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Volume 2: My Country Eight Hundred and Thirty-Four.  sisters on the run

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    Ybor's great retreat began.  !

    All the Germans of the Nordland Combat Regiment and Ibor have successfully completed their mission. Now, this almost completely bombed city has to be temporarily abandoned.

    Giving up is for future return; giving up is for future reconstruction.

    ¡°Every German is convinced of this.

    The first to evacuate were the German civilians, who gave up almost everything they had here.  Ernst.  Marshal Brahm told each of them:

    Go to Berlin, every German who can still fight, go to Berlin!  No matter what difficulties they encountered on the way, Germany's capital needed them.

    The baron personally took on the role of queen.

    He always does the same thing and is never afraid.  He was only worried about the civilians who were fleeing.

    In fact, not only in Ybor, but also in various occupied cities in Germany, there are German refugees fleeing everywhere.  They were once confused, they didn't know what Germany would be like tomorrow.  But when they heard that Baron Alexon had returned, they had a clear goal:

    Berlin¡ªto Berlin¡ªonly Berlin is their final destination.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    No one can stop them from realizing their dreams.  Just like the two sisters Blue Love and Avril Lavigne from Bremen.

    Their parents were killed by enemy bombings, and now they are the only ones left to depend on each other.  And their destination is the same as all Germans:


    That will be the place where their dreams begin again, the place where they can find peace of mind, and the only place they can go.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    They wake up at the crack of dawn and get ready to go.  This was already their third day of walking. The war caused them to deviate from their planned route, and their progress was a little slow, so they set out early, hoping to cover a longer distance.  The god of luck favored them again.  A farmer drove his carriage past them and gave them a ride, about six or seven kilometers away. They sat on the carriage with their feet dangling on the edge of the carriage, enjoying the unnecessary  The joy and luxury of walking.

    After the farmer dropped them off, they continued walking.  Whenever they hear the sound of military aircraft or artillery fire, they will rush to the ditch on the roadside, or crawl forward under the cover of the woods.  Once, after the air raid, Blue Love was about to struggle to stand up, only to find Avril giggling. It turned out that Blue Love fell down on the grass too hard, and her face was dyed light green by the grass.

    There were gradually more pedestrians on the road, and some of them were going to the same place as them.  Although they do not casually chat with strangers, they will occasionally move forward with some of them, especially if they know the way.  There are sometimes trenches called "tank graveyards" near towns. These are specially prepared by local residents to block the advance of American tanks. Whenever we hear the sound of gunfire, we will huddle up and hide in these trenches.  There was a particularly fierce fight that day, and both of them were frightened.  Avril wrote in her diary:

    "The enemy attacked again, and they had to retreat into the woods. The attack was so fierce that they really didn't know if they could come out alive. I was thinking: "Is this the only way to go?"  Is this the end?  Will they die here?  "Fortunately, they escaped unscathed in the end, which made them relieved, but I am still very worried about the future"

    Avril Lavigne has realized how dangerous their journey is and how much danger they have to risk to return to their mother.  When they came out of the woods, I saw a group of soldiers talking to a foreign man. The man was tall and wearing a dark coat. There was a signal of danger in the air.  A German officer shouted and questioned his identity, "Where are your papers?" The officer was obviously angry and took out a pistol from his belt.

    Avril quickly moved her body to block my view, but it was too late.  I saw the whole process of the officer aiming and shooting at the man, heard the sound of the pistol firing, and saw the whole process of the man's body slowly collapsing and falling heavily to the ground. He lay there and moved.  Without moving, the blood slowly flowed out of his chest, eventually turning into a pool of blood.  Avril took her sister's hand and quickly pulled her towards her and continued to move forward, but Blue Love was shaking from head to toe.

    "Don't think about it, sister, forget what you saw and think about happy things." She whispered.

    They walked along the road and gradually moved away from the place where they had just witnessed the terrible incident.  Avril Lavigne started singingCome on, after a while, Blue Love also tried to forget the terrible scene he just saw, and sang along with Avril Lavigne.

    On the way they passed a place that was a battlefield just a few minutes ago.  That horrific scene is hard to let go of.  There were wounded and injured soldiers everywhere, and field ambulance personnel carried the injured one by one into vehicles; tanks and armed vehicles were scattered everywhere, some of them were still smoking, and some were still burning; ambulance personnel were running around carrying stretchers.  , lifting the injured soldier, the air was filled with the painful groans of the soldiers, and occasionally there were sharp cries caused by severe pain.  Some soldiers crouched beside those who were motionless and appeared to be dead.

