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Volume 2: My Country One Thousand Ninety-Eight.  court!

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    The situation in Oakland is gradually getting out of control, and black people across the city have been involved in major riots.

    The heroic battle of the "Black Panther Party" gave every black man in Oakland hope and courage. They already knew exactly what methods to use to fight for their rights.

    If you don¡¯t die in battle, you will perish in silence!

    When the weak side is forced into desperation, the energy they unleash is quite astonishing.

    The accusations against Mayor Duila have also quietly changed the situation in Auckland.

    The attention of the entire United States is on Oakland. They want to see how the situation here will develop. They want to see how the struggle between blacks and whites will end.  Soon, however, the entire nation's attention shifted to New York.

    The protagonist of the "Lucy's Death Incident" - Shukakko, the son of General Gundla, the top commander of the United States in the UK, will be interrogated on this day.

    This is one of the things that countless Americans are most concerned about, especially for black people.  Lucy's death started a new wave of black struggle. It can be said that this incident was the trigger for all black struggles.

    Shukakko has a profound background. He is the son of a general, and more importantly, the war has reached its most critical moment. The U.S. government must rely on General Gandra's outstanding command on the battlefield to win the war.  possibility.  Therefore, under such circumstances, a piece of news is quietly circulating in New York and even the entire United States:

    Due to the intervention of some special forces, Shukakko will eventually be acquitted.

    To be honest, the reliability of this news is still questionable. After all, all the personal and material evidence are seriously detrimental to Shukakko. Whether he can successfully escape is worthy of scrutiny.

    The New York Times published this report:

    "The eyes of Lady Justice are not blinded. The laws of the United States will definitely give a murderer a just trial, regardless of whether the person he killed is white or black, whether his father is a worker or a general, Shukakko - must be punished!  We believe that not only the entire New York is waiting for this trial, but the entire United States, the entire Europe, and the entire world are waiting for this trial! We look forward to seeing Shukakko appear on the trial stand, and then the jury will reach a unanimous verdict!  He is guilty! This is not because we have any prejudice against Shukakko, but if justice cannot be served, it will be the greatest shame for the United States!¡±

    This report gives people a preconceived feeling that Shukakko is guilty. Only by convicting Shukakko can justice be done.

    On September 29, 1966, the trial of the "Lucy's Death Incident" finally began.

    The famous "Jestan Law Firm" in the United States took on the responsibility of defending Shukakko.  This is a well-known law firm in the United States. They have won countless cases, including many cases that seemed impossible to win at all. They have also been reversed under their defense.  Of course, the fees of this law firm are so high that most people cannot afford it.  So another mysterious rumor leaked out. The forces behind General Gandra were preparing to help the general win the final victory in this trial at all costs.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Those in the military will never let Shukakko be found guilty to affect General Gandra's mood about war command.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Carter and Randolph, the two most famous lawyers of "Jestan Law Firm", took on the important task of defending Shukakko.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    That day, countless reporters showed up. They were anxiously waiting for the outcome of the trial. When Carter and Randolph got out of the car, they were quickly surrounded by reporters.

    "We have nothing to say before the trial begins." Carter and Randolph only said this and hurried into the court.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The trial began as scheduled, and witnesses were summoned one by one. When the three main parties in the "Lucy's Death Incident", Stuke, Peter, and Terr, suddenly appeared in the auditorium, there was an uproar in the auditorium.  boos.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Prosecution lawyer Bart first asked the three defendants, and the answers of the three defendants were exactly the same. They got together that night, and at Shukakko's suggestion, they decided to rob to get some money, and then they met  Black Lucy.  Shukakko was the first to start beating Luci, and he beat him the hardest. They beat him for about twenty minutes, until Luci stopped moving.  The three of them were very scared at the time, but Shukake told them as if nothing was wrong:

    "It's just a damn nigger killed. No one cares how a nigger died."?.  £®  £®  £®  £®  "

    The testimony of the three defendants once again aroused boos in the auditorium, and a numb, indifferent and cruel Shukak has been sketched out.

    After Bart finished asking, Carter stood up: "Mr. Stuke, are you sure that the entire incident was planned by Shukakko?"

    "Yes, sir, not only did he plan it, but he was the one who took the initiative." Stuka's answer was very affirmative: "At that time, we also tried to persuade him to forget it, but Shukakko refused to listen at all.  Moreover, he picked up a long wooden stick and beat the black man hard. This is what we saw in the newspaper.

