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Enter the stars

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category Sundriesauthor DianWustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3456618 Wordslatest update 2024-03-15
total hits 27Month hits 2Week hits 1
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Enter the starsBrief introduction:

"What? You said that a rogue planet will rush into the solar system?..." "...What does that have to do with us?" ... ... ... ... The giant lizard beast is raising its head, staring with a pair of scarlet eyes the size of a lake.  looking at the sky.  ????A rocky planet so huge that it covers half the sky, just hanging in the sky, with a diameter of one million kilometers...

      Keywords:Enter the stars DianWu Enter the starsRead the full text Enter the starsTXT download

      Enter the starslatest chapter:Volume 3 Alien Civilization on Earth Chapter 173 Results

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