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After being forced to ascend the throne  I became

After being forced to ascend the throne  I became 最新章节列表,After being forced to ascend the throne  I became 全文阅读

category Sci-fiauthor MoRanShuangHuastatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 255638 Wordslatest update 2023-10-05
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After being forced to ascend the throne  I became Brief introduction:

The author (Mo Ran Shuanghua)'s classic novel: "After being forced to ascend the throne, I became popular in the interstellar world" full-text reading service for free, this site is updated in a timely manner, and there are no pop-up ads.  Resurrection, the awakening ability of human beings on a large scale.  In 2022, alien civilizations discover the earth and conduct observations.  In 2025, Earth applies for a civilization check and joins the Star Alliance.  Su Yu has been weak and sick since he was a child. Even if the earth enters the recovery of spiritual energy, it can't heal his body. However, he has awakened a strange ability. This ability is a system.  Raise your arms and call, and thousands of handsome men and women will stand up to welcome the Queen back to her throne.  Su Yu felt that his supernatural ability was outrageous, even if he became king, not to mention thousands of handsome men and beauties, the most outrageous ones were women.

      Keywords:After being forced to ascend the throne  I became MoRanShuangHua After being forced to ascend the throne  I became Read the full text After being forced to ascend the throne  I became TXT download

      After being forced to ascend the throne  I became latest chapter:Together forever

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