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Article name Latest Chapter Author word count Update Status
Dust Array Volume 1: The Essentials of the Absolute Meridian Chapter 191: Passage to the Spirit World LuBanChe1 1612K 24-07-02 serializing
God Eater Array Volume 2: The Romance of Devouring Immortals Chapter 146: Warmth as ever LanSeYouPan 2999K 24-07-02 serializing
Great road to immortality Array Text Chapter 151: Introduction, Quiet Room Area ShouShuFeiLong 1064K 24-07-02 serializing
Ancient times Array Volume 1: Romance No matter Young or Young Chapter 36: Tuoba Appears in the Third Level AnShiZhangFei 1388K 24-07-01 serializing
shrine Array Songyan Fengyun Extra Chapter 3: The Chen family has a son, and he shows off his talents for the fir XiaoJinYu 21077K 24-07-01 serializing
Immortality in the palm of your hand Array Text Chapter 210: Cut off three lives and never exist again XiChangSheng 2020K 24-07-01 serializing
Immortal Path Sword Cultivator Array Volume Five: A Legend Postscript JunZiXunShui 9179K 24-06-30 serializing
supreme fire Array The new book [Six Brahma Gods] has been uploaded. There is a fee. If you don't mind, please don't re HuShuiJinYu 10121K 24-06-30 serializing
Immortal Phoenix Array Text Chapter 1,296 Finale XieZiBan 12190K 24-06-30 serializing
The most deadly weapon in the world Array Volume 1: There is a nunnery in the mountains, and there are Han people in the nunnery Chapter 66: A LiCangHai 662K 24-06-30 serializing
Encounter immortality Array Text Chapter 253: Plot to Kill Three Beast Spirits YiNianCangSheng 2472K 24-06-30 serializing
Rahu Array Text Chapter 264 (Ending 2 completed) The dragon team is in action LiBeiYu 6601K 24-06-30 serializing
Time travel in Liaozhai Array Volume 1 Laoshan Taoist Chapter 550 Collaborators TaXueAoGongChen 3577K 24-06-30 serializing
Taking my wife to wear ejaculation Array Volume 2 The plot unfolds Chapter 10 The honest and honest Guo Jing 昇Bo 454K 24-06-30 serializing
The Condor Heroes Array Text Chapter 273 Untitled YanQiu01 2172K 24-06-30 serializing
The Immortal of Fortune Array Volume 3: The Changeable Gods Chapter 489: Home is where the heart is (finale) YunFeng 5320K 24-06-30 serializing
The sword moves the mountains and rivers Array Volume 1 Divine Sword Qingyun Chapter 1774 Lawlessness KaiHuang 16140K 24-06-29 serializing
Go against death Array Volume 2: Return to the World Chapter 601: Dare to Exchange Cloudy Sky for Blue Sky (Finale) BuBuXiuYuan 5494K 24-06-29 serializing
I want to be free Array Text Chapter 124 Epilogue FeiZhiDiao 5887K 24-06-29 serializing
Yuan Fu Lu Array Volume 2 Postscript MoJiShuChong 8466K 24-06-29 serializing
Aragami Array Okuyama Storm Chapter 296 The development plan is launched (finale with remarks) HongHuangWeiMing 2437K 24-06-29 serializing
Immortal Escape Array Text Chapter 298 The End of the Ban SheTunJing 3598K 24-06-29 serializing
The arrival of the demon soul Array Volume 3: The Battle for Hegemony among the Zu Hai Chapter 702: The Creation of the Earth and the Cr XianFeiKanDao 9460K 24-06-28 serializing
Taking the Tibetan Mastiff into the Wilderness Array Prehistoric Situation 251, Gathering in Kunlun (Return, Asking for Support) FuLiuXiYuan 2210K 24-06-28 serializing
The Lion Ancestor of Prehistoric Times Array Text Chapter 916 Deng Jiugong’s soldiers surrounded Xiqi WuHuanXingYi 6429K 24-06-28 serializing
Refining Immortals and Killing Immortals Array Hun Lei Peak Chapter 28 Explosion. Magical Weapon ErLuoDiGuo 693K 24-06-28 serializing
Evil Ghost Lord Array Volume 1 Yinhun Sect Chapter 1207 Final Chapter ZhuiMengRenLovePing 10535K 24-06-28 serializing
I have a small world Array Text target=_blank Chapter 1624: Things in the Myth MiLuHangZhe 18986K 24-06-28 serializing
Prehistoric Xuansong Road Array Chapter 4 Enlightenment Postscript LiSeFo 5012K 24-06-28 serializing
Tiankun Array Chapter 0417 Returning Home with Beauty (Finale) SanMaoDangShaoYe 4069K 24-06-28 serializing