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Volume 2: My Country Eight Hundred and Thirty-Five.  allied commando

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    The shrill air raid siren sounded without warning, and suddenly the place became a mess.

    Several enemy planes appeared, and then bombs fell one after another. "Rumble" explosions sounded everywhere, and the sky-high fire suddenly enveloped the place.

    The bullets fell to the ground with a "pop", and from time to time, people who were unable to dodge were hit and fell down.  Those who were injured screamed in pain from the pool of blood.

    Avril hugged her sister tightly and didn't dare to move. She was calling her parents' names in her heart, begging for their blessing.

    "Quick, come here!" Hana's urgent cry came over.

    The moment the enemy plane flew away overhead, Avril grabbed her sister and ran as hard as she could to Hana's hiding place.

    There was a girl who was about the same age as them and wanted to run over, but her luck was not that good. When she got up, an enemy plane appeared again.

    Avril will never forget that moment, that beautiful girl had holes all over her body.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Oh God, merciful God, please save us." Holding her sister who was crying loudly because of fear, Avril murmured desperately in her heart.

    She saw that the German soldiers who had brought her here were working hard to organize anti-aircraft firepower, and among them was the young soldier who made Avril's heart beat.

    Avril once asked his name implicitly. The soldier did not hide it and told her that his name was Chek. He had only joined the army not long ago and was being ordered to rush to Berlin for reinforcements.

    Avril was also silently praying for Cheek in her heart, hoping that the bullet would not hit him.  Such handsome and charming soldiers are always fascinating.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "The enemy, damn it, there is an enemy sneak attack!" The second lieutenant Kluman, who was commanding these German soldiers, cursed loudly.

    A large group of Allied commandos appeared in front. They continued to spray the place with firepower, and Germans continued to fall.

    The German soldiers quickly began to fight back, especially Chek, who acted very bravely.  The submachine gun in his hand spit out tongues of fire and killed an enemy in one go.

    But there were too many enemies coming, and their weapons were far more powerful than the German soldiers, and they gradually gained the upper hand.

    "Get out of here, get out of here!" Second Lieutenant Krugman shouted at those who were defenseless while fighting back.

    But where can they escape in such a situation?

    Someone took the risk and stood up, but was soon shot at by the enemy.  But amid the sad cry, Second Lieutenant Krugman's eyes were on fire: "Check, take two people and go to the left!"

    "Yes, Second Lieutenant!" Cheek responded loudly, braving the enemy's bullets and ducking to one side with his two companions, and then threw out a few grenades with force. Amidst the "boom-boom" explosion, the enemy's  The firepower disappeared briefly.

    "Get out of here, get out of here!" Lieutenant Krugman shouted again.

    The time the German soldiers bought gave the civilians a chance to finally leave this terrible place.

    Avril could have left with her sister, but he suddenly saw that Cheke was injured.  She hesitated for a moment and hid Blue Love in a relatively safe place: "Stay here, don't move!"

    Then, she rushed towards Chek, braving the enemy's fierce firepower.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    ¡°Sister¡ªAvril Lavigne!¡±

    Blue Love and Hana screamed almost at the same time, but at this time Avril had already rushed forward.  She saw Cheke moaning in pain while covering his thigh. She hurriedly tore off a strip of cloth from her clothes: "Don't move. I have studied medicine."

    "Thank you." A smile appeared on Cheke's face.

    ¡°Ah¡ª¡ª¡± Avril yelled. It turned out that a German soldier was gathered, and his body fell next to Avril.

    Avril¡¯s tears were about to fall, but she still tried her best to bandage Cheke¡¯s injury

    "It's over, it seems we can't get out." Chek soon discovered the dangerous environment they were in. The enemy's commando team had surrounded the place.  He sighed: "Little girl, you shouldn't have come to help me."

    "Where are our other troops?" It was only at this time that Avril became a little panicked.

    "It's just us, the other troops are surrounding Berlin." Chek looked a little sad: "I'm sorry, it was me who implicated you."

    "Check, don't say that." Although she was scared, Avril still said.

    Hana also came with Blue LoveHere, poor Blue Love was trembling all over. Avril hugged her sister: "Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

    But what can she do to protect her sister?

    "Chek, are you still alive?" Lieutenant Kluman's voice came over.

    "Second Lieutenant, I am still alive, but Paul and Hans are both dead. I only have three girls here."

    "Let them pick up their weapons. The enemy will be coming soon."

    "Second Lieutenant, but they are all girls!"

    "Hey, Chek, stop dreaming, the enemy will not let them go just because they are girls. Take up arms, no one will get out alive today!"

    Chek shrugged: "Girls, do you know how to use weapons?"

    "Ah, I can." Hana was the first to pick up the submachine gun, and then swept it out with a skillful sweep.

