqued.  who is it?  Have you predicted your attack position time and time again?

    Or maybe Zhukov came up in person?  Wang Weiyi suddenly had this thought in his mind.

    But he was not very sure. Maybe it was Zhukov who came in person.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Order the Klingenberg Commando, Mailister Battle Group, and the 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion of the Skeleton Division to launch an assault on Position G. Order the Paipa Combat Regiment to launch an assault on Position G at the same time half an hour later.  . . . "Wang Weiyi decided to have the most direct confrontation with the mysterious commander.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Comrade Marshal Zhukov, we were attacked by German troops in the direction of our No. 1 cotton spinning factory position. The attack was very violent."

    Yershakov's report did not move Zhukov in any way: "That was a feint attack by the Germans. All officers and soldiers in the position were ordered to hold their positions."

    "Yes" Yershakov hesitated: "Do you want to give them reinforcements?"

    "No!" Zhukov said flatly: "The enemy's focus of attack is still in the direction of the 87th Division position. He is trying to mobilize our deployment."!

    "I understand, Comrade Marshal."

    Artillery fire roared on the battlefield, and the battle became more and more intense, but Zhukov felt a long-lost excitement in his heart.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He has been away from the frontline battlefield for a long time, and now, he is back.

    This is the real battlefield, the battlefield that makes every real soldier excited.

    Only here can the value of soldiers be fully reflected.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Didn't the Soviet army take action?"

    "Yes, there was no action. We successively deployed the Klingenberg Commando, the Meristel Battle Group, and the 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion. Later, according to your order, the Paipa Combat Group also participated in the attack operations.  £®But the enemy's defense in the direction of G was very tenacious, and the formation there was completely unsuitable for tank movement. Therefore, we only made little progress and captured some scattered positions. £®

    "Are you confident?" Wang Weiyi smiled: "Let Guo Yunfeng's battle group come up."

    What he must admit is that the Russian commander opposite is very, very good, and he has not been tempted at all.  Perhaps he had already seen through that his attack on the cotton mill was just a feint.

    ¡°If that¡¯s the case, let¡¯s let the feint attack turn into a real attack.

    Wang Weiyi has another advantage that the Soviet army does not have: he has an extremely sufficient supply of troops!

    In the past, this was obviously the Russians' advantage, but now the situation has been reversed.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The participation of the Guo Yunfeng battle group in the offensive operation made the pressure on the Soviet army in the cotton spinning factory extremely heavy.  But Wang Weiyi was obviously not ready for this.

    Afterwards, he successively invested the powerful forces of the Romanian 2nd Infantry Division and the Bulgarian 1st Grenadier Regiment.

    This made the Soviet army, which had been unable to breathe under the powerful German attack, become in danger.

    The calls for reinforcements kept coming, which made Zhukov smile bitterly.

    Now, he has some sad feelings.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He was sure he had seen through the enemy's plan, but what was the use?

    The resources available to the enemy commander are becoming increasingly abundant, and they are even fully capable of choosing several directions as their main attack points.

    If everyone has equal strength, Zhukov is fully capable of defending every position he has.

    But this can only be a fantasy.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Order" Although he was reluctant, Zhukov still issued this order: "In the direction of the cotton spinning mill, it is allowed to abandon the position as a last resort and retreat in the direction of the fifth position Tell the fifth position  Comrades on the ground, they have the important task of protecting the 87th and 96th divisions. £®

    "I will personally take command." Yershakov said immediately.

    "Comrade Yershakov, I believe that the German troops who have captured the cotton mill will launch a more violent attack" Zhukov glanced at his loyal subordinates: "If the fifth position is lost, then this place has been  There is no need to continue to defend, and the entire front will be completely shaken. Even the Kremlin will be directly threatened. £®

    Yershakov nodded silently.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  At this point, the only thing he can do is fulfill his responsibilities.  £®  £®  £®£®  £®

    "It's almost over" Wang Weiyi smiled faintly: "Order, Prince Eugen Mountain Division, abandon the enemy on the opposite side and directly launch an assault on position H. Order, all troops participating in the assault on position G,  Continue to move forward. Order the Romanian 1st Infantry Division to join the attack. £®

    Orders came out of his mouth one after another.

    The German army did not take any rest and continued to launch continuous assaults towards Position H, which was called the Fifth Position by the Russians.

    When Yershakov arrived at the fifth position, the situation here had reached an irreparable point.

    You can see German commandos everywhere, and the Romanians and Bulgarians have also joined the battle sequence.

    The truest thought emerged in Yershakov¡¯s mind for the first time:

    You - there is no way to stop the German assault!

    Even if Marshal Zhukov could judge the enemy's offensive direction in advance, it would not be of any use.

    The 20th Group Army has put all the available troops into the battle, and they no longer have a single soldier left to use.