    "Lying, he's lying." Shukakko, sitting next to Randolph, said angrily.

    "Quiet, Shukakko." Randolph didn't care at all: "Things have just begun."

    "I beat Lucy severely with a wooden stick." Carter showed a mysterious smile on his face: "I would like to ask Mr. Bart, in the evidence provided by the prosecutor, why there was no mention that this stick might be a road  The stick that was the main evidence of Xi¡¯s death?¡±

    Bart¡¯s expression suddenly changed. Damn it, Stuck, Peter, and Terr never mentioned any sticks. Why did they suddenly mention such a key piece of evidence here?

    "I would like to call Officer Leeson as a witness."

    Carter's request was approved. When Officer Leeson sat on the witness stand, Carter quickly asked: "Officer Leeson, can you tell us where Lucy's fatal injuries were?"

    "Of course." Lison nodded: "He was hit by multiple blunt objects, the most fatal injury being on the head. We found a baseball bat at Shukakko's home with the victim's name on it.  The blood stains became the most important evidence for the police to identify Shukakko as the main perpetrator."

    "Gentlemen, please note that what the police found in Shukakko's home was a baseball bat" Carter raised his voice: "And Mr. Stuck just proved that Shukakko used  A wooden stick hit the victim hard. There is a fundamental difference between a baseball bat and a wooden bat. £®I want to remind the judge and the jurors that they agreed to rob.  Would they go home specifically to get a baseball bat? No, this is completely inconsistent with normal people's thinking. Before the robbery happened, they didn't know whether the person they were going to rob was a white person or a black person, and they didn't think about themselves at all.  He would beat the opponent. And this baseball bat did not appear in any of the prosecutor's evidence. The police only relied on the witness's so-called confession and a baseball bat stained with the blood of the alleged victim to accuse my then-man of being the murderer. This is completely wrong.  It was an irresponsible act and my client Shu Kakko was arrested under an unfair situation.¡±

    Bart knew that his unfavorable side was beginning to appear.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  With Carter and Randolph's experience, they can completely grasp the difference between a wooden bat and a baseball bat and make a big fuss about it.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He made a request to the judge for a temporary adjournment, which was granted by the judge.  Later, in the judge's office, Bart made a request for reconciliation. They promised that they would not demand the death penalty, but would only impose a life sentence on Shukakko, with the possibility of bail after 25 years, in exchange for Shukakko's guilty plea.  However, this settlement proposal was quickly and firmly rejected by Carter and Randolph.

    Settlement talks failed, and when the trial resumed, Carter's replacement, Randolph, quickly became aggressive.  He called a witness, George, a bartender at the counter.

    When summoned by the police, Shukakko once told the police that he was drinking in this bar at the time, and also chatted with the bartender George, but George categorically denied that Shukakko had appeared in the bar that night.  .

    "Mr. Shukakko often comes to the bar to sit for a while" George said in front of everyone: "But on the night of the incident, Mr. Shukakko did not appear in the bar. I  I didn¡¯t pay attention until the police found me. I thought about it carefully and I was sure of what I said.¡±

    Randolph came to him: "George, do you think Mr. Shukakko is a generous man?"

    "Huh?" George was startled for a moment, then slowly shook his head.

    Randolph smiled: "Yes, my client is not a generous person, there is no doubt about that. George, I think your girlfriend's name is Sally?"

    Seeing George nodded, Randolph said slowly: "On the night of the incident, you left work early because you had a date with your girlfriend. During the date, you were so much like Sally  He said, 'That stingy Shukake didn't give me a tip when he came here today. I really hope he goes out.Sometimes you can get hit by a car¡¯.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Mr. George, what have you ever said?  "

    George¡¯s expression changed drastically, and Bart quickly stood up: ¡°Objection, I object to the defense lawyer asking questions that have nothing to do with this case.¡±

    "This has a lot to do with it!" Randolph said calmly: "This will prove that my client is innocent."

    The judge looked at the two lawyers and said: "The objection is invalid, the defense lawyer can continue to ask questions."

    Randolph didn't pause at all: "Mr. George, your curse worked. My client was not hit by a car, but was involved in a homicide that had nothing to do with him. You admitted that you said this  Do you want me to bring your girlfriend Sally to the witness stand?"

    George¡¯s complexion turned extremely pale in an instant.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Randolph was not willing to let it go: "Mr. George, you swore before taking the witness stand. I hope you can tell us the truth!"

