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category Historicauthor XieZiDeMoNaistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4959843 Wordslatest update 2024-04-18
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ZhudingBrief introduction:

Seeing this paradoxical world, he looked around blankly...
I originally intended to live a peaceful life, but the sword struck and my loved ones died.  If you want to take revenge, you can only use the sword immediately...
The emperor lost his deer and the whole world chased him away, and he wanted to compete with the heroes of the world!
Men, you should be at the top of your game, overlooking all living beings!
This is the history of a man's rise. He gradually embarks on the path of becoming a hero. Let's ask the importance of Jiuding!  !

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      Zhudinglatest chapter:Text Chapter 754

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