    "What are they doing?" Blue asked Avril Lavigne 2.  He checked to see if those people were still alive.  If they were no longer alive, they would remove the name tags from the soldiers.  All soldiers will wear a tag on a chain around their necks to identify them, so that if something unexpected happens to them, their families can be notified promptly.  "

    Blue Love¡¯s eyes widened.  "Please, please," she began to pray, please don't let them receive any news like this, don't let Dad lie somewhere with his name tag removed and tell them that his mission in this war has been completed.  Done and will never come back to them again.

    ?Bruai was thinking at the time, and I still wonder even now, whether these soldiers would place the corpses of their comrades and the corpses of enemy soldiers together and bury them in the same graves?  In later days, she learned a German proverb: "They mourn their dead, and they have found their peace."

    Whenever this scene appears in front of her, she will say this to herself.

    They staggered out of the battlefield. Leaving this sad place made them feel slightly relieved.  On the way they met two soldiers and luckily they were traveling with them and knew which direction to go.  Through their introduction, the sisters knew that they were Mr. Ostman and Officer Stern.

    They took the sisters to the village of Grafina, a small village near Oberium. There was a hospital here, and they persuaded the hospital staff to provide the sisters with a room for the night.  They were then taken to a room with only two beds, so the two soldiers ended up sleeping in one bed, while Blue Love and Avril slept in another bed.  At this time, the two sisters were very tired, and they knew how rare it was to sleep on the bed at this time. Especially after sleeping in a deep ditch for a night, they had no extra energy to mind this arrangement, and besides, these two  They are all young men of good moral character.

    They sleep with all their clothes on, even their boots.  They say this is important because danger is everywhere and you have to be ready to run for your life at any time.  Blue Love had never slept in the same room with strangers before. Everything felt new and interesting, especially when she heard the snoring of one of them. She thought of her father. She had heard his snoring, but  That seemed like a long time ago.

    After a while, she was awakened by the sobs and cries of wounded soldiers in the hospital ward. Another memory permanently lingered in her mind, lingering: the poor hygiene, the smell of disinfectant, and the rupture.  , wounds stained with blood.  Their door was left ajar, perhaps for emergency escape in case of danger, as the two soldiers said before.  The faint light coming from the corridor occasionally allows me to see the doctors and nurses passing by. They cast shadows on the ground, which first gradually grew larger and then filled the entire corridor, then gradually weakened until they finally disappeared.  I prayed devoutly to God, thanking Him for not letting them get hurt or experience any pain, and slowly she fell asleep again.

    It was undoubtedly much more comfortable here than sleeping in a ditch, even if she and Avril were squeezed into the same single bed.  But they still let themselves have a good sleep, and set off the next day to prepare for departure. The two men also followed them on the road. The sisters were very happy to have their company. They both felt that they would be safer with them. Although this  It was probably an illusion, as their uniforms were more likely to cause enemy troops to fire on them than if they were walking alone.  However, they believed that even if they were not with them, if the enemy found them both, they would still kill them, so there was not much difference.

    The day's journey was still very long, and they still had to work hard to avoid the flames of war and the air raids above their heads, so when the town finally appeared in front of them, they became extremely excited.

    Mr. Ostman is quite familiar with this area. "My sister lives in Oberium" he said in a daze, "I think she will be willing to help you."

    He is right.  They deserveAfter arriving in the town, he took them to his sister's house, who very kindly arranged a place for them to spend the night.  The house next door to hers was bombed, but the wine stored in the cellar miraculously escaped damage, and she later sent them a few bottles of wine.  The place where they spent the night was in the basement of a large villa, which the owner and his family had made into a comfortable residence.

    Because it is underground, there are no windows in the room, but the layout of the room is very elegant.  The family had children, and even though the children were already asleep when they arrived, the owner still gave them their toys to play with.  There's also a makeshift kitchen with a stove in the basement, and there's even an underground shower and toilet, where every towel is embroidered with a yellow duck.  Everyone was given an inflatable camp sleeping pad, pillow and blanket.  Avril and I moved their "bed" to the corner together and drew the curtains around it to give us more privacy.  Although this place is not large, it is warm, comfortable and makes people feel safe.

    Every night, Avril would stay with Blue Love until her sister fell asleep. She would also massage her sister's feet, especially after they walked all day. Their feet always felt heavy and difficult to lift.  The buttocks will also be extremely sore, and Avril Lavigne will always give her sister some massage at this time to relax the overly tense muscles.  At the same time, Avril Lavigne will always say something to comfort her sister. She has an optimistic attitude towards everything.  !

