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Article name Latest Chapter Author word count Update Status
Heavenly magic Array Text Chapter 437: Transcendence from Reincarnation and Becoming a God YunLeiTianYu 3808K 24-06-28 serializing
Daily life in the world of Xianxia Array Text Chapter 217 Situation and Choices YunHePan 1803K 24-06-28 serializing
Become an emperor through a hundred refinements Array Text Final remarks MoShangQingQingCao 2463K 24-06-28 serializing
Immortal Book of Three Realms Array Text 【0933】Arrest Xu Jingzong QiuMoYan 6301K 24-06-28 serializing
Feilaixian Array Path to Immortality Chapter 80 Madam XiaoJiuErHuYunHe 524K 24-06-28 serializing
Taoist people in the world Array Volume 1: The Beginning of Heaven, Chapter 97: Opening Scene YuQiaoQing 890K 24-06-28 serializing
The Sky-Slaying Sword Demon of Shushan Array 正文 对不起各位道友! JinBuYan 327K 24-06-28 serializing
Xiyin Kunlun Array Volume 3: Northwest, which boy doesn’t love it? Postscript FengXiaoShengDong 4812K 24-06-27 serializing
Fairy spirit Array Volume 1: Troubled Times Arrive Chapter 182: There is a green spirit in the mountains, and people su DongFangZhiZhu 1740K 24-06-27 serializing
The wind rises and the sun rises Array Text Chapter 455 Crazy Tiger! LaoNing 3643K 24-06-27 serializing
Demon seals the world Array The young man's arrogance and Lingyun pen may be delayed until his old age. Chapter 56: Disaster GuiYun 538K 24-06-27 serializing
Daoguo Array Text Final remarks ZhanPaoRanXie 14687K 24-06-27 serializing
Immortal Sea Road Traces Array Volume 1 Piaomiaoyun Sect Chapter 108 Forging a sword is like forging a heart, proving martial arts KunShuiZhangRen 1292K 24-06-27 serializing
The Supreme Saint Array Volume 1: Plane Shop Chapter 102: Flying Ten Ascension to the Immortal Realm (Grand Finale) HuangGuTianDi 10043K 24-06-27 serializing
Portable Fairyland Array Text Chapter 1005 Final Chapter JiuYangXianZun 9039K 24-06-27 serializing
Divine Eagle s Dragon Subduing Palm Array Rebirth of the World of the Condor Chapter 25 Li Waner ShenDeMoShou 281K 24-06-27 serializing
Refining immortality Array Volume One, First Step on the Road to Immortality Volume Seven, Chapter 702 Ascension [Finale] PiaoMiaoQieCai0 6077K 24-06-27 serializing
Bodhi Immortal Lord Array Text Chapter 82, MoLiYunKong 677K 24-06-27 serializing
Five Elements True Immortal Array Tianyuan Continent 120 Killing Golden Pill ChengBing 872K 24-06-27 serializing
Wild and Fairy Road Array Text Chapter 544: Conversation after countless years DongLinJiuZhou 5458K 24-06-27 serializing
Qingtongxianji Array Chapter 7: Buddha’s light opens up the illusory realm of space, Anuojiaye’s path to past lives LiuLingZhao 405K 24-06-27 serializing
Magic Sky Chronicles Array Volume 1: The Storm of Wild Ghosts Volume 7: Original Reincarnation 1552: Enlightenment after hearin WangYu 15138K 24-06-27 serializing
Supreme Demon King Array Volume 1: Nirvana of the Mountain Village Boy Chapter 999: The Fruit of the Path (Ending Chapter) TingFengHuaQiuYu 8269K 24-05-14 serializing
Supreme Immortal and Demon Array Volume One Tang Bai Yujing Chapter 1564 A New Journey JiZhuNaXia 15814K 24-05-13 serializing
White Bone Road Palace Array Volume 4: The war rages for three thousand miles. The new book will be launched on the 15th of this QinWenZhiJian 3889K 24-05-13 serializing
The Xingyi Grandmaster of Huashan Qizong Array Volume 4: Sword Qi Struggle Chapter 8 Finale (The outline is copied directly, I’m sorry, I also want ShaHuEr 1898K 24-05-13 serializing
Genius swordsman Array Volume 3: Famous in the East China Sea Chapter 1500: Lord of Chaos (Finale) FengYinZiChen 9572K 24-05-13 serializing
Big cultivator of cultivation Array Volume 1: The Encounter of Immortal Cultivation Chapter 444: Xumiru? ShiJian 3889K 24-05-13 serializing
Buddha is the Tao Array Text Chapter 466 Finale Part 2 (Complete the book) MengRuShenJi 6584K 24-05-13 serializing
The Wizard of Clouds Array Chapter 369: Water Control ShuXiaYeHu 4134K 24-05-12 serializing