    George's lips began to tremble, and he said tremblingly: "Yes, Mr. Shukakko did come to the bar that night. He drank until about 10 o'clock and left, and then I also got off work. Ah, I didn't mean to commit perjury.  "Officer Leeson then found me and told me that I had to say this or I would get myself into trouble."

    With a "boom", the entire jury box and auditorium were completely in chaos.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Quiet, quiet!" The judge had to raise his voice to keep the scene quiet.

    "Nonsense!" When Police Lisson was summoned again, his face was deformed with anger: "I have never threatened anyone. That's what George told me when I found him that day. No,  I swear, I never threatened George, why would I do this?"

    "Because your wife is a black man!" Randolph suddenly shouted: "Dear jurors, Officer Leeson's wife is a black man. As we all know, black people do not receive fair treatment in our country.  Including Officer Leeson's wife. When Lucy died, Policeman Leeson was surprisingly angry. He seemed to see that his wife might be treated like this in the future, so he went crazy to find the murderer.  I think that just catching Stoke, Peter, and Terr is not enough to attract the attention of others. He must catch a more important murderer to attract the attention of the whole society. £®  Yes, who can attract more attention than a general¡¯s son?

    He glanced at Lison coldly: "Officer Lison once said, 'I must make Shukakko confess. No matter what the price, I must make Shukakko confess'  Officer Leeson, have you ever said that?"

    "Yes, that's what my colleagues and I said." Leeson did not deny this: "But the situation at the time was that Shukakko was the most suspicious person. What I meant was to find  the truth"

    "The truth is that you wrongly accused an innocent young man!" Randolph interrupted: "As you can see, my client Shukakko is still just a young man. Yes, he is impulsive and has bad habits.  Records, was caught by Officer Leeson many times, but was released each time due to insufficient evidence, so Officer Leeson hated this young man. He always wanted to throw Shukakko into prison, but he  No good solution was found. However, Luci's death provided him with the best opportunity, and the first thing that came to his mind was to involve Shukaku.£®  "

    "No, I have never thought about it that way!" Lison almost roared: "I don't deny that I have had the idea of ????putting Shukakko in jail. What kind of person is sitting there? Taking drugs, robbing,  I caught him more than ten times for stealing, but every time I received a call from some special department asking me to release Shukakko immediately. I am just a little policeman. I have no way to fight against those big guys, so although  I was not willing to do anything, but I could only watch Shukake disappear from my sight. But I never wanted to involve him in the murder case.  My conscience will never allow me to do this!¡±

    "Justice and conscience?" Randolph sneered: "The so-called justice and conscience means that you did something that a police officer should not do."

    Having said this, he came to the main witness Stuke: "Mr. Stuke, you said you met Shukakko in a bar two years ago, right?"

    Stuker seemed a little flustered: "Yes, yes, we met two years ago."

    Randolph thenAfter asking Peter and Ter, they got the same answer. At this time, Randolph smiled slightly: "Ah, two years ago, two years ago, I remember I met my current wife two years ago,  Then we fell in love, got married, and had a lovely child the next year. I still remember that two years ago I won a lawsuit that outsiders thought was impossible to win. That lawsuit brought my reputation to a new level.  vertex"

    He suddenly recalled his past, which made everyone wonder what he wanted to do. Suddenly, Randolph put away his smile: "Two years ago, my client Shukakko was in Cleveland.  Yes, Cleveland! His father, General Gandra, forcibly sent him to Cleveland's army, hoping that the life in the army would change his son. Shukako stayed there for a full year and a half.  , but unfortunately, instead of making any changes according to his father's wishes, he was kicked out of the army for multiple serious violations of military discipline! His father was very disappointed. From that time on, he was very disappointed with his behavior.  The son, my client Shukako, is completely disappointed. You can investigate this clearly in the army where Cleveland Shukako serves. Mr. Stuke, Mr. Peter, and Mr. Terr, you said it was between two parties.  For those who knew Shukakko years ago, were you also in the army at that time? "

    Stoke, Peter, and Ter all began to tremble.

    "There is only one truth, and that is that they are lying!" Randolph said loudly: "Stuker, Peter, and Terre are lying. I don't know why they are doing this. Maybe there is something between them and Mr. Shukakko.  Personal vendetta, maybe they were threatened in some way, but no matter what, they were all lying!¡±

    The whole court was now strangely quiet.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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