    "This is the pain that must be experienced in growing up." She would say: "And if you do this kind of exercise and exercise regularly, you will grow taller!"

    After Avril gave her sister a massage, Blue Love¡¯s fatigue and various aches and pains always felt a lot lessened.  Even in extremely chaotic situations, Avril Lavigne can come up with great ways to calm her sister down and make Blue Love feel safe.  She is Blue's support, and she will always hold onto her sister tightly in the evil sea full of reefs.  Sometimes after she massaged her sister's feet at night, Blue Love would also ask to massage her sister's feet, and she would readily agree.

    "It's great." She would always say with a smile: "It's so comfortable."

    Although in fact the strength of Blue Love's little hands could only touch the surface of her skin, she would always gently tell her that she felt much better afterward.

    Avril was very worried that lice would grow on her sister's head, so every night she would carefully comb her hair and then re-tie her braids, and she would comb it very hard.  This always reminds Blue Love of her mother, who would retie her braids like this every night at home, muttering in her mouth that she was playing like a wild child and that her hair was all tangled.  .  Blue loves to long for my mother to help me comb my hair again, even if she asks her to read me a few words at the same time.

    After I fell asleep that night, Avril and her two friendly military friends drank and chatted together. She recorded that pleasant night in her diary.

    Early the next morning, they got up to prepare for departure and said goodbye to Officer Stern and Mr. Ostman.  At half past seven, they were on the road again.  It had been two weeks since they had changed their clothes, and they even slept in their clothes at night. Fortunately, Avril had towels and soap, and she had also confirmed that Blue Love had cleaned her teeth.  If there is a house where they can stay overnight, they can use the toilet and bathroom there.  But if they are on the road, then they don't even have to use toilet paper. Gradually, they become very good at identifying large soft leaves along the way, and they will pick up some such leaves on the road for emergencies.

    For them, walking is not very difficult, and they have so much mandatory rest time. Whenever they encounter air raids, they have to squat under bushes or lie flat on the ground.  When Blue Love really feels tired, Avril will still have firm confidence and treat Blue Love as an adult. If not, Blue Love might have given up long ago.

    They had a few bottles of wine left, and Avril put them in her backpack because they were too heavy to put in the trolley.  She recorded in her diary:

    "These bottles of wine were really heavy. My back hurt so much that I wanted to take them out and put them on the roadside. Fortunately, just when I was about to throw away the wine, a large military truck stopped.  I gave them a ride. My sister sat on the lap of a soldier, and I sat between the two soldiers. When I saw the boy sitting on my right, an electric current ran through my back. He had a ten.  They have pretty faces and are very kind to little ones, and the care they give us is what we really need.

    I still remember us sitting in the truck.  The soldiers did everything they could to cheer me up, telling funny stories, making faces to make me laugh, and occasionally asking questions about myself and my family.  They also asked about my doll, and I told them its name was Charlotte, and then we formally introduced myself to Charlotte.?Introduce yourself.  Looking back now, I can fully understand their strong homesickness at that time, their desire for a normal family life, and their desire to be accompanied by their family.  They treated me very well. Unknowingly, I may have done them a favor, bringing a brief moment of childish innocence and laughter to their lives. I hope they can really get what they want from me.  desire.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  "

    The truck took them to a village, where they sought help from an asylum service center, which arranged a place to stay for the night.  They ended up spending the night in a large commune with a kitchen full of women and soldiers.  Soon they become friends with a young girl named Hana, and they find three beds connected together, which are actually three mattresses lined up against the wall.

    ¡°Where did you come from and where are you going?¡± Hana asked them.

    "They came from Bremen and are going to Berlin." Avril explained their situation: "What about you?"

    ¡°I had been sent to do wartime service, you know, working on the farm.

    But I told them that since the war was coming to an end, I had to go home. The farm owner and his wife agreed to let me leave, and now I want to return to my family.  "

    Hana is also someone who is trying to find a way to go home. She is in the same situation as them, which is great.

    They had a dinner before going to bed.  Avril wrote in her diary:

    "A soldier made dinner for my sister, me and Hana, and they were well taken care of. Then we enjoyed the last four bottles of wine together, and we raised our glasses together to pray for peace. Sometimes it's okay to ignore what's going on around us.  It¡¯s good not to think too much about what¡¯s going on right now and what might happen tomorrow.¡±

    But at this moment, a huge danger quietly came to the sisters!
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