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The Great Ditch King Arrives Seeking Welfare for

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category Historicauthor Master of the Starry Skystatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 73346 Wordslatest update 2023-08-12
total hits 88Month hits 0Week hits 0
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The Great Ditch King Arrives Seeking Welfare forBrief introduction:

Farming, Flirting, Teaching, Solving Cases, Exploring Nature, Alleviating Poverty, Seeking Welfare for the People! A life of elegance as a marquis, a timeless and charismatic king. Shilin, in order to break the curse plaguing his transmigrated family by the witch tribe's spirits, traversed five times, and stumbled four times... Writing a novel's journey is indeed challenging... Oh... Successfully transmigrating once is really...

      Keywords:The Great Ditch King Arrives Seeking Welfare for Master of the Starry Sky The Great Ditch King Arrives Seeking Welfare forRead the full text The Great Ditch King Arrives Seeking Welfare forTXT download

      The Great Ditch King Arrives Seeking Welfare forlatest chapter:Text Chapter 22 Master, Don't Laugh

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