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The Confucian Sage of Prehistoric Times

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category Wuxiaauthor TaoYuanXianRenstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1762463 Wordslatest update 2024-04-08
total hits 16Month hits 2Week hits 1
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The Confucian Sage of Prehistoric TimesBrief introduction:

When the human race was born, the prehistoric world was at a time when lichs were at war and hundreds of races were competing for hegemony.
In such a prehistoric world, how will the human race survive?
Looking at the evolution of the civil and military ways of the human race, hundreds of schools of thought appeared in ancient times and created a world for the human race.

      Keywords:The Confucian Sage of Prehistoric Times TaoYuanXianRen The Confucian Sage of Prehistoric TimesRead the full text The Confucian Sage of Prehistoric TimesTXT download

      The Confucian Sage of Prehistoric Timeslatest chapter:Volume 1 Ancient Human Race Chapter 465 Infinite World

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