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Volume 2: My Country One Thousand Ninety-Seven.  independent prosecutor

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    In September 1966, too many incredible things happened in Europe and the United States.

    Those powerful figures in the British political arena fell one after another, and the entire Fenton government was already in a serious crisis, and the hijacking of the "Galaxy" only exacerbated this crisis.

    The situation in the United States is also not optimistic. The financial crisis spreading throughout the United States is getting worse. The U.S. economy is already on the verge of collapse. The subsequent "Lucy's Death Incident" and "Casri Academy Incident" have made the United States originally  The extremely acute racial issues were completely ignited.

    "The "Casry College Incident" not only failed to achieve the desired results due to the strong attack by the Auckland City Police, but instead caused the Auckland City Government to receive the most severe criticism from the public.  In this incident, 33 black people died and 6 were seriously injured. The white hostages at "Casri Academy" mysteriously disappeared together with other black people.  Mayor Duila and Director Douglas were so anxious that they couldn't wait to interrogate the arrested black people, but they got nothing.

    A black man who was being interrogated said contemptuously after being beaten: "You can beat me to death, but you can't get any information from me. Bobby is dead, but Huey can still lead us to continue fighting. Black people  The anger has been ignited, are you afraid, white people?¡±

    Duila and Douglas did feel a kind of fear, really afraid.  They had a vague premonition that a terrible storm was unfolding in Auckland.

    Yes, their premonition was not wrong. The "Casry College Incident" ignited the roar of all black people in Oakland. They chose to go on strike and march to support the members of the "Black Panther Party". This made the already grim situation  Auckland's economic situation has been hit even harder.  After Bobby and his companions died heroically, the fighting enthusiasm of the entire black population in Oakland was completely ignited, and the armed riot began!

    "Fight in the name of Bobby Seale"!

    In Oakland, Bobby Seale¡¯s name shines like lightning on every black person.  He is regarded as a hero for all black people, and his influence even exceeds that of Martin Luther King!

    The police in Oakland suppressed the blacks at Carsley College, but now they have to face more blacks who are armed and revolting!

    "Duela and Douglas were criticized angrily by the hostages' families. If it hadn't been for their recklessness, such a tragedy might not have happened.  A subsequent article by "Oakland News" reporter Brown made the hostages' families even more sad and angry:

    "Mayor Duila and Mayor Douglas once had the best opportunity to save this crisis, but the so-called dignity of white people made them categorically reject this opportunity. Bobby West, the leader of the 'Black Panther Party'  Er once walked out of Castle College and asked for an equal negotiation, but was flatly rejected by the arrogant Mayor Duila and the equally arrogant Director Douglas. This left the black people at Castle College with no choice.  Only the most extreme method can be used to protect one's fragile dignity. The tragedy can actually be resolved successfully with the joint efforts of Mayor Duila and Director Douglas.  I heard the sad cries of the hostages¡¯ families, and I saw the grief of all the mothers who lost their children. £®  £®

    'Every person who is a slave for possession of any State, or within any specified part of a State, whereof the people are yet in rebellion against the United States, commencing the first day of January, 1863, shall then and hereafter be free forever.  ; The administrative departments of the government of the Republic, including the navy and army authorities, will recognize and protect the freedom of these people, and will not take any action to suppress them when they or any of them make any efforts for their own freedom.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  NOW, THEREFORE, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, delegating the authority of Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States in time of armed rebellion against the authority of the United States, as a strategic measure appropriate and necessary for the suppression of said rebellion, do this in the year 1863.  On the 1st of the month of the month, a full one hundred days from the date first stated above, it was declared, for this purpose, that those now opposed to the United States were the following States, and the following districts of certain States, and their peoples:  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  For the purpose aforesaid, I do, by the exercise of the authority of my office, duly command and declare that all persons who are slaves in the said States, and in the said parts of some of the States, are now and hereafter shall be forever free; that the Government of the United States, including the authorities of the Navy and Army,  The freedoms of the said people will be recognized and preserved.  I now enjoin those who have been declared free to commit no unlawful act except where necessary in self-defense; and I advise them that, wherever possible, they should labor faithfully for a just wage.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  ¡¯

    &nbspEveryone knows that this is President Lincoln's "Emancipation Proclamation". In 1863, our country has given these black people freedom and equal human rights. However, after so many years, the status of black people has not been improved much.  However, the phenomenon of racial discrimination is getting worse.  Should we really do this?  Is this really fair to people who don¡¯t have the same skin color as us?

