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Historic - List of articles

Article name Latest Chapter Author word count Update Status
Epic Legendary Conquest Array Text Section 17 Battle of Ramis City (5) FengJianCangYue 3051K 24-04-10 serializing
Rebirth of the Spanish Empire Array Text Chapter 534 Pretending to advance westward LaoShuHeDaMi 4475K 24-04-10 serializing
The absurd prince of a generation of foolish kings Array Volume 2: Xiaoguo Rebellion Chapter 55: Apology is Justifiable LaNanDaiLv 1167K 24-04-10 serializing
infinite escape Array Volume 2 Mechanical Enemy Chapter 230 Ending NaFengWeiRan 1697K 24-04-10 serializing
The Han Dynasty sealed the territory Array Chapter 246 The prosperous trade routes in the Western Regions ZhuangBuQue 3576K 24-04-09 serializing
Jiangshan national color Array Volume 1: Under the Seven Thousand Mountains Chapter 53: Famous Flowers under the Moon XingFuLaiQiaoMen 7749K 24-04-09 serializing
The most powerful soldier in the Three Kingdoms Array Volume 1: A man is born in troubled times, and he should rule the roost in troubled times. Chapter 3 LuZhouYu 11124K 24-04-09 serializing
Rise of America 1620 Array Text Chapter 1470 Purpose HuQuJuZhen 13843K 24-04-09 serializing
My Emperor s Career: A New Biography of the Southe Array Text Chapter 117 Helpless Qingzhu’s Beloved Daughter SaiLiZhai 3233K 24-04-09 serializing
compete Array Chapter 1 Resurrection from the Dead Chapter 594 Who Sends the Brocade Book YinSanWen 6455K 24-04-09 serializing
Capital Datang Array Text Chapter 147 Building a Military Academy BeiMingLaoYu 8508K 24-04-09 serializing
chinese fourth empire Array The Fourth Chinese Empire Piaotian Literature Chapter 506: The fight can’t be contin LiuLeiDeYuwyj 13758K 24-04-09 serializing
Hero of 1911 Array Text Chapter 793 Battle with Persia (3) HeMaSanRen 14662K 24-04-09 serializing
Village officials who came to Datang Array Text Chapter 675: [Watch for the Wind] WuBi 6316K 24-04-09 serializing
Peach Blossom Envoy of the Song Dynasty Array Chapter 416 Teasing YiJianLaYing 4838K 24-04-09 serializing
Taiping blood Array Volume 1: Fierce Battle in Changsha Chapter 116: Night Battle in Xiangtan BuKaiXinDeJuZi 8255K 24-04-09 serializing
The Romance of Chu Han Meng Niang Array Text Chapter 73: Girl, do you want to go visit the thatched cottage together (second update) NvZhuangShanMai 1746K 24-04-09 serializing
Beautiful life in Tang Dynasty Array Text Chapter 42 Do you know Li Longji? WangPingAn 744K 24-04-09 serializing
Three Kingdoms Rogue God of War Array Volume 3 Dong Zhuo's Chaos Chapter 88 Happy New Year's Day YanRuXin 5805K 24-04-09 serializing
迷失在一六二九 Array 492 Cars and Roads (Part 2) LiuShuangHe 7934K 24-04-09 serializing
Sunshine Song Dynasty Array Sunshine Song Volume 3 The sharp corners are exposed 139. At home, no matter how big or small you ar ChenHunBaiShan 4902K 24-04-09 serializing
Northern Song Dynasty Little Chef Array Text Chapter 1830 The First General NaXiBeiQing 21256K 24-04-09 serializing
Fake County Magistrate Array Text Chapter 553 Another thing MuYi 6258K 24-04-09 serializing
Great Idle Man of the Tang Dynasty Array Text Chapter 64: Interests of the Tang Dynasty CiDaoTeChongBing 12160K 24-04-09 serializing
Journey (Gunner No. 1) Array Text Chapter 769: Gou Ping is here QiangShou1Hao 10006K 24-04-09 serializing
The happy life of the island owner Array Text Chapter 287 The power of jade pendant! XiaoTuHao 3131K 24-04-09 serializing
Good boy of the Three Kingdoms Array Text Chapter 18 Thunder Car WuLaoLang 8948K 24-04-08 serializing
The steel craze of the Republic of China Array Volume 2: Torrent of Steel Chapter 1097: The German Atomic Bomb Plan LuDongDaoFu 13974K 24-04-08 serializing
The last Beiyang warlord Array Volume 2: Under the Warlords Volume 5: Rebuilding History Chapter 819: Shrine of the Chinese Heroes XiMenChuiDengLingLingQi 11501K 24-04-08 serializing
National beauty produces owl Array Volume One Who Doesn't Know You in Yunshan Chapter 1833 Night Assassination ShaMo 21872K 24-04-08 serializing