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If you tease me again  you will die [quick wear]

If you tease me again  you will die [quick wear]最新章节列表,If you tease me again  you will die [quick wear]全文阅读

category Romanceauthor ChaoBeistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 910261 Wordslatest update 2023-08-17
total hits 56Month hits 3Week hits 1
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If you tease me again  you will die [quick wear]Brief introduction:

Provide free reading service for the full text of the latest chapter of the author's (Chao Bei) classic novel: "Fucking Again and You'll Die [Quick Transmigration]". This site is updated in a timely manner and has no pop-up advertisements.  , Li Yu was assigned to a new department, the Villain Control Center.  The villains have good looks and legs, good waists and kidneys, but the risk factor is too high, and if they disagree with each other, they will die.  In this regard, Brother Li expressed his truth.  ...Hey, where is your life-saving toolbox?  [Urgent reminder: In each world, the host's universal toolbox must be reopened, and the secret language is the villain's earthy love story.  ] Li Yu: Is it too late to resign now?  Villain: Be good, let me tell you something about love.  Li Yu: ... Note: 1. Strong desire for control, paranoid Gong x crazy collection of love words 2. 1v1, Gong is the same person, without any blood relationship 3. The author is logically dead, please click cross if you mind.  in addition,

      Keywords:If you tease me again  you will die [quick wear] ChaoBei If you tease me again  you will die [quick wear]Read the full text If you tease me again  you will die [quick wear]TXT download

      If you tease me again  you will die [quick wear]latest chapter:I became the head waiter 07

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