    Someone must be responsible for this sad incident, and the missing hostages must be found, and I don¡¯t think Mayor Duila or Director Douglas are qualified to accomplish all this.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    There is not much time left for us. Maybe Huey Newton, another leader of the Black Panther Party, is becoming more and more anxious. Maybe he has decided not to endure it anymore and avenge his dead brothers.  At least, that¡¯s what black people call their companions, ¡®brothers¡¯!

    ¡°White people in Oakland, white people in the United States, I think all of us need to reflect on our own behavior.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  "

    If this report had appeared before, not only would it not have attracted much attention, but Brown would have been denounced by those white people as "just another sensationalist reporter."  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  However, after the "Casry College Incident", the situation in Auckland and the United States has undergone very significant changes.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Outside the city government office building, countless family members waved copies of the Oakland Journal that published Brown's article and protested loudly. They demanded the immediate resignation of Mayor Duila and Director Douglas, and asked the city government to find a solution immediately.  The hostages demanded that their families return to them as soon as possible.

    Facing these angry crowds, Duila and Douglas were helpless. They could use force to deal with the black people, but all the people protesting outside were white people, and there were some very influential white people among them, such as Miles.  gentlemen.

    Doula knows that she is facing the biggest crisis and challenge since entering politics.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  He hoped that Douglas could give him some good advice, but Douglas was just like him and couldn't come up with any ideas.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "The Black Panther Party" and the hostages disappeared mysteriously. No matter how the police searched, they could never find any trace of them.  Just a few hours ago, President William called again. On the phone, President William reiterated his serious concern about the Oakland incident and sternly asked them to immediately solve the missing hostages. Otherwise, the White House will have to  Consider sending troops in.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Duila knew very well that if the army really entered, everything would become extremely troublesome.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Have you not thought of a solution yet, Mr. Director?" Duila asked angrily.

    Douglas shook his head helplessly: "All the police have been dispatched, but those niggas don't seem to exist in Oakland at all. We can't find them."

    "Is this the answer of a police chief?" Duila walked back and forth anxiously: "No, no, I don't need such an answer. What I need is to find those damn guys immediately!"

    The mayor¡¯s words sounded very light, but how could Douglas do this?

    "Another black riot occurred." At this time, the phone on the desk rang. Duila picked it up, paused for a while, and then said helplessly: "This is the third one that has happened today, and there are more.  There is a riot about to happen. Mr. Douglas, please tell me, what should we do now?¡±

    Heck, you are the mayor of this city, not me!  Douglas murmured in his heart, but tried his best to remain calm on his expression: "Mr. Mayor, believe me, everything will be solved. It is just a temporary difficulty at the moment. We can find the missing hostages, and we can  Solve the violence of all niggas."

    This is nonsense, but Mayor Duila cannot get angry because at this critical moment he has to rely on Douglas, an incompetent guy.

    "Mr. Mayor, Speaker Obak and Independent Counsel Mr. Terry request to see you immediately."

    At this time, Secretary Duila¡¯s words interrupted their negotiation. Duila was stunned for a moment, Speaker Obak?  Independent Counsel Terry?  What are they doing here?  But Duila quickly calmed down: "Let them come in."

    After Obak and Terry came in, Duila regained the smile on his face: "Mr. Speaker, Mr. Independent Prosecutor, welcome you."

    "Mayor Duila, the situation is very serious." No smile could be seen on Obake's face: "There have been many violent incidents again, and the whole of Auckland is in a state of chaos.It's about to become a battlefield. I really want to know, in such a critical situation, do you have any good ideas?  "

    "Of course, Mr. Speaker, it's just some minor street violence. We will handle it soon. You don't have to worry at all."

    "You call these minor violent incidents?" Obak stared at the mayor of Oakland in disbelief: "Do you really think nothing will happen? But according to what I know, those black people all have weapons.  , they even started shooting at the police who went to suppress it. Chief Douglas, you are here too. How many police officers and how many black people are there in Oakland? You can definitely say that we still have the National Guard, but those in the National Guard.  The black people are also starting to riot. If you ask me, the situation is getting out of control. £®

    "The truest answer is that the situation is still under our control" Duila did not want to show her weakness at this time: "In a week at most, the situation will return to normal. Those  The rioting niggas will soon be completely suppressed. Please go back and tell those respected congressmen that they have nothing to worry about.¡±

    Obak snorted coldly: "I hope you can keep your word, but what about the kidnapped hostages? When do you plan to rescue them?"