    However, the German follow-up troops seemed endless.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The advantages that the Soviet army was once proud of have now been completely transferred to the Germans.

    Many positions have fallen into the hands of the German army. Two hours later, the Russian Free Army finally joined the battle.

    The Russians in the Free Army seemed to hate their compatriots opposite them. Their combat performance was even more eye-catching than the German soldiers.

    ??Even, it turned out to be extremely cruel.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    In the positions captured by them, there were very few prisoners. Those captured Soviet soldiers were shot to death by these Free Army guys almost immediately.

    This is a very terrible thing.

    Now, Yershakov must face a choice.

    What is going on here is a hopeless war, Yershakov is convinced of this.  But what he remembered even more was Marshal Zhukov's instructions.

    "If the fifth position is lost, then there will be no need to continue to defend here, and the entire front will be completely shaken, and even the Kremlin will be directly threatened. You must understand your responsibility  "

    Even if he couldn't persist, he continued to force himself to persist.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Positions fell into the hands of the enemy one by one, and batches of Soviet soldiers died under the enemy's attacks.

    The losses were so great that Yershakov¡¯s heart bled.  When Marshal Zhukov's call came, Yershakov had to tell him the real situation that happened here, and he said to Marshal Zhukov:

    "We can no longer hold on"

    After hearing this sentence, Marshal Zhukov completely understood. After a brief silence, he said:

    "Then we will begin to retreat"

    We will begin to retreat. This does not include the troops that Yershakov is commanding.

    Yershakov smiled miserably: "Yes, I know, Comrade Marshal, I will delay the German troops here as much as possible to cover your retreat."

    "Comrade Yershakov, thank you." Zhukov's tone was extremely heavy: "I know this is unfair to you, but I must prepare for the defense of the Kremlin."

    Yershakov put down the phone.

    fair?  The word fairness has long since disappeared on this battlefield.

    Failure has become inevitable. The only thing Yershakov has to do is to buy as much time as possible for Marshal Zhukov.

    But even this small wish seems so difficult to achieve now.

    The German offensive was so devastating that they continuously dropped a large number of commandos onto the battlefield. The Romanians, Bulgarians, and soldiers of the Russian Free Army who saw hope of victory also performed surprisingly well.  of madness.

    They turned this place into a battlefield of massacre.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    When the sun rose on the 18th, the battle here had come to an end.

    Yershakov and the few troops he still had in his hands were completely surrounded by the Germans. The fifth position was now a small boat that could be sunk at any time in the stormy waves.

    The Germans didn¡¯t even think of trying to persuade them to surrender.None of them. After the battle has reached this point, they know very well that if the enemy can fight until now, then they will never surrender.

    On the 16th and 17th, too many things like this happened.

    The Germans and their allies probably annihilated more than 50,000 enemies and captured only a pitiful 10,000 people.

    Today will be the time to end the Soviet 20th Army.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The German planes that appeared in the sky over the battlefield dropped their bombs.

    Those German troops pouring in from all directions announced the end of the 20th Army.

    Yershakov no longer has any hope.  At least one thing he can be proud of is that with his own efforts, Zhukov successfully retreated with the 87th and 96th Infantry Divisions.

    No matter what, even if he failed, he did his best to defend Moscow.

    If the bullet penetrates his body, Yershakov can be sure that he will die with a smile.

    Those enemies began to attack again, and the connection between here and the rear has been completely cut off.

    The bullets will soon be used up.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Comrades, the time has come to show our loyalty." Facing his few officers, Yershakov said: "Behind us is where Comrade Stalin lives. Comrade Stalin has always been with us.  Fight together. Let us die here gloriously to protect our leader!"

    The tragic moment has arrived.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Under the powerful impact of the enemy, the Soviet soldiers stood up one after another. They threw their last grenade, shot their last bullet, and then swung their Bobosha submachine guns or carried their rifles.  With bayonets attached to their rifles, they rushed out of the position shouting.

    Here, they will complete their mission.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "A group of brave soldiers, right?" Wang Weiyi put down the telescope in his hand. Victory was firmly in his hands: "Sometimes I have been thinking, what would it be like if there was no war? I  Still thinking about what will happen when the war in Moscow is over? We have no doubt about the victory of the war, but the death will continue because the Russians did not lay down their arms even at the last moment.  plan."

    Yes, even at the last moment, the Russians have no intention of laying down their weapons.

    These Soviet troops continued to die, but they continued to launch hopeless attacks.

    Again and again.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Gunshots rang out intensively, and it completely turned into a one-sided massacre.

    Life was lost without dignity, and the battlefield was so bloody.

    Corpses were piled up layer upon layer, and General Yershakov¡¯s body was among them.

    He fulfilled his promise and devoted himself to his career until his death.

    However, no matter how hard he tried, he could not prevent Moscow's failure!
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