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The Genius Leader of the Xianxia World

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category Wuxiaauthor CuiCanDeHuoYanstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2837060 Wordslatest update 2024-04-13
total hits 47Month hits 2Week hits 0
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The Genius Leader of the Xianxia WorldBrief introduction:

A weapon spirit who was beaten and lost most of his memory, and carrying a tattered Taoist weapon, met a young man who had inexplicably traveled through time and was forced by his senior sister to become a master.
The Seven Sects of Cultivation have stood for thousands of years, and his sect is just an unknown mountain peak that has existed for hundreds of years. How can he, a nobody in the world of cultivators, lead the low-level casual cultivators in the sect?  Survive it.
How should he gain a foothold in this cruel world of cultivation and revitalize the world of mortals?
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The Ten Levels of Qi Training - [Inducing Spirits] [Gathering Spirits] [Spiritual Consciousness] [Extending Pulses] [Opening Apertures] [Huiyuan] [Five Elements] [Soothing the Mind] [Fetal Breathing] [Building the Foundation]
There will be an introduction in the realm book later.
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      Keywords:The Genius Leader of the Xianxia World CuiCanDeHuoYan The Genius Leader of the Xianxia WorldRead the full text The Genius Leader of the Xianxia WorldTXT download

      The Genius Leader of the Xianxia Worldlatest chapter:Volume Five: Famous in the Great World of Conferred Gods Chapter 736: The Final Chapter - Coming fro

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