    Avril is a little ashamed. She doesn't have Hana's ability. She has never used a gun. Because of this, she probably can't help Chek.

    "It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter." Chek dragged his injured leg and moved himself to a favorable shooting position. "Look, I would be very grateful if you could help me collect the ammunition and grenades from the bodies of Paul and Hans."

    Avril nodded quickly.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The enemy's attack was very fierce, and German soldiers fell from time to time.  Those who escaped were lucky, but there were still a large number of Germans who could not successfully escape from here.

    If it were normal times, Second Lieutenant Krugman would have given up, but not today. There were still so many unarmed people who needed their protection.

    However, Lieutenant Krugman also knew that they had lost any hope.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Several more German soldiers fell, and Second Lieutenant Klumann was completely desperate.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  But at this moment, behind the enemy commando, intensive gunshots suddenly came, and then the enemy became a little confused.

    Second Lieutenant Kluman looked there in surprise, and then he saw several tanks appearing in a majestic manner!

    There, the flying flag was very familiar to Second Lieutenant Krumman. It was the unique skull battle flag of Germany's legendary army Skeleton Division!

    God, reinforcements, reinforcements showed up when they needed them most!

    The tank fired as if there was no one around, and the shells exploded in the enemy's ranks. The shock caused the enemies to wail.

    Then, a large number of German troops appeared!  Their numbers were far superior to the enemies, and they opened fire with both light and heavy firepower, leaving the enemies in a mess.

    "Reinforcements, our reinforcements have arrived!" Second Lieutenant Krugman shouted excitedly.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The sudden arrival of reinforcements caught this Allied commando off guard. They were brutally massacred by the Germans.  More than half died under fire.

    Seeing that there was no hope, the commander of the commando team quickly and consciously ordered the team members to stop resisting.

    Lieutenant Cluman breathed a long sigh of relief.

    A large number of Skeleton Division officers and soldiers quickly took control of the place. Then, an old-fashioned "Panther" tank slowly appeared. When the command tower opened and the people inside appeared, Second Lieutenant Krugman almost doubted whether he was dazzled:

    Two men wearing German marshal uniforms appeared!

    God, my God, I actually saw two marshals here?  And he is such a young marshal!

    "Second Lieutenant, name, unit number!" the young marshal in the lead asked majestically.

    "F. Kruman, second lieutenant commander of the 11th recruit company!"

    "What happened here?"

    "We were passing by here and were attacked by the enemy. Marshal, thank you for your rescue! Where are you going?"


    "Marshal, with all due respect, may I ask your name?"

    "Ernst Brahm."

    In an instant, the entire battlefield became quiet because of the appearance of this name.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Soldier, can your legs still support you walking?"

    When he saw the extremely respected Marshal Ernst appearing in front of him, with the help of Avril and Hana, Chek tried to stand up, his voice became trembling: "Marshal, II  You can go, my injury is not serious."

    "Very good, soldier, I need every member who can fight." Wang Weiyi nodded with satisfaction, and then his eyes fell on the girls around him: "Thank you for your support."The help of American soldiers.  Ah, girl, you look familiar. You look like someone I recognize. What's your name?  "

    Wang Weiyi was talking about Avril Lavigne, and he really felt like he had seen Avril Lavigne somewhere.

    "Mr. Officer, I am Avril Massman." Avril said with some fear. She has never seen such an old officer in her whole life.

    "Avril Massman?" Wang Weiyi's heart suddenly moved: "Where are you from?"


    "Is your mother's name Berni Massman?"

    "Ah, yes, Mr. Officer, do you recognize my mother?"

    Wang Weiyi let out a long breath, he now knows who this Avril is:

    That is the youngest daughter of Anna and her husband Dimelenko.  At that time, Wang Weiyi sent them safely to Germany and settled down anonymously in Bremen. From that time on, they became the "Masmann couple".

    "Yes, I recognize your mother" Wang Weiyi seemed to be lost in memories: "The first time I saw you, you were still a very, very little girl."

    Avril is a little confused. Mr. Officer, has he seen his mother?  Have you ever seen yourself as a child?  But Mr. Officer does look so young.

    "Is this Anah, the daughter that Berni gave birth to later?" Wang Weiyi looked at Bruai lovingly.

    "Yes, Mr. Officer.

    Wang Weiyi nodded: "I understand, from now on, you just stay with me."

    On this day, Avril and Blue Love have a new home.

    However, they would never think about the relationship between the military officer and their parents.

    The Skeleton Division did not set off immediately. They had to settle the wounded here and interrogate the American prisoners.

