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My career in the Republic of China

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category Historicauthor QianJinDingstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2975009 Wordslatest update 2024-04-13
total hits 10Month hits 2Week hits 1
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My career in the Republic of ChinaBrief introduction:

Having no choice but to come to this era that is unbearable to look back on, the confused Suri doesn't know how to face all this suddenness.
He kept wandering in struggle and confusion. He had never held a real gun since he was a child. During the war, he gradually learned to kill and take responsibility.
This is him, a little man’s struggle history.

      Keywords:My career in the Republic of China QianJinDing My career in the Republic of ChinaRead the full text My career in the Republic of ChinaTXT download

      My career in the Republic of Chinalatest chapter:Text Chapter 238 Protecting Tengyun City

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