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Sparrow Pavilion 1

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category Historicauthor Taibo's Meritstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 533752 Wordslatest update 2023-08-10
total hits 789Month hits 3Week hits 0
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Sparrow Pavilion 1Brief introduction:

Sparrow Pavilion," as the Empire's highest covert agency and the clandestine division personally established by the Dark Emperor, is suffused with an aura of death. Alongside it, an extravagantly luxurious lifestyle also prevails.

"Sparrow Pavilion," shrouded in mystery and allure, casts a shadow in broad daylight and becomes a sharp blade in the darkness of night. Although it avoids political disputes, it directly answers to the highest authority! The existence of the "Sparrow Pavilion"

      Keywords:Sparrow Pavilion 1 Taibo's Merit Sparrow Pavilion 1Read the full text Sparrow Pavilion 1TXT download

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