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Holy Soul Gun God

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category Fantasyauthor ChongXinFeiQiLaistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1207496 Wordslatest update 2024-07-10
total hits 11Month hits 2Week hits 0
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Holy Soul Gun GodBrief introduction:

In the Holy Soul Continent, the Holy Soul is revered. Those with the Holy Soul talent will awaken the Holy Soul and obtain companion Horcruxes at the age of sixteen.
Horcruxes include weapons, creatures, and other things. Although every Horcrux is exactly the same, every Horcrux has extremely magical abilities and growth.
Liu Feng traveled to the Holy Soul Continent and was sent to the army for offending a nobleman. However, he awakened the Holy Soul by chance, and his accompanying Horcrux was a hot weapon that had never appeared in the Holy Soul Continent—  -gun!
The sound of a gunshot is the enemy’s nightmare and the most beautiful sound in Liu Feng’s ears.
This is the story of a gun god.

      Keywords:Holy Soul Gun God ChongXinFeiQiLai Holy Soul Gun GodRead the full text Holy Soul Gun GodTXT download

      Holy Soul Gun Godlatest chapter:Volume 3 Castlevania in the Fog Chapter 250 Finale

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