    Avril finally settled down. This was the first time that she and her sister had seen such a large army. She couldn't help but wonder whether any of these German soldiers would talk to his family after the war.  Passing by her and her sister, two very embarrassed looking guys, a young woman and a child! Carrying a white flag on their shoulders to prepare for surrender when encountering the enemy, they walked towards Berlin alone.

    Avril Lavigne wrote this passage in her diary:

    "I will never forget the first time we saw so many troops and soldiers. I was so petrified that I couldn't even look up at the cars and tanks, but when they threw some tasty treats at us  , my fear dissipated little by little.

    These soldiers set up folding tables and stools on the roadside and invited us to share their food.  We gratefully joined in and enjoyed a delicious meal of mashed potatoes, corn, and chicken.  They were all friendly and introduced themselves to us.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  During this journey, I was reminded of the rubber potted plant we used to have in our home in Bremen - a plant that grew like a monster with its claws and claws, stretching up to the ceiling and its branches.  Extending outward to the top of the window frame.  I didn't want something like that growing in my belly, so from that moment on, I was very careful when I ate gum.  Our own soldiers were all about us, but all the terror which had beset us for days had vanished, and we sang loudly and rejoiced.  "

    This is probably the same idea as every German here.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    But Wang Weiyi was not in such a good mood at this time. He had to figure out why this US commando appeared here.

    Wang Weiyi, who served as a cover in Ybor, quickly caught up with the large army and began to quickly get rid of the enemy and move towards Berlin.

    But right here, in this supposedly safe place, they actually encountered an enemy commando?  Why?  What is their mission?

    Lieutenant Colonel Naxon, the captain of the US commando team, was brought to Wang Weiyi. Wang Weiyi said straight to the point: "Tell me your mission.

    "We don't have any, Mr. Officer," Lieutenant Colonel Naxon responded.

    "Lieutenant Colonel, I am not a particularly patient person." Wang Weiyi was not in a hurry: "I am willing to maintain a benevolent attitude towards my enemies, but that must be based on the cooperation between the other party and me. Lieutenant Colonel, are you willing to be kind to my enemies?  Do I tell some truth?"

    "Mr. Officer, I don't have anything to say" Although the other party was wearing a marshal's uniform, Lieutenant Colonel Naxon simply did not believe that the young man in front of him could be a marshal, so he insisted on calling him "  "Mr. Officer".

      "Look, our cooperation is not particularly pleasant." Wang Weiyi looked a little regretful: "Then I can only start shooting your people, one every minute, until you are willing to speak."

    "No, you can't do that." Lieutenant Colonel Naxon's expression changed: "We are prisoners of war, and you cannot shoot prisoners of war who have surrendered."

    "Of course, I will strictly abide by the Prisoner of War Convention." Wang Weiyi smiled faintly: "But the Prisoner of War Convention is only for soldiers, but you have taken prisoners of war from time to time. They are just a group of spies trying to sneak into Germany to carry out sabotage. Ah,  I think if the Americans caught a German spy, they would not abide by any prisoner of war convention, right?"

    Lieutenant Colonel Nexon became nervous.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    They are really a group of soldiers, and they are soldiers responsible for special operations. However, under such circumstances, the other party can completely accuse themselves of being spies.

    "There are still thirty seconds left, prepare to execute the execution."

    Wang Weiyi's cold voice pierced Lieutenant Colonel Nexon's heart like a sharp knife. He finally gave up resistance: "Don't kill my people. I think I can tell you everything you want to know."

    Wang Weiyi smiled: "Then you can say it now."

    "We received an order directly from the Supreme Allied Command, ordering me to organize a group of elite special operations soldiers to lurk in the direction of Berlin. Our code name is 'Hunting Cat.' Mr. Officer, I don't know our mission, I swear.  £®  £®

    Wang Weiyi¡¯s brows twitched.

    Once we arrive at the designated location near Berlin, someone will pick us up and take us into Berlin.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  There we will receive new instructions.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    There is actually someone to support them in Berlin?  And can you bring so many enemies into Berlin?

    "What about the others?" Wang Weiyi continued to ask coldly.

    Lieutenant Colonel Naxon told everything he knew. When he passed by here, he happened to find the Germans here. Originally, Lieutenant Colonel Naxon thought that it would be easy to deal with the Germans here, but he couldn't.  No one expected that the Skeleton Masters would suddenly appear.

    "Get in touch with your superiors." Wang Weiyi thought for a moment and said, "Just say that you have killed all the Germans here and will continue to proceed according to the encounter plan."

    Lieutenant Colonel Nexon sighed and could only follow the officer's instructions.  What else can be done?  If they weren't greedy and didn't want to kill more Germans, this wouldn't have happened.

    While Lieutenant Colonel Naxon sent a telegram to contact the headquarters, Wang Weiyi fell into deep thought.

    Who in the end has been destroying Germany, and who is the murderer behind the scenes!
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