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The most powerful soldier in the Three Kingdoms

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category Historicauthor LuZhouYustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 5695029 Wordslatest update 2024-04-09
total hits 11Month hits 1Week hits 1
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The most powerful soldier in the Three KingdomsBrief introduction:

In troubled times, when fighting, men should rule the roost!
The Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty is an eternal theme for passionate men, because this is an era when heroes emerged in large numbers and countless legends were created.
??The white-horse righteous follower who is unparalleled in riding and shooting; the unstoppable warrior who reaches the dead first; the invincible trapped camp; the world-famous tiger and leopard cavalry...
Famous generals are like rain, and powerful soldiers are like forests!
In the chaotic world, they galloped across the land of the Central Plains, setting off boundless beacon smoke.
Who is the strongest?
In the first year of Chuping, all the heroes from Guandong came together to attack Dong!
At the right time, Wang Yu, a special soldier, traveled through time and space and landed in this troubled world, becoming an unknown son of a prince.
The forefront of the war is Mengjin Ferry, an ancient ferry on the Yellow River.
The legend of the most powerful soldier begins here...

      Keywords:The most powerful soldier in the Three Kingdoms LuZhouYu The most powerful soldier in the Three KingdomsRead the full text The most powerful soldier in the Three KingdomsTXT download

      The most powerful soldier in the Three Kingdomslatest chapter:Volume 1: A man is born in troubled times, and he should rule the roost in troubled times. Chapter 3

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