    This was the most troublesome thing for Duila. He forced a smile and said, "In one week, I can also promise you to rescue those hostages safely within one week."

    "I think you are lying, Mr. Mayor." Obak retorted mercilessly: "You have no clues so far. Where did the Black Panther Party go? Where are the hostages now? You have no clues at all.  I don¡¯t know. You ignored the pleas of the people of Oakland and the protests of the hostages¡¯ families. All you could think about was how to kill all the black people. Mr. Duila, this is how you messed up Oakland step by step!¡±

    "Please pay attention to your words, Mr. Speaker, you are talking to a mayor!" Duila said displeased.

    "And you are talking to a speaker." Obak's voice was so cold: "We have the right to maintain the security of a city, we have the right to know the truth, and we have the right to ensure the safety of our people, but you cannot fulfill it.  You must be accountable to everyone for the promises you made during the campaign.¡±

    Duila looked at him with a sarcastic face: "Then what do you want to do? Remove me? Mr. Speaker?"

    Surprisingly, Obak didn¡¯t say anything more. At this time, the independent prosecutor Terry, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said: "Mr. Mayor Duila, do you know Mr. Weller from the Weller Group?"

    Duila¡¯s eyelids twitched: ¡°Of course I recognize him, he and I are very good friends. He also funded me during the election campaign, everyone knows this.¡±

    "Of course, of course I know this." Terry said indifferently: "Then, I would like to ask you, after you were elected as the mayor of Auckland, have you ever used your privileges to seek personal gain for the Wheeler Group? Have you?  Have you ever obtained undue benefits from Mr. Weller?¡±

    Duila suddenly became extremely nervous.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Damn it, how could they investigate their relationship with Mr. Weller?  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He tried his best to sound calmer: "This is an insult to my personal reputation. Maybe I made some undue mistakes in my work, but from the moment I took this position, I have done my best.  I am serving this city. I have never betrayed my oath, and I have never taken anything that does not belong to me. I will take legal action for any insult to my personal reputation.¡±

    "That's your right, Mr. Mayor Duila." Terry said coldly: "But I must remind you that Mr. Weller has turned into a tainted witness, and we will prosecute you."

    Duila was completely stunned.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Please take care of yourself, Mr. Mayor." When leaving the office, Oback finally said: "Any attempt to destroy the beautiful city of Oakland is intolerable, and any attempt to harm the American people will be punished.  If you pursue it, the Oakland City Council will initiate impeachment against you, and you will receive the most fair trial!¡±

    The speaker and the independent prosecutor left, leaving only the dumbfounded Duila and the equally dumbfounded Douglas.  They had no idea that things would take such a dramatic turn.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  What should they do now?  What can they do now?  Duila and Douglas's minds went blank.  ??.  £®  £®  £®  Parliament will impeach Doila, and prosecutors will prosecute Doila. Is everything going to end here?  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Duila was unwilling to look at Douglas: "We are going to have something happen, something big. Douglas, there is only one way now, kill Terry and Weller, they are the only ones who have our evidence."  !¡±

    "No, Mr. Mayor, it's not us, it's you." Douglas actually said this at this critical moment: "I have never received any stolen money, and I will not kill anyone for you, no, absolutely not!  I made a mistake, I will resign and accept the investigation. At most, I will receive some punishment, but not like you, maybe a long life behind bars is waiting for you. "

    ?????? Duila could not have imagined that her ally would actually say such a thing, nor could she have imagined that Douglas would actually abandon her at this time.  He roared angrily, but this did not affect Douglas at all:

    "Mr. Mayor, I think what you should do now is not to yell, but to consider how to deal with the prosecutor's accusations. I am very worried about you. Ah, there are many things waiting for me in Auckland. I'm leaving.  ¡±

    With that said, he really left here in a hurry.

    "Traitor, traitor!" Duila shouted loudly, but he was powerless.  Even Douglas betrayed him, what choice did he have?  Is he really going to the dock like this?  No, Duila will never give in.

    But, he doesn¡¯t have much power left for him